
来源:互联网 发布:小苍淘宝店网址多少 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 15:27

汇率换算自然语言理解功能JAVA DEMO

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package exchangerate;import;import;import;import;import;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Set;public class CurrencyTable {    private static Map<String, Currency> codeMap = new HashMap<String, Currency>();    private static Map<String, Currency> curMap = new HashMap<String, Currency>();    private static Map<String, Currency> cntMap = new HashMap<String, Currency>();    static {        try {            InputStream is = CurrencyTable.class.getResourceAsStream("/exchangerate/currencyTable.csv");            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "gbk"));            String line;            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {                String lineTrim = line.trim();                if (lineTrim.startsWith("#") || lineTrim.isEmpty()) {                    continue;                }                String[] splitTmp = lineTrim.split(",");                if (splitTmp.length != 3) {                    Utils.p("WARN: currencyTable.csv has invalid line:" + line);                    continue;                }                Currency cur = new Currency(splitTmp);                //Utils.p("Currency found from currencyTable.csv :" + cur.getCurrencyCode());                if (codeMap.containsKey(cur.getCurrencyCode())) {                    //发现重复CODE,合并                    codeMap.get(cur.getCurrencyCode()).mergeToThis(cur);                    Utils.p("CODE重复(将合并): " + cur.getCurrencyCode());                } else {                    codeMap.put(cur.getCurrencyCode(), cur);                }                //更新 cur                cur = codeMap.get(cur.getCurrencyCode());                for (String info : cur.getAliasCurrencyNames()) {                    if (curMap.containsKey(info)) {                        //Utils.p("--> CURRENCY重复:" + info);                    } else {                        curMap.put(info, cur);                    }                }                for (String info : cur.getAliasCountryNames()) {                    if (cntMap.containsKey(info)) {                        //Utils.p("--> Country重复:" + info);                    } else {                        cntMap.put(info, cur);                    }                }            }            reader.close();        } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {            e1.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e2) {            e2.printStackTrace();        } finally {        }    }    /**     * 货币名查代码     * @param currency     * @return     */    public static String currency2code(String currency) {        if (curMap.containsKey(currency) == false) {            return "";        }        return curMap.get(currency).getCurrencyCode();    }    /**     * xx国的货币名     * @param country     * @return     */    public static String getCurrencyFromCountry(String country) {        if (cntMap.containsKey(country) == false) {            return "";        }        return cntMap.get(country).getPreferredCurrencyName();    }    /**     * xx是什么国家的货币     * @param currency     * @return     */    public static String getCountryFromCurrency(String currency) {        if (curMap.containsKey(currency) == false) {            return "";        }        return curMap.get(currency).getPreferredCountryName();    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        Utils.p("done");    }}class Currency {    private String currencyCode = "";    private String preferredCurrencyName = "";    private Set<String> aliasCurrencyNames = new HashSet<String>();    private String preferredCountryName = "";    private Set<String> aliasCountryNames = new HashSet<String>();    public Currency(String[] info) {        if (info == null || info.length != 3) {            return;        }        String[] curArray = info[1].trim().split("\|");        String[] cntArray = info[2].trim().split("\|");        if (curArray == null || cntArray == null || curArray.length == 0 || cntArray.length == 0) {            return;        }        this.currencyCode = info[0].trim();        this.preferredCurrencyName = curArray[0];        this.aliasCurrencyNames = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(curArray));        this.preferredCountryName = cntArray[0];        this.aliasCountryNames = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(cntArray));    }    public void mergeToThis (Currency newCur) {        this.aliasCountryNames.addAll(newCur.getAliasCountryNames());        this.aliasCurrencyNames.addAll(newCur.getAliasCurrencyNames());    }    public String getPreferredCurrencyName() {        return preferredCurrencyName;    }    public Set<String> getAliasCurrencyNames() {        return aliasCurrencyNames;    }    public String getPreferredCountryName() {        return preferredCountryName;    }    public Set<String> getAliasCountryNames() {        return aliasCountryNames;    }    public String getCurrencyCode() {        return currencyCode;    }}



package exchangerate;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.Calendar;import java.util.Date;import org.json.JSONArray;import org.json.JSONException;import org.json.JSONObject;public class ExHandler {    private String input = "";    private JSONObject nliResultJson = null;    private JSONObject resultJson = null;    //计算后的值,缓存用于界面显示    private float calculatedSrc = 0;    private float calculatedDst = 0;    private static final SimpleDateFormat yyyymmdd_sd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");    protected DetailContext detailContext = new DetailContext(false);    public ExHandler(String input) {        this.input = input;        this.nliResultJson = this.getNliResult();    }    private JSONObject getNliResult() {        if (Utils.isEmpty(nliResultJson) == false) {            return nliResultJson;        }        return new NLI(this.input).getNliResult();    }    public String getNliResultForShow() {        JSONObject ret = getParsedSemantic();        if (Utils.isEmpty(ret)) {            ret = this.getNliResult();        }        return Utils.formatJson(ret);    }    public String getResultString() {        if (this.resultJson == null) {            this.resultJson = this.getResult();        }        if (false == "ok".equalsIgnoreCase(this.resultJson.optString("status"))) {            return "出错!" + this.resultJson.optString("info");        }        return this.resultJson.optString("info");    }    private JSONObject getParsedSemantic() {        return NLI.parseSemantic(this.getNliResult());    }    private JSONObject getResult() {        if (Utils.isEmpty(this.getParsedSemantic())) {            return errResult("获取语义失败!");        }        String modifier = getModifier();        String srcNumStr = getSlotValue("src_number");        String dstNumStr = getSlotValue("dst_number");        String srcMoney = getSlotValue("src_money");        String dstMoney = getSlotValue("dst_money");        String srcPlace = getSlotValue("src_place");        String dstPlace = getSlotValue("dst_place");        String time = getSlotValue("time");        // "100" to 100.0        float srcNum = str2float(srcNumStr);        float dstNum = str2float(dstNumStr);        // "人民币" to "CNY"        String srcMoneyCode = currency2code(srcMoney);        String dstMoneyCode = currency2code(dstMoney);        float rate = -1;        if ("can".equalsIgnoreCase(modifier) && (Utils.isEmpty(dstMoney) == false || Utils.isEmpty(srcMoney) == false)) {            //把 “你知道港元跟日元之间的汇率吗” 这种语义直接转成 “港元跟日元之间的汇率” 语义            modifier = "query";        }        switch (modifier) {        case "query" :            if (Utils.isEmpty(srcPlace) == false || Utils.isEmpty(dstPlace) == false) {                //查新加坡汇率                //我要去德国,帮我查一下汇率                String country = Utils.isEmpty(srcPlace) ? dstPlace : srcPlace;                String dstM = CurrencyTable.getCurrencyFromCountry(country);                String dstCode = currency2code(dstM);                if (Utils.isEmpty(dstCode)) {                    return errResult("不支持【" + country + "】的货币汇率查询。");                }                if ("CNY".equalsIgnoreCase(dstCode)) {                    //return okResult("不出境不需要兑外汇。");                    dstCode = "USD";                    dstM = "美元";                }                rate = getRate("CNY", dstCode);                detailContext = new DetailContext(true, 1, rate, "CNY", dstCode);                return okResult("1人民币可兑换【" + rate + dstM + "】");            }            if (Utils.isEmpty(srcMoneyCode) == false) {                String srcCode = srcMoneyCode;                String dstCode = dstMoneyCode;                String srcM = srcMoney;                String dstM = dstMoney;                if (Utils.isEmpty(dstMoneyCode) == false) {                    //美元兑换成人民币                } else {                    //美元的汇率是多少                    if ("CNY".equalsIgnoreCase(srcCode)) {                        dstCode = "USD";                        dstM = "美元";                    } else {                        dstCode = "CNY";                        dstM = "人民币";                    }                }                rate = getRate(srcCode, dstCode);                detailContext = new DetailContext(true, 1, rate, srcCode, dstCode);                return okResult("1" + srcM + "可兑换【" + rate + dstM + "】");            }            if (Utils.isEmpty(time) == false) {                //今日汇率                rate = getDayRate("CNY", time);                detailContext = new DetailContext(true, 1, rate, "USD", "CNY");                return okResult("【" + time + "】美元兑人民币汇率【" + rate + "】");            }            rate = getRate("USD", "CNY");            detailContext = new DetailContext(true, 1, rate, "USD", "CNY");            return okResult("美元兑人民币汇率【" + rate + "】");        case "query_change" :             if (Utils.isEmpty(time) == false) {                //今天的汇率有什么变化                rate = getDayRate("CNY", time);                detailContext = new DetailContext(true, 1, rate, "USD", "CNY");                return okResult("【" + time + "】美元兑人民币汇率【" + rate + "】");            }            rate = getRate("USD", "CNY");            detailContext = new DetailContext(true, 1, rate, "USD", "CNY");            return okResult("美元兑人民币汇率【" + rate + "】");        case "use_place" :        case "use_place_which" :            //中国用什么货币            if (Utils.isEmpty(srcPlace) == false) {                String preferredCurrency = CurrencyTable.getCurrencyFromCountry(srcPlace);                if (Utils.isEmpty(preferredCurrency) == false) {                    detailContext = new DetailContext(false);                    return okResult(srcPlace + "的货币是【" + preferredCurrency + "】");                } else {                }            }            //欧元在哪些国家使用            if (Utils.isEmpty(srcMoney)) {                return errResult("语义不完整!");            }            String preferredCountryName = CurrencyTable.getCountryFromCurrency(srcMoney);            if (Utils.isEmpty(preferredCountryName) == false) {                detailContext = new DetailContext(false);                return okResult(srcMoney + "是【" + preferredCountryName + "】的货币");            }            return errResult("语义不完整!");        case "use_place_unit" :            //新加坡的货币是什么            if (Utils.isEmpty(srcPlace)) {                return errResult("不支持你说的这个地方。");            }            String preferredCurrency = CurrencyTable.getCurrencyFromCountry(srcPlace);            if (Utils.isEmpty(preferredCurrency)) {                return errResult("没有查到你说的【" + srcPlace + "】这个地方的货币。");            }            detailContext = new DetailContext(false);            return okResult(srcPlace + "使用的货币是【" + preferredCurrency + "】");        case "can" :        case "can_type" :            detailContext = new DetailContext(false);            return okResult("全世界货币都支持,点击【换一句】试试吧!");        case "convert" :            // convert exchangerate semantics            if (Utils.isEmpty(srcMoney) || Utils.isEmpty(dstMoney)) {                return errResult("语义不完整!");            }            if (Utils.isEmpty(srcMoneyCode)) {                return errResult("不支持【" + srcMoney + "】");            }            if (Utils.isEmpty(dstMoneyCode)) {                return errResult("不支持【" + dstMoney + "】");            }            rate = getRate(srcMoneyCode, dstMoneyCode);            if (Utils.isEmpty(srcNumStr) == false) {                calculatedDst = rate * srcNum;                detailContext = new DetailContext(true, srcNum, calculatedDst, srcMoneyCode, dstMoneyCode);                return okResult(srcNumStr + srcMoney + "可兑换【" + calculatedDst + dstMoney + "】");            }            if (Utils.isEmpty(dstNumStr) == false) {                calculatedSrc = dstNum / rate;                detailContext = new DetailContext(true, calculatedSrc, dstNum, srcMoneyCode, dstMoneyCode);                return okResult(dstNumStr + dstMoney + "用 【" + calculatedSrc + "" + srcMoney + "】可以兑换");            }            break;        case "query_place" :            //中国与各国货币的汇率表        default:            //errResult("对不起!