Modifying BAQ to query with parameters

来源:互联网 发布:python自动化开发 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 20:41
// DynamnicQuery for BAQ        Epicor.Mfg.Core.Session epiSession = default(Epicor.Mfg.Core.Session);        epiSession = (Epicor.Mfg.Core.Session)POEntryForm.Session;        DynamicQuery dynamicQuery = new Epicor.Mfg.BO.DynamicQuery(epiSession.ConnectionPool);        //Build Data Set        QueryExecutionDataSet executionDS = new QueryExecutionDataSet();        //Build parametors        QueryExecutionDataSet parameters = new QueryExecutionDataSet();        DataRow paramRow = parameters.ExecutionParameter.NewRow();        paramRow["ParameterName"] = "POSuggestionsView.PartNum";        paramRow["ParameterValue"] = "10050886";        paramRow["ValueType"] = "nvarchar(50)";        paramRow["IsEmpty"] = "False";        paramRow["RowIdent"] = "";        paramRow["RowMod"] = "";        paramRow["DBRowIdent"] = new byte[0];        parameters.ExecutionParameter.Rows.Add(paramRow);        // Out variable which indicates if more results are available (likely for use with topNRecords)        bool hasMoreRecords = false;        //Executed named BAQ with parameter...        DataSet results = dynamicQuery.ExecuteByIDParametrized("AD-999-SB_POSuggestion", parameters, "", 0, out hasMoreRecords);        //Message Each Description....        MessageBox.Show("Number of rows in Results = " + results.Tables["Results"].Rows.Count.ToString());        foreach (DataRow item in results.Tables["Results"].Rows)        {            MessageBox.Show("Row Value = " + item["POSuggestionsView.PartNum"].ToString());    }      转自:
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