matlab calibration toolbox -- matlab标定工具的使用方法--去畸变和双目校正

来源:互联网 发布:网络兼职申请表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/25 12:20

matlab calibration toolbox是相机标定以及校正用的工具箱。首先下载这个工具箱,免费下载地址:。它的英文使用示例在下面这个网址上有:。


        一、             对于单目标定。

       1 也就是单个相机的标定,首先是用一个相机拍摄标定板获得一定数量的标定板照片。或者下载的一定数量的照片。如下:



       2将下载的toolbox文件解压到一个目录下,支持5.x--8.x版本的matlab。然后打开matlab软件:file—>SetPath出现如下界面。Add Folder添加toolbox所在的路径。

       3添加好后,就可以在MATLAB的命令栏中输入calib_gui 或者calib,回车,运行标定程序。



       4选择图片进行角点检测。选择第一项“Standard(all the images are stored in memory)”,出现如下界面:

此时要保证“Current Directory”为图片所在的目录:

点击“Image Names”按钮。Command行里就会将此目录下所有的照片名字读出来,如下:

“Basename camera calibration images (without number nor suffix):”后面输入:CMOS0_。


“Image format: ([]='r'='ras', 'b'='bmp', 't'='tif', 'p'='pgm','j'='jpg', 'm'='ppm')”后面输入:b。


之后就是检测角点,点击第三项:“Extract grid corners ”:












Calibration parameters afterinitialization:


Focal Length:          fc = [ 1086.72277   1086.72277 ]

Principal point:       cc = [ 319.50000   239.50000 ]

Skew:             alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ]   => angle of pixel = 90.00000 degrees

Distortion:            kc = [ 0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000   0.00000 ]


Main calibration optimization procedure -Number of images: 15

Gradient descent iterations:1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...21...22...done

Estimation of uncertainties...done



Calibration results after optimization(with uncertainties):


Focal Length:          fc = [ 1146.29229   1147.83468 ] ?[ 11.51067   11.19871 ]

Principal point:       cc= [ 304.04991   233.16189 ] ?[8.23084   6.14044 ]

Skew:             alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] ?[0.00000  ]   => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000?0.00000 degrees

Distortion:            kc = [ -0.36478   1.07508  -0.00016   -0.00147  0.00000 ] ?[ 0.04196   0.67100  0.00120   0.00095  0.00000 ]

Pixel error:          err = [ 0.54502   0.23183 ]


Note: The numerical errors areapproximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).





注:Result的mat文件在双目标定中能够用到。将"Calib_Results.mat"改成"Calib_Results_left.mat "。











Aspect ratio optimized (est_aspect_ratio =1) -> both components of fc are estimated (DEFAULT).

Principal point optimized (center_optim=1)- (DEFAULT). To reject principal point, set center_optim=0

Skew not optimized (est_alpha=0) -(DEFAULT)

Distortion not fully estimated (defined bythe variable est_dist):

    Sixth order distortion not estimated (est_dist(5)=0) - (DEFAULT) .

Initialization of the principal point atthe center of the image.

Initialization of the intrinsic parametersusing the vanishing points of planar patterns.


Initialization of the intrinsic parameters- Number of images: 15



Calibration parameters afterinitialization:


Focal Length:          fc = [ 1094.51360   1094.51360 ]

Principal point:       cc = [ 319.50000   239.50000 ]

Skew:             alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ]   => angle of pixel = 90.00000 degrees

Distortion:            kc = [ 0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000   0.00000 ]


Main calibration optimization procedure -Number of images: 15

Gradient descent iterations:1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...21...22...done

Estimation of uncertainties...done



Calibration results after optimization(with uncertainties):


Focal Length:          fc = [ 1153.56062   1153.70663 ] ?[ 5.52064   5.37363 ]

Principal point:       cc = [ 307.59643   201.79164 ] ?[ 4.00096   2.92143 ]

Skew:             alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] ?[0.00000  ]   => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000?0.00000 degrees

Distortion:            kc = [ -0.41467   0.77106  -0.00200   -0.00188  0.00000 ] ?[ 0.02287   0.37580  0.00051   0.00051  0.00000 ]

Pixel error:          err = [ 0.21001   0.18752 ]


Note: The numerical errors areapproximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).