此功能暂未支持!");            rate = getRate("USD", "CNY");            detailContext = new DetailContext(true, 1, rate, "USD", "CNY");            return okResult("美元兑人民币:" + rate);        }        return errResult("未知错误!");    }    private static String currency2code(String currency) {        return CurrencyTable.currency2code(currency);    }    private static float getRate(String srcCur, String dstCur) {        return ExResult.getRate(srcCur, dstCur);    }    private static float getDayRate(String srcCur, String yyyymmdd) {         String today = yyyymmdd_sd.format(new Date());        if (yyyymmdd.equalsIgnoreCase(today)) {            if ("CNY".equalsIgnoreCase(srcCur)) {                return ExResult.getRate("USD", "CNY");            }            return ExResult.getRate(srcCur, "CNY");        }        return ExResult.getHistoryRate(srcCur, yyyymmdd);    }    /**     * from number string to float.     * @param num     * @return     */    private float str2float(String num) {        if (num == null) {            return -1.0F;        }        try {            return Float.parseFloat(num);        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return -2.0F;        }    }    /**     * get slot value by name from slots json array.     * @param slotName     * @param slots     * @return     */    private String getSlotValue(String slotName) {        JSONObject jsonSemantic = this.getParsedSemantic();        if (Utils.isEmpty(jsonSemantic)) {            return "";        }        JSONArray slots = jsonSemantic.optJSONArray("slots");        for (int i = 0; i < slots.length(); i++) {            try {                JSONObject slot = slots.getJSONObject(i);                if (slot == null || slot.optString("name").equals(slotName) == false) {                    continue;                }                if (slot.has("num_detail")) {                    //如果是数值型slot,应该用推荐值,否则会有“一百”需要自己再转换                    return slot.optJSONObject("num_detail").optString("recommend_value");                }                if (slot.has("datetime")) {                    String dateTimeType = slot.optJSONObject("datetime").optString("type");                    long dayStartMs = 0;                    if ("time_recommend".equalsIgnoreCase(dateTimeType)) {                        //确切时间,取指定日                        dayStartMs = slot.optJSONObject("datetime").optJSONObject("data").optLong("start_time");                    } else {                        //非确切时间:时间段,或无效时间。取当天                        dayStartMs = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();                    }                    //FIXME 这里将时间输出为:  今日|xxxxxx  ,使用time时再拆分,因为两个信息都需要用到                    //return slot.optString("value") + "|" + yyyymmdd.format(new Date(dayStartMs));                    return yyyymmdd_sd.format(new Date(dayStartMs));                }                return slot.optString("value");            } catch (JSONException e) {                e.printStackTrace();                continue;            }        }        return null;    }    /**     * 从modifier数组中获取第一个modifier     */    private String getModifier() {        JSONArray mods = this.getParsedSemantic().optJSONArray("modifier");        if (Utils.isEmpty(mods)) {            return "";        }        try {            //TODO: may be array            return mods.getString(0);        } catch (JSONException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return "";    }    /**     * generate error json result.     * @param info     * @return     */    private JSONObject errResult(String info) {        detailContext = new DetailContext(false);        JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();        try {            ret.put("status", "error");            ret.put("info", info);        } catch (JSONException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return ret;    }    private JSONObject okResult(String info) {        JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();        try {            ret.put("status", "ok");            ret.put("info", info);        } catch (JSONException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return ret;    }    /**     * 界面显示用     */    public String getSrcCurrency() {        String srcMoney = getSlotValue("src_money");        String ret = currency2code(srcMoney);        //Utils.p(ret);        return ret;    }    public String getDstCurrency() {        String dstMoney = getSlotValue("dst_money");        String ret = currency2code(dstMoney);        //Utils.p(ret);        return ret;    }    public String getSrcNum() {        String ret = getSlotValue("src_number");        if (Utils.isEmpty(ret)) {            ret = Float.toString(calculatedSrc);        }        //Utils.p(ret);        return ret;    }    public String getDstNum() {        String ret = getSlotValue("dst_number");        if (Utils.isEmpty(ret)) {            ret = Float.toString(calculatedDst);        }        //Utils.p(ret);        return ret;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {    }}class DetailContext {    public DetailContext(boolean isVisible) {        this.isVisible = isVisible;    }    public DetailContext(boolean isVisible, float srcN, float dstN, String srcC, String dstC) {        this.isVisible = isVisible;        try {            this.srcN = Float.toString(srcN);        } catch (Exception e) {        }        try {            this.dstN = Float.toString(dstN);        } catch (Exception e) {        }        this.srcC = srcC;        this.dstC = dstC;    }    boolean isVisible = false;    String srcN = "";    String dstN = "";    String srcC = "";    String dstC = "";}




