Android5.0 Recovery源代码分析与定制---recovery UI相关(二)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝的trw轮毂好用么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 01:13引用我的代码片



void ScreenRecoveryUI::Init(){    gr_init();    gr_font_size(&char_width, &char_height);    text_col = text_row = 0;    text_rows = gr_fb_height() / char_height;    if (text_rows > kMaxRows) text_rows = kMaxRows;    text_top = 1;    text_cols = gr_fb_width() / char_width;    if (text_cols > kMaxCols - 1) text_cols = kMaxCols - 1;    backgroundIcon[NONE] = NULL;    LoadBitmapArray("icon_installing", &installing_frames, &installation);    backgroundIcon[INSTALLING_UPDATE] = installing_frames ? installation[0] : NULL;    backgroundIcon[ERASING] = backgroundIcon[INSTALLING_UPDATE];    LoadBitmap("icon_error", &backgroundIcon[ERROR]);    backgroundIcon[NO_COMMAND] = backgroundIcon[ERROR];    LoadBitmap("progress_empty", &progressBarEmpty);    LoadBitmap("progress_fill", &progressBarFill);    LoadBitmap("stage_empty", &stageMarkerEmpty);    LoadBitmap("stage_fill", &stageMarkerFill);    LoadLocalizedBitmap("installing_text", &backgroundText[INSTALLING_UPDATE]);    LoadLocalizedBitmap("erasing_text", &backgroundText[ERASING]);    LoadLocalizedBitmap("no_command_text", &backgroundText[NO_COMMAND]);    LoadLocalizedBitmap("error_text", &backgroundText[ERROR]);    pthread_create(&progress_t, NULL, progress_thread, NULL);    RecoveryUI::Init();}












Recovery UI images
Android 5.x
The recovery user interface consists images. Ideally, users never interact with the UI: During a normal update, 
the phone boots into recovery, fills the installation progress bar, and boots back into the new system without 
input from the user. In the event of a system update problem, the only user action that can be taken is to 
call customer care.An image-only interface obviates the need for localization. 
However, as of Android 5.x the update can display a string of text (e.g. "Installing system update...") 
along with the image. For details, see Localized recovery text.

efault images are available in different densities and are located inbootable/recovery/res$DENSITY/images 
(e.g., bootable/recovery/res-hdpi/images). To use a static image during installation, 
you need only provide the icon_installing.png image and set the number of frames in the animation to 0 
(the error icon is not animated; it is always a static image).
# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Script to take a set of frames (PNG files) for a recovery animationand turn it into a single output image which contains the input framesinterlaced by row.  Run with the names of all the input frames on thecommand line, in order, followed by the name of the output file."""import systry:  import Image  import PngImagePluginexcept ImportError:  print "This script requires the Python Imaging Library to be installed."  sys.exit(1)frames = ["RGB") for fn in sys.argv[1:-1]]assert len(frames) > 0, "Must have at least one input frame."sizes = set()for fr in frames:  sizes.add(fr.size)assert len(sizes) == 1, "All input images must have the same size."w, h = sizes.pop()N = len(frames)out ="RGB", (w, h*N))for j in range(h):  for i in range(w):    for fn, f in enumerate(frames):      out.putpixel((i, j*N+fn), f.getpixel((i, j)))# When loading this image, the graphics library expects to find a text# chunk that specifies how many frames this animation represents.  If# you post-process the output of this script with some kind of# optimizer tool (eg pngcrush or zopflipng) make sure that your# optimizer preserves this text chunk.meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()meta.add_text("Frames", str(N))[-1], pnginfo=meta)
void ScreenRecoveryUI::LoadBitmapArray(const char* filename, int* frames, gr_surface** surface) {    int result = res_create_multi_display_surface(filename, frames, surface);    if (result < 0) {        LOGE("missing bitmap %s\n(Code %d)\n", filename, result);    }}
