Linux 命令笔记

来源:互联网 发布:怎么注册淘宝网店步骤 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/11 23:32

Linux 命令笔记 - 001 (ls)

以下来自于 man ls


ls -  list directory contents  // ls - 显示目录内容

       List  information  about  the FILEs (the current directory by default). // 显示文件信息列表(默认值为当前文件夹)
       Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuvSUX nor --sort. // 如果没有附加选项参数,按字母表顺序排列
       Mandatory arguments to long options are  mandatory  for  short  options too.// 长选项的有强制参数,短选项也同样需要

以下来自于 info ls

The `ls' program lists information about files (of any type, including directories).  Options and file arguments can be intermixed arbitrarily, as usual.

For non-option command-line arguments that are directories, by default `ls' lists the contents of directories, not recursively, and omitting files with names beginning with `.'.  For other non-option arguments, by default `ls' lists just the file name.  If no non-option argument is specified, `ls' operates on the current directory, acting as if it had been invoked with a single argument of `.'.

By default, the output is sorted alphabetically, according to the locale settings in effect.(1) If standard output is a terminal, the output is in columns (sorted vertically) and control characters are output as question marks; otherwise, the output is listed one per line and control characters are output as-is.

Because `ls' is such a fundamental program, it has accumulated many options over the years.  They are described in the subsections below; within each section, options are listed alphabetically (ignoring case). The division of options into the subsections is not absolute, since some options affect more than one aspect of `ls''s operation.

// 简要翻译并脑补部分内容

// ls 程序列出有关文件信息。ls后接[参数表]和[目录位置]。默认状态下,不会递归出子目录内容并省略“ . 和.. ”。默认状态下仅输出文件名等价于 ls . 。默认状态下,按字母顺序排列,输出为列,纵向排序。


ls -l // 显示长列表

ls -a // 显示所有,包含隐藏文件和文件夹 ls -A // 显示所有包含隐藏文件和文件夹,但不包括“ .和 .. ”

ls -h // 已常见的形式显示文件大小

ls -i  // 显示文件索引数值

ls -d // 显示目录 而不是显示目录下的内容

ls -F // 显示加标识 <颜色不好时真晃眼>

ls -p // 给目录结尾加上 / 作为标记 <-F的一部分>

ls -r // 排倒叙

ls -t // 修改时间倒叙

ls -S // 按文件大小,降序排列 <如果接多个顺序排列方式,依次进行,输出最后结果>

ls -X // 按文件扩展名排序

ls -R // 递归列出子目录

ls -Z // 显示文件和文件夹的 SElinux 的信息

ls --version // 显示命令当前版本


[root@eva000 /]# mkdir -p test
[root@eva000 /]# cd test
[root@eva000 test]# touch a.txt
[root@eva000 test]# touch b.txt
[root@eva000 test]# touch d.txt
[root@eva000 test]# touch c.txt
[root@eva000 test]# ls
a.txt  b.txt  c.txt  d.txt
[root@eva000 test]# ls -t
c.txt  d.txt  b.txt  a.txt
[root@eva000 test]# ls -tr
a.txt  b.txt  d.txt  c.txt
[root@eva000 test]# ls -r
d.txt  c.txt  b.txt  a.txt
[root@eva000 test]# echo

[root@eva000 test]# echo '123456' > d.txt
[root@eva000 test]# echo '12345' > a.txt 
[root@eva000 test]# echo '1234' > c.txt 
[root@eva000 test]# echo '123' > b.txt  
[root@eva000 test]# ls -S
d.txt  a.txt  c.txt  b.txt
[root@eva000 test]# ls -Sr
b.txt  c.txt  a.txt  d.txt
