Android N中SurfaceView泄露的问题分析

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝被投诉假冒品牌 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:20






adb shell dumpsys SurfaceFlinger


+ Layer 0x71b57b0400 (SurfaceView - com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal/com.happyelements.hellolua.MainActivity)  Region transparentRegion (this=0x71b57b0708, count=1)    [  0,   0,   0,   0]  Region visibleRegion (this=0x71b57b0410, count=1)    [  0,   0, 1080, 1920]  Region surfaceDamageRegion (this=0x71b57b0488, count=1)    [  0,   0,   0,   0]      layerStack=   0, z=    21015, pos=(0,0), size=(1080,1920), crop=(   0,   0,1080,1920), finalCrop=(   0,   0,  -1,  -1), isOpaque=1, invalidate=0, alpha=0xff, flags=0x00000002, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]      FilterRender Layer= 0, FilterMode= 0 availableRect =(   0,   0,   0,   0)      client=0x71b86f0f40      format= 4, activeBuffer=[1080x1920:1088,  1], queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0      mSecure=0, mProtectedByApp=0, mFiltering=0, mNeedsFiltering=0            mTexName=54 mCurrentTexture=-1            mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0            mAbandoned=0            -BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1, mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=3, mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0, default-size=[1080x1920], default-format=4, transform-hint=00, FIFO(0)={}             this=0x71b55e3000 (mConsumerName=SurfaceView - com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal/com.happyelements.hellolua.MainActivity, mConnectedApi=0, mConsumerUsageBits=0x900, mId=39, mPid=15358, producer=[-1:com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal], consumer=[15358:/system/bin/surfaceflinger])             [00:0x0] state=FREE                 [01:0x0] state=FREE                 [02:0x0] state=FREE                 [03:0x0] state=FREE                    *BufferQueueDump mIsBackupBufInited=0, mAcquiredBufs(size=0), mMode=TRACK_CONSUMER                 [-1] mLastAcquiredBuf->mGraphicBuffer->handle=0x71b7636900


  1. flags=0x00000002,即该Layer是show和opaque状态
  2. alpha=0xff,即alpha值为完全不透明
  3. visibleRegion为[ 0, 0, 1080, 1920],说明有可见区域,而且是全屏



  1. GraphicBuffer全部是FREE状态,正常应该至少有一个是ACQUIRED
  2. mCurrentTexture=-1,正常应该是>=0
  3. mConnectedApi=0,正常应该是>0



adb shell dumpsys window


WINDOW MANAGER SURFACES (dumpsys window surfaces)  Surface #0: #75499c8 SurfaceView - com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal/com.happyelements.hellolua.MainActivity    mLayerStack=0 mLayer=21015    mShown=true mAlpha=1.0 mIsOpaque=false    mPosition=0.0,0.0 mSize=1080x1920    mCrop=[0,0][1080,1920]    mFinalCrop=[0,0][0,0]    Transform: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)


  1. 该信息打印的是一个静态SurfaceTrace集合中的内容
  2. SurfaceTrace是SurfaceControl的子类,而每个SurfaceControl对应的是SF端的一个Layer
  3. 构造新的SurfaceTrace实例会往该静态数组添加元素,销毁时移除该元素

现在有个SurfaceTrace存在于该静态集合中,说明其创建后没有被销毁,这就是该bug的最直接原因,也是我们最开始的切入点。 现在WMS仅有这条信息,并没有窗口堆栈及token的对应状态,这着实让人有点惆怅,否则或许能发现点蛛丝马迹,直接扒代码找原因无异于大海捞针。


  • 通过ps命令知道目标进程已死(好奇怪,进程都死了怎么Layer还在)
  • 还记得上面提到该Layer的一些奇怪的信息,扒了扒代码后得知这是因为调用了SurfaceControl.disconnect(),这是android N中新增的API,并且只在暂存Surface相关的逻辑中调用,所谓暂存Surface是android N新增的用来加速界面响应的一种优化,这可以说明代码曾经走到过某个位置,多少对分析问题有点帮助。







  • WMS.mWindowMap:以IBinder为键值查找WindowState
  • DisplayContent.mWindows:列表方式保存单个屏幕上的WindowState
  • WindowToken.windows或AppWindowToken.allAppWindows:列表方式保存从属的WIndowState
  • WindowState.mChildWindows:列表方式保存子窗口