int res_create_multi_display_surface(const char* name, int* frames, GRSurface*** pSurface) {    GRSurface** surface = NULL;    int result = 0;    png_structp png_ptr = NULL;    png_infop info_ptr = NULL;    png_uint_32 width, height;    png_byte channels;    int i;    png_textp text;    int num_text;    unsigned char* p_row;    unsigned int y;    *pSurface = NULL;    *frames = -1;    result = open_png(name, &png_ptr, &info_ptr, &width, &height, &channels);    if (result < 0) return result;    *frames = 1;    if (png_get_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text, &num_text)) {        for (i = 0; i < num_text; ++i) {            if (text[i].key && strcmp(text[i].key, "Frames") == 0 && text[i].text) {                *frames = atoi(text[i].text);                break;            }        }        printf("  found frames = %d\n", *frames);    }    if (height % *frames != 0) {        printf("bad height (%d) for frame count (%d)\n", height, *frames);        result = -9;        goto exit;    }    surface = reinterpret_cast<GRSurface**>(malloc(*frames * sizeof(GRSurface*)));    if (surface == NULL) {        result = -8;        goto exit;    }    for (i = 0; i < *frames; ++i) {        surface[i] = init_display_surface(width, height / *frames);        if (surface[i] == NULL) {            result = -8;            goto exit;        }    }#if defined(RECOVERY_ABGR) || defined(RECOVERY_BGRA)    png_set_bgr(png_ptr);#endif    p_row = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc(width * 4));    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {        png_read_row(png_ptr, p_row, NULL);        int frame = y % *frames;        unsigned char* out_row = surface[frame]->data +            (y / *frames) * surface[frame]->row_bytes;        transform_rgb_to_draw(p_row, out_row, channels, width);    }    free(p_row);    *pSurface = reinterpret_cast<GRSurface**>(surface);exit:    png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);    if (result < 0) {        if (surface) {            for (i = 0; i < *frames; ++i) {                if (surface[i]) free(surface[i]);            }            free(surface);        }    }    return result;}
void ScreenRecoveryUI::LoadBitmapArray(const char* filename, int* frames, gr_surface** surface) {    int result = res_create_multi_display_surface(filename, frames, surface);    if (result < 0) {        LOGE("missing bitmap %s\n(Code %d)\n", filename, result);    }}
int res_create_multi_display_surface(const char* name, int* frames, GRSurface*** pSurface) {    GRSurface** surface = NULL;    int result = 0;    png_structp png_ptr = NULL;    png_infop info_ptr = NULL;    png_uint_32 width, height;    png_byte channels;    int i;    png_textp text;    int num_text;    unsigned char* p_row;    unsigned int y;    *pSurface = NULL;    *frames = -1;    result = open_png(name, &png_ptr, &info_ptr, &width, &height, &channels);    if (result < 0) return result;    *frames = 1;    if (png_get_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text, &num_text)) {        for (i = 0; i < num_text; ++i) {            if (text[i].key && strcmp(text[i].key, "Frames") == 0 && text[i].text) {                *frames = atoi(text[i].text);                break;            }        }        printf("  found frames = %d\n", *frames);    }    if (height % *frames != 0) {        printf("bad height (%d) for frame count (%d)\n", height, *frames);        result = -9;        goto exit;    }    surface = reinterpret_cast<GRSurface**>(malloc(*frames * sizeof(GRSurface*)));    if (surface == NULL) {        result = -8;        goto exit;    }    for (i = 0; i < *frames; ++i) {        surface[i] = init_display_surface(width, height / *frames);        if (surface[i] == NULL) {            result = -8;            goto exit;        }    }#if defined(RECOVERY_ABGR) || defined(RECOVERY_BGRA)    png_set_bgr(png_ptr);#endif    p_row = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc(width * 4));    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {        png_read_row(png_ptr, p_row, NULL);        int frame = y % *frames;        unsigned char* out_row = surface[frame]->data +            (y / *frames) * surface[frame]->row_bytes;        transform_rgb_to_draw(p_row, out_row, channels, width);    }    free(p_row);    *pSurface = reinterpret_cast<GRSurface**>(surface);exit:    png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);    if (result < 0) {        if (surface) {            for (i = 0; i < *frames; ++i) {                if (surface[i]) free(surface[i]);            }            free(surface);        }    }    return result;}
