
来源:互联网 发布:腾讯软件中心 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:27



(function($) {  $.fn.jOrgChart = function(options) {    var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.jOrgChart.defaults, options);    var $appendTo = $(opts.chartElement);    // build the tree    $this = $(this);    var $container = $("<div class='" + opts.chartClass + "'/>");    if($this.is("ul")) {      buildNode($this.find("li:first"), $container, 0, opts);    }    else if($this.is("li")) {      buildNode($this, $container, 0, opts);    }    $appendTo.append($container);  };  // Option defaults  $.fn.jOrgChart.defaults = {    chartElement : 'body',    depth      : -1,    chartClass : "jOrgChart",    dragAndDrop: false  };  var nodeCount = 0;  // Method that recursively builds the tree  function buildNode($node, $appendTo, level, opts) {    var $table = $("<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'/>");    var $tbody = $("<tbody/>");    // Construct the node container(s)    var $nodeRow = $("<tr/>").addClass("node-cells");    var $nodeCell = $("<td/>").addClass("node-cell").attr("rowspan", 2);    var $childNodes = $node.children("ul:first").children("li");    var $nodeDiv;    if($childNodes.length > 1) {      $nodeCell.attr("rowspan", $childNodes.length * 2);    }    // Draw the node    // 获取节点内容    var $nodeContent = $node.clone()                            .children("ul,li")                            .remove()                            .end()                            .html();//        //Increaments the node count which is used to link the source list and the org chart    nodeCount++;    $node.data("tree-node", nodeCount);    $nodeDiv = $("<div>").addClass("node")                                     .data("tree-node", nodeCount)                                     .append($nodeContent);    // Expand and contract nodes    if ($childNodes.length > 0) {      $nodeDiv.click(function() {          var $this = $(this);          //查找祖元素          var $tr = $this.closest("tr");          if($tr.hasClass('contracted')){//显示            $this.css('cursor','n-resize');            $tr.removeClass('contracted').addClass('expanded');            $tr.nextAll("tr").show();            $this.closest("td").nextAll("td").show();          }else{//隐藏            $this.closest("td").nextAll("td").hide();            $this.css('cursor','s-resize');            $tr.removeClass('expanded').addClass('contracted');            $tr.nextAll("tr").hide();          }        });    }    $nodeCell.append($nodeDiv);    $nodeRow.append($nodeCell);    $tbody.append($nodeRow);    if($childNodes.length > 0) {      // if it can be expanded then change the cursor      $nodeDiv.css('cursor','n-resize');      // recurse until leaves found (-1) or to the level specified      if(opts.depth == -1 || (level+1 < opts.depth)) {        //创建行数        for(var i = 0;i<$childNodes.length*2-1;i++){            var $downLineRow =  $("<tr/>");            $tbody.append($downLineRow);        }        //单元格        var $downLineCell = $("<td/>").attr("rowspan", $childNodes.length*2);        $tbody.find("tr:first").append($downLineCell);        // 引导线        var $downLine = $("<div></div>").addClass("line down");        $downLineCell.append($downLine);        $tbody.append($downLineRow);        //组合分割线        for(var i = 0;i<$childNodes.length*2;i++){            if(i%2==0){                var $down = $("<td>&nbsp;</td>").addClass("line right downTd");                $tbody.find("tr").eq(i).append($down);            }else{                var $top = $("<td>&nbsp;</td>").addClass("line right top");                $tbody.find("tr").eq(i).append($top);            }        }        //去除右边的边框线        $tbody.find("tr").eq($childNodes.length*2-1).find("td:first").removeClass("right");        $tbody.find("tr").eq(0).find("td:last").removeClass("right");         //增加子元素        for(var i = 0;i<$childNodes.length;i++){          var $td = $("<td class='node-container' />");          $td.attr("rowspan", 2);          //递归生成          buildNode($($childNodes[i]), $td, level+1, opts);          //插入元素          $tbody.children("tr").eq(i*2).append($td);          }      }    }    $table.append($tbody);    $appendTo.append($table);  };})(jQuery);


/* Basic styling *//* Draw the lines */.jOrgChart .line {  height                : 2px;  width                 : 50px;}.jOrgChart .down {  background-color      : black;      margin                : 0px auto;}.jOrgChart .top {  border-top          : 1px solid black;}.jOrgChart .downTd {  border-bottom       : 1px solid black;}.jOrgChart .left {  border-right          : 2px solid black;}.jOrgChart .right {  border-left           : 2px solid black;}/* node cell */.jOrgChart td {  text-align            : center;  vertical-align        : middle;  padding               : 0;}/* The node */.jOrgChart .node {  display               : inline-block;  background-color      : rgba(4, 89, 245, 0.52);  border-radius         : 8px;  vertical-align        : middle;  height                : 25px;}/* jQuery drag 'n drop */.drag-active {  border-style          : dotted !important;}.drop-hover {  border-style          : solid !important;  border-color          : #E05E00 !important;}


