第六次上机作业Define a concrete class intset&&EOJ2853

来源:互联网 发布:自制qq头像软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:55
 1. intset.h + intset.cpp  Implementing class IntSet.
 Define, implement, and test a set of integers – 
    class IntSet. 

 Provide union, intersection, difference and symmetric difference operations. Also provide other necessary operations: initialization, assignment, insert (an element), erase (an element), (another set is a) subset, (an element is a) member, print (all elements), count (of elements), (is set) empty, clear (all elements).





即所说的 类的implemention(.cpp)、specification(.h)和包含main函数的测试cpp



#ifndef INTSET_H_INCLUDED#define INTSET_H_INCLUDEDclass intset{public:    int *p;    int cnt;    int capcity;    intset(int n);    intset();    ~intset();    void print();    int count();    void insert(int num);    intset setunion(intset& t);    intset setintsection(intset& t);    intset setdifference(intset& t);    intset setsymmetricdifference(intset& t);    void clear();    bool empty()const;    void erase(int num);    bool subset(intset &t);    struct bad_intset    {        int errnum;    };};#endif // INTSET_H_INCLUDED

#include"intset.h"#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>intset::intset(int n){    bad_intset bi;    if(n<1){bi.errnum=1;throw bi;}    p=new int[n];    capcity=n;    cnt=0;}intset::intset(){    p=new int[1000];    capcity=1000;    cnt=0;}intset::~intset(){    delete []p;}void intset::print(){    std::cout<<'{';    for(int i=0; i<cnt-1; i++)        std::cout<<p[i]<<',';    if(cnt>0)        std::cout<<p[cnt-1];    std::cout<<'}'<<'\n';}int intset::count(){    return cnt;}void intset::insert(int num){    for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++)        if(num==p[i])return ;    p[cnt]=num;    cnt++;}intset intset::setunion(intset& t){    intset ans{cnt+t.cnt};    for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)        ans.insert(p[i]);    for(int i=0; i<t.cnt; i++)    {        int flag=1;        for(int j=0; j<ans.cnt; j++)            if(t.p[i]==ans.p[j])            {                flag=0;                break;            }        if(flag)ans.insert(t.p[i]);    }    std::sort(ans.p,ans.p+ans.cnt);    return ans;}intset intset::setintsection(intset& t){    intset ans{cnt+t.cnt};    for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)    {        int flag=0;        for(int j=0; j<t.cnt; j++)            if(p[i]==t.p[j])            {                flag=1;                break;            }        if(flag)ans.insert(p[i]);    }    return ans;}intset intset::setdifference(intset& t){    intset ans{cnt+t.cnt};    for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)    {        int flag=1;        for(int j=0; j<t.cnt; j++)            if(p[i]==t.p[j])            {                flag=0;                break;            }        if(flag)ans.insert(p[i]);    }    return ans;}intset intset::setsymmetricdifference(intset& t){    intset r1{t.setdifference(*this)};    intset r2{(*this).setdifference(t)};    return r1.setunion(r2);}void intset::clear(){    cnt=0;}bool intset::empty()const{    if(cnt)return false;    return true;}void intset::erase(int num){    int loc=0;    for(loc=0; loc<cnt; loc++)        if(p[loc]==num)break;    if(loc!=cnt)    {        for(int i=loc; i<cnt; i++)            p[loc]=p[loc+1];        cnt--;    }}bool intset::subset(intset& t){    int flag;    for(int i=0; i<t.cnt; i++)    {        flag=0;        for(int j=0; j<cnt; j++)            if(t.p[i]==p[j])            {                break;                flag=1;            }        if(flag)break;    }    if(flag)return true;    return false;}

