
来源:互联网 发布:羞羞的铁拳网络平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 19:20


20170610。是《Thinking in Java》中第21章的读书笔记,只是一些概念上的总结,真正实用还要自己多码。

  • 21.1 并发的多面性




  • 21.2 基本的线程机制



  • 21.2.3 使用Executor

Java SE5的java.util.concurrent包中的执行器(Executor)将为你管理Thread对象。Executor允许你管理异步任务的执行,而无需显示地管理线程的生命周期。shutdown()方法的调用可以防止新任务被提交给这个Executor。(之前提交的依然会全部执行完)

ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); exec.execute(new YourRunnable())newCachedThreadPool()通常会创建所需数量相同的线程,然后再回首旧线程时停止创建新线程,因此它是合理的Executor的首选;newFixedThreadPool(size)可以一次性预先执行代价高昂的线程分配,可以指定线程的数量;newSingleThreadExecutor()就像是线程数量是1的FixedThreadPool,每个任务都是按照它们被提交的顺序,并且是在下一个任务开始之前完成的。

  • 21.2.4 从任务中产生返回值


class TaskWithResult implements Callable<String> {  private int id;  public TaskWithResult(int id) {    this.id = id;  }  public String call() {    return "result of TaskWithResult " + id;  }}public class CallableDemo {  public static void main(String[] args) {    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    ArrayList<Future<String>> results =      new ArrayList<Future<String>>();    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)      results.add(exec.submit(new TaskWithResult(i)));    for(Future<String> fs : results)      try {        // get() blocks until completion:        System.out.println(fs.get());      } catch(InterruptedException e) {        System.out.println(e);        return;      } catch(ExecutionException e) {        System.out.println(e);      } finally {        exec.shutdown();      }  }} /* Output:result of TaskWithResult 0result of TaskWithResult 1result of TaskWithResult 2result of TaskWithResult 3result of TaskWithResult 4result of TaskWithResult 5result of TaskWithResult 6result of TaskWithResult 7result of TaskWithResult 8result of TaskWithResult 9*///:~


  • 21.2.5 休眠
//Old styleThread.sleep(100);//Java SE5/6 styleTimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100);


  • 21.2.6 优先级


public class SimplePriorities implements Runnable {  private int countDown = 5;  private volatile double d; // No optimization  private int priority;  public SimplePriorities(int priority) {    this.priority = priority;  }  public String toString() {    return Thread.currentThread() + ": " + countDown;  }  public void run() {    Thread.currentThread().setPriority(priority);    while(true) {      // An expensive, interruptable operation:      for(int i = 1; i < 100000; i++) {        d += (Math.PI + Math.E) / (double)i;        if(i % 1000 == 0)          Thread.yield();      }      System.out.println(this);      if(--countDown == 0) return;    }  }  public static void main(String[] args) {    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)      exec.execute(        new SimplePriorities(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY));    exec.execute(        new SimplePriorities(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY));    exec.shutdown();  }} /* Output: (70% match)Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 5Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 4Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 3Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 2Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 1Thread[pool-1-thread-3,1,main]: 5Thread[pool-1-thread-2,1,main]: 5Thread[pool-1-thread-1,1,main]: 5Thread[pool-1-thread-5,1,main]: 5Thread[pool-1-thread-4,1,main]: 5...*///:~


  • 21.2.7 让步


  • 21.2.8 后台线程





class ADaemon implements Runnable {  public void run() {    try {      print("Starting ADaemon");      TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1);    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Exiting via InterruptedException");    } finally {      print("This should always run?");    }  }}public class DaemonsDontRunFinally {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    Thread t = new Thread(new ADaemon());    t.setDaemon(true);    t.start();    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1);  }} /* Output:Starting ADaemon*///:~


  • 21.2.11 加入一个线程


class Sleeper extends Thread {  private int duration;  public Sleeper(String name, int sleepTime) {    super(name);    duration = sleepTime;    start();  }  public void run() {    try {      sleep(duration);    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print(getName() + " was interrupted. " +        "isInterrupted(): " + isInterrupted());      return;    }    print(getName() + " has awakened");  }}class Joiner extends Thread {  private Sleeper sleeper;  public Joiner(String name, Sleeper sleeper) {    super(name);    this.sleeper = sleeper;    start();  }  public void run() {   try {      sleeper.join();    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Interrupted");    }    print(getName() + " join completed");  }}public class Joining {  public static void main(String[] args) {    Sleeper      sleepy = new Sleeper("Sleepy", 1500),      grumpy = new Sleeper("Grumpy", 1500);    Joiner      dopey = new Joiner("Dopey", sleepy),      doc = new Joiner("Doc", grumpy);    grumpy.interrupt();  }} /* Output:Grumpy was interrupted. isInterrupted(): falseDoc join completedSleepy has awakenedDopey join completed*///:~



  • 21.2.14 捕获异常


class ExceptionThread2 implements Runnable {  public void run() {    Thread t = Thread.currentThread();    System.out.println("run() by " + t);    System.out.println(      "eh = " + t.getUncaughtExceptionHandler());    throw new RuntimeException();  }}class MyUncaughtExceptionHandler implementsThread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {  public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {    System.out.println("caught " + e);  }}class HandlerThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {  public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {    System.out.println(this + " creating new Thread");    Thread t = new Thread(r);    System.out.println("created " + t);    t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(      new MyUncaughtExceptionHandler());    System.out.println(      "eh = " + t.getUncaughtExceptionHandler());    return t;  }}public class CaptureUncaughtException {  public static void main(String[] args) {    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(      new HandlerThreadFactory());    exec.execute(new ExceptionThread2());  }} /* Output: (90% match)HandlerThreadFactory@de6ced creating new Threadcreated Thread[Thread-0,5,main]eh = MyUncaughtExceptionHandler@1fb8ee3run() by Thread[Thread-0,5,main]eh = MyUncaughtExceptionHandler@1fb8ee3caught java.lang.RuntimeException*///:~

更简单的是在Thread类中设置一个静态域:Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new MyUncaughtExceptionHandler());。这个处理器只有在不存在线程专有的未捕获异常处理器的情况下才会别调用。

  • 21.3.2 解决共享资源竞争





针对每一个类,也有一个锁(作为类的Class的一部分),所以synchronized static方法可以在类的范围内防止对static数据的并发访问。



Java SE5在java.util.concurrent.locks中包含了显示的互斥机制,Lock对象必须被显示地创建、锁定和释放。因此,它与内建的锁形式相比,代码缺乏优雅性:

private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();  public int next() {    lock.lock();    try {      ++currentEvenValue;      Thread.yield(); // Cause failure faster      ++currentEvenValue;      return currentEvenValue;    } finally {      lock.unlock();    }  }



    boolean captured = lock.tryLock();    try {      System.out.println("tryLock(): " + captured);    } finally {      if(captured)        lock.unlock();    }    boolean captured = false;    try {      captured = lock.tryLock(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      throw new RuntimeException(e);    }    try {      System.out.println("tryLock(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS): " +        captured);    } finally {      if(captured)        lock.unlock();    }
  • 21.3.3 原子性与易变性




对域中的值做赋值和返回操作通常是原子性的,但是i++;i += 2;肯定都不是原子性的:

