
来源:互联网 发布:国内开源php erp 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 08:39


   [MenuItem("CustomTools/Test___K %K")]        public static void Test___K()        {        }        [MenuItem("CustomTools/Test___L %L")]        public static void Test___L()        {        }        [MenuItem("CustomTools/Test___J %J")]        public static void Test___J()        {        }


 [MenuItem("CustomTools/CalculationChildCount")]        public static void CalculationChildCount()        {            StatisticsChildCount scc = new StatisticsChildCount();            scc.FindObjectChild(Selection.activeTransform);            Debug.Log(scc.allObjCount);        }
public class StatisticsChildCount    {        public void FindObjectChild(Transform t)        {            Transform[] trans = FindChild(t);            if (trans == null)                return;            for (int i = 0; i < trans.Length; i++)            {                FindObjectChild(trans[i]);            }        }        public int allObjCount = 0;        Transform[] FindChild(Transform t)        {            Transform[] trans = new Transform[t.childCount];            if (t.childCount > 0)            {                for (int i = 0; i < t.childCount; i++)                {                    allObjCount++;                    trans[i] = t.GetChild(i);                }                return trans;            }            else                return null;        }    }

3. 将选中的物体包含的所有的这个类型的物体的子物体命名为:父物体的名字+前缀+子物体在当前父物体下的索引+1

   [MenuItem("CustomTools/ResetChildName")]        public static void ResetChildName()        {            string prefix = "_Node:";            Roads[] games = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Roads>();            for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++)            {                for (int j = 0; j < games[i].transform.childCount; j++)                {                    games[i].transform.GetChild(j).name = games[i].name + prefix + (j + 1);                }            }            return;        }

4. 子物体不变,父物体的位置和旋转设置为子物体中间的位置

   [MenuItem("CustomTools/ChangeTransformParentLocation ")]        public static void ChangeTransformParentLocation()        {            GameObject[] games = Selection.gameObjects;            for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++)            {                Transform[] trans = new Transform[games[i].transform.childCount];                Transform parent = games[i].transform;                Vector3[] local = new Vector3[trans.Length];                Quaternion[] lo = new Quaternion[trans.Length];                for (int j = 0; j < games[i].transform.childCount; j++)                {                    local[j] = games[i].transform.GetChild(j).position;                    lo[j] = games[i].transform.GetChild(j).rotation;                    trans[j] = games[i].transform.GetChild(j);                }                int fa = (trans.Length / 2) + Random.Range(-5, 5);                if (fa >= trans.Length || fa < 0)                    fa = trans.Length / 2;                parent.position = trans[fa].position;                for (int j = 0; j < trans.Length; j++)                {                    trans[j].SetParent(parent);                    trans[j].position = local[j];                    trans[j].rotation = lo[j];                }            }        }

5. 创建一个新的mesh给选中的物体,mesh为烘焙好的导航网格

  [MenuItem("CustomTools/DrawNavMesh")]        private static void DrawNavMesh()        {            NavMeshTriangulation triangulation = NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();            mesh.vertices = triangulation.vertices;            mesh.triangles = triangulation.indices;            mesh.RecalculateBounds();            Transform tran = Selection.activeTransform;            MeshFilter filter = tran.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();            if (filter != null)            {                filter.sharedMesh = mesh;            }        }

6. 查找选中物体的所有子物体,使所有有该类型的子物体处于选中状态

[MenuItem("CustomTools/SelctionObjs/Text")]        private static void SelectionTexts()        {            Text[] allButton = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>();            GameObject[] allObj = new GameObject[allButton.Length];            for (int i = 0; i < allObj.Length; i++)            {                allObj[i] = allButton[i].gameObject;            }            Selection.objects = allObj;        }


7. 复制选中物体的名字到剪切板

   [MenuItem("CustomTools/CopySelectionName %W")]        public static void CopySelectionName()        {            Object[] objs = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(Object), SelectionMode.Deep); //Assets中的文件            Transform[] trans = Selection.GetTransforms(SelectionMode.DeepAssets); //Scene中的文件            TextEditor te = new TextEditor();            if (objs.Length > 0) //只能单选            {                PlayerPrefs.SetString("CopyName", objs[0].name); //存储到本地                te.text = objs[0].name;                Debug.Log("--------------" + objs[0].name + "--------------");            }            else if (trans.Length > 0)            {                PlayerPrefs.SetString("CopyName", trans[0].name); //从本地取出                te.text = trans[0].name;                Debug.Log("--------------" + trans[0].name + "--------------");            }            else //不支持一些特殊的对象,比如5.0之后Hierarchy中的Scene的name                Debug.Log("无法识别选中的目标!");            te.SelectAll();            te.Copy();        } //复制选中物体的名字到剪切板

