
来源:互联网 发布:切削参数计算软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 03:26



1. 商品信息- 数量、单价、名称

2. 用户信息- 帐号、密码、余额

3. 用户可充值

4. 购物历史信息

5. 允许用户多次购买,每次可购买多件

6. 余额不足时进行提醒

7. 用户退出时 ,输出当次购物信息

8. 用户下次登陆时可查看购物历史

9. 商品列表分级显示




# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Readme# Author: Elijah# Time: 2017-06-07# Function:购物车#     1. 商品信息- 数量、单价、名称#     2. 用户信息- 帐号、密码、余额#     3. 用户可充值#     4. 购物历史信息#     5. 允许用户多次购买,每次可购买多件#     6. 余额不足时进行提醒#     7. 用户退出时 ,输出当次购物信息#     8. 用户下次登陆时可查看购物历史#     9. 商品列表分级显示## Need Environment:Python 3.5 、PyCharm# Move:# Feature:# Important py file:getpass,time# How To:Execute directly# 个人发挥:# 个人博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/dragonyangang/article/details/72862830import time, getpass# 商品清单(字典)product_list = {    '服装': {        '外套': {            '皮衣': {                '加绒皮衣': {'price': 2000, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '机车皮衣': {'price': 1000, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '牛皮皮衣': {'price': 1500, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '羊皮皮衣': {'price': 1800, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            },            '风衣': {                '立领风衣': {'price': 500, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '双层领风衣': {'price': 800, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            }        },        '西装': {            '休闲西装': {                '韩版休闲西装': {'price': 600, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '欧美风休闲西装': {'price': 500, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            },            '宴会西装': {                '修身燕尾服': {'price': 1200, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '宫廷装': {'price': 1000, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            },        },        '裤子': {            '休闲裤': {                '修身休闲裤': {'price': 300, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '宽松休闲裤': {'price': 280, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            },            '牛仔裤': {                '紧身牛仔裤': {'price': 180, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '镂空牛仔裤': {'price': 230, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            },        },    },    '家电': {        '电视': {            "液晶电视": {                '32寸液晶电视': {'price': 1400, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '42寸液晶电视': {'price': 2200, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '55寸液晶电视': {'price': 4500, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            },            "网络电视": {                '2K网络电视': {'price': 1500, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '4K网络电视': {'price': 3200, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '曲面网络电视': {'price': 4600, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            }        },        '空调': {            '挂壁式空调': {                '冷暖型挂壁式空调': {'price': 1600, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '单冷型挂壁式空调': {'price': 1800, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            },            '柜式空调': {                '2匹柜式空调': {'price': 4000, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},                '3匹柜式空调': {'price': 6000, 'num': 0, 'sum': 10},            },        },    },}# 用于分级显示current_layer = product_listlast_layer = [product_list]# 用户存储用户购物信息,用户购物结束输出bill = []# 标志位、计数器r_flag = Falsel_flag = Falseop_flag = Falseshop_flag = Falsecount = 0count_layer = 0total_cost = 0#全局变量gl_user_info = ''gl_user_locked = ''username = ''password = ''while not op_flag:    # 用户选择界面,可以进行注册、登陆和退出    choice = input("Input 'R(Register)' to Register \nInput 'L(login)' to Login \nInput 'Q(quit)' to Quit \n>>>")    # 用户登陆功能    if choice.lower() == "l":        while not l_flag:            username = input("Input your username (or 'Q' for exit):").strip()            if username.lower() == "q":                op_flag = True                print("end".center(40, "-"))                break            password = input("Input your password (or 'Q' for exit):").strip()            if password.lower() == "q":                op_flag = True                print("end".center(40, "-"))                break            # 判断用户是否在锁定名单中            with open("user_locked.txt", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f_locked:                gl_user_locked = f_locked.read()                f_locked.close()                if username in gl_user_locked:                    print("This username has been locked , please contact Administrator !\n")                    break            with open("user_info.txt", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:                # 校验账户                gl_user_info = f.read()                f.close()                if (("username:%s\npassword:%s")%(username,password)) in gl_user_info:                    #登陆成功,进入购物车功能                    op_flag = True                    break                # 判断如果输入错误次数大于3次,则将用户加入至锁定名单                elif count >= 3:                    gl_user_locked = gl_user_locked + username + "\n"                    with open("user_locked.txt", mode="a", encoding="utf-8") as f_locked:                        f_locked.write(gl_user_locked)                        print(                            "Sorry, you've try more than 3 times ,this username will be added in locked_list , "                            "please contact Administrator !\n")                        exit()                else:                    count += 1                    print(" Incorrect username or password ! Please ensure you have Account ! "                          "You can retry and input 'R' to register .\n")                    break    # 用户注册功能    if choice.lower() == "r":        while True:            new_username = input("Input new username (or 'Q' for exit):").strip()            if new_username.lower() == "q":                exit()            new_password = input("Input new password (or 'Q' for exit):").strip()            if new_password.lower() == "q":                exit()            with open("user_info.txt", mode="a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:                f.seek(0)                for line in f:                    # 判断用户名是否已经存在,存在则不能注册                    if line.startswith("username:") and new_username in line:                        print("Sorry ! This username is already exist , please change !")                        