OpenCV WebCam

来源:互联网 发布:fifa online3vs数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:16

1.hardware environment:NaroPiM1 development board,WebCam-OV2659 environment:debian opencv
3.steps: a.c
b.input codes as follows:

#include "cv.h"  #include "cxcore.h"  #include "highgui.h"  #include <iostream>  using namespace std;  int main()  {      CvCapture* capture=cvCaptureFromCAM(-1);      CvVideoWriter* video=NULL;      IplImage* frame=NULL;      int n;      if(!capture) //如果不能打开摄像头给出警告      {         cout<<"Can not open the camera."<<endl;         return -1;      }      else      {         frame=cvQueryFrame(capture); //首先取得摄像头中的一帧          video=cvCreateVideoWriter("camera.avi", CV_FOURCC('X', 'V', 'I', 'D'), 25,         cvSize(frame->width,frame->height)); //创建CvVideoWriter对象并分配空间   //保存的文件名为camera.avi,编码要在运行程序时选择,大小就是摄像头视频的大小,帧频率是32         if(video) //如果能创建CvVideoWriter对象则表明成功          {            cout<<"VideoWriter has created."<<endl;         }         cvNamedWindow("Camera Video",1); //新建一个窗口          int i = 0;        // while(i <= 200) // 让它循环200次自动停止录取        while(1)          {            frame=cvQueryFrame(capture); //从CvCapture中获得一帧             if(!frame)            {               cout<<"Can not get frame from the capture."<<endl;               break;            }            n=cvWriteFrame(video,frame); //判断是否写入成功,如果返回的是1,表示写入成功             cout<<n<<endl;            cvShowImage("Camera Video",frame); //显示视频内容的图片             i++;            if(cvWaitKey(2)>0)                break; //有其他键盘响应,则退出         }         cvReleaseVideoWriter(&video);         cvReleaseCapture(&capture);         cvDestroyWindow("Camera Video");      }      return 0;   }

c.compile instruct:g++ opencv_test.c pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags opencv instruct:./a.out
notes:”“”should be added to compile instruct “pkg-config opencv –libs –cflags opencv”