// {Exec: javap -c Atomicity}public class Atomicity {  int i;  void f1() { i++; }  void f2() { i += 3; }} /* Output: (Sample)...void f1();  Code:   0:        aload_0   1:        dup   2:        getfield        #2; //Field i:I   5:        iconst_1   6:        iadd   7:        putfield        #2; //Field i:I   10:        returnvoid f2();  Code:   0:        aload_0   1:        dup   2:        getfield        #2; //Field i:I   5:        iconst_3   6:        iadd   7:        putfield        #2; //Field i:I   10:        return*///:~


public class SerialNumberGenerator {  private static volatile int serialNumber = 0;  public static int nextSerialNumber() {    return serialNumber++; // Not thread-safe  }}


class CircularSet {  private int[] array;  private int len;  private int index = 0;  public CircularSet(int size) {    array = new int[size];    len = size;    // Initialize to a value not produced    // by the SerialNumberGenerator:    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)      array[i] = -1;  }  public synchronized void add(int i) {    array[index] = i;    // Wrap index and write over old elements:    index = ++index % len;  }  public synchronized boolean contains(int val) {    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)      if(array[i] == val) return true;    return false;  }}public class SerialNumberChecker {  private static final int SIZE = 10;  private static CircularSet serials =    new CircularSet(1000);  private static ExecutorService exec =    Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  static class SerialChecker implements Runnable {    public void run() {      while(true) {        int serial =          SerialNumberGenerator.nextSerialNumber();        if(serials.contains(serial)) {          System.out.println("Duplicate: " + serial);          System.exit(0);        }        serials.add(serial);      }    }  }  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)      exec.execute(new SerialChecker());    // Stop after n seconds if there's an argument:    if(args.length > 0) {      TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(new Integer(args[0]));      System.out.println("No duplicates detected");      System.exit(0);    }  }} /* Output: (Sample)Duplicate: 8468656*///:~


  • 21.3.4 原子类

Java SE5引入了诸如AtomicInteger、AtomicLong、AtomicReference等特殊的原子性变量类。


public final int incrementAndGet() {          for (;;) {              int current = get();              int next = current + 1;              if (compareAndSet(current, next))                  return next;          }  }  

通过源码,可以知道,这个方法的做法为先获取到当前的 value 属性值,然后将 value 加 1,赋值给一个局部的 next 变量,然而,这两步都是非线程安全的,但是内部有一个死循环,不断去做compareAndSet操作,直到成功为止,也就是修改的根本在compareAndSet方法里面,compareAndSet()方法的代码如下:

public final boolean compareAndSet(int expect, int update) {          return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update);  }  


publicfinal native boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object var1, long var2, int var4, intvar5);

compareAndSet 传入的为执行方法时获取到的 value 属性值,next 为加 1 后的值, compareAndSet所做的为调用 Sun 的 UnSafe 的 compareAndSwapInt 方法来完成,此方法为 native 方法,compareAndSwapInt 基于的是CPU的CAS指令(Compare and Swap,很多的cpu直接支持CAS指令。CAS是项乐观锁技术,当多个线程尝试使用CAS同时更新同一个变量时,只有其中一个线程能更新变量的值,而其它线程都失败, 失败的线程并不会被挂起,而是被告知这次竞争中失败,并可以再次尝试。)来实现的。 所以基于 CAS 的操作可认为是无阻塞的,一个线程的失败或挂起不会引起其它线程也失败或挂起。并且由于CAS操作是CPU原语,所以性能比较好。

  • 21.3.5 临界区





  • 21.3.6 在其他对象上同步


  • 21.3.7 线程本地存储


class Accessor implements Runnable {    private final int id;    public Accessor(int idn) {        id = idn;    }    public void run() {        while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {            ThreadLocalVariableHolder.increment();            System.out.println(this);            Thread.yield();        }    }    public String toString() {        return "#" + id + ": " +                ThreadLocalVariableHolder.get();    }}public class ThreadLocalVariableHolder {    private static ThreadLocal<Integer> value =            new ThreadLocal<Integer>() {                private Random rand = new Random(47);                protected synchronized Integer initialValue() {                    return rand.nextInt(10000);                }            };    public static void increment() {        value.set(value.get() + 1);    }    public static int get() {        return value.get();    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)            exec.execute(new Accessor(i));        TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(3);  // Run for a while        exec.shutdownNow();         // All Accessors will quit    }} /* Output: (Sample)#0: 9259#1: 556#2: 6694#3: 1862#4: 962#0: 9260#1: 557#2: 6695#3: 1863#4: 963...*///:~


public void set(T value) {    Thread t = Thread.currentThread();    ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);    if (map != null)        map.set(this, value);    else        createMap(t, value);}    public T get() {        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();        ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);        if (map != null) {            ThreadLocalMap.Entry e = map.getEntry(this);            if (e != null) {                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")                T result = (T)e.value;                return result;            }        }        return setInitialValue();    }ThreadLocalMap getMap(Thread t) {    return t.threadLocals;}class Thread implements Runnable {    /* ThreadLocal values pertaining to this thread. This map is maintained     * by the ThreadLocal class. */    ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap threadLocals = null;}void createMap(Thread t, T firstValue) {    t.threadLocals = new ThreadLocalMap(this, firstValue);}


  • 24.4.2 在阻塞时终结


  1. 新建(new):当线程被创建时,它只会短暂的处于这种状态。此时它已经分配了必需的系统资源,并执行了初始化。此刻线程已经有资格获得CPU时间了,之后调度器把这个线程转变为可运行状态或阻塞状态。
  2. 就绪(Runnable):在这种状态下,只要调度器把时间片分配给线程,线程就可以运行。也就是说,在任意时刻,线程可以运行也可以不运行。只要调度器能分配时间片给线程,它就可以运行,这不同于死亡和阻塞状态。
  3. 阻塞(Blocked):线程能够运行,但有某个条件阻止它的运行。当线程处于阻塞状态时,调度器将忽略线程,不会分配给线程任何CPU时间。直到线程重新进入了就绪状态,它才有可能执行操作。
  4. 死亡(Dead):处于死亡或终止状态的线程将不再是可调度的,并且再也不会得到CPU时间,它的任务已经结束,或不再是可运行的。任务死亡的通常方式是从run()方法返回,但是任务的线程还可以被中断,你将要看到这一点。


  1. 通过调用sleep()使任务进入休眠状态,在这种情况下,任务在指定的时间内不会运行。任务并不会交出锁
  2. 通过wait()将线程挂起。直到线程得到了notify()或者notifyAll()消息,线程才会进入就绪状态。任务交出锁
  3. 任务在等待某个输入/输出完成。
  4. 任务试图在某个对象上调用其同步控制方法,但是对象锁不可用,因为另一个任务已经获取了这个锁。