              将”Current Directory“设置为图片所在的目录,点击:“Load left and right calibration files”按钮,命令栏会提示,先输入Calib_Results_left.mat,回车,再输入Calib_Results_right.mat,回车。如下:

Calib_Results_left.mat   calib_data_left.mat     

Calib_Results_right.mat  calib_data_right.mat    


Loading of the individual left and rightcamera calibration files

Name of the left camera calibration file([]=Calib_Results_left.mat): Calib_Results_left.mat

Name of the right camera calibration file([]=Calib_Results_right.mat): Calib_Results_right.mat



Intrinsic parameters of left camera:


Focal Length:          fc_left = [ 1146.29229   1147.83468 ] ?[ 11.51067   11.19871 ]

Principal point:       cc_left = [ 304.04991   233.16189 ] ?[ 8.23084   6.14044 ]

Skew:             alpha_c_left = [ 0.00000 ] ?[0.00000  ]   => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000?0.00000 degrees

Distortion:            kc_left = [ -0.36478   1.07508  -0.00016   -0.00147  0.00000 ] ?[ 0.04196   0.67100  0.00120   0.00095  0.00000 ]



Intrinsic parameters of right camera:


Focal Length:          fc_right = [ 1153.56062   1153.70663 ] ?[ 5.52064   5.37363 ]

Principal point:       cc_right = [ 307.59643   201.79164 ] ?[ 4.00096   2.92143 ]

Skew:             alpha_c_right = [ 0.00000 ] ?[0.00000  ]   => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000?0.00000 degrees

Distortion:            kc_right = [ -0.41467   0.77106  -0.00200   -0.00188  0.00000 ] ?[ 0.02287   0.37580  0.00051   0.00051  0.00000 ]



Extrinsic parameters (position of rightcamera wrt left camera):


Rotation vector:             om = [ 0.02179   -0.01185 0.01145 ]

Translation vector:           T = [ 288.71955   -4.79691 8.65882 ]


Recomputation of the intrinsic parametersof the left camera (recompute_intrinsic_left = 1)


Recomputation of the intrinsic parametersof the right camera (recompute_intrinsic_right = 1)


Main stereo calibration optimizationprocedure - Number of pairs of images: 15

Gradient descent iterations: 1...done

Estimation of uncertainties...done




Stereo calibration parameters afteroptimization:



Intrinsic parameters of left camera:


Focal Length:          fc_left = [ 1148.55963   1149.64262 ] ?[ 7.45634   7.30037 ]

Principal point:       cc_left = [ 310.26705   238.04925 ] ?[ 7.04971   5.09296 ]

Skew:             alpha_c_left = [ 0.00000 ] ?[0.00000  ]   => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000?0.00000 degrees

Distortion:            kc_left = [ -0.34370   0.76402  -0.00169   -0.00056  0.00000 ] ?[ 0.03451   0.53433  0.00090   0.00077  0.00000 ]



Intrinsic parameters of right camera:


Focal Length:          fc_right = [ 1150.39567   1150.10073 ] ?[ 7.17569   6.99235 ]

Principal point:       cc_right = [ 302.34812   193.42732 ] ?[ 7.17158   4.95445 ]

Skew:             alpha_c_right = [ 0.00000 ] ?[0.00000  ]   => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000?0.00000 degrees

Distortion:            kc_right = [ -0.41255   0.86324  -0.00104   -0.00290  0.00000 ] ?[ 0.03845   0.60909  0.00084   0.00082  0.00000 ]



Extrinsic parameters (position of rightcamera wrt left camera):


Rotation vector:             om = [ 0.01223   0.00022 0.01149 ] ?[ 0.00584   0.00846  0.00023 ]

Translation vector:           T = [ 278.99648   3.79371 -16.83653 ] ?[ 2.50669  2.11662  17.55917 ]



Note: The numerical errors areapproximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).













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