//----------------------------------------------------------------------//// intsetTest.cpp : Test program for Lab 6.////----------------------------------------------------------------------#include <iostream>using namespace std;#include "intset.h"  // your header file for class intsetint main(int argc,char**argv)try{    // ***** test for initialization *****    intset a{100};  // an integer set with 100 maximum elements    intset b{30};   // an integer set with 30 maximum elements    // ***** test for printing *****    cout << "Set a after initialization: " << endl;    a.print();     // display set    cout << endl;    // ***** test for counting *****    cout << "The number of elements in Set a : " << a.count() <<endl;    cout << "Set b after initialization: " << endl;    b.print();                                        // display set    cout << endl;    cout << "The number of elements in Set b : " << b.count() <<endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for inserting *****    for (int i{100}; i<150; i++)        a.insert(i);        // insert 50 elements from 100 to 149    for (int i{130}; i<160; i++)        b.insert(i);        // insert 30 elements from 130 to 159    cout << "Set a after insertion: " << endl;    a.print();                                        // display set    cout << endl;    cout << "The number of elements of Set a : " << a.count() <<endl;    cout << "Set b after insertion: " << endl;    b.print();         // display set    cout << endl;    cout << "The number of elements of Set b : " << b.count() <<endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for union *****    cout << "Union of two integer sets a and b: " << endl;    a.print();                                         // display set    cout << " ∪ ";    b.print();                                         // display set    cout << " = ";    intset r1{a.setunion(b)};   // compute union of two integer sets    r1.print();                 // display union result    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    b.print();    // ***** test for intersection *****    cout << "intersection of two integer sets a and b: " << endl;    a.print();    cout << " ∩ ";    b.print();    cout << " = ";    intset r2{a.setintsection(b)};  // compute intersection of two integer sets    r2.print();    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for difference *****    cout << "difference of two integer sets a and b: " << endl;    a.print();    cout << " - ";    b.print();    cout << " = ";    intset r3{a.setdifference(b)};     // compute difference of two integer sets    r3.print();    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    cout << "difference of two integer sets b and a: " << endl;    b.print();    cout << " - ";    a.print();    cout << " = ";    intset r4{b.setdifference(a)};     // compute difference of two integer sets    r4.print();    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for symmetric difference *****    cout << "symmetric difference of two integer sets a and b: " << endl;    a.print();    cout << " symmetric- ";    b.print();    cout << " = ";    intset r5{a.setsymmetricdifference(b)};   // compute symmetric difference of two integer sets    r5.print();    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for assignment *****    cout << "Set a after assignment a=b : " << endl;    a=b;    a.print();    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for "clear" *****    cout << "Set b after erasing all elements : " << endl;    b.clear();    b.print();    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for "empty" *****    if (a.empty()) cout << "Set a is empty " << endl;    else cout << "Set a is not empty " << endl;    cout << endl;    if (b.empty()) cout << "Set b is empty " << endl;    else cout << "Set b is not empty " << endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for "erase" *****    cout << "Set a after erasing an element 140 : " << endl;    a.erase(140);    a.print();    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    cout << "Set a after erasing an element 250 : " << endl;    a.erase(250);    a.print();    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for "subset" *****    if (a.subset(b)) cout << "Set b is a subset of a" << endl;    else cout << "Set b is not a subset of a" << endl;    cout << endl;    cout << "insert an element 500 into set b : " << endl;    b.insert(500);    cout << "Set b : " << endl;    b.print();    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    if (a.subset(b)) cout << "Set b is a subset of a" << endl;    else cout << "Set b is not a subset of a" << endl;    cout << endl;    // ***** test for exception throwing *****    cout << "insert 500 elements from 1000 to 1499 into set a : " << endl;    for (int i{1000}; i<1500; i++)        a.insert(i);        // insert 500 elements from 1000 to 1499*/    a.print();    return 0;}// ***** exception handling *****catch(intset::bad_intset bi)  // catch exceptions related to integer set{    switch (bi.errnum)          // # of exceptions    {    case 1:        cerr << "bad intset: constructor parameter<1 , exit " << endl;        // error of constructor parameter        break;    case 2:        cerr << "bad intset: maximum elements reached, exit " << endl;        // overflow of integer set        break;    }    return 0;}

2.EOJ 2853


#include<bits/stdc++.h>class intset{public:    int *p;    int cnt;    int capcity;    intset(int n);    ~intset();    void print();    void insert(int num);    intset setunion(intset& t);    intset setintsection(intset& t);    intset setdifference(intset& t);};intset::intset(int n){    p=new int[n];    capcity=n;    cnt=0;}intset::~intset(){    delete []p;}void intset::print(){    std::sort(p,p+cnt);    std::cout<<'{';    for(int i=0; i<cnt-1; i++)        std::cout<<p[i]<<',';    if(cnt>0)        std::cout<<p[cnt-1];    std::cout<<'}'<<'\n';}void intset::insert(int num){    for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)        if(num==p[i])return ;    p[cnt]=num;    cnt++;}intset intset::setunion(intset& t){    intset ans{cnt+t.cnt};    for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)        ans.insert(p[i]);    for(int i=0; i<t.cnt; i++)    {        int flag=1;        for(int j=0; j<ans.cnt; j++)            if(t.p[i]==ans.p[j])            {                flag=0;                break;            }        if(flag)ans.insert(t.p[i]);    }    std::sort(ans.p,ans.p+ans.cnt);    return ans;}intset intset::setintsection(intset& t){    intset ans{cnt+t.cnt};    for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)    {        int flag=0;        for(int j=0; j<t.cnt; j++)            if(p[i]==t.p[j])            {                flag=1;                break;            }        if(flag)ans.insert(p[i]);    }    return ans;}intset intset::setdifference(intset& t){    intset ans{cnt+t.cnt};    for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)    {        int flag=1;        for(int j=0; j<t.cnt; j++)            if(p[i]==t.p[j])            {                flag=0;                break;            }        if(flag)ans.insert(p[i]);    }    return ans;}using namespace std;int main(){    int n,m,tmp;    cin>>n>>m;    intset a{n},b{m};    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)    {        cin>>tmp;        a.insert(tmp);    }    for(int i=0; i<m; i++)    {        cin>>tmp;        b.insert(tmp);    }    (a.setintsection(b)).print();    (a.setunion(b)).print();    (a.setdifference(b)).print();    return 0;}