    • 21.4.3 中断


class SleepBlocked implements Runnable {  public void run() {    try {      TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(100);    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("InterruptedException");    }    print("Exiting SleepBlocked.run()");  }}class IOBlocked implements Runnable {  private InputStream in;  public IOBlocked(InputStream is) { in = is; }  public void run() {    try {      print("Waiting for read():");      in.read();    } catch(IOException e) {      if(Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {        print("Interrupted from blocked I/O");      } else {        throw new RuntimeException(e);      }    }    print("Exiting IOBlocked.run()");  }}class SynchronizedBlocked implements Runnable {  public synchronized void f() {    while(true) // Never releases lock      Thread.yield();  }  public SynchronizedBlocked() {    new Thread() {      public void run() {        f(); // Lock acquired by this thread      }    }.start();  }  public void run() {    print("Trying to call f()");    f();    print("Exiting SynchronizedBlocked.run()");  }}public class Interrupting {  private static ExecutorService exec =    Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  static void test(Runnable r) throws InterruptedException{    Future<?> f = exec.submit(r);    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100);    print("Interrupting " + r.getClass().getName());    f.cancel(true); // Interrupts if running    print("Interrupt sent to " + r.getClass().getName());  }  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    test(new SleepBlocked());    test(new IOBlocked(System.in));    test(new SynchronizedBlocked());    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(3);    print("Aborting with System.exit(0)");    System.exit(0); // ... since last 2 interrupts failed  }} /* Output: (95% match)Interrupting SleepBlockedInterruptedExceptionExiting SleepBlocked.run()Interrupt sent to SleepBlockedWaiting for read():Interrupting IOBlockedInterrupt sent to IOBlockedTrying to call f()Interrupting SynchronizedBlockedInterrupt sent to SynchronizedBlockedAborting with System.exit(0)*///:~



public class CloseResource {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(8080);    InputStream socketInput =      new Socket("localhost", 8080).getInputStream();    exec.execute(new IOBlocked(socketInput));    exec.execute(new IOBlocked(System.in));    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100);    print("Shutting down all threads");    exec.shutdownNow();    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1);    print("Closing " + socketInput.getClass().getName());    socketInput.close(); // Releases blocked thread    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1);    print("Closing " + System.in.getClass().getName());    System.in.close(); // Releases blocked thread  }} /* Output: (85% match)Waiting for read():Waiting for read():Shutting down all threadsClosing java.net.SocketInputStreamInterrupted from blocked I/OExiting IOBlocked.run()Closing java.io.BufferedInputStreamExiting IOBlocked.run()*///:~


无论在任何时刻,只要任务以不可中断的方式被阻塞,那么都有潜在的会锁住程序的可能。Java SE5并发类库中添加了一个特性,即在ReentrantLock上阻塞的任务具备可以被中断的能力,这与在synchronized方法或临界区上阻塞的任务完全不同:

class BlockedMutex {  private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();  public BlockedMutex() {    // Acquire it right away, to demonstrate interruption    // of a task blocked on a ReentrantLock:    lock.lock();  }  public void f() {    try {      // This will never be available to a second task      lock.lockInterruptibly(); // Special call      print("lock acquired in f()");    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Interrupted from lock acquisition in f()");    }  }}class Blocked2 implements Runnable {  BlockedMutex blocked = new BlockedMutex();  public void run() {    print("Waiting for f() in BlockedMutex");    blocked.f();    print("Broken out of blocked call");  }}public class Interrupting2 {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    Thread t = new Thread(new Blocked2());    t.start();    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1);    System.out.println("Issuing t.interrupt()");    t.interrupt();  }} /* Output:Waiting for f() in BlockedMutexIssuing t.interrupt()Interrupted from lock acquisition in f()Broken out of blocked call*///:~
  • 21.4.4 检查中断


class NeedsCleanup {  private final int id;  public NeedsCleanup(int ident) {    id = ident;    print("NeedsCleanup " + id);  }  public void cleanup() {    print("Cleaning up " + id);  }}class Blocked3 implements Runnable {  private volatile double d = 0.0;  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        // point1        NeedsCleanup n1 = new NeedsCleanup(1);        // Start try-finally immediately after definition        // of n1, to guarantee proper cleanup of n1:        try {          print("Sleeping");          TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1);          // point2          NeedsCleanup n2 = new NeedsCleanup(2);          // Guarantee proper cleanup of n2:          try {            print("Calculating");            // A time-consuming, non-blocking operation:            for(int i = 1; i < 2500000; i++)              d = d + (Math.PI + Math.E) / d;            print("Finished time-consuming operation");          } finally {            n2.cleanup();          }        } finally {          n1.cleanup();        }      }      print("Exiting via while() test");    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Exiting via InterruptedException");    }  }}public class InterruptingIdiom {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    if(args.length != 1) {      print("usage: java InterruptingIdiom delay-in-mS");      System.exit(1);    }    Thread t = new Thread(new Blocked3());    t.start();    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(new Integer(args[0]));    t.interrupt();  }} /* Output: (Sample)NeedsCleanup 1SleepingNeedsCleanup 2CalculatingFinished time-consuming operationCleaning up 2Cleaning up 1NeedsCleanup 1SleepingCleaning up 1Exiting via InterruptedException*///:~


  • 21.5 线程之间的协作


  1. 在wait()期间对象锁是释放的。
  2. 可以通过notify()、notifyAll()、或者令时间到期,从wait()中恢复执行。
class Car {  private boolean waxOn = false;  public synchronized void waxed() {    waxOn = true; // Ready to buff    notifyAll();  }  public synchronized void buffed() {    waxOn = false; // Ready for another coat of wax    notifyAll();  }  public synchronized void waitForWaxing()  throws InterruptedException {    while(waxOn == false)      wait();  }  public synchronized void waitForBuffing()  throws InterruptedException {    while(waxOn == true)      wait();  }}class WaxOn implements Runnable {  private Car car;  public WaxOn(Car c) { car = c; }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        printnb("Wax On! ");        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200);        car.waxed();        car.waitForBuffing();      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Exiting via interrupt");    }    print("Ending Wax On task");  }}class WaxOff implements Runnable {  private Car car;  public WaxOff(Car c) { car = c; }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        car.waitForWaxing();        printnb("Wax Off! ");        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200);        car.buffed();      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Exiting via interrupt");    }    print("Ending Wax Off task");  }}public class WaxOMatic {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    Car car = new Car();    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    exec.execute(new WaxOff(car));    exec.execute(new WaxOn(car));    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5); // Run for a while...    exec.shutdownNow(); // Interrupt all tasks  }} /* Output: (95% match)Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Exiting via interruptEnding Wax On taskExiting via interruptEnding Wax Off task*///:~


  1. 你可能有多个任务处于相同的原因在等待同一个锁,而第一个唤醒任务可能会改变这种情况。如果属于这种情况,那么这个任务应该再次被挂起,直至其感兴趣的条件发生变化。
  2. 在这个任务从其wait()中被唤醒的时刻,有可能会有某个其他的任务已经做出了改变,从而使得这个任务在此时不能执行,或者执行其操作已显得无关紧要。此时,应该通过再次调用wait()来将其重新挂起。
  3. 也有可能某些任务处于不同的原因在等待你的对象上的锁(在这种情况下必须使用notifyAll())。在这种情况下,你需要检查是否已经由正确的原因被唤醒,如果不是,就再次调用wait()。


T1:synchronized(sharedMonitor){    <setup condition for T2>    sharedMonitor.notify()}T2:while(someCondition){    //Point 1    synchronized(sharedMonitor){        sharedMonitor.wait();    }}