package exchangerate;import java.util.HashMap;import org.json.JSONArray;import org.json.JSONException;import org.json.JSONObject;public class ExResult {    private static final String url = "";    private static final String key = "25496";    // private static final String secret = "8b14fe0d046c6c655ea5b4fafc68dc68";    private static final String sign = "2cb32e44026b72ed60b5b6e5a55f8db8";    // 接口有访问次数限制,本地做个缓存    private static HashMap<String, K780Result> cacheResult = new HashMap<String, K780Result>();    private static String generateUrl(String srcCur, String dstOrDate, boolean isHistory) {        StringBuffer paras = new StringBuffer(url);        if (isHistory == false) {            paras.append("app=finance.rate&");            paras.append("scur=" + srcCur);            paras.append("&");            paras.append("tcur=" + dstOrDate);        } else {            paras.append("app=finance.rate_history&");            paras.append("curno=" + srcCur);            paras.append("&");            paras.append("date=" + dstOrDate);        }        paras.append("&appkey=" + key + "&sign=" + sign);        return paras.toString();    }    public static float getRate(String srcCur, String dstCur) {        String cacheKey = srcCur + "|" + dstCur;        if (cacheResult.containsKey(cacheKey)) {            return cacheResult.get(cacheKey).rate;        }        String url = generateUrl(srcCur, dstCur, false);        String resultStr = Utils.httpGet(url, "UTF-8");        // {"success":"1","result":{"status":"ALREADY","scur":"USD","tcur":"CNY","ratenm":"美元/人民币","rate":"6.8894","update":"2017-05-22        // 10:08:04"}}        K780Result result = new K780Result(resultStr, false);        if (result.isSuccess == false) {            return -1.0F;        }        cacheResult.put(cacheKey, result);        return result.rate;    }    public static float getHistoryRate(String srcCur, String date_yyyymmdd) {        String cacheKey = srcCur + "|" + date_yyyymmdd;        if (cacheResult.containsKey(cacheKey)) {            return cacheResult.get(cacheKey).rate;        }        String url = generateUrl(srcCur, date_yyyymmdd, true);        String resultStr = Utils.httpGet(url, "UTF-8");        // {"success":"1","result":[{"curno":"CNY","days":"2015-12-12","rate":"6.4581","uptime":"2015-12-12 23:59:59"}]}        K780Result result = new K780Result(resultStr, true);        if (result.isSuccess == false) {            return -1.0F;        }        cacheResult.put(cacheKey, result);        return result.rate;    }    /**     * 一次运行,获取全部货币名称和代码,分析国家或地区名字,用于补充 currencyTable.csv 中的数据     */    private static void GetAllCurrencyInfo() {        // String appendKeySign =        // "&appkey=10003&sign=b59bc3ef6191eb9f747dd4e83c99f2a4";        String url = "" + "&appkey=" + key + "&sign=" + sign;        String resultStr = Utils.httpGet(url, "UTF-8");        String[] otherCountryNames = { "阿联酋", "阿尔巴尼亚", "亚美尼亚", "安哥拉", "阿根廷", "阿塞拜疆", "孟加拉国", "保加利亚", "巴西", "不丹",                "哥斯达黎加", "厄立特", "埃塞俄比亚", "格鲁吉亚", "加纳", "危地马拉", "洪都拉斯", "克罗地亚", "海地", "匈牙利", "以色列", "吉尔吉斯", "柬埔寨",                "哈萨克斯坦", "老挝", "立陶宛", "拉脱维亚", "摩洛哥", "马达加斯加", "蒙古   ", "马尔代夫", "马来西亚", "尼加拉瓜", "巴拿马", "秘鲁", "新几内亚",                "波兰", "巴拉圭", "罗马尼亚", "塞拉利昂", "萨尔瓦多", "塔吉克斯坦", "土库曼斯坦", "土耳其", "乌克兰", "乌兹别克斯坦", "委内瑞拉", "南非", "赞比亚",                "萨摩亚", "瓦努阿图", "蒙古", "阿富汗", "玻利维亚", "毛里塔尼亚" };        try {            if (Utils.isEmpty(resultStr)) {                Utils.p("获取数据失败,接口超时或异常,无数据返回!");                return;            }            JSONObject result = new JSONObject(resultStr);            if (false == result.optString("success").equals("1")) {                Utils.p("获取数据失败,检查接口及密钥是否正确,结果:" + resultStr);                return;            }            JSONArray dataList = result.optJSONArray("result");            Utils.p("## ExResult.GetAllCurrencyInfo 【自动分析】 【正常数据】");            String otherList = "";            String singleCharCountryList = "";            for (int i = 0; i < dataList.length(); i++) {                JSONObject data = dataList.getJSONObject(i);                String code = data.optString("curno");                String name = data.optString("curnm");                String country = "";                if ("TOP".equalsIgnoreCase(code)) {                    // 无效记录                    continue;                }                if ("CLF".equalsIgnoreCase(code)) {                    // 智利比索 CLP                    continue;                }                if (name.endsWith("盾") || name.endsWith("镑") || name.endsWith("元") || name.endsWith("铢")) {                    country = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1);                } else if (name.endsWith("币")) {                    if (name.contains("离岸人民币")) {                        country = "中国离岸";                    } else if (name.contains("人民币")) {                        country = "中国";                    } else {                        country = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1);                    }                } else if (name.endsWith("比索") || name.endsWith("法郎") || name.endsWith("卢布") || name.endsWith("卢比")                        || name.endsWith("先令") || name.endsWith("克朗")) {                    country = name.substring(0, name.length() - 2);                } else if (name.endsWith("里亚尔") || name.endsWith("第纳尔")) {                    country = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3);                } else {                    boolean isFound = false;                    for (String countryName : otherCountryNames) {                        if (name.startsWith(countryName)) {                            country = countryName;                            name = name.substring(countryName.length());                            isFound = true;                            break;                        }                    }                    if (isFound == false) {                        otherList += code + "," + name + "," + name + "\n";                        continue;                    }                }                if (country.length() == 1) {                    switch (country) {                    case "欧":                        country = "欧洲";                        break;                    case "英":                        country = "英国";                        break;                    case "港":                        country = "香港";                        break;                    case "日":                        country = "日本";                        break;                    case "缅":                        country = "缅甸";                        break;                    case "台":                        country = "台湾";                        break;                    case "美":                        country = "美国";                        break;                    case "泰":                        country = "泰国";                        break;                    default:                        break;                    }                }                if (country.length() == 1) {                    singleCharCountryList += code + "," + name + "," + country + "\n";                    continue;                }                