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">    <title>jOrgChart - A jQuery OrgChart Plugin</title>    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.jOrgChart.css"/>    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script>    <script src="jquery.jOrgChart.js"></script>    <script>    jQuery(document).ready(function() {        $("#org").jOrgChart({            chartElement : '#chart',            dragAndDrop  : true        });    });    </script>  </head>  <body>   <ul id="org" style="display:none">    <li>        演示学校       <ul>         <li id="beer">主校区            <ul>             <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>              <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>              <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li> <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>              <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>              <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>             <li>美术系</li>             <li>建筑学院               <ul>                 <li>土木工程系</li>                 <li>地质监控</li>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>           </ul>         </li>         <li>分校区         <ul>             <li>计算机与科学技术系</li>             <li>美术系</li>             <li>建筑学院               <ul>                 <li>土木工程系</li>                 <li>地质监控</li>               </ul>             </li>              <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>              <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li> <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>              <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>              <li>计算机与科学技术系                <ul>                 <li>学生处</li>                 <li>学工部</li>               </ul>             </li>           </ul>         </li>       </ul>     </li>   </ul>                <div id="chart" class="orgChart"></div></body></html>


{  "data": [{    "id": 1,    "name": "企业主体信用得分",    "pid": null,    "childrens": [      {        "id": 2,        "name": "企业素质",        "pid": 1,        "childrens": [          {            "id": 5,            "name": "基本信息",            "pid": 2,            "childrens": [              {                "id": 10,                "name": "企业主体信息识别",                "pid": 5,                "childrens": [                ]              },              {                "id": 11,                "name": "企业持续注册时间",                "pid": 5,                "childrens": [                ]              },              {                "id": 12,                "name": "注册资本",                "pid": 5,                "childrens": [                ]              }            ]          },          {            "id": 6,            "name": "管理认证",            "pid": 2,            "childrens": [              {                "id": 13,                "name": "国际性管理认证",                "pid": 6,                "childrens": [                ]              }            ]          }        ]      },      {        "id": 3,        "name": "履约记录",        "pid": 1,        "childrens": [          {            "id": 7,            "name": "税务执行情况",            "pid": 3,            "childrens": [              {                "id": 14,                "name": "是否按时缴纳税款",                "pid": 7,                "childrens": [                ]              }            ]          },          {            "id": 8,            "name": "网贷情况",            "pid": 3,            "childrens": [              {                "id": 15,                "name": "网贷逾期",                "pid": 8,                "childrens": [                ]              }            ]          }        ]      },      {        "id": 4,        "name": "公共监督",        "pid": 1,        "childrens": [          {            "id": 9,            "name": "行政处罚",            "pid": 4,            "childrens": [              {                "id": 16,                "name": "处罚信息",                "pid": 9,                "childrens": [                ]              }            ]          }        ]      }    ]  }]}


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <title>jOrgChart异步加载</title>    <link rel="stylesheet" href='jquery.jOrgChart.css'/>    <script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.min.js'></script>    <script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.jOrgChart.js'></script>    <style>        a {            text-decoration: none;            color: #fff;            font-size: 12px;        }        .jOrgChart .node {            width: 120px;            height: 50px;            line-height: 50px;            border-radius: 4px;            margin: 0 8px;        }    </style></head><body><!--显示组织架构图--><div id='jOrgChart'></div><script type='text/javascript'>    $(function(){        //数据返回        $.ajax({            url: "test.json",            type: 'POST',            dataType: 'JSON',            data: {action: 'org_select'},            success: function(result){                var showlist = $("<ul id='org' style='display:none'></ul>");                showall(result.data, showlist);                $("#jOrgChart").append(showlist);                $("#org").jOrgChart( {                    chartElement : '#jOrgChart',//指定在某个dom生成jorgchart                    dragAndDrop : false //设置是否可拖动                });            }        });    });    function showall(menu_list, parent) {        $.each(menu_list, function(index, val) {            if(val.childrens.length > 0){                var li = $("<li></li>");                li.append("<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=getOrgId("+val.id+");>"+val.name+"</a>").append("<ul></ul>").appendTo(parent);                //递归显示                showall(val.childrens, $(li).children().eq(1));            }else{                $("<li></li>").append("<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=getOrgId("+val.id+");>"+val.name+"</a>").appendTo(parent);            }        });    }</script></body></html>

