第30课:Master的注册机制和状态管理解密 课堂笔记

来源:互联网 发布:高三毕业后干什么知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 22:51

第30课:Master的注册机制和状态管理解密 课堂笔记


         Master接受注册的对象主要就是:Driver、Application、Worker; Executor不会注册给Master,Executor是注册给Driver中的SchedulerBackend的;



1.        private[deploy] class Worker(

2.           override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv,

3.           webUiPort: Int,

4.           cores: Int,

5.           memory: Int,

6.           masterRpcAddresses: Array[RpcAddress],

7.           endpointName: String,

8.           workDirPath: String = null,

9.           val conf: SparkConf,

10.         val securityMgr:SecurityManager)

11.       extendsThreadSafeRpcEndpoint with Logging {



1.           override def onStart() {

2.         ……

3.           workerWebUiUrl =s"http://$publicAddress:${webUi.boundPort}"

4.           registerWithMaster()

5.           ……

6.         }



1.           private def registerWithMaster() {

2.           .......

3.           registrationRetryTimer match {

4.             case None =>

5.               registered = false

6.               registerMasterFutures =tryRegisterAllMasters()

7.            ......



1.                private def tryRegisterAllMasters():Array[JFuture[_]] = {

2.           masterRpcAddresses.map { masterAddress=>

3.             registerMasterThreadPool.submit(newRunnable {

4.               override def run(): Unit = {

5.                 try {

6.                   logInfo("Connecting to master" + masterAddress + "...")

7.                   val masterEndpoint =rpcEnv.setupEndpointRef(masterAddress, Master.ENDPOINT_NAME)

8.                   registerWithMaster(masterEndpoint)

9.                 } catch {

10.                 case ie: InterruptedException => //Cancelled

11.                 case NonFatal(e)=> logWarning(s"Failed to connect to master $masterAddress", e)

12.               }

13.             }

14.           })

15.         }

16.       }



1.         private defregisterWithMaster(masterEndpoint: RpcEndpointRef): Unit = {

2.           masterEndpoint.ask[RegisterWorkerResponse](RegisterWorker(

3.             workerId, host, port, self, cores,memory, workerWebUiUrl))

4.             .onComplete {

5.               // This is a very fast action so we canuse "ThreadUtils.sameThread"

6.               case Success(msg) =>

7.                 Utils.tryLogNonFatalError {

8.                   handleRegisterResponse(msg)

9.                 }

10.             case Failure(e) =>

11.               logError(s"Cannot register withmaster: ${masterEndpoint.address}", e)

12.               System.exit(1)

13.           }(ThreadUtils.sameThread)

14.       }


registerWithMaster方法中masterEndpoint.ask[RegisterWorkerResponse] (RegisterWorker(传进去的是RegisterWorker,RegisterWorker是一个case class,  包括 id、host、port、worker、cores、memory 等信息, 这里worker是自己的引用RpcEndpointRef,Master通过Ref通worker通信。


1.         case class RegisterWorker(

2.             id: String,

3.             host: String,

4.             port: Int,

5.             worker: RpcEndpointRef,

6.             cores: Int,

7.             memory: Int,

8.             workerWebUiUrl: String)

9.           extends DeployMessage {

10.         Utils.checkHost(host,"Required hostname")

11.         assert (port > 0)

12.       }



Master.scala 的receiveAndReply源码如下:

1.           override def receiveAndReply(context:RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {

2.           case RegisterWorker(

3.               id, workerHost, workerPort, workerRef,cores, memory, workerWebUiUrl) =>

4.             logInfo("Registering worker %s:%dwith %d cores, %s RAM".format(

5.               workerHost, workerPort, cores,Utils.megabytesToString(memory)))

6.             if (state == RecoveryState.STANDBY) {

7.               context.reply(MasterInStandby)

8.             } else if (idToWorker.contains(id)) {

9.               context.reply(RegisterWorkerFailed("Duplicateworker ID"))

10.           } else {

11.             val worker = newWorkerInfo(id, workerHost, workerPort, cores, memory,

12.               workerRef,workerWebUiUrl)

13.             if(registerWorker(worker)) {

14.               persistenceEngine.addWorker(worker)