  • WMS.mWindowMap:存在
  • DisplayContent.mWindows:不存在
  • AppWindowToken.allAppWindows:不存在
  • WindowState.mChildWindows:存在


void removeWindowInnerLocked(WindowState win) {    if (win.mRemoved) {        // Nothing to do.        if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM,                "removeWindowInnerLocked: " + win + " Already removed...");        return;    }    for (int i = win.mChildWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {        WindowState cwin = win.mChildWindows.get(i);        Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Force-removing child win " + cwin + " from container " + win);        removeWindowInnerLocked(cwin);    }    win.mRemoved = true;    ...    mPolicy.removeWindowLw(win);    win.removeLocked(); // WindowState.mChildWindows中移除    if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "removeWindowInnerLocked: " + win);    mWindowMap.remove(win.mClient.asBinder()); // WMS.mWindowMap中移除    ...    final WindowToken token = win.mToken;    final AppWindowToken atoken = win.mAppToken;    if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Removing " + win + " from " + token);; // WindowToken.windows中移除    if (atoken != null) {        atoken.allAppWindows.remove(win); // AppWindowToken.allAppWindows中移除    }    ...    final WindowList windows = win.getWindowList();    if (windows != null) {        windows.remove(win); // DisplayContent.mWindows中移除    }}


void removeLocked() {    disposeInputChannel();    if (isChildWindow()) {        if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG, "Removing " + this + " from " + mAttachedWindow);        mAttachedWindow.mChildWindows.remove(this); // WindowState.mChildWindows中移除    }    mWinAnimator.destroyDeferredSurfaceLocked();    mWinAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked();    mSession.windowRemovedLocked();    try {        mClient.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(mDeathRecipient, 0);    } catch (RuntimeException e) {        // Ignore if it has already been removed (usually because        // we are doing this as part of processing a death note.)    }}



void removeAllWindows() {    ...    allAppWindows.clear(); // AppWindowToken.allAppWindows清空    windows.clear(); // WindowToken.windows清空}





private void rebuildAppWindowListLocked(final DisplayContent displayContent) {    final WindowList windows = displayContent.getWindowList();    int NW = windows.size();    int i;    int lastBelow = -1;    int numRemoved = 0;    if (mRebuildTmp.length < NW) {        mRebuildTmp = new WindowState[NW+10];    }    // First remove all existing app windows.    i=0;    while (i < NW) {        WindowState w = windows.get(i);        if (w.mAppToken != null) {            WindowState win = windows.remove(i); // 先从DisplayContent.mWindows移除,并可能在后面重新添加            win.mRebuilding = true;            mRebuildTmp[numRemoved] = win;            mWindowsChanged = true;            if (DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Rebuild removing window: " + win);            NW--;            numRemoved++;            continue;        } else if (lastBelow == i-1) {            if (w.mAttrs.type == TYPE_WALLPAPER) {                lastBelow = i;            }        }        i++;    }    // Keep whatever windows were below the app windows still below,    // by skipping them.    lastBelow++;    i = lastBelow;    // First add all of the exiting app tokens...  these are no longer    // in the main app list, but still have windows shown.  We put them    // in the back because now that the animation is over we no longer    // will care about them.    final ArrayList<TaskStack> stacks = displayContent.getStacks();    final int numStacks = stacks.size();    for (int stackNdx = 0; stackNdx < numStacks; ++stackNdx) {        AppTokenList exitingAppTokens = stacks.get(stackNdx).mExitingAppTokens;        int NT = exitingAppTokens.size();        for (int j = 0; j < NT; j++) {            i = reAddAppWindowsLocked(displayContent, i, exitingAppTokens.get(j));        }    }    // And add in the still active app tokens in Z order.    for (int stackNdx = 0; stackNdx < numStacks; ++stackNdx) {        final ArrayList<Task> tasks = stacks.get(stackNdx).getTasks();        final int numTasks = tasks.size();        for (int taskNdx = 0; taskNdx < numTasks; ++taskNdx) {            final AppTokenList tokens = tasks.get(taskNdx).mAppTokens;            final int numTokens = tokens.size();            for (int tokenNdx = 0; tokenNdx < numTokens; ++tokenNdx) {                final AppWindowToken wtoken = tokens.get(tokenNdx);                if (wtoken.mIsExiting && !wtoken.waitingForReplacement()) {                    continue;                }                i = reAddAppWindowsLocked(displayContent, i, wtoken);            }        }    }    i -= lastBelow;    if (i != numRemoved) {        displayContent.layoutNeeded = true;        Slog.w(TAG_WM, "On display=" + displayContent.getDisplayId() + " Rebuild removed "                + numRemoved + " windows but added " + i + " rebuildAppWindowListLocked() "                + " callers=" + Debug.getCallers(10));        for (i = 0; i < numRemoved; i++) {            WindowState ws = mRebuildTmp[i];            if (ws.mRebuilding) {                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();                PrintWriter pw = new FastPrintWriter(sw, false, 1024);                ws.dump(pw, "", true);                pw.flush();                Slog.w(TAG_WM, "This window was lost: " + ws);                Slog.w(TAG_WM, sw.toString());                ws.mWinAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked();            }        }        Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Current app token list:");        dumpAppTokensLocked();        Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Final window list:");        dumpWindowsLocked();    }    Arrays.fill(mRebuildTmp, null);}