<setup condition for T2>是防止T2调用wait()的一个动作。假设T2对someCondition求值发现其为true,在Point1,线程调度器可能切换到了T1,而T1执行其设置为false,然后调用notify(),但是对于T2来说,这个时候已经晚了,会无限执行wait()。该问题的解决方案是防止在someCondition变量上产生竞争条件:

synchronized(sharedMonitor){    while(someCondition)        sharedMonitor.wait();    }
  • 21.5.2 notify()与notifyAll()




class Meal {  private final int orderNum;  public Meal(int orderNum) { this.orderNum = orderNum; }  public String toString() { return "Meal " + orderNum; }}class WaitPerson implements Runnable {  private Restaurant restaurant;  public WaitPerson(Restaurant r) { restaurant = r; }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        synchronized(this) {          while(restaurant.meal == null)            wait(); // ... for the chef to produce a meal        }        print("Waitperson got " + restaurant.meal);        synchronized(restaurant.chef) {          restaurant.meal = null;          restaurant.chef.notifyAll(); // Ready for another        }      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("WaitPerson interrupted");    }  }}class Chef implements Runnable {  private Restaurant restaurant;  private int count = 0;  public Chef(Restaurant r) { restaurant = r; }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        synchronized(this) {          while(restaurant.meal != null)            wait(); // ... for the meal to be taken        }        if(++count == 10) {          print("Out of food, closing");          restaurant.exec.shutdownNow();        }        printnb("Order up! ");        synchronized(restaurant.waitPerson) {          restaurant.meal = new Meal(count);          restaurant.waitPerson.notifyAll();        }        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100);      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Chef interrupted");    }  }}public class Restaurant {  Meal meal;  ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  WaitPerson waitPerson = new WaitPerson(this);  Chef chef = new Chef(this);  public Restaurant() {    exec.execute(chef);    exec.execute(waitPerson);  }  public static void main(String[] args) {    new Restaurant();  }} /* Output:Order up! Waitperson got Meal 1Order up! Waitperson got Meal 2Order up! Waitperson got Meal 3Order up! Waitperson got Meal 4Order up! Waitperson got Meal 5Order up! Waitperson got Meal 6Order up! Waitperson got Meal 7Order up! Waitperson got Meal 8Order up! Waitperson got Meal 9Out of food, closingWaitPerson interruptedOrder up! Chef interrupted*///:~


class Car {  private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();  private Condition condition = lock.newCondition();  private boolean waxOn = false;  public void waxed() {    lock.lock();    try {      waxOn = true; // Ready to buff      condition.signalAll();    } finally {      lock.unlock();    }  }  public void buffed() {    lock.lock();    try {      waxOn = false; // Ready for another coat of wax      condition.signalAll();    } finally {      lock.unlock();    }  }  public void waitForWaxing() throws InterruptedException {    lock.lock();    try {      while(waxOn == false)        condition.await();    } finally {      lock.unlock();    }  }  public void waitForBuffing() throws InterruptedException{    lock.lock();    try {      while(waxOn == true)        condition.await();    } finally {      lock.unlock();    }  }}class WaxOn implements Runnable {  private Car car;  public WaxOn(Car c) { car = c; }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        printnb("Wax On! ");        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200);        car.waxed();        car.waitForBuffing();      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Exiting via interrupt");    }    print("Ending Wax On task");  }}class WaxOff implements Runnable {  private Car car;  public WaxOff(Car c) { car = c; }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        car.waitForWaxing();        printnb("Wax Off! ");        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200);        car.buffed();      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Exiting via interrupt");    }    print("Ending Wax Off task");  }}public class WaxOMatic2 {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    Car car = new Car();    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    exec.execute(new WaxOff(car));    exec.execute(new WaxOn(car));    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5);    exec.shutdownNow();  }} /* Output: (90% match)Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Wax Off! Wax On! Exiting via interruptEnding Wax Off taskExiting via interruptEnding Wax On task*///:~


  • 21.5.4 生产者-消费者与队列



class Toast {  public enum Status { DRY, BUTTERED, JAMMED }  private Status status = Status.DRY;  private final int id;  public Toast(int idn) { id = idn; }  public void butter() { status = Status.BUTTERED; }  public void jam() { status = Status.JAMMED; }  public Status getStatus() { return status; }  public int getId() { return id; }  public String toString() {    return "Toast " + id + ": " + status;  }}class ToastQueue extends LinkedBlockingQueue<Toast> {}class Toaster implements Runnable {  private ToastQueue toastQueue;  private int count = 0;  private Random rand = new Random(47);  public Toaster(ToastQueue tq) { toastQueue = tq; }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(          100 + rand.nextInt(500));        // Make toast        Toast t = new Toast(count++);        print(t);        // Insert into queue        toastQueue.put(t);      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Toaster interrupted");    }    print("Toaster off");  }}// Apply butter to toast:class Butterer implements Runnable {  private ToastQueue dryQueue, butteredQueue;  public Butterer(ToastQueue dry, ToastQueue buttered) {    dryQueue = dry;    butteredQueue = buttered;  }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        // Blocks until next piece of toast is available:        Toast t = dryQueue.take();        t.butter();        print(t);        butteredQueue.put(t);      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Butterer interrupted");    }    print("Butterer off");  }}// Apply jam to buttered toast:class Jammer implements Runnable {  private ToastQueue butteredQueue, finishedQueue;  public Jammer(ToastQueue buttered, ToastQueue finished) {    butteredQueue = buttered;    finishedQueue = finished;  }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        // Blocks until next piece of toast is available:        Toast t = butteredQueue.take();        t.jam();        print(t);        finishedQueue.put(t);      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Jammer interrupted");    }    print("Jammer off");  }}// Consume the toast:class Eater implements Runnable {  private ToastQueue finishedQueue;  private int counter = 0;  public Eater(ToastQueue finished) {    finishedQueue = finished;  }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        // Blocks until next piece of toast is available:        Toast t = finishedQueue.take();        // Verify that the toast is coming in order,        // and that all pieces are getting jammed:        if(t.getId() != counter++ ||           t.getStatus() != Toast.Status.JAMMED) {          print(">>>> Error: " + t);          System.exit(1);        } else          print("Chomp! " + t);      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print("Eater interrupted");    }    print("Eater off");  }}public class ToastOMatic {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    ToastQueue dryQueue = new ToastQueue(),               butteredQueue = new ToastQueue(),               finishedQueue = new ToastQueue();    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    exec.execute(new Toaster(dryQueue));    exec.execute(new Butterer(dryQueue, butteredQueue));    exec.execute(new Jammer(butteredQueue, finishedQueue));    exec.execute(new Eater(finishedQueue));    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5);    exec.shutdownNow();  }}
  • 21.6 死锁



public class Chopstick {  private boolean taken = false;  public synchronized  void take() throws InterruptedException {    while(taken)      wait();    taken = true;  }  public synchronized void drop() {    taken = false;    notifyAll();  }}public class Philosopher implements Runnable {  private Chopstick left;  private Chopstick right;  private final int id;  private final int ponderFactor;  private Random rand = new Random(47);  private void pause() throws InterruptedException {    if(ponderFactor == 0) return;    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(      rand.nextInt(ponderFactor * 250));  }  public Philosopher(Chopstick left, Chopstick right,    int ident, int ponder) {    this.left = left;    this.right = right;    id = ident;    ponderFactor = ponder;  }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        print(this + " " + "thinking");        pause();        // Philosopher becomes hungry        print(this + " " + "grabbing right");        right.take();        print(this + " " + "grabbing left");        left.take();        print(this + " " + "eating");        pause();        right.drop();        left.drop();      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      print(this + " " + "exiting via interrupt");    }  }  public String toString() { return "Philosopher " + id; }}public class DeadlockingDiningPhilosophers {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    int ponder = 5;    if(args.length > 0)      ponder = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);    int size = 5;    if(args.length > 1)      size = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    Chopstick[] sticks = new Chopstick[size];    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)      sticks[i] = new Chopstick();    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)      exec.execute(new Philosopher(        sticks[i], sticks[(i+1) % size], i, ponder));    if(args.length == 3 && args[2].equals("timeout"))      TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5);    else {      System.out.println("Press 'Enter' to quit");      System.in.read();    }    exec.shutdownNow();  }}