String line = code + "," + name;                if (country.isEmpty() == false) {                    line += "," + country;                }                Utils.p(line);            }            if (singleCharCountryList.isEmpty() == false) {                Utils.p("\n\n## ExResult.GetAllCurrencyInfo 【自动分析】 【单字国家名,需要手工补齐国家名】");                Utils.p(singleCharCountryList);            }            if (otherList.isEmpty() == false) {                Utils.p("\n\n## ExResult.GetAllCurrencyInfo 【自动分析】 【判断不出来国家名,需要手工修正】");                Utils.p(otherList);            }        } catch (JSONException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        // float rate = getRate("USD","CNY");        // Utils.p(rate);        // 运行一次,获取货币清单,填充 currencyTable.csv         GetAllCurrencyInfo();    }}class K780Result {    protected boolean isSuccess = false;    String rateStr = "";    String status = "";    String scur = "";    String tcur = "";    String ratenm = "";    String update = "";    String curno = "";    String days = "";    protected float rate = -1.0F;    public K780Result(String resultStr, boolean isHistory) {        try {            Utils.p("new K780Result(): " + resultStr);            JSONObject jsonRet = new JSONObject(resultStr);            if (jsonRet == null || jsonRet.isNull("success")) {                return;            }            if ("1".equalsIgnoreCase(jsonRet.optString("success")) == false) {                return;            }            if (isHistory == false) {                JSONObject jResult = jsonRet.getJSONObject("result");                this.status = jResult.getString("status");                this.scur = jResult.getString("scur");                this.tcur = jResult.getString("tcur");                this.ratenm = jResult.getString("ratenm");                this.rateStr = jResult.getString("rate");                this.update = jResult.getString("update");            } else {                JSONObject jResult = jsonRet.getJSONArray("result").getJSONObject(0);                this.curno = jResult.getString("curno");                this.days = jResult.getString("days");                this.rateStr = jResult.getString("rate");            }            this.rate = Float.parseFloat(this.rateStr);            this.isSuccess = true;        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}



package exchangerate;import java.awt.EventQueue;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.SwingConstants;import javax.swing.JTextField;import javax.swing.JLabel;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import;import;import;import java.util.Vector;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import javax.swing.JPanel;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Desktop;import javax.swing.JTextArea;import javax.swing.JScrollPane;import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;import javax.swing.UIManager;import java.awt.Font;public class MainJFrame {    private JFrame frame;    private JPanel resultPanel;    private JTextField srcNum;    private JLabel srcCur;    private JLabel equals;    private JTextField dstNum;    private JLabel dstCur;    private JPanel inputPanel;    private JTextField input;    private JTextField resultTxt;    private JPanel commonConvert;    private static Vector<String> sampleCorpus = new Vector<String>();    private JButton button_1;    static {        sampleCorpus.add("帮我查一下汇率");        sampleCorpus.add("今日汇率");        sampleCorpus.add("今天的汇率有什么变化");        sampleCorpus.add("美元的汇率是多少");        sampleCorpus.add("查一下新加坡的汇率");        sampleCorpus.add("我要去韩国玩,帮我看一下汇率信息");        sampleCorpus.add("帮我查询一下中国与各国货币的汇率表");        sampleCorpus.add("美元兑换成人民币");        sampleCorpus.add("欧元是什么国家的货币");        sampleCorpus.add("中国用什么货币");        sampleCorpus.add("欧元在哪些国家使用");        sampleCorpus.add("新加坡的货币是什么单位");        sampleCorpus.add("你会不会查汇率啊");        sampleCorpus.add("你能告诉我澳元的汇率吗");        sampleCorpus.add("你知道港元跟日元之间的汇率吗");        sampleCorpus.add("你能帮我计算什么币种的汇率");        sampleCorpus.add("一百美元能换多少日元");        sampleCorpus.add("10美元能换到60元人民币吗");        sampleCorpus.add("多少美元可以兑换1000人民币");        sampleCorpus.add("我要换一百美元需要多少人民币");        //听不懂        //sampleCorpus.add("调皮捣蛋听不懂");    }    public static String getRandomSampleCorpus() {        int randomInt = (int)(Math.random() * sampleCorpus.size());        Utils.p("random:" + randomInt + "/" + sampleCorpus.size());        return sampleCorpus.get(randomInt);    }    /**     * Launch the application.     */    public static void main(String[] args) {        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {            public void run() {                try {                    MainJFrame window = new MainJFrame();                    window.frame.setVisible(true);                } catch (Exception e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        });    }    /**     * Create the application.     */    public MainJFrame() {        initialize();    }    /**     * Initialize the contents of the frame.     */    private void initialize() {        frame = new JFrame();        frame.setTitle("自然语言理解试验小程序——汇率换算");        frame.setBounds(100, 100, 915, 440);        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);        frame.getContentPane().setLayout(null);        JPanel semanticPanelBottom = new JPanel();        semanticPanelBottom.setBounds(20, 77, 412, 293);        semanticPanelBottom.setBorder(new TitledBorder(UIManager.getBorder("TitledBorder.border"), "  \u8BED \u4E49  ", TitledBorder.LEFT, TitledBorder.TOP, null, null));        semanticPanelBottom.setToolTipText(" 123");        frame.getContentPane().add(semanticPanelBottom);        semanticPanelBottom.setLayout(null);        JScrollPane semanticPanel = new JScrollPane();        semanticPanel.setBounds(10, 26, 392, 250);        semanticPanelBottom.add(semanticPanel);        semanticPanel.setToolTipText("语义");        final JTextArea semanticTxt = new JTextArea();        semanticPanel.setViewportView(semanticTxt);        semanticTxt.setColumns(20);        semanticTxt.setRows(5);        semanticTxt.setEditable(false);        resultPanel = new JPanel();        resultPanel.setBounds(442, 77, 428, 148);        resultPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(null, "  \u7ED3 \u679C  ", TitledBorder.LEFT, TitledBorder.TOP, null, null));        frame.getContentPane().add(resultPanel);        resultPanel.setLayout(null);        resultTxt = new JTextField();        resultTxt.