if (win.mHasSurface && okToDisplay()) {    final AppWindowToken appToken = win.mAppToken;    if (win.mWillReplaceWindow) { // mWillReplaceWindow为false        // This window is going to be replaced. We need to keep it around until the new one        // gets added, then we will get rid of this one.        if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Preserving " + win + " until the new one is "                + "added");        // TODO: We are overloading mAnimatingExit flag to prevent the window state from        // been removed. We probably need another flag to indicate that window removal        // should be deffered vs. overloading the flag that says we are playing an exit        // animation.        win.mAnimatingExit = true;        win.mReplacingRemoveRequested = true;        Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId);        return;    }    // 唯一的可能就是进入到这个条件并return    if (win.isAnimatingWithSavedSurface() && !appToken.allDrawnExcludingSaved) {        // We started enter animation early with a saved surface, now the app asks to remove        // this window. If we remove it now and the app is not yet drawn, we'll show a        // flicker. Delay the removal now until it's really drawn.        if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) {            Slog.d(TAG_WM, "removeWindowLocked: delay removal of " + win                    + " due to early animation");        }        // Do not set mAnimatingExit to true here, it will cause the surface to be hidden        // immediately after the enter animation is done. If the app is not yet drawn then        // it will show up as a flicker.        setupWindowForRemoveOnExit(win);        Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId);        return;    }    // If we are not currently running the exit animation, we need to see about starting one    wasVisible = win.isWinVisibleLw();    if (keepVisibleDeadWindow) { // 这里肯定进不来        if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM,                "Not removing " + win + " because app died while it's visible");        win.mAppDied = true;        win.setDisplayLayoutNeeded();        mWindowPlacerLocked.performSurfacePlacement();        // Set up a replacement input channel since the app is now dead.        // We need to catch tapping on the dead window to restart the app.        win.openInputChannel(null);        mInputMonitor.updateInputWindowsLw(true /*force*/);        Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId);        return;    }    final WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = win.mWinAnimator;    if (wasVisible) {        final int transit = (!startingWindow) ? TRANSIT_EXIT : TRANSIT_PREVIEW_DONE;        // Try starting an animation.        if (winAnimator.applyAnimationLocked(transit, false)) {            win.mAnimatingExit = true;        }        //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default display.        if (mAccessibilityController != null                && win.getDisplayId() == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {            mAccessibilityController.onWindowTransitionLocked(win, transit);        }    }    final boolean isAnimating =            winAnimator.isAnimationSet() && !winAnimator.isDummyAnimation();    final boolean lastWindowIsStartingWindow = startingWindow && appToken != null            && appToken.allAppWindows.size() == 1;    // We delay the removal of a window if it has a showing surface that can be used to run    // exit animation and it is marked as exiting.    // Also, If isn't the an animating starting window that is the last window in the app.    // We allow the removal of the non-animating starting window now as there is no    // additional window or animation that will trigger its removal.    if (winAnimator.getShown() && win.mAnimatingExit            && (!lastWindowIsStartingWindow || isAnimating)) { // mAnimatingExit为false        // The exit animation is running or should run... wait for it!        if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM,                "Not removing " + win + " due to exit animation ");        setupWindowForRemoveOnExit(win);        if (appToken != null) {            appToken.updateReportedVisibilityLocked();        }        Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId);        return;    }}




  • 父窗口的mSurfaceController和mPendingDestroySurface都已经为null,说明已经销毁
  • 子窗口的mSurfaceController为null,mPendingDestroySurface不为null,说明被延迟销毁


void destroySurfaceLocked() {    ...    if (mSurfaceDestroyDeferred) { // 子窗口mSurfaceDestroyDeferred为true        if (mSurfaceController != null && mPendingDestroySurface != mSurfaceController) {            if (mPendingDestroySurface != null) {                if (SHOW_TRANSACTIONS || SHOW_SURFACE_ALLOC) {                    WindowManagerService.logSurface(mWin, "DESTROY PENDING", true);                }                mPendingDestroySurface.destroyInTransaction();            }            mPendingDestroySurface = mSurfaceController;        }    } else {        if (SHOW_TRANSACTIONS || SHOW_SURFACE_ALLOC) {            WindowManagerService.logSurface(mWin, "DESTROY", true);        }        destroySurface();    }    ...}







if (win.isAnimatingWithSavedSurface() && !appToken.allDrawnExcludingSaved) {    // We started enter animation early with a saved surface, now the app asks to remove    // this window. If we remove it now and the app is not yet drawn, we'll show a    // flicker. Delay the removal now until it's really drawn.    if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) {        Slog.d(TAG_WM, "removeWindowLocked: delay removal of " + win                + " due to early animation");    }    // Do not set mAnimatingExit to true here, it will cause the surface to be hidden    // immediately after the enter animation is done. If the app is not yet drawn then    // it will show up as a flicker.    setupWindowForRemoveOnExit(win);    Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId);}

意思是如果正在使用一个暂存的Surface执行动画,并且应用还没完成绘制,就延迟移除窗口,设置mRemoveOnExit为true,还特意交代不能设置mAnimatingExit为true,因为那会使得动画结束后Surface被马上隐藏,美其名曰:这一切都是为了不闪屏!! mAnimatingExit是可以一直不为true的好吧。