1. 互斥条件。任务使用的资源中至少有一个是不能共享的。这里,一根Chopstick一次就只能被一个Philosopher使用。
2. 至少有一个任务它必须持有一个资源且正在等待获取一个当前被别的任务持有的资源。也就是说,要发生死锁,Philosopher必须拿着一根Chopstick并且等待另一根。
3. 资源不能被任务抢占,任务必须把资源释放当做普通事件。Philosopher很有礼貌,他们不会从其他Philosopher那里抢Chopstick。
4. 必须有循环等待,这时,一个任务等待其他任务所持有的资源,后者又在等待另一个任务所持有的资源,这样一直下去,直到有一个任务在等待第一个任务所持有的资源,使得大家都被锁住。在DeadlockingDiningPhilosophers.java中,因为每个Philosopher都试图先得到右边的Chopstick,然后得到左边的Chopstick,所以发生了循环等待。


public class FixedDiningPhilosophers {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    int ponder = 5;    if(args.length > 0)      ponder = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);    int size = 5;    if(args.length > 1)      size = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    Chopstick[] sticks = new Chopstick[size];    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)      sticks[i] = new Chopstick();    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)      if(i < (size-1))        exec.execute(new Philosopher(          sticks[i], sticks[i+1], i, ponder));      else        exec.execute(new Philosopher(          sticks[0], sticks[i], i, ponder));    if(args.length == 3 && args[2].equals("timeout"))      TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5);    else {      System.out.println("Press 'Enter' to quit");      System.in.read();    }    exec.shutdownNow();  }}
  • 21.7 新类库中的构件
  • 21.7.1 CountDownLatch


// Performs some portion of a task:class TaskPortion implements Runnable {  private static int counter = 0;  private final int id = counter++;  private static Random rand = new Random(47);  private final CountDownLatch latch;  TaskPortion(CountDownLatch latch) {    this.latch = latch;  }  public void run() {    try {      doWork();      latch.countDown();    } catch(InterruptedException ex) {      // Acceptable way to exit    }  }  public void doWork() throws InterruptedException {    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(rand.nextInt(2000));    print(this + "completed");  }  public String toString() {    return String.format("%1$-3d ", id);  }}// Waits on the CountDownLatch:class WaitingTask implements Runnable {  private static int counter = 0;  private final int id = counter++;  private final CountDownLatch latch;  WaitingTask(CountDownLatch latch) {    this.latch = latch;  }  public void run() {    try {      latch.await();      print("Latch barrier passed for " + this);    } catch(InterruptedException ex) {      print(this + " interrupted");    }  }  public String toString() {    return String.format("WaitingTask %1$-3d ", id);  }}public class CountDownLatchDemo {  static final int SIZE = 100;  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    // All must share a single CountDownLatch object:    CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(SIZE);    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)      exec.execute(new WaitingTask(latch));    for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)      exec.execute(new TaskPortion(latch));    print("Launched all tasks");    exec.shutdown(); // Quit when all tasks complete  }}//OutputLaunched all tasks36  completed43  completed99  completed95  completed94  completed11  completed21  completed77  completed7   completed9   completed75  completed79  completed10  completed40  completed96  completed63  completed23  completed34  completed29  completed38  completed55  completed90  completed88  completed28  completed5   completed49  completed8   completed12  completed1   completed27  completed98  completed13  completed72  completed71  completed3   completed45  completed91  completed31  completed14  completed17  completed6   completed97  completed35  completed69  completed20  completed32  completed4   completed68  completed37  completed47  completed87  completed70  completed84  completed86  completed66  completed54  completed42  completed41  completed46  completed74  completed57  completed65  completed80  completed0   completed19  completed60  completed15  completed89  completed51  completed25  completed53  completed62  completed58  completed92  completed76  completed22  completed56  completed18  completed85  completed61  completed30  completed59  completed67  completed24  completed26  completed48  completed39  completed33  completed52  completed2   completed93  completed81  completed78  completed73  completed44  completed82  completed50  completed64  completed83  completed16  completedLatch barrier passed for WaitingTask 5   Latch barrier passed for WaitingTask 9   Latch barrier passed for WaitingTask 0   Latch barrier passed for WaitingTask 2   Latch barrier passed for WaitingTask 3   Latch barrier passed for WaitingTask 6   Latch barrier passed for WaitingTask 4   Latch barrier passed for WaitingTask 1   Latch barrier passed for WaitingTask 8   Latch barrier passed for WaitingTask 7   
  • 21.7.2 CyclicBarrier


class Horse implements Runnable {  private static int counter = 0;  private final int id = counter++;  private int strides = 0;  private static Random rand = new Random(47);  private static CyclicBarrier barrier;  public Horse(CyclicBarrier b) { barrier = b; }  public synchronized int getStrides() { return strides; }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        synchronized(this) {          strides += rand.nextInt(3); // Produces 0, 1 or 2        }        barrier.await();      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      // A legitimate way to exit    } catch(BrokenBarrierException e) {      // This one we want to know about      throw new RuntimeException(e);    }  }  public String toString() { return "Horse " + id + " "; }  public String tracks() {    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();    for(int i = 0; i < getStrides(); i++)      s.append("*");    s.append(id);    return s.toString();  }}public class HorseRace {  static final int FINISH_LINE = 75;  private List<Horse> horses = new ArrayList<Horse>();  private ExecutorService exec =    Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  private CyclicBarrier barrier;  public HorseRace(int nHorses, final int pause) {    barrier = new CyclicBarrier(nHorses, new Runnable() {      public void run() {        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();        for(int i = 0; i < FINISH_LINE; i++)          s.append("="); // The fence on the racetrack        print(s);        for(Horse horse : horses)          print(horse.tracks());        for(Horse horse : horses)          if(horse.getStrides() >= FINISH_LINE) {            print(horse + "won!");            exec.shutdownNow();            return;          }        try {          TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(pause);        } catch(InterruptedException e) {          print("barrier-action sleep interrupted");        }      }    });    for(int i = 0; i < nHorses; i++) {      Horse horse = new Horse(barrier);      horses.add(horse);      exec.execute(horse);    }  }  public static void main(String[] args) {    int nHorses = 7;    int pause = 200;    if(args.length > 0) { // Optional argument      int n = new Integer(args[0]);      nHorses = n > 0 ? n : nHorses;    }    if(args.length > 1) { // Optional argument      int p = new Integer(args[1]);      pause = p > -1 ? p : pause;    }    new HorseRace(nHorses, pause);  }}