static int open_png(const char* name, png_structp* png_ptr, png_infop* info_ptr,                    png_uint_32* width, png_uint_32* height, png_byte* channels) {    char resPath[256];    unsigned char header[8];    int result = 0;    int color_type, bit_depth;    size_t bytesRead;    snprintf(resPath, sizeof(resPath)-1, "/res/images/%s.png", name);    resPath[sizeof(resPath)-1] = '\0';    FILE* fp = fopen(resPath, "rb");    if (fp == NULL) {        result = -1;        goto exit;    }    bytesRead = fread(header, 1, sizeof(header), fp);    if (bytesRead != sizeof(header)) {        result = -2;        goto exit;    }    if (png_sig_cmp(header, 0, sizeof(header))) {        result = -3;        goto exit;    }    *png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);    if (!*png_ptr) {        result = -4;        goto exit;    }    *info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(*png_ptr);    if (!*info_ptr) {        result = -5;        goto exit;    }    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(*png_ptr))) {        result = -6;        goto exit;    }    png_init_io(*png_ptr, fp);    png_set_sig_bytes(*png_ptr, sizeof(header));    png_read_info(*png_ptr, *info_ptr);    png_get_IHDR(*png_ptr, *info_ptr, width, height, &bit_depth,            &color_type, NULL, NULL, NULL);    *channels = png_get_channels(*png_ptr, *info_ptr);    if (bit_depth == 8 && *channels == 3 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) {        // 8-bit RGB images: great, nothing to do.    } else if (bit_depth <= 8 && *channels == 1 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY) {        // 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-bit gray images: expand to 8-bit gray.        png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8(*png_ptr);    } else if (bit_depth <= 8 && *channels == 1 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {        // paletted images: expand to 8-bit RGB.  Note that we DON'T        // currently expand the tRNS chunk (if any) to an alpha        // channel, because minui doesn't support alpha channels in        // general.        png_set_palette_to_rgb(*png_ptr);        *channels = 3;    } else {        fprintf(stderr, "minui doesn't support PNG depth %d channels %d color_type %d\n",                bit_depth, *channels, color_type);        result = -7;        goto exit;    }    return result;  exit:    if (result < 0) {        png_destroy_read_struct(png_ptr, info_ptr, NULL);    }    if (fp != NULL) {        fclose(fp);    }    return result;}
 if (bit_depth == 8 && *channels == 3 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) {        // 8-bit RGB images: great, nothing to do.    } else if (bit_depth <= 8 && *channels == 1 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY) {        // 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-bit gray images: expand to 8-bit gray.        png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8(*png_ptr);    } else if (bit_depth <= 8 && *channels == 1 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {        // paletted images: expand to 8-bit RGB.  Note that we DON'T        // currently expand the tRNS chunk (if any) to an alpha        // channel, because minui doesn't support alpha channels in        // general.        png_set_palette_to_rgb(*png_ptr);        *channels = 3;    } else {        fprintf(stderr, "minui doesn't support PNG depth %d channels %d color_type %d\n",                bit_depth, *channels, color_type);        result = -7;        goto exit;    }

这个函数将图片文件的数据读取到内存,我在其中输出了一些调试信息,输出图片的 color_type, channels 等信息。
查看LOG发现,android原生的图片 channels == 3,channels 即色彩通道个数,等于 3 的话,意味着只有 R,G,B 三个通道的信息,
没有 ALPHA 通道信息!这段代码的逻辑是如果channels 不等于3, 则按channels = 1 来处理,即灰度图。
美工给的图片是带 alpha通道信息的,即channels = 4,被当成灰度图像来处理了,怪不得显示的效果是灰度图像。
我一直以为 png 图像就只有一种格式,都是带有 alpha通道的。。。
使用图像处理工具(photoshop 或者 gimp),将美工给的图片去掉 alpha 通道信息,再替换recovery 的图片,编译,替换recovery.img ,
reboot -r 。图片终于正常显示啦。