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 18));        resultTxt.setBounds(30, 32, 374, 42);        resultPanel.add(resultTxt);        resultTxt.setColumns(10);        commonConvert = new JPanel();        commonConvert.setBounds(30, 96, 374, 42);        resultPanel.add(commonConvert);        commonConvert.setLayout(null);        srcNum = new JTextField();        srcNum.setBounds(10, 10, 66, 21);        commonConvert.add(srcNum);        srcNum.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);        srcNum.setEditable(false);        srcNum.setColumns(10);        srcNum.setBackground(Color.WHITE);        srcCur = new JLabel("s");        srcCur.setBounds(85, 10, 50, 21);        commonConvert.add(srcCur);        equals = new JLabel("=");        equals.setBounds(135, 13, 23, 15);        commonConvert.add(equals);        equals.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);        dstNum = new JTextField();        dstNum.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);        dstNum.setBounds(168, 10, 66, 21);        commonConvert.add(dstNum);        dstNum.setBackground(Color.WHITE);        dstNum.setEditable(false);        dstNum.setColumns(10);        dstCur = new JLabel("d");        dstCur.setBounds(240, 13, 49, 15);        commonConvert.add(dstCur);        inputPanel = new JPanel();        inputPanel.setBounds(20, 10, 850, 57);        frame.getContentPane().add(inputPanel);        inputPanel.setLayout(null);        JButton submit = new JButton("理解");        submit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                String inputStr = input.getText();                ExHandler handler = new ExHandler(inputStr);                semanticTxt.setText(handler.getNliResultForShow());                resultTxt.setText(handler.getResultString());                setCommonConvert(handler);            }        });        submit.setBounds(109, 9, 70, 40);        inputPanel.add(submit);        input = new JTextField();        input.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 18));        input.setText(getRandomSampleCorpus());        input.setColumns(10);        input.setBounds(204, 8, 622, 39);        inputPanel.add(input);        JButton button = new JButton("换一句");        button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                input.setText(getRandomSampleCorpus());            }        });        button.setBounds(20, 9, 79, 40);        inputPanel.add(button);        button_1 = new JButton("源码和功能说明");        button_1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();                try {                    desktop.browse(new URI(""));                } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e1) {                    e1.printStackTrace();                }            }        });        button_1.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 20));        button_1.setBounds(570, 271, 185, 57);        frame.getContentPane().add(button_1);    }    private void setCommonConvert(ExHandler handler) {        commonConvert.setVisible(handler.detailContext.isVisible);        if (handler.detailContext.isVisible) {            srcNum.setText(handler.detailContext.srcN);            dstNum.setText(handler.detailContext.dstN);            srcCur.setText("<html><font color=red>" + handler.detailContext.srcC + "</font></html>");            dstCur.setText("<html><font color=red>" + handler.detailContext.dstC + "</font></html>");        }    }}



package exchangerate;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Calendar;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity;import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;import org.json.JSONArray;import org.json.JSONException;import org.json.JSONObject;public class NLI {    private static final String url = "";    private static final String Appkey = "892626f32837458b9f211a774e2e168a";    private static final String Appsecret = "28aab610fc0040a29686330ff27ee8bb";    private static final String api = "nli";    private JSONObject nliResult = new JSONObject();    /**     * 原始nli结果     * @return     */    public JSONObject getNliResult() {        return nliResult;    }    /**     * 解析之后的semantic     * @return     */    public static JSONObject parseSemantic(JSONObject semanticJson) {        JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();        if (semanticJson == null) {            return ret;        }        if ("error".equalsIgnoreCase(semanticJson.optString("status"))) {            //错误            return ret;        }        if (false == "ok".equalsIgnoreCase(semanticJson.optString("status"))) {            //其它错误            return ret;        }        try {            JSONObject jsonTemp = semanticJson.getJSONObject("data");            JSONArray jsonArrayTemp = jsonTemp.getJSONArray("nli");            jsonTemp = jsonArrayTemp.getJSONObject(0);            if (jsonTemp.has("semantic") == false) {                // 听不懂                Utils.p("NLI.getSemJson() 语义理解失败: " + jsonTemp);                return ret;            }            jsonArrayTemp = jsonTemp.getJSONArray("semantic");            ret = jsonArrayTemp.getJSONObject(0);        } catch (JSONException e) {            Utils.p("NLI.getSemJson() get semantic JSONException BY: " + semanticJson.toString());        } catch (NullPointerException e2) {            Utils.p("NLI.getSemJson() get semantic NullPointerException BY: " + semanticJson.toString());        } catch (Exception e3) {            Utils.p("NLI.getSemJson() get semantic Exception BY: " + semanticJson.toString());        }        return ret;    }    public NLI(String txt) {        nliResult = getSemantic(txt);    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        Utils.p(getSemantic("1美元等于多少法郎"));    }    private static String generateSign(long timestamp) {        String sign = Appsecret + "api=" + api + "appkey=" + Appkey + "timestamp=" + timestamp + Appsecret;        return Utils.MD5String(sign);    }    private static JSONObject getSemantic(String txt) {        JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();        List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("appkey", Appkey));        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("api", api));        long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("timestamp", String.valueOf(timestamp)));        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("sign", generateSign(timestamp)));        JSONObject request = new JSONObject();        JSONObject data = new JSONObject();        try {            data.put("input_type", 0);            data.put("text", txt);            request.put("data_type", "stt");            request.put("data", data);        } catch (JSONException e1) {            e1.printStackTrace();            return ret;        }        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("rq", request.toString()));        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("cusid", Utils.getCustId()));        CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();        HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url);        try {            httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params, "UTF-8"));            CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);            try {                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();                if (entity != null) {                    String contnt = EntityUtils.toString(entity);                    //System.out.println("Response content: " + contnt);                    ret = new JSONObject(contnt);                }            } finally {                response.close();            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return ret;        } finally {            try {                httpclient.close();            } catch (Exception e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return ret;    }}class Semantic {    public String modifier = "";    public Map<String, String> slots = new HashMap<String, String>();    public Semantic(JSONObject sem) {        this.modifier = sem.optString("modifier");        JSONArray slotsJson = sem.optJSONArray("slots");        for (int i = 0; i < slotsJson.length(); i++) {            try {                JSONObject slot = slotsJson.getJSONObject(i);                this.slots.put(slot.getString("name"), slot.getString("value"));            } catch (Exception e) {                e.printStackTrace();                continue;            }        }    }    public static void main(String[] args) {    }}



package exchangerate;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import java.util.Enumeration;import org.apache.http.Header;import org.apache.http.HeaderElement;import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;import org.apache.http.ParseException;import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;import org.apache.http.client.entity.GzipDecompressingEntity;import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;import org.json.JSONObject;public class Utils {    public static String localIP = getLocalIp();    public static String localMac = getLocalMac();    private static CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();    private static String getLocalIp() {        String ret = "default_ip";        Enumeration<?> allNetInterfaces;        try {            allNetInterfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();        } catch (SocketException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return ret;        }        InetAddress ip = null;        while(allNetInterfaces.hasMoreElements()) {            NetworkInterface netInterface = (NetworkInterface) allNetInterfaces.nextElement();            //System.out.println(netInterface.getName());            Enumeration<?> addresses = netInterface.getInetAddresses();            while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {                ip = (InetAddress) addresses.nextElement();                if (ip != null && ip instanceof Inet4Address) {                    String ret1 = ip.getHostAddress();                    if ("".equals(ret1)) {                        continue;                    }                    ret = ret1;                    //System.out.println("本机的IP = " + ip.getHostAddress());                }            }        }        return ret;    }    private static String getLocalMac() {        String ret = "default_cust";        InetAddress ia;        try {            ia = InetAddress.getLocalHost();        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return ret;        }        //获取网卡,获取地址        byte[] mac;        try {            mac = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(ia).getHardwareAddress();        } catch (SocketException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return ret;        }        //System.out.println("mac数组长度:"+mac.length);        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");        for(int i=0; i<mac.length; i++) {            if(i!=0) {                sb.append("-");            }            //字节转换为整数            int temp = mac[i]&0xff;            String str = Integer.toHexString(temp);            //System.out.println("每8位:"+str);            if(str.length()==1) {                sb.append("0"+str);            }else {                sb.append(str);            }        }        ret = sb.toString().toUpperCase();        //System.out.println("本机MAC地址:"+ ret);        return ret;    }    public static String MD5String(String str) {        try {            MessageDigest msgDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");            msgDigest.reset();            msgDigest.update(str.getBytes("UTF-8"));            byte[] byteArrary = msgDigest.digest();            StringBuffer md5StrBuff = new StringBuffer();            for (int i = 0; i < byteArrary.length; i++) {                String tmp = Integer.toHexString(0xFF & byteArrary[i]);                if (tmp.length() == 1) {                    md5StrBuff.append(0).append(tmp);                } else {                    md5StrBuff.append(tmp);                }            }            return md5StrBuff.toString();        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return null;        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return null;        }    }    public static String getCustId() {        return localMac;    }    public static void p(Object in) {        System.out.println(in);    }    private static HttpEntity ParseResponse(HttpResponse response) {        HttpEntity httpEntity = response.getEntity();        if (httpEntity != null) {            if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) {                try {                    InputStream is = httpEntity.getContent();                    if (is != null)                        is.close();                    return null;                } catch (Exception e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                    return null;                }            }            Header ceheader = httpEntity.getContentEncoding();            if (ceheader != null) {                HeaderElement[] codecs = ceheader.getElements();                for (int i = 0; i < codecs.length; i++) {                    if (codecs[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {                        return new GzipDecompressingEntity(httpEntity);                    }                }            }        }        return httpEntity;    }    private static HttpEntity httpGet(final HttpClient httpClient, final String url) {        HttpGet getReq = new HttpGet(url);        // add gzip support        getReq.