  • 21.7.3 DelayQueue


class DelayedTask implements Runnable, Delayed {  private static int counter = 0;  private final int id = counter++;  private final int delta;  private final long trigger;  protected static List<DelayedTask> sequence =    new ArrayList<DelayedTask>();  public DelayedTask(int delayInMilliseconds) {    delta = delayInMilliseconds;    trigger = System.nanoTime() +      NANOSECONDS.convert(delta, MILLISECONDS);    sequence.add(this);  }  public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) {    return unit.convert(      trigger - System.nanoTime(), NANOSECONDS);  }  public int compareTo(Delayed arg) {    DelayedTask that = (DelayedTask)arg;    if(trigger < that.trigger) return -1;    if(trigger > that.trigger) return 1;    return 0;  }  public void run() { printnb(this + " "); }  public String toString() {    return String.format("[%1$-4d]", delta) +      " Task " + id;  }  public String summary() {    return "(" + id + ":" + delta + ")";  }  public static class EndSentinel extends DelayedTask {    private ExecutorService exec;    public EndSentinel(int delay, ExecutorService e) {      super(delay);      exec = e;    }    public void run() {      for(DelayedTask pt : sequence) {        printnb(pt.summary() + " ");      }      print();      print(this + " Calling shutdownNow()");      exec.shutdownNow();    }  }}class DelayedTaskConsumer implements Runnable {  private DelayQueue<DelayedTask> q;  public DelayedTaskConsumer(DelayQueue<DelayedTask> q) {    this.q = q;  }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted())        q.take().run(); // Run task with the current thread    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      // Acceptable way to exit    }    print("Finished DelayedTaskConsumer");  }}public class DelayQueueDemo {  public static void main(String[] args) {    Random rand = new Random(47);    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    DelayQueue<DelayedTask> queue =      new DelayQueue<DelayedTask>();    // Fill with tasks that have random delays:    for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)      queue.put(new DelayedTask(rand.nextInt(5000)));    // Set the stopping point    queue.add(new DelayedTask.EndSentinel(5000, exec));    exec.execute(new DelayedTaskConsumer(queue));  }} /* Output:[128 ] Task 11 [200 ] Task 7 [429 ] Task 5 [520 ] Task 18 [555 ] Task 1 [961 ] Task 4 [998 ] Task 16 [1207] Task 9 [1693] Task 2 [1809] Task 14 [1861] Task 3 [2278] Task 15 [3288] Task 10 [3551] Task 12 [4258] Task 0 [4258] Task 19 [4522] Task 8 [4589] Task 13 [4861] Task 17 [4868] Task 6 (0:4258) (1:555) (2:1693) (3:1861) (4:961) (5:429) (6:4868) (7:200) (8:4522) (9:1207) (10:3288) (11:128) (12:3551) (13:4589) (14:1809) (15:2278) (16:998) (17:4861) (18:520) (19:4258) (20:5000)[5000] Task 20 Calling shutdownNow()Finished DelayedTaskConsumer*///:~
  • 21.7.4 PriorityVlockingQueue


class PrioritizedTask implementsRunnable, Comparable<PrioritizedTask>  {  private Random rand = new Random(47);  private static int counter = 0;  private final int id = counter++;  private final int priority;  protected static List<PrioritizedTask> sequence =    new ArrayList<PrioritizedTask>();  public PrioritizedTask(int priority) {    this.priority = priority;    sequence.add(this);  }  public int compareTo(PrioritizedTask arg) {    return priority < arg.priority ? 1 :      (priority > arg.priority ? -1 : 0);  }  public void run() {    try {      TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(rand.nextInt(250));    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      // Acceptable way to exit    }    print(this);  }  public String toString() {    return String.format("[%1$-3d]", priority) +      " Task " + id;  }  public String summary() {    return "(" + id + ":" + priority + ")";  }  public static class EndSentinel extends PrioritizedTask {    private ExecutorService exec;    public EndSentinel(ExecutorService e) {      super(-1); // Lowest priority in this program      exec = e;    }    public void run() {      int count = 0;      for(PrioritizedTask pt : sequence) {        printnb(pt.summary());        if(++count % 5 == 0)          print();      }      print();      print(this + " Calling shutdownNow()");      exec.shutdownNow();    }  }}class PrioritizedTaskProducer implements Runnable {  private Random rand = new Random(47);  private Queue<Runnable> queue;  private ExecutorService exec;  public PrioritizedTaskProducer(    Queue<Runnable> q, ExecutorService e) {    queue = q;    exec = e; // Used for EndSentinel  }  public void run() {    // Unbounded queue; never blocks.    // Fill it up fast with random priorities:    for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {      queue.add(new PrioritizedTask(rand.nextInt(10)));      Thread.yield();    }    // Trickle in highest-priority jobs:    try {      for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(250);        queue.add(new PrioritizedTask(10));      }      // Add jobs, lowest priority first:      for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)        queue.add(new PrioritizedTask(i));      // A sentinel to stop all the tasks:      queue.add(new PrioritizedTask.EndSentinel(exec));    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      // Acceptable way to exit    }    print("Finished PrioritizedTaskProducer");  }}class PrioritizedTaskConsumer implements Runnable {  private PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable> q;  public PrioritizedTaskConsumer(    PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable> q) {    this.q = q;  }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted())        // Use current thread to run the task:        q.take().run();    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      // Acceptable way to exit    }    print("Finished PrioritizedTaskConsumer");  }}public class PriorityBlockingQueueDemo {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    Random rand = new Random(47);    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue =      new PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable>();    exec.execute(new PrioritizedTaskProducer(queue, exec));    exec.execute(new PrioritizedTaskConsumer(queue));  }} 
  • 21.7.5 使用SheduledExecutor的温室控制器


