
来源:互联网 发布:苹果mac电脑桌面壁纸 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 11:47


Libevent 一般调用evtimer_new来定义一个定时器事件

#define evtimer_new(b, cb, arg)        event_new((b), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))

从宏定义来看,这个事件和io、signal事件的区别在于fd项为-1,表示并不关注, 并且events项为0, 并不是想象中的EV_TIMEOUT.

定时器事件实例>more libevent_test_timeout.c #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <event.h>#include <time.h>void do_timeout(evutil_socket_t fd, short event, void *arg){    printf("do timeout (time: %ld)!\n", time(NULL));}void create_timeout_event(struct event_base *base){    struct event *ev;    struct timeval timeout;    //ev = evtimer_new(base, do_timeout, NULL);    ev = event_new(base, -1, EV_PERSIST, do_timeout, NULL);    if (ev) {        timeout.tv_sec = 5;        timeout.tv_usec = 0;        event_add(ev, &timeout);    }}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    struct event_base *base;    base = event_base_new();    if (!base) {        printf("Error: Create an event base error!\n");        return -1;    }    create_timeout_event(base);    event_base_dispatch(base);    return 0;}

event_add 对定时器事件的处理

event_add ——>event_add_internal

/** * @name event flags * * Flags to pass to event_new(), event_assign(), event_pending(), and * anything else with an argument of the form "short events" *//**@{*//** Indicates that a timeout has occurred.  It's not necessary to pass * this flag to event_for new()/event_assign() to get a timeout. */#define EV_TIMEOUT  0x01/** Wait for a socket or FD to become readable */#define EV_READ     0x02/** Wait for a socket or FD to become writeable */#define EV_WRITE    0x04/** Wait for a POSIX signal to be raised*/#define EV_SIGNAL   0x08/** * Persistent event: won't get removed automatically when activated. * * When a persistent event with a timeout becomes activated, its timeout * is reset to 0. */#define EV_PERSIST  0x10/** Select edge-triggered behavior, if supported by the backend. */#define EV_ET       0x20/**@}*/

