#leetcode#500 Keyboard Row

来源:互联网 发布:女性 音乐家 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 11:47

Given a List of words, return the words that can be typed using letters of alphabet on only one row's of American keyboard like the image below.

American keyboard

Example 1:

Input: ["Hello", "Alaska", "Dad", "Peace"]Output: ["Alaska", "Dad"]


  1. You may use one character in the keyboard more than once.
  2. You may assume the input string will only contain letters of alphabet.


没有太动脑子想一些简洁的代码, 通过这个题发现自己对  Arrays.asList(), list.toArray(), hashset.addAll() 这几个method用的不熟

public class Solution {    public String[] findWords(String[] words) {        if(words == null || words.length == 0)            return new String[]{};                    List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();        Set<Character> set1 = new HashSet<>();        Set<Character> set2 = new HashSet<>();        Set<Character> set3 = new HashSet<>();        Character[] arr1 = new Character[]{'Q','q','W','w','E','e','R','r','T','t','Y','y','U','u','I','i','O','o','P','p'};        Character[] arr2 = new Character[]{'A','a','S','s','D','d','F','f','G','g','H','h','J','j','K','k','L','l'};        Character[] arr3 = new Character[]{'Z','z','X','x','C','c','V','v','B','b','N','n','M','m'};        set1.addAll(Arrays.asList(arr1));        set2.addAll(Arrays.asList(arr2));        set3.addAll(Arrays.asList(arr3));                for(String s : words){            boolean row1 = false;            boolean row2 = false;            boolean row3 = false;            for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){                Character c = s.charAt(i);                if(set1.contains(c))                    row1 = true;                else if(set2.contains(c))                    row2 = true;                else if(set3.contains(c))                    row3 = true;            }                        if((row1 && !row2 && ! row3) || (!row1 && row2 && !row3) || (!row1 && !row2 && row3)){                    res.add(s);            }        }                // String[] result = new String[res.size()];    //also works        // return res.toArray(result);                              return res.toArray(new String[0]);    }}