public class GreenhouseScheduler {  private volatile boolean light = false;  private volatile boolean water = false;  private String thermostat = "Day";  public synchronized String getThermostat() {    return thermostat;  }  public synchronized void setThermostat(String value) {    thermostat = value;  }  ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduler =    new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10);  public void schedule(Runnable event, long delay) {    scheduler.schedule(event,delay,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  }  public void  repeat(Runnable event, long initialDelay, long period) {    scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(      event, initialDelay, period, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  }  class LightOn implements Runnable {    public void run() {      // Put hardware control code here to      // physically turn on the light.      System.out.println("Turning on lights");      light = true;    }  }  class LightOff implements Runnable {    public void run() {      // Put hardware control code here to      // physically turn off the light.      System.out.println("Turning off lights");      light = false;    }  }  class WaterOn implements Runnable {    public void run() {      // Put hardware control code here.      System.out.println("Turning greenhouse water on");      water = true;    }  }  class WaterOff implements Runnable {    public void run() {      // Put hardware control code here.      System.out.println("Turning greenhouse water off");      water = false;    }  }  class ThermostatNight implements Runnable {    public void run() {      // Put hardware control code here.      System.out.println("Thermostat to night setting");      setThermostat("Night");    }  }  class ThermostatDay implements Runnable {    public void run() {      // Put hardware control code here.      System.out.println("Thermostat to day setting");      setThermostat("Day");    }  }  class Bell implements Runnable {    public void run() { System.out.println("Bing!"); }  }  class Terminate implements Runnable {    public void run() {      System.out.println("Terminating");      scheduler.shutdownNow();      // Must start a separate task to do this job,      // since the scheduler has been shut down:      new Thread() {        public void run() {          for(DataPoint d : data)            System.out.println(d);        }      }.start();    }  }  // New feature: data collection  static class DataPoint {    final Calendar time;    final float temperature;    final float humidity;    public DataPoint(Calendar d, float temp, float hum) {      time = d;      temperature = temp;      humidity = hum;    }    public String toString() {      return time.getTime() +        String.format(          " temperature: %1$.1f humidity: %2$.2f",          temperature, humidity);    }  }  private Calendar lastTime = Calendar.getInstance();  { // Adjust date to the half hour    lastTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 30);    lastTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, 00);  }  private float lastTemp = 65.0f;  private int tempDirection = +1;  private float lastHumidity = 50.0f;  private int humidityDirection = +1;  private Random rand = new Random(47);  List<DataPoint> data = Collections.synchronizedList(    new ArrayList<DataPoint>());  class CollectData implements Runnable {    public void run() {      System.out.println("Collecting data");      synchronized(GreenhouseScheduler.this) {        // Pretend the interval is longer than it is:        lastTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE,          lastTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + 30);        // One in 5 chances of reversing the direction:        if(rand.nextInt(5) == 4)          tempDirection = -tempDirection;        // Store previous value:        lastTemp = lastTemp +          tempDirection * (1.0f + rand.nextFloat());        if(rand.nextInt(5) == 4)          humidityDirection = -humidityDirection;        lastHumidity = lastHumidity +          humidityDirection * rand.nextFloat();        // Calendar must be cloned, otherwise all        // DataPoints hold references to the same lastTime.        // For a basic object like Calendar, clone() is OK.        data.add(new DataPoint((Calendar)lastTime.clone(),          lastTemp, lastHumidity));      }    }  }  public static void main(String[] args) {    GreenhouseScheduler gh = new GreenhouseScheduler();    gh.schedule(gh.new Terminate(), 5000);    // Former "Restart" class not necessary:    gh.repeat(gh.new Bell(), 0, 1000);    gh.repeat(gh.new ThermostatNight(), 0, 2000);    gh.repeat(gh.new LightOn(), 0, 200);    gh.repeat(gh.new LightOff(), 0, 400);    gh.repeat(gh.new WaterOn(), 0, 600);    gh.repeat(gh.new WaterOff(), 0, 800);    gh.repeat(gh.new ThermostatDay(), 0, 1400);    gh.repeat(gh.new CollectData(), 500, 500);  }} 
  • 21.7.6 Semaphore


public class Pool<T> {  private int size;  private List<T> items = new ArrayList<T>();  private volatile boolean[] checkedOut;  private Semaphore available;  public Pool(Class<T> classObject, int size) {    this.size = size;    checkedOut = new boolean[size];    available = new Semaphore(size, true);    // Load pool with objects that can be checked out:    for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)      try {        // Assumes a default constructor:        items.add(classObject.newInstance());      } catch(Exception e) {        throw new RuntimeException(e);      }  }  public T checkOut() throws InterruptedException {    available.acquire();    return getItem();  }  public void checkIn(T x) {    if(releaseItem(x))      available.release();  }  private synchronized T getItem() {    for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)      if(!checkedOut[i]) {        checkedOut[i] = true;        return items.get(i);      }    return null; // Semaphore prevents reaching here  }  private synchronized boolean releaseItem(T item) {    int index = items.indexOf(item);    if(index == -1) return false; // Not in the list    if(checkedOut[index]) {      checkedOut[index] = false;      return true;    }    return false; // Wasn't checked out  }}


public class Fat {  private volatile double d; // Prevent optimization  private static int counter = 0;  private final int id = counter++;  public Fat() {    // Expensive, interruptible operation:    for(int i = 1; i < 10000; i++) {      d += (Math.PI + Math.E) / (double)i;    }  }  public void operation() { System.out.println(this); }  public String toString() { return "Fat id: " + id; }} class CheckoutTask<T> implements Runnable {  private static int counter = 0;  private final int id = counter++;  private Pool<T> pool;  public CheckoutTask(Pool<T> pool) {    this.pool = pool;  }  public void run() {    try {      T item = pool.checkOut();      print(this + "checked out " + item);      TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1);      print(this +"checking in " + item);      pool.checkIn(item);    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      // Acceptable way to terminate    }  }  public String toString() {    return "CheckoutTask " + id + " ";  }}public class SemaphoreDemo {  final static int SIZE = 25;  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    final Pool<Fat> pool =      new Pool<Fat>(Fat.class, SIZE);    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)      exec.execute(new CheckoutTask<Fat>(pool));    print("All CheckoutTasks created");    List<Fat> list = new ArrayList<Fat>();    for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {      Fat f = pool.checkOut();      printnb(i + ": main() thread checked out ");      f.operation();      list.add(f);    }    Future<?> blocked = exec.submit(new Runnable() {      public void run() {        try {          // Semaphore prevents additional checkout,          // so call is blocked:          pool.checkOut();        } catch(InterruptedException e) {          print("checkOut() Interrupted");        }      }    });    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(2);    blocked.cancel(true); // Break out of blocked call    print("Checking in objects in " + list);    for(Fat f : list)      pool.checkIn(f);    for(Fat f : list)      pool.checkIn(f); // Second checkIn ignored    exec.shutdown();  }}
  • 21.7.7 Exchanger


class ExchangerProducer<T> implements Runnable {  private Generator<T> generator;  private Exchanger<List<T>> exchanger;  private List<T> holder;  ExchangerProducer(Exchanger<List<T>> exchg,  Generator<T> gen, List<T> holder) {    exchanger = exchg;    generator = gen;    this.holder = holder;  }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        for(int i = 0; i < ExchangerDemo.size; i++)          holder.add(generator.next());        // Exchange full for empty:        holder = exchanger.exchange(holder);      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      // OK to terminate this way.    }  }}class ExchangerConsumer<T> implements Runnable {  private Exchanger<List<T>> exchanger;  private List<T> holder;  private volatile T value;  ExchangerConsumer(Exchanger<List<T>> ex, List<T> holder){    exchanger = ex;    this.holder = holder;  }  public void run() {    try {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        holder = exchanger.exchange(holder);        for(T x : holder) {          value = x; // Fetch out value          holder.remove(x); // OK for CopyOnWriteArrayList        }      }    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      // OK to terminate this way.    }    System.out.println("Final value: " + value);  }}public class ExchangerDemo {  static int size = 10;  static int delay = 5; // Seconds  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    if(args.length > 0)      size = new Integer(args[0]);    if(args.length > 1)      delay = new Integer(args[1]);    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    Exchanger<List<Fat>> xc = new Exchanger<List<Fat>>();    List<Fat>      producerList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Fat>(),      consumerList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Fat>();    exec.execute(new ExchangerProducer<Fat>(xc,      BasicGenerator.create(Fat.class), producerList));    exec.execute(      new ExchangerConsumer<Fat>(xc,consumerList));    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(delay);    exec.shutdownNow();  }} /* Output: (Sample)Final value: Fat id: 29999
  • 21.9.1 比较各类互斥技术