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");        // getReq.setRequestHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");        try {            getReq.setHeader("Connection", "close");            HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(getReq);            return ParseResponse(response);        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            getReq.releaseConnection();            return null;        }    }    public static boolean isEmpty(Object in) {        if (in == null) {            return true;        }        if (in instanceof JSONObject) {            if (((JSONObject)in).length() == 0) {                return true;            }        } else if (in instanceof String) {            if (((String) in).isEmpty()) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    public static String httpGet(final String url, final String defaultCharset) {        HttpEntity entity = httpGet(httpClient, url);        if (entity == null)            return "";        try {            String sResult = EntityUtils.toString(entity, defaultCharset);            return sResult;        } catch (ParseException | IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return "";        }    }    private static String appendJson(String str, int count) {        String retStr = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {            retStr += str;        }        return retStr;    }    /**     * 将json转成便于阅读的格式     * @param oldJson     * @return     */    public static String formatJson(JSONObject old) {        int i = 0;        String space = "  ";        String formatJson = "";        int indentCount = 0;        Boolean isStr = false;        String currChar = "";        String oldJson = old.toString();        for (i = 0; i < oldJson.length(); i++) {            currChar = oldJson.substring(i, i + 1);            switch (currChar) {            case "{":            case "[":                if (!isStr) {                    indentCount++;                    formatJson += currChar + appendJson(space, indentCount);                } else {                    formatJson += currChar;                }                break;            case "}":            case "]":                if (!isStr) {                    indentCount--;                    formatJson += appendJson(space, indentCount) + currChar;                } else {                    formatJson += currChar;                }                break;            case ",":                if (!isStr) {                    formatJson += "," + appendJson(space, indentCount);                } else {                    formatJson += currChar;                }                break;            case ":":                if (!isStr) {                    formatJson += ": ";                } else {                    formatJson += currChar;                }                break;            case " ":            case "\n":            case "\t":                if (isStr) {                    formatJson += currChar;                }                break;            case "\"":                if (i > 0 && !oldJson.substring(i - 1, i).equals("\\")) {                    isStr = !isStr;                }                formatJson += currChar;                break;            default:                formatJson += currChar;                break;            }        }        return formatJson;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        System.out.println("result ip is:" + localIP);        System.out.println("result mac is:" + localMac);    }}

  1. currencyTable.csv


##CNY,人民币|在岸人民币,中国|中华人民共和国USD,美元|美刀,美国HKD,港元,香港MOP,澳元|澳门元,澳门## ExResult.GetAllCurrencyInfo 【自动分析】 【正常数据】AED,迪拉姆,阿联酋AFN,尼,阿富汗ALL,列克,阿尔巴尼亚AMD,德拉姆,亚美尼亚ANG,荷兰盾,荷兰AOA,宽扎,安哥拉ARS,披索,阿根廷AUD,澳大利亚元,澳大利亚AWG,阿鲁巴盾,阿鲁巴AZN,新马纳特,阿塞拜疆BBD,巴巴多斯元,巴巴多斯BDT,塔卡,孟加拉国BGN,列瓦,保加利亚BHD,巴林第纳尔,巴林BIF,布隆迪法郎,布隆迪BMD,百慕大元,百慕大BND,文莱元,文莱BOB,诺,玻利维亚BRL,雷亚尔,巴西BSD,巴哈马元,巴哈马BTN,努扎姆,不丹BYR,白俄罗斯卢布,白俄罗斯BZD,伯利兹元,伯利兹CAD,加拿大元,加拿大CDF,刚果法郎,刚果CHF,瑞士法郎,瑞士CLP,智利比索,智利CNH,离岸人民币,中国离岸CNY,人民币,中国COP,哥伦比亚比索,哥伦比亚CRC,科朗,哥斯达黎加CUP,古巴比索,古巴CZK,捷克克朗,捷克DJF,吉布提法郎,吉布提DKK,丹麦克朗,丹麦DOP,多米尼加比索,多米尼加DZD,阿尔及利亚第纳尔,阿尔及利亚EGP,埃及镑,埃及ERN,里亚,厄立特ETB,比尔,埃塞俄比亚EUR,欧元,欧洲FJD,斐济元,斐济FKP,福克兰群岛镑,福克兰群岛GBP,英镑,英国GEL,拉里,格鲁吉亚GHS,塞地,加纳GIP,直布罗陀镑,直布罗陀GNF,几内亚法郎,几内亚GTQ,格查尔,危地马拉GYD,圭亚那元,圭亚那HKD,港币,香港HNL,伦皮拉,洪都拉斯HRK,库纳,克罗地亚HTG,古德,海地HUF,福林,匈牙利IDR,印度尼西亚盾,印度尼西亚ILS,谢克尔,以色列INR,印度卢比,印度IQD,伊拉克第纳尔,伊拉克IRR,伊朗里亚尔,伊朗ISK,冰岛克朗,冰岛JMD,牙买加元,牙买加JOD,约旦第纳尔,约旦JPY,日元,日本KES,肯尼亚先令,肯尼亚KGS,索姆,吉尔吉斯KHR,瑞尔,柬埔寨KMF,科摩罗法郎,科摩罗KPW,朝鲜元,朝鲜KRW,韩国元,韩国KWD,科威特第纳尔,科威特KYD,开曼群岛元,开曼群岛KZT,坚戈,哈萨克斯坦LAK,基普,老挝LBP,黎巴嫩镑,黎巴嫩LKR,斯里兰卡卢比,斯里兰卡LRD,利比里亚元,利比里亚LTL,立特,立陶宛LVL,拉特,拉脱维亚LYD,利比亚第纳尔,利比亚MAD,迪拉姆,摩洛哥MGA,阿里亚里,马达加斯加MKD,马其顿第纳尔,马其顿MMK,缅元,缅甸MNT,图格里克,蒙古MOP,澳门币,澳门MRO,乌吉亚,毛里塔尼亚MUR,毛里求斯卢比,毛里求斯MVR,拉菲亚,马尔代夫MXN,墨西哥比索,墨西哥MYR,林吉特,马来西亚NAD,纳米比亚元,纳米比亚NGN,尼日利亚第纳尔,尼日利亚NIO,科多巴,尼加拉瓜NOK,挪威克朗,挪威NPR,尼泊尔卢比,尼泊尔NZD,新西兰元,新西兰OMR,阿曼里亚尔,阿曼PAB,巴波亚,巴拿马PEN,新索尔,秘鲁PGK,基那基那,新几内亚PHP,菲律宾比索,菲律宾PKR,巴基斯坦卢比,巴基斯坦PLN,兹罗提,波兰PYG,瓜拉尼,巴拉圭QAR,卡塔尔里亚尔,卡塔尔RON,列伊,罗马尼亚RSD,塞尔维亚第纳尔,塞尔维亚RUB,俄罗斯卢布,俄罗斯RWF,卢旺达法郎,卢旺达SAR,沙特阿拉伯里亚尔,沙特阿拉伯SBD,所罗门群岛元,所罗门群岛SCR,塞舌尔卢比,塞舌尔SDG,苏丹镑,苏丹SEK,瑞典克朗,瑞典SGD,新加坡元,新加坡SHP,圣赫勒拿镑,圣赫勒拿SLL,利昂,塞拉利昂SOS,索马里先令,索马里SRD,苏里南元,苏里南SVC,科朗,萨尔瓦多SYP,叙利亚镑,叙利亚THB,泰铢,泰国TJS,索莫尼,塔吉克斯坦TMT,马纳特,土库曼斯坦TND,突尼斯第纳尔,突尼斯TRY,里拉,土耳其TTD,特立尼达和多巴哥元,特立尼达和多巴哥TWD,台币,台湾TZS,坦桑尼亚先令,坦桑尼亚UAH,格里夫纳,乌克兰UGX,乌干达先令,乌干达USD,美元,美国UYU,乌拉圭比索,乌拉圭UZS,索姆,乌兹别克斯坦VEF,玻利瓦尔,委内瑞拉VND,越南盾,越南VUV,瓦图,瓦努阿图WST,塔拉,萨摩亚XAF,中非法郎,中非XCD,东加勒比元,东加勒比XOF,西非法郎,西非XPF,太平洋法郎,太平洋YER,也门里亚尔,也门ZAR,兰特,南非ZMW,克瓦查,赞比亚ZWL,津巴布韦元,津巴布韦## ExResult.GetAllCurrencyInfo 【自动分析】 【判断不出来国家名,需要手工修正】BAM,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那可,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那可BWP,博茨瓦纳普拉,博茨瓦纳普拉CVE,佛得角埃斯库多,佛得角埃斯库多GMD,冈比亚达拉西,冈比亚达拉西LSL,莱索托洛提,莱索托洛提MDL,摩尔多瓦列伊,摩尔多瓦列伊MWK,马拉维克瓦查,马拉维克瓦查MZN,莫桑比克梅蒂卡尔,莫桑比克梅蒂卡尔STD,圣多美多布拉,圣多美多布拉SZL,斯威士兰里兰吉尼,斯威士兰里兰吉尼XDR,特别提款权(国际货币基金),特别提款权(国际货币基金)


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