而event结构中的ev_flags 根据不同的event表项设置的。

/*如果 tv_is_absolute不为0, 则tv表示绝对时间, 而不是间隔差值*/static inline intevent_add_internal(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *tv,    int tv_is_absolute){    struct event_base *base = ev->ev_base;    int res = 0;    int notify = 0;    ......    ......    /*     * prepare for timeout insertion further below, if we get a     * failure on any step, we should not change any state.     */    /*如果新添加的事件处理器是定时器,且它尚未被添加到通用定时器队列或时间堆中,则为该定时器     * 在时间堆上预留一个位置,如果当前时间堆数组大小够了,min_heap_reserve直接返回,如果不够,resize数组大小,     * 保证可以插入新的堆节点     * ev->ev_flags 为EVLIST_TIMEOUT, 在本函数中通过event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_TIMEOUT);     * 如果eve->ev_flags 为EVLIST_TIMEOUT 说明该事件已经在time堆中了*/    if (tv != NULL && !(ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_TIMEOUT)) {        if (min_heap_reserve(&base->timeheap,            1 + min_heap_size(&base->timeheap)) == -1)            return (-1);  /* ENOMEM == errno */    }    ......    ......    /*处理没有激活的READ WRITE SIGNAL 事件*/    if ((ev->ev_events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE|EV_SIGNAL)) &&        !(ev->ev_flags & (EVLIST_INSERTED|EVLIST_ACTIVE))) {        .......    }    /*     * we should change the timeout state only if the previous event     * addition succeeded.     */    /*将事件处理器添加到通用定时器队列或者事件堆中。     * res != -1 表示对I/O事件和信号事件的添加成功,没有出错     * tv != NULl, 表示设置了超时事件*/    if (res != -1 && tv != NULL) {        struct timeval now;        int common_timeout;        /*         * for persistent timeout events, we remember the         * timeout value and re-add the event.         *         * If tv_is_absolute, this was already set.         */        /*对于persist的时间事件,如果是相对时间参数,用ev_io_timeout记录这个相对值,        * 因为每一次的起始时间是不一样的,需要在不同的起始时间加上相对时间值*/        if (ev->ev_closure == EV_CLOSURE_PERSIST && !tv_is_absolute)             ev->ev_io_timeout = *tv;        /*         * we already reserved memory above for the case where we         * are not replacing an existing timeout.         */        /*如果该事件处理器已经被插入通用定时器队列或时间堆中,则先删除它*/        if (ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_TIMEOUT) {            /* XXX I believe this is needless. */            if (min_heap_elt_is_top(ev))                notify = 1;            event_queue_remove(base, ev, EVLIST_TIMEOUT);        }        /* Check if it is active due to a timeout.  Rescheduling         * this timeout before the callback can be executed         * removes it from the active list. */        /*如果待处理的事件已经被激活,且原因是超时, 则从活动事件队列中删除它,         * 以避免其回调函数被执行。         * 对于信号事件处理器,必要时还需将其ncalls成为设置为0,使得干净地终止信号         * 事件的处理*/        if ((ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_ACTIVE) &&            (ev->ev_res & EV_TIMEOUT)) {            if (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL) {                /* See if we are just active executing                 * this event in a loop                 */                if (ev->ev_ncalls && ev->ev_pncalls) {                    /* Abort loop */                    *ev->ev_pncalls = 0;                }            }            event_queue_remove(base, ev, EVLIST_ACTIVE);        }        /*获取当前事件now*/        gettime(base, &now);        common_timeout = is_common_timeout(tv, base);        /*计算绝对事件,当前时间加上时间间隔*/        if (tv_is_absolute) {            ev->ev_timeout = *tv;        } else if (common_timeout) {            struct timeval tmp = *tv;            tmp.tv_usec &= MICROSECONDS_MASK;            evutil_timeradd(&now, &tmp, &ev->ev_timeout);            ev->ev_timeout.tv_usec |=                (tv->tv_usec & ~MICROSECONDS_MASK);                   } else {            evutil_timeradd(&now, tv, &ev->ev_timeout);        }        event_debug((             "event_add: timeout in %d seconds, call %p",             (int)tv->tv_sec, ev->ev_callback));        /*将定时器事件添加到通用事件队列或者最小堆中*/        event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_TIMEOUT);        if (common_timeout) {            /*如果是通用定时器,并且是尾队列头节点时,将ctl结构中的timeout_event事件放入最小堆中*/            struct common_timeout_list *ctl =                get_common_timeout_list(base, &ev->ev_timeout);            if (ev == TAILQ_FIRST(&ctl->events)) {                common_timeout_schedule(ctl, &now, ev);            }        } else {            /* See if the earliest timeout is now earlier than it             * was before: if so, we will need to tell the main             * thread to wake up earlier than it would             * otherwise. */            if (min_heap_elt_is_top(ev))                notify = 1;        }    }    /* if we are not in the right thread, we need to wake up the loop */    if (res != -1 && notify && EVBASE_NEED_NOTIFY(base))        evthread_notify_base(base);    _event_debug_note_add(ev);    return (res);}

最小堆 min_heap_reserve/min_heap_size

最小堆实现是用一个数组实现,类似c++ 里面的vector

struct event_base {        .....        truct min_heap timeheap;        .....};typedef struct min_heap{       struct event** p; -------------struct event*结构的数组    unsigned n, a;    -------------a:当前分配的总个数;n---当前已经使用的数组个数} min_heap_t;unsigned min_heap_size(min_heap_t* s) { return s->n; }   -----返回当前已使用的堆个数,即数组个数int min_heap_reserve(min_heap_t* s, unsigned n){    /* 如果要插入的个数大于堆的总大小, 重新分配堆数组的个数     * 如果要插入的个数小于堆的总大小,表示堆数组有空间可以新的节点*/    if (s->a < n)    {        struct event** p;        unsigned a = s->a ? s->a * 2 : 8;   /*第一次分配为8, 后续每次重分配的大小为上一次的2倍*/       /*如果2倍的新空间大小还比n小,设置数据大小为n*/        if (a < n)            a = n;        if (!(p = (struct event**)mm_realloc(s->p, a * sizeof *p)))   -----分配大小为a的struct event *数组内存            return -1;        s->p = p;        s->a = a;    }    return 0;}


由于tv_usec是32比特长度, 而表示微秒数只需要20位,

(因为微秒数不能超过999999, 2的20次~= 1048576), 所以用32bits的最后20bits表示微秒数,用最前面的4bits表示magic号,中间8bits表示event_base结构中的通用定时器common_timeout_queues的数组索引,所以数组元素最多256个