15.               context.reply(RegisteredWorker(self,masterWebUiUrl))

16.               schedule()

17.             } else {

18.               val workerAddress =worker.endpoint.address

19.               logWarning("Worker registrationfailed. Attempted to re-register worker at same " +

20.                 "address:" + workerAddress)

21.               context.reply(RegisterWorkerFailed("Attemptedto re-register worker at same address: "

22.                 + workerAddress))

23.             }

24.           }



1.           private val idToWorker = new HashMap[String,WorkerInfo]


WorkerInfo  包括 id、host、port 、cores、memory、endpoint 等内容:

1.           private[spark] class WorkerInfo(

2.           val id: String,

3.           val host: String,

4.           val port: Int,

5.           val cores: Int,

6.           val memory: Int,

7.           val endpoint: RpcEndpointRef,

8.           val webUiAddress: String)

9.         extends Serializable {


Master如果决定接收注册的Worker,首先会创建WorkerInfo对象来保存注册的Worker的信息,然后调用registerWorker来执行具体的注册的过程,如果Worker的状态是否是DEAD的状态则直接过滤掉,对于UNKNOWN 的内容调用removeWorker进行清理(包括清理该



1.            private def registerWorker(worker:WorkerInfo): Boolean = {

2.           // There may be one or more refs to deadworkers on this same node (w/ different ID's),

3.           // remove them.

4.           workers.filter { w =>

5.             (w.host == worker.host && w.port== worker.port) && (w.state == WorkerState.DEAD)

6.           }.foreach { w =>

7.             workers -= w

8.           }


10.         val workerAddress =worker.endpoint.address

11.         if(addressToWorker.contains(workerAddress)) {

12.           val oldWorker =addressToWorker(workerAddress)

13.           if (oldWorker.state ==WorkerState.UNKNOWN) {

14.             // A workerregistering from UNKNOWN implies that the worker was restarted during recovery.

15.             // The old worker mustthus be dead, so we will remove it and accept the new worker.

16.             removeWorker(oldWorker)

17.           } else {

18.             logInfo("Attempted to re-registerworker at same address: " + workerAddress)

19.             return false

20.           }

21.         }


23.         workers += worker

24.         idToWorker(worker.id) =worker

25.         addressToWorker(workerAddress) = worker

26.         if (reverseProxy) {

27.            webUi.addProxyTargets(worker.id,worker.webUiAddress)

28.         }

29.         true

30.       }



1.       val workers = newHashSet[WorkerInfo]

2.       private val idToWorker = newHashMap[String, WorkerInfo]

3.         private val addressToWorker = newHashMap[RpcAddress, WorkerInfo]  

4.       ……


6.         workers += worker

7.           idToWorker(worker.id) = worker

8.           addressToWorker(workerAddress) = worker


 回到Master.scala的receiveAndReply方法,Worker注册完成以后,调用  persistenceEngine.addWorker(worker),PersistenceEngine是持久化引擎,在Zookeeper下就是Zookeeper的持久化引擎,把注册的数据进行持久化。

1.       ……

2.        if (registerWorker(worker)) {

3.                 persistenceEngine.addWorker(worker)

4.                 context.reply(RegisteredWorker(self,masterWebUiUrl))

5.                 schedule()

6.               } else {



1.             final def addWorker(worker: WorkerInfo):Unit = {

2.           persist("worker_" + worker.id,worker)

3.         }


1.          private[master] classZooKeeperPersistenceEngine(conf: SparkConf, val serializer: Serializer)

2.         extends PersistenceEngine

3.       ......

4.         override def persist(name: String, obj:Object): Unit = {

5.           serializeIntoFile(WORKING_DIR +"/" + name, obj)

6.         }

7.       ......

8.       private defserializeIntoFile(path: String, value: AnyRef) {

9.           val serialized =serializer.newInstance().serialize(value)

10.         val bytes = newArray[Byte](serialized.remaining())

11.         serialized.get(bytes)

12.         zk.create().withMode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT).forPath(path,bytes)

13.       }


回到Master.scala的receiveAndReply方法, 注册的Worker数据持久化以后,进行schedule():

1.       ……  

2.        context.reply(RegisteredWorker(self,masterWebUiUrl))

3.                 schedule()

4.       ……



同样的, Driver的注册过程:Driver提交Master进行注册,Master会将Driver的信息放入内存缓存中,加入等待调度的队列,通过持久化引擎例如ZooKeeper把注册信息持久化起来,然后进行Schedule。




        对Driver状态变化的处理, 如果Driver的各个状态是:DriverState.ERROR| DriverState.FINISHED | DriverState.KILLED | DriverState.FAILED,将清理掉。其它情况报异常。

1.          override def receive: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = {

2.       ......