r_flag = True                        break                # 如果用户输入的用户名已经存在,则退出重新输入用户名                if r_flag:                    r_flag = False                    continue                # 用户注册成功,返回用户选择界面,用户可以选择登陆、继续注册或退出                f.write("username:" + new_username + "\n")                f.write("password:" + new_password + "\n")                f.write(new_username + "_cash:" + str(0) + "\n")                print("Congratulation ! " + new_username + " Register Successful !\n")                break    # 用户退出功能    if choice.lower() == "q":        exit()    else:        continue#登陆购物车成功,输出历史购物信息print("Welcome " + username + " ! " + " Login Successful !")cash = int(    gl_user_info[gl_user_info.find(username+"_cash:"):gl_user_info.find("\n",gl_user_info.find(username+"_cash:"))].split(":")[1].strip())Consup_hist = gl_user_infoConsup_hist = Consup_hist[Consup_hist.find('\n', Consup_hist.find(username + '_cash')):Consup_hist.find('username', Consup_hist.find(username + '_cash'))]print("\nConsumption history below:" + "\n" + Consup_hist)Consup_hist = ''print("\nYour Balance is :" + str(cash))if cash == 0:    cash = int(input("Please input your available cash:").strip())while not shop_flag:    # 商品字典有4级,用计数器控制进入字典的层级数    if count_layer <= 3:        print("\n目前是第" + str(count_layer + 1) + "层商品目录")        for key in current_layer:            print(key)        choice = input("Input the Product Name you want to buy or input 'B' to back or input 'Q' to quit\n>>>").strip()        if choice in current_layer:            last_layer.append(current_layer)            current_layer = current_layer[choice]            count_layer += 1        if choice.lower() == 'b':            if last_layer:                if count_layer > 0:                    count_layer -= 1                current_layer = last_layer[len(last_layer) - 1]                last_layer.pop()                continue        # 用户选择退出        if choice.lower() == 'q':            shop_flag = True            break    # 进入最后一层商品目录,显示单价和数量,提问用户选择是否购买    else:        print('单价:' + str(current_layer['price'])+ "\n",              '已购数量:' + str(current_layer['num'])+ "\n",              '库存数量:' + str(current_layer['sum'])+ "\n",              )        is_buy = input("If you decided to buy ,please input 'Y' or input 'B'to back or 'Q' to quit\n>>>").strip()        # 用户确认购买        if is_buy.lower() == 'y':            buy_num = input("Please input the Number you want to buy :\n>>>").strip()            if buy_num.isdigit():                if cash >= current_layer['price'] * int(buy_num):                    count_layer = 0                    cash -= current_layer['price'] * int(buy_num)                    if (current_layer['sum'] <= 0) or (int(buy_num) > current_layer['sum']):                        count_layer = 0                        current_layer = last_layer[0]                        last_layer.clear()                        print("对不起!库存不足,请重新选择\nSorry! Insufficient stock !")                        continue                    else:                        current_layer['sum'] -= int(buy_num)                    current_layer['num'] += int(buy_num)                    print("Added " + str(buy_num) + " * " + choice +                          " into shopping cart ! Now your current cash is " +                          str(cash) + "\n")                    bill.append([choice, int(buy_num)])                    total_cost += current_layer['price'] * int(buy_num)                    # 更新购物信息                    gl_user_info = gl_user_info[0:gl_user_info.index('\n', gl_user_info.index(username + '_cash'))] + \                                  "\n" + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) + \                                  "---history : " + choice + "---" + buy_num + "---cost: " + \                                  str(current_layer['price'] * int(buy_num)) + "\n"+ \                                  gl_user_info[gl_user_info.index('\n', gl_user_info.index(username + '_cash')) + 1:]                    current_layer = product_list                # 用户余额不足                else:                    count_layer = 0                    print("The product price is " + str(current_layer['price']) + "*" + buy_num +                          "! Your still need " + str(current_layer['price'] * int(buy_num) - cash) + "\n")                    recharge_choice = input( "You can input 'RE' to recharge or 'Q' to quit !\n>>>").strip()                    # 用户选择充值                    if recharge_choice.lower() == 're':                        recharge_num = input("Please input the Number you want to recharge : \n>>>").strip()                        if recharge_num.isdigit():                            cash += int(recharge_num)                        if not recharge_num.isdigit():                            count_layer = 0                            current_layer = last_layer[0]                            last_layer.clear()                            print("Please input digit !")                            continue                        print( "Recharge Successful ! Now your cash is " + str(cash) + "\n")                        current_layer = product_list                        continue                    # 用户选择退出                    elif recharge_choice.lower() == 'q':                        shop_flag = True                        break                    else:                        count_layer = 0                        current_layer = last_layer[0]                        last_layer.clear()                        print("Entered incorrectly ! Please Reselection !")                        continue            if not buy_num.isdigit():                print("请输入数字!")        # 用户返回上一层商品字典        elif is_buy.lower() == 'b':            if last_layer:                if count_layer > 0:                    count_layer -= 1                current_layer = last_layer[len(last_layer) - 1]                last_layer.pop()                continue        # 用户退出前显示当次购物信息        elif is_buy.lower() == 'q':            shop_flag = True            break#用户退出,输入本次购物信息并保存print("Your Bill :\n名称\t数量\n" + "----"*10)for i in bill:    print(i)print("Total Cost : " + str(total_cost))print("Balance : " + str(cash) + "\n" + "----"*10)print("Looking forward to your next visit !!!")gl_user_info = gl_user_info.replace(    (gl_user_info[gl_user_info.index(username + '_cash', gl_user_info.index(username))    :gl_user_info.index('\n', gl_user_info.index(username + '_cash'))]),(username + '_cash:' + str(cash) + '\n'))with open("user_info.txt", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f:    f.write(gl_user_info)exit()