render() must be called with a dict, not a Context. return HttpResponse(t.render(c))解决

来源:互联网 发布:sql删除重复记录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 00:10



def index(request):    t=loader.get_template("index.html")    title={"title":"hello Django"}    user={"name":"LCY","age":"20"}    context=Context({"title":title,"user":user})    return HttpResponse(t.render(context))   

报错定位在return HttpResponse(t.render(context))


class Context(BaseContext):    "A stack container for variable context"    def __init__(self, dict_=None, autoescape=True, use_l10n=None, use_tz=None):        self.autoescape = autoescape        self.use_l10n = use_l10n        self.use_tz = use_tz        self.template_name = "unknown"        self.render_context = RenderContext()        # Set to the original template -- as opposed to extended or included        # templates -- during rendering, see bind_template.        self.template = None        super(Context, self).__init__(dict_)    @contextmanager    def bind_template(self, template):        if self.template is not None:            raise RuntimeError("Context is already bound to a template")        self.template = template        try:            yield        finally:            self.template = None    def __copy__(self):        duplicate = super(Context, self).__copy__()        duplicate.render_context = copy(self.render_context)        return duplicate    def update(self, other_dict):        "Pushes other_dict to the stack of dictionaries in the Context"        if not hasattr(other_dict, '__getitem__'):            raise TypeError('other_dict must be a mapping (dictionary-like) object.')        if isinstance(other_dict, BaseContext):            other_dict = other_dict.dicts[1:].pop()        return ContextDict(self, other_dict)


def index(request):    t=loader.get_template("index.html")    title={"title":"hello Django"}    user={"name":"LCY","age":"20"}    context=Context().update({"title":title,"user":user})    return HttpResponse(t.render(context))


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