3.        case DriverStateChanged(driverId, state,exception) =>

4.             state match {

5.               case DriverState.ERROR |DriverState.FINISHED | DriverState.KILLED | DriverState.FAILED =>

6.                 removeDriver(driverId, state,exception)

7.               case _ =>

8.                 throw new Exception(s"Receivedunexpected state update for driver $driverId: $state")

9.             }


removeDriver清理掉Driver以后,再次调用 schedule(),removeDriver的源码:

1.            privatedef removeDriver(

2.             driverId: String,

3.             finalState: DriverState,

4.             exception: Option[Exception]) {

5.           drivers.find(d => d.id == driverId)match {

6.             case Some(driver) =>

7.               logInfo(s"Removing driver:$driverId")

8.               drivers -= driver

9.               if (completedDrivers.size >=RETAINED_DRIVERS) {

10.               val toRemove =math.max(RETAINED_DRIVERS / 10, 1)

11.               completedDrivers.trimStart(toRemove)

12.             }

13.             completedDrivers +=driver

14.             persistenceEngine.removeDriver(driver)

15.             driver.state =finalState

16.             driver.exception =exception

17.             driver.worker.foreach(w =>w.removeDriver(driver))

18.             schedule()

19.           case None =>

20.             logWarning(s"Asked to removeunknown driver: $driverId")

21.         }

22.       }

23.     }



1.        override def receive: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = {

2.       ......

1.       caseExecutorStateChanged(appId, execId, state, message, exitStatus) =>

2.             val execOption =idToApp.get(appId).flatMap(app => app.executors.get(execId))

3.             execOption match {

4.               case Some(exec) =>

5.                 val appInfo = idToApp(appId)

6.                 val oldState = exec.state

7.                 exec.state = state


9.                 if (state == ExecutorState.RUNNING) {

10.                 assert(oldState ==ExecutorState.LAUNCHING,

11.                   s"executor$execId state transfer from $oldState to RUNNING is illegal")

12.                 appInfo.resetRetryCount()

13.               }


15.               exec.application.driver.send(ExecutorUpdated(execId,state, message, exitStatus, false))


17.               if(ExecutorState.isFinished(state)) {

18.                 // Remove thisexecutor from the worker and app

19.                 logInfo(s"Removing executor${exec.fullId} because it is $state")

20.                 // If anapplication has already finished, preserve its

21.                 // state todisplay its information properly on the UI

22.                 if(!appInfo.isFinished) {

23.                   appInfo.removeExecutor(exec)

24.                 }

25.                 exec.worker.removeExecutor(exec)


27.                 val normalExit =exitStatus == Some(0)

28.                 // Only retrycertain number of times so we don't go into an infinite loop.

29.                 // Important note:this code path is not exercised by tests, so be very careful when

30.                 // changing this`if` condition.

31.                 if (!normalExit

32.                     &&appInfo.incrementRetryCount() >= MAX_EXECUTOR_RETRIES

33.                     && MAX_EXECUTOR_RETRIES >= 0) {// < 0 disables this application-killing path

34.                   val execs =appInfo.executors.values

35.                   if(!execs.exists(_.state == ExecutorState.RUNNING)) {

36.                     logError(s"Application${appInfo.desc.name} with ID ${appInfo.id} failed " +

37.                       s"${appInfo.retryCount}times; removing it")

38.                     removeApplication(appInfo,ApplicationState.FAILED)

39.                   }

40.                 }

41.               }

42.               schedule()

43.             case None =>

44.               logWarning(s"Got status update forunknown executor $appId/$execId")

45.           }



1.            privateval MAX_EXECUTOR_RETRIES =conf.getInt("spark.deploy.maxExecutorRetries", 10)




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