#define COMMON_TIMEOUT_IDX_MASK 0x0ff00000#define COMMON_TIMEOUT_IDX_SHIFT 20#define COMMON_TIMEOUT_MAGIC    0x50000000#define COMMON_TIMEOUT_MASK     0xf0000000#define COMMON_TIMEOUT_IDX(tv) \    (((tv)->tv_usec & COMMON_TIMEOUT_IDX_MASK)>>COMMON_TIMEOUT_IDX_SHIFT)/** Return true iff if 'tv' is a common timeout in 'base' */static inline intis_common_timeout(const struct timeval *tv,  const struct event_base *base){       int idx;    if ((tv->tv_usec & COMMON_TIMEOUT_MASK) != COMMON_TIMEOUT_MAGIC)        return 0;    idx = COMMON_TIMEOUT_IDX(tv);    return idx < base->n_common_timeouts;}


intevent_base_loop(struct event_base *base, int flags){    const struct eventop *evsel = base->evsel;    struct timeval tv;    struct timeval *tv_p;    int res, done, retval = 0;    /* Grab the lock.  We will release it inside evsel.dispatch, and again     * as we invoke user callbacks. */    EVBASE_ACQUIRE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);    /*一个event_base只允许运行一个事件循环*/    if (base->running_loop) {        event_warnx("%s: reentrant invocation.  Only one event_base_loop"            " can run on each event_base at once.", __func__);        EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);        return -1;    }    base->running_loop = 1; /*标记该event_base已经开始运行*/    clear_time_cache(base); /*清除event_base的系统时间缓存*/    if (base->sig.ev_signal_added && base->sig.ev_n_signals_added)        evsig_set_base(base);    done = 0;#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT    base->th_owner_id = EVTHREAD_GET_ID();#endif    base->event_gotterm = base->event_break = 0;    while (!done) {        base->event_continue = 0;        /*查看是否需要跳出循环, 程序可以调用event_loopexit_cb() 设置event_gotterm标记         * 调用event_base_loopbreak()设置event_break 标记*/        /* Terminate the loop if we have been asked to */        if (base->event_gotterm) {            break;        }        if (base->event_break) {            break;        }        /*校准系统时间*/        timeout_correct(base, &tv);        tv_p = &tv;        /*base里面目前激活的事件数目为0,并且为阻塞性的I/O复用, 则取时间堆上面的最小堆节点的超时时间作为epoll的超时时间*/        if (!N_ACTIVE_CALLBACKS(base) && !(flags & EVLOOP_NONBLOCK)) {            timeout_next(base, &tv_p); /*获取时间堆上堆顶元素的超时值, 即I/O复用系统调用本次应该设置的超时值*/        } else {            /*             * if we have active events, we just poll new events             * without waiting.             */            /*如果有就绪事件尚未处理, 则将I/O复用系统调用的超时时间"置0"。             * 这样I/O复用系统调用直接返回, 程序也就可以立即处理就绪事件了*/            evutil_timerclear(&tv);        }        /*如果event_base 中没有注册任何事件, 则直接退出事件循环*/        /* If we have no events, we just exit */        if (!event_haveevents(base) && !N_ACTIVE_CALLBACKS(base)) {            event_debug(("%s: no events registered.", __func__));            retval = 1;            goto done;        }        /* update last old time */        gettime(base, &base->event_tv);  /*更新系统时间*/        /*之所以要在进入dispatch之前清零,是因为进入           *dispatch后,可能会等待一段时间。cache就没有意义了。           *如果第二个线程此时想add一个event到这个event_base里面,在           *event_add_internal函数中会调用gettime。如果cache不清零,           *那么将会取这个cache时间。这将取一个不准确的时间.*/        clear_time_cache(base);  /*清除event_base的系统时间缓存*/        /*调用事件多路分发器的dispatch方法等待事件, 将就绪事件插入活动事件队列*/        res = evsel->dispatch(base, tv_p);        if (res == -1) {            event_debug(("%s: dispatch returned unsuccessfully.",                __func__));            retval = -1;            goto done;        }        /*将时间缓存更新为当前系统时间*/        update_time_cache(base);        /* 检查时间堆上的到期事件并依次执行之 */        timeout_process(base);        if (N_ACTIVE_CALLBACKS(base)) {              /*调用event_process_active 函数依次处理就绪的信号事件和I/O事件*/            int n = event_process_active(base);            if ((flags & EVLOOP_ONCE)                && N_ACTIVE_CALLBACKS(base) == 0                && n != 0)                done = 1;        } else if (flags & EVLOOP_NONBLOCK)            done = 1;    }    event_debug(("%s: asked to terminate loop.", __func__));done:    /*事件循环结束, 清空事件缓存, 并设置停止循环标志*/    clear_time_cache(base);    base->running_loop = 0;    EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);    return (retval);}


