
来源:互联网 发布:青铜器 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 12:26



// Changes by: Saar Machtinger, me@cawa.com
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class CookiesInJava {
?static Hashtable theCookies = new Hashtable();
? * Send the Hashtable (theCookies) as cookies, and write them to
? *? the specified URLconnection
? *
? * @param?? urlConn? The connection to write the cookies to.
? * @param?? printCookies? Print or not the action taken.
? *
? * @return? The urlConn with the all the cookies in it.
?public URLConnection writeCookies
???? (URLConnection urlConn, boolean printCookies){
?? String cookieString = "";
?? Enumeration keys = theCookies.keys();
?? while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
???? String key = (String)keys.nextElement();
???? cookieString += key + "=" + theCookies.get(key);
???? if (keys.hasMoreElements())
??????? cookieString += "; ";
???? }
?? urlConn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", cookieString);
?? if (printCookies)
????? System.out.println("Wrote cookies:/n?? " + cookieString);
?? return urlConn;
?? }

? * Read cookies from a specified URLConnection, and insert them
? *?? to the Hashtable
? *? The hashtable represents the Cookies.
? *
? * @param?? urlConn? the connection to read from
? * @param?? printCookies? Print the cookies or not, for debugging
? * @param?? reset? Clean the Hashtable or not
?public void readCookies(URLConnection urlConn, boolean printCookies,
???????????????????? boolean reset){
?? if (reset)
????? theCookies.clear();
?? int i=1;
?? String hdrKey;
?? String hdrString;
?? String aCookie;
?? while ((hdrKey = urlConn.getHeaderFieldKey(i)) != null) {
???? if (hdrKey.equals("Set-Cookie")) {
??????? hdrString = urlConn.getHeaderField(i);
??????? StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(hdrString,",");
??????? while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
????????? String s = st.nextToken();
????????? aCookie = s.substring(0, s.indexOf(";"));
????????? // aCookie = hdrString.substring(0, s.indexOf(";"));
????????? int j = aCookie.indexOf("=");
????????? if (j != -1) {
???????????? if (!theCookies.containsKey(aCookie.substring(0, j))){
?????????????? // if the Cookie do not already exist then when keep it,
?????????????? // you may want to add some logic to update the stored Cookie instead.
?????????????? // thanks to rwhelan
?????????????? theCookies.put(aCookie.substring(0, j),aCookie.substring(j + 1));
?????????????? if (printCookies){
????????????????? System.out.println("Reading Key: " + aCookie.substring(0, j));
????????????????? System.out.println("??????? Val: " + aCookie.substring(j + 1));
????????????????? }
?????????????? }
???????????? }
????????? }
????? }
????? i++;
???? }
? }

? * Display all the cookies currently in the HashTable
? *
?public void viewAllCookies() {
?? System.out.println("All Cookies are:");
?? Enumeration keys = theCookies.keys();
?? String key;
?? while (keys.hasMoreElements()){
???? key = (String)keys.nextElement();
???? System.out.println("?? " + key + "=" +
???? theCookies.get(key));
???? }
?? }

? * Display the current cookies in the URLConnection,
? *??? searching for the: "Cookie" header
? *
? * This is Valid only after a writeCookies operation.
? *
? * @param?? urlConn? The URL to print the associates cookies in.
?public void viewURLCookies(URLConnection urlConn) {
?? System.out.print("Cookies in this URLConnection are:/n?? ");
?? System.out.println(urlConn.getRequestProperty("Cookie"));
?? }

? * Add a specific cookie, by hand, to the HastTable of the Cookies
? *
? * @param?? _key? The Key/Name of the Cookie
? * @param?? _val? The Calue of the Cookie
? * @param?? printCookies? Print or not the result
?public void addCookie(String _key, String _val, boolean printCookies){
?? if (!theCookies.containsKey(_key)){
????? theCookies.put(_key,_val);
????? if (printCookies){
???????? System.out.println("Adding Cookie: ");
???????? System.out.println("?? " + _key + " = " + _val);
???????? }
????? }
?? }
