The Search API

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝模板软件破解版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 08:49
现在 我们开始使用一些简单的搜索, 有两种基本的方式来运行搜索。一个是通过发送搜索参数通过RSET请求URI, 另外的通过RESET 请求体发送。请求body 方法允许你更加有表现力的,定义你的搜索是更加可读的JSON格式我们尝试一个请求URI 方法的例子但是这个章节的剩余部分,我们会专门使用请求body 方法。The REST API  用于搜索是可访问的从_search endpoint. 这个例子返回所有的文档在bank index.让我们首先分析搜索调用,我们是搜索(_search endpoint) 在bankindex,q=* parameter 通知Elasticsearch 来匹配所有的文档在索引里sort=account_number:asc 参数表明 排序 结果集使用account_number  字段pretty  参数 告诉Elasticsearch  返回漂亮的JSON结果GET /test/_search?q=*&sort=account_number:asc&pretty[elk@node01 api]$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST '' --data-binary "@bb.json"(_search endpoint){  "took": 15,  "timed_out": false,  "_shards": {    "total": 5,    "successful": 5,    "failed": 0  },  "hits": {    "total": 5,    "max_score": null,    "hits": [      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "1",        "_score": null,        "_source": {          "account_number": 1,          "balance": 39225,          "firstname": "Amber",          "lastname": "Duke",          "age": 32,          "gender": "M",          "address": "880 Holmes Lane",          "employer": "Pyrami",          "email": "",          "city": "Brogan",          "state": "IL"        },        "sort": [          1        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "6",        "_score": null,        "_source": {          "account_number": 6,          "balance": 5686,          "firstname": "Hattie",          "lastname": "Bond",          "age": 36,          "gender": "M",          "address": "671 Bristol Street",          "employer": "Netagy",          "email": "",          "city": "Dante",          "state": "TN"        },        "sort": [          6        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "13",        "_score": null,        "_source": {          "account_number": 13,          "balance": 32838,          "firstname": "Nanette",          "lastname": "Bates",          "age": 28,          "gender": "F",          "address": "789 Madison Street",          "employer": "Quility",          "email": "",          "city": "Nogal",          "state": "VA"        },        "sort": [          13        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "18",        "_score": null,        "_source": {          "account_number": 18,          "balance": 4180,          "firstname": "Dale",          "lastname": "Adams",          "age": 33,          "gender": "M",          "address": "467 Hutchinson Court",          "employer": "Boink",          "email": "",          "city": "Orick",          "state": "MD"        },        "sort": [          18        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "20",        "_score": null,        "_source": {          "account_number": 20,          "balance": 16418,          "firstname": "Elinor",          "lastname": "Ratliff",          "age": 36,          "gender": "M",          "address": "282 Kings Place",          "employer": "Scentric",          "email": "",          "city": "Ribera",          "state": "WA"        },        "sort": [          20        ]      }    ]  }}GET /test/_search?q=Amber&sort=account_number:asc&pretty至于响应,我们看几个部分:{  "took": 20,  "timed_out": false,  "_shards": {    "total": 5,    "successful": 5,    "failed": 0  },  "hits": {    "total": 2,    "max_score": null,    "hits": [      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "1",        "_score": null,        "_source": {          "account_number": 1,          "balance": 39225,          "firstname": "Amber",          "lastname": "Duke",          "age": 32,          "gender": "M",          "address": "880 Holmes Lane",          "employer": "Pyrami",          "email": "",          "city": "Brogan",          "state": "IL"        },        "sort": [          1        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "99",        "_score": null,        "_source": {          "account_number": 99,          "balance": 39225,          "firstname": "Amber",          "lastname": "Duke",          "age": 32,          "gender": "M",          "address": "880 Holmes Lane",          "employer": "Pyrami",          "email": "",          "city": "Brogan",          "state": "IL"        },        "sort": [          99        ]      }    ]  }}至于响应,我们看下面几个部分:1.took: Elasticsearch  执行搜索单位毫秒2.timed_out  告诉我们如果搜索是否超时3._shards 告诉我们搜索分片的数量下面是使用使用请求body 方法:GET /test/_search{  "query": { "match_all": {} },  "sort": [    { "account_number": "asc" }       ],  "fields":  [ "account_number", "firstname", "lastname" ]}{  "took": 4,  "timed_out": false,  "_shards": {    "total": 5,    "successful": 5,    "failed": 0  },  "hits": {    "total": 6,    "max_score": null,    "hits": [      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "1",        "_score": null,        "fields": {          "account_number": [            1          ],          "firstname": [            "Amber"          ],          "lastname": [            "Duke"          ]        },        "sort": [          1        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "6",        "_score": null,        "fields": {          "account_number": [            6          ],          "firstname": [            "Hattie"          ],          "lastname": [            "Bond"          ]        },        "sort": [          6        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "13",        "_score": null,        "fields": {          "account_number": [            13          ],          "firstname": [            "Nanette"          ],          "lastname": [            "Bates"          ]        },        "sort": [          13        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "18",        "_score": null,        "fields": {          "account_number": [            18          ],          "firstname": [            "Dale"          ],          "lastname": [            "Adams"          ]        },        "sort": [          18        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "20",        "_score": null,        "fields": {          "account_number": [            20          ],          "firstname": [            "Elinor"          ],          "lastname": [            "Ratliff"          ]        },        "sort": [          20        ]      },      {        "_index": "test",        "_type": "account",        "_id": "99",        "_score": null,        "fields": {          "account_number": [            99          ],          "firstname": [            "Amber"          ],          "lastname": [            "Duke"          ]        },        "sort": [          99        ]      }    ]  }}利用perl 实现:[elk@node01 api]$ cat ##发送消息use  LWP::UserAgent; use LWP;use Encode;use LWP::Simple;use LWP::UserAgent;use HTTP::Cookies;use HTTP::Headers;use HTTP::Response;use Encode;use URI::Escape;use URI::URL;use JSON;use Data::Dumper;  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;     $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0");  my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(     file=>'lwp_cookies.txt',     autosave=>1,     ignore_discard=>1);     $ua->cookie_jar($cookie_jar);     my $login_url ="";     my $post ={  "query" => { "match_all" => {} },  "sort" => [    { "account_number" => "asc" }       ],  "fields" =>  [ "account_number", "firstname", "lastname" ]};                use JSON qw(encode_json);      $json_string = encode_json($post);        my $req = HTTP::Request->new(          'POST' => $login_url    );      $req->content_type('application/json; charset=UTF-8')        ;    #post请求,如果有发送参数,必须要有这句      $req->content("$json_string");    #发送post的参数      my $res = $ua->request($req);      print $res->content()."\n";            #获取的是响应正文  {"took":5,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":6,"max_score":null,"hits":[{"_index":"test","_type":"account","_id":"1","_score":null,"fields":{"account_number":[1],"firstname":["Amber"],"lastname":["Duke"]},"sort":[1]},{"_index":"test","_type":"account","_id":"6","_score":null,"fields":{"account_number":[6],"firstname":["Hattie"],"lastname":["Bond"]},"sort":[6]},{"_index":"test","_type":"account","_id":"13","_score":null,"fields":{"account_number":[13],"firstname":["Nanette"],"lastname":["Bates"]},"sort":[13]},{"_index":"test","_type":"account","_id":"18","_score":null,"fields":{"account_number":[18],"firstname":["Dale"],"lastname":["Adams"]},"sort":[18]},{"_index":"test","_type":"account","_id":"20","_score":null,"fields":{"account_number":[20],"firstname":["Elinor"],"lastname":["Ratliff"]},"sort":[20]},{"_index":"test","_type":"account","_id":"99","_score":null,"fields":{"account_number":[99],"firstname":["Amber"],"lastname":["Duke"]},"sort":[99]}]}}不同的是 代替了q=* in the URI, 我们POST 一个JSON累心的查询请求体到_search API.我们会讨论JSON 查询在下面一个章节。重要的是了解一旦你得到搜索结果返回,Elasticsearch  是完成了请求 不在维护任何类型的服务端资源