static inttimeout_next(struct event_base *base, struct timeval **tv_p){    /* Caller must hold th_base_lock */    struct timeval now;    struct event *ev;    struct timeval *tv = *tv_p;    int res = 0;    /*取出最小堆中的最小节点*/    ev = min_heap_top(&base->timeheap);    /*节点为空,直接返回 tv_p为NULL, epoll永远阻塞*/    if (ev == NULL) {        /* if no time-based events are active wait for I/O */        *tv_p = NULL;        goto out;    }    /*获取当前时间*/    if (gettime(base, &now) == -1) {        res = -1;        goto out;    }    /*如果定时器的时间值小于当前时间,表明该定时器值已经过期了,不能使用, epoll永远阻塞*/    if (evutil_timercmp(&ev->ev_timeout, &now, <=)) {        evutil_timerclear(tv);        goto out;    }    /*计算时间的差值, 该差值作为epoll的超时时间*/    evutil_timersub(&ev->ev_timeout, &now, tv);    EVUTIL_ASSERT(tv->tv_sec >= 0);    EVUTIL_ASSERT(tv->tv_usec >= 0);    event_debug(("timeout_next: in %d seconds", (int)tv->tv_sec));out:    return (res);}



/* Activate every event whose timeout has elapsed. */static voidtimeout_process(struct event_base *base)                                                                                                                                               {    /* Caller must hold lock. */    struct timeval now;    struct event *ev;    /*如果时间堆为空,则退出*/    if (min_heap_empty(&base->timeheap)) {        return;    }    /*获取当前时间*/    gettime(base, &now);    /*循环最小堆中的元素, 如果时间已经达到,则将event添加到active队列中, 并置标记EV_TIMEOUT*/    while ((ev = min_heap_top(&base->timeheap))) {        if (evutil_timercmp(&ev->ev_timeout, &now, >))            break;        /* delete this event from the I/O queues */        event_del_internal(ev);        event_debug(("timeout_process: call %p",             ev->ev_callback));        event_active_nolock(ev, EV_TIMEOUT, 1);    }}
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 孩子挑食幼儿园老师该怎么办 老师说孩子挑食家长怎么办 工作中老是粗心不细心怎么办 小孩数学总是特别粗心该怎么办 孩子起范疙瘩的怎么办 做题马虎不认真怎么办 孩子考差了家长怎么办 小孩写作业不认真怎么办 小孩不认真检查作业怎么办 一年级的小孩作业不认真怎么办 一年级学生做题粗心怎么办 一年级的学生做题粗心怎么办 孩子做作业注意力不集中怎么办 小学三年孩子抄答案怎么办 孩子写作业不认真审题怎么办 一年级小孩审题不认真怎么办 孩子审题不认真马虎怎么办 孩子做作业不认真审题怎么办? 考老师考砸了怎么办 重要考试考砸了怎么办 二年级孩子做数学题粗心怎么办 二年级孩子考试粗心怎么办 二年级孩子考试总是粗心怎么办 二年级孩子总是粗心怎么办 小学一年级孩子抄别人作业怎么办 被老师发现抄答案怎么办 考试抄答案被老师发现怎么办 孩子撒谎不写作业怎么办 小学生做题容易马虎出错怎么办 小学生做题老是马虎怎么办 小学生做题马虎不认真怎么办 会做的题总做错怎么办 孩子数学做题粗心怎么办 孩子成绩考差了怎么办 孩子静不下心学习怎么办 孩子考试时总是粗心马虎怎么办 小学二年级学生厌学怎么办 三岁宝宝肚脐痛怎么办 做题速度太慢怎么办 孩子做题不动脑不会转弯怎么办? 孩子做题总是马虎怎么办