Android studio2.4的新特性

来源:互联网 发布:java 时间段 拆分 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 09:39

关于Android studio2.4的新特性问题,老师有在第一次实验课上提到,但是并没有深入讲解。由于个人兴趣,在课下,我就该问题进行了查询。现在将查询结果的情况总结此。





Android studio2.4于近期不断发布新的版本,自三月份发布Android studio2.4 preview1以来更新速度还是保持一贯风格——快。

Android studio2.4 preview1只是早期的构建版本,在未来的几周内,2.4迅速完善并持续更新。Android studio2.4 preview1的主要改进:

在 Android Studio 2.4 Preview 1 中,已将基本 IDE 从 IntelliJ 2016.2 升级到 2017.1 EAP,并在 2016.3 和 2017.1 中添加了一些新特性 --包括参数提示、语义突出,即时搜索结果等等

许多新的 lint 检查

Instant Run:

Instant Run Debug Issue 234401 现在应该已经解决。如果程序在断点处暂停,则应用程序重新启动。但是如果应用程序没有在断点上暂停且当你只有一个方法实现更改时,它不应该重新启动而且热更新应该工作。


Incremental dex’ing. Dex’ing is now done at a per class level. This allows for more incrementality and will result in faster incremental builds. You should also expect improved build speeds for applications using legacy multi-dex (minSdkVersion < 21).

Dependency resolution at execution time. In previous versions, dependency resolution occurs during Gradle configuration time. By moving dependency resolution to execution time, you should expect improved configuration times for large projects.


mac 上的 Android Studio 现在被称为 “Android Studio 2.4”

Device File Explorer - 在 Android Studio 中直接无缝地查看、修改和与设备文件系统交互。此功能可代替以前通过 DDMS 完成的设备文件系统交互(Dalvik Debug Monitor Server)

在接下来的几周内“Android Studio 2.4 Preview系列迅速发布,现在就此内容总结如下:

Android Studio 2.4Preview4是Preview 的最新预览版包括构建工具和模拟器中的 Google Play 的更新,以及一些错误修复。



Java 8 language features support. This preview release introduces built-in support for Java 8 libraries and certain Java 8 language features. Jack is no longer required, and you should first disable Jack to use the improved Java 8 support built into the default toolchain. For more information see how to use Java 8 language features.

Deploy and Test

The Google Play store app is now included in Android 7.0 (API 24) emulator system images. You will need to create a new Android Virtual Devices and select a hardware device configuration compatible with the Google Play Store.

Note: Compatible devices are denoted by the new Play Store column

Bug 修复

We continue to fix issues as they are reported, triaged, and prioritized by our development teams. Please continue to file feedback with reproducible steps as we work to reach a beta quality build.


After updating the Android plugin version, you need to stop the Gradle daemon to apply the update (Issue 267099). Otherwise, Gradle sync and builds fail with the following error: Could not initialize class, Failed to notify build listener, or java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError.

Android Studio 2.4 Preview 5 的新特性如下:


Android Studio 2.4 Preview 5 包含了 IntelliJ 2017.1 的更新。 这是 JetBrains 最新的稳定版本,可能是 Android Studio 2.4 中最后一个主要的IntelliJ更新。


Known Issues

Issue 335265:新建项目向导:在未安装cmake时,创建新的C ++项目不会在新窗口中加载

Issue 335292:新项目向导:项目创建后的约束布局库下载 UI 向导。

Android Studio 2.4 Preview 6 于2017年4月13号发布了。Beta版本发布前还将发布Preview 7版本

Issue 335265: 新建项目向导:在未安装cmake时,创建新的C ++项目不会在新窗口中加载

我们将继续采取更多的修复措施,并将尝试将IntelliJ 2017.1.1作为未来预览的一部分

Bug 360341: 看起来我们可能在C ++中有一个从Android Studio Preview 4到Preview 5的回归,它们仍然在Preview 6中。我们正在研究它,希望在Preview 7中有能得到修复。

Android Studio 2.4 Preview 7于2017年5月发布 。除了关闭Android studio bug,我们还将 IntelliJ 2017.1.1 合并到 Android Studio 中。其他更新如下:

Incremental dexing. Dex’ing is now done at a per class level. This allows for more incrementality and will result in faster incremental builds. You should also expect improved build speeds for applications using legacy multi-dex (minSdkVersion < 21).

Dependency resolution at execution time. In previous versions, dependency resolution occurs during Gradle configuration time. By moving dependency resolution to execution time, you should expect improved configuration times for large projects.

Instant Run debug issue 234401 should now be resolved. If a program is paused on breakpoint, app restarting is expected. But if the app is not paused on a breakpoint, it shouldn’t restart and hot swap should work when you only make a method implementation change.