public abstract class Tester<C> {  static int testReps = 10;  static int testCycles = 1000;  static int containerSize = 1000;  abstract C containerInitializer();  abstract void startReadersAndWriters();  C testContainer;  String testId;  int nReaders;  int nWriters;  volatile long readResult = 0;  volatile long readTime = 0;  volatile long writeTime = 0;  CountDownLatch endLatch;  static ExecutorService exec =    Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  Integer[] writeData;  Tester(String testId, int nReaders, int nWriters) {    this.testId = testId + " " +      nReaders + "r " + nWriters + "w";    this.nReaders = nReaders;    this.nWriters = nWriters;    writeData = Generated.array(Integer.class,      new RandomGenerator.Integer(), containerSize);    for(int i = 0; i < testReps; i++) {      runTest();      readTime = 0;      writeTime = 0;    }  }  void runTest() {    endLatch = new CountDownLatch(nReaders + nWriters);    testContainer = containerInitializer();    startReadersAndWriters();    try {      endLatch.await();    } catch(InterruptedException ex) {      System.out.println("endLatch interrupted");    }    System.out.printf("%-27s %14d %14d\n",      testId, readTime, writeTime);    if(readTime != 0 && writeTime != 0)      System.out.printf("%-27s %14d\n",        "readTime + writeTime =", readTime + writeTime);  }  abstract class TestTask implements Runnable {    abstract void test();    abstract void putResults();    long duration;    public void run() {      long startTime = System.nanoTime();      test();      duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;      synchronized(Tester.this) {        putResults();      }      endLatch.countDown();    }  }  public static void initMain(String[] args) {    if(args.length > 0)      testReps = new Integer(args[0]);    if(args.length > 1)      testCycles = new Integer(args[1]);    if(args.length > 2)      containerSize = new Integer(args[2]);    System.out.printf("%-27s %14s %14s\n",      "Type", "Read time", "Write time");  }}


abstract class ListTest extends Tester<List<Integer>> {  ListTest(String testId, int nReaders, int nWriters) {    super(testId, nReaders, nWriters);  }  class Reader extends TestTask {    long result = 0;    void test() {      for(long i = 0; i < testCycles; i++)        for(int index = 0; index < containerSize; index++)          result += testContainer.get(index);    }    void putResults() {      readResult += result;      readTime += duration;    }  }  class Writer extends TestTask {    void test() {      for(long i = 0; i < testCycles; i++)        for(int index = 0; index < containerSize; index++)          testContainer.set(index, writeData[index]);    }    void putResults() {      writeTime += duration;    }  }  void startReadersAndWriters() {    for(int i = 0; i < nReaders; i++)      exec.execute(new Reader());    for(int i = 0; i < nWriters; i++)      exec.execute(new Writer());  }}class SynchronizedArrayListTest extends ListTest {  List<Integer> containerInitializer() {    return Collections.synchronizedList(      new ArrayList<Integer>(        new CountingIntegerList(containerSize)));  }  SynchronizedArrayListTest(int nReaders, int nWriters) {    super("Synched ArrayList", nReaders, nWriters);  }}class CopyOnWriteArrayListTest extends ListTest {  List<Integer> containerInitializer() {    return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Integer>(      new CountingIntegerList(containerSize));  }  CopyOnWriteArrayListTest(int nReaders, int nWriters) {    super("CopyOnWriteArrayList", nReaders, nWriters);  }}public class ListComparisons {  public static void main(String[] args) {    Tester.initMain(args);    new SynchronizedArrayListTest(10, 0);    new SynchronizedArrayListTest(9, 1);    new SynchronizedArrayListTest(5, 5);    new CopyOnWriteArrayListTest(10, 0);    new CopyOnWriteArrayListTest(9, 1);    new CopyOnWriteArrayListTest(5, 5);    Tester.exec.shutdown();  }} /* Output: (Sample)Type                             Read time     Write timeSynched ArrayList 10r 0w      232158294700              0Synched ArrayList 9r 1w       198947618203    24918613399readTime + writeTime =        223866231602Synched ArrayList 5r 5w       117367305062   132176613508readTime + writeTime =        249543918570CopyOnWriteArrayList 10r 0w      758386889              0CopyOnWriteArrayList 9r 1w       741305671      136145237readTime + writeTime =           877450908CopyOnWriteArrayList 5r 5w       212763075    67967464300readTime + writeTime =         68180227375*///:~
  • 21.9.3 乐观加锁


public class FastSimulation {  static final int N_ELEMENTS = 100000;  static final int N_GENES = 30;  static final int N_EVOLVERS = 50;  static final AtomicInteger[][] GRID =    new AtomicInteger[N_ELEMENTS][N_GENES];  static Random rand = new Random(47);  static class Evolver implements Runnable {    public void run() {      while(!Thread.interrupted()) {        // Randomly select an element to work on:        int element = rand.nextInt(N_ELEMENTS);        for(int i = 0; i < N_GENES; i++) {          int previous = element - 1;          if(previous < 0) previous = N_ELEMENTS - 1;          int next = element + 1;          if(next >= N_ELEMENTS) next = 0;          int oldvalue = GRID[element][i].get();          // Perform some kind of modeling calculation:          int newvalue = oldvalue +            GRID[previous][i].get() + GRID[next][i].get();          newvalue /= 3; // Average the three values          if(!GRID[element][i]            .compareAndSet(oldvalue, newvalue)) {            // Policy here to deal with failure. Here, we            // just report it and ignore it; our model            // will eventually deal with it.            print("Old value changed from " + oldvalue);          }        }      }    }  }  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    for(int i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS; i++)      for(int j = 0; j < N_GENES; j++)        GRID[i][j] = new AtomicInteger(rand.nextInt(1000));    for(int i = 0; i < N_EVOLVERS; i++)      exec.execute(new Evolver());    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5);    exec.shutdownNow();  }}
  • 21.9.4 ReadWriteLock


public class ReaderWriterList<T> {  private ArrayList<T> lockedList;  // Make the ordering fair:  private ReentrantReadWriteLock lock =    new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);  public ReaderWriterList(int size, T initialValue) {    lockedList = new ArrayList<T>(      Collections.nCopies(size, initialValue));  }  public T set(int index, T element) {    Lock wlock = lock.writeLock();    wlock.lock();    try {      return lockedList.set(index, element);    } finally {      wlock.unlock();    }  }  public T get(int index) {    Lock rlock = lock.readLock();    rlock.lock();    try {      // Show that multiple readers      // may acquire the read lock:      if(lock.getReadLockCount() > 1)        print(lock.getReadLockCount());      return lockedList.get(index);    } finally {      rlock.unlock();    }  }  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    new ReaderWriterListTest(30, 1);  }}class ReaderWriterListTest {  ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  private final static int SIZE = 100;  private static Random rand = new Random(47);  private ReaderWriterList<Integer> list =    new ReaderWriterList<Integer>(SIZE, 0);  private class Writer implements Runnable {    public void run() {      try {        for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // 2 second test          list.set(i, rand.nextInt());          TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100);        }      } catch(InterruptedException e) {        // Acceptable way to exit      }      print("Writer finished, shutting down");      exec.shutdownNow();    }  }  private class Reader implements Runnable {    public void run() {      try {        while(!Thread.interrupted()) {          for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {            list.get(i);            TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(1);          }        }      } catch(InterruptedException e) {        // Acceptable way to exit      }    }  }  public ReaderWriterListTes t(int readers, int writers) {    for(int i = 0; i < readers; i++)      exec.execute(new Reader());    for(int i = 0; i < writers; i++)      exec.execute(new Writer());  }}
  • 21.11 总结



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