8. 使选中的物体隐藏或显示

[MenuItem("CustomTools/SetObjectActive %Q")] //使选中的物体隐藏或显示        public static void SetActive()        {            Transform[] trans = Selection.GetTransforms(SelectionMode.DeepAssets);            GameObject[] allGame = new GameObject[trans.Length];            for (int i = 0; i < trans.Length; i++)            {                allGame[i] = trans[i].gameObject;            }            Undo.RecordObjects(allGame, "SetObjectActive");//注册撤销事件            int activeCount = trans.Length; //获取选中的物体数量            for (int i = trans.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) //对选中的目标进行筛选,隐藏的数量>=1&&不等于选中的总数量则全部开启,否则关闭            {                if (trans[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy) //得到隐藏的数量                    activeCount--;            }            bool activeState = activeCount != 0;//列表中同时有显示和隐藏,优先把所有的设置为显示状态            for (int i = trans.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) //筛选之后就是对选中的物体设置显隐了            {                trans[i].gameObject.SetActive(activeState);            }        }

9. 复制选中的一个object的transform(只能单选)

  [MenuItem("CustomTools/CopyTransform #C")] // 复制选中的一个object的transform(只能单选)        public static void CopyTransform()        {            Transform[] trans = Selection.GetTransforms(SelectionMode.DeepAssets);            GameObject[] allGame = new GameObject[trans.Length];            for (int i = 0; i < trans.Length; i++)            {                allGame[i] = trans[i].gameObject;            }            if (trans.Length != 1)                return;            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PositionX", trans[0].localPosition.x); //保存在本地,防止被清零            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PositionY", trans[0].localPosition.y); //保存在本地,防止被清零            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PositionZ", trans[0].localPosition.z); //保存在本地,防止被清零            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("RotationX", trans[0].localRotation.x); //保存在本地,防止被清零            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("RotationY", trans[0].localRotation.y); //保存在本地,防止被清零            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("RotationZ", trans[0].localRotation.z); //保存在本地,防止被清零            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("RotationW", trans[0].localRotation.w); //保存在本地,防止被清零            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("LocalScaleX", trans[0].localScale.x); //保存在本地,防止被清零            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("LocalScaleY", trans[0].localScale.y); //保存在本地,防止被清零            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("LocalScaleZ", trans[0].localScale.z); //保存在本地,防止被清零        }


10. 将复制的transform的属性粘贴到选中的物体上(只能单选)

        public static void PasteTransform()        {            Transform[] trans = Selection.GetTransforms(SelectionMode.DeepAssets);            Undo.RecordObjects(trans, "PasteTransform");            GameObject[] allGame = new GameObject[trans.Length];            for (int i = 0; i < trans.Length; i++)            {                allGame[i] = trans[i].gameObject;            }            for (int i = 0; i < trans.Length; i++)            {                trans[i].localPosition = new Vector3(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PositionX"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PositionY"),                    PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PositionZ"));                trans[i].localRotation = new Quaternion(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("RotationX"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("RotationY"),                    PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("RotationZ"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("RotationW"));                trans[i].localScale = new Vector3(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("LocalScaleX"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("LocalScaleY"),                    PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("LocalScaleZ"));            }        }

11. 在面板中找到一个物体并处于选中状态(Hieraychy面板)

   [MenuItem("CustomTools/FindSelect %#X")]        public static void FindSelect()        {             Selection.activeObject= GameObject.Find("Start");        }


12. 在面板中找到一个物体并处于选中状态(Assets面板)

  Selection.activeObject = Resources.Load("New Folder/N/Q/W/E/R/Obbbbb");

PS:也就只有我才这么用Resources⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

13. 嗯。。。。称其为三件套吧

   public static void Play()        {            EditorApplication.isPlaying = true;        }


 EditorApplication.isPaused = true;
   EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;


14. 编辑器下使用协程

参考:> http://www.mamicode.com/info-detail-515821.html**这个是这之前用写其他功能时用到的**> https://user.qzone.qq.com/857686710/infocenter    private class EditorCoroutine : IEnumerator        {            private Stack<IEnumerator> executionStack;            public EditorCoroutine(IEnumerator iterator)            {                this.executionStack = new Stack<IEnumerator>();                this.executionStack.Push(iterator);            }            public bool MoveNext()            {                IEnumerator i = this.executionStack.Peek();                if (i.MoveNext())                {                    object result = i.Current;                    if (result != null && result is IEnumerator)                    {                        this.executionStack.Push((IEnumerator)result);                    }                    return true;                }                else                {                    if (this.executionStack.Count > 1)                    {                        this.executionStack.Pop();                        return true;                    }                }                return false;            }            public void Reset()            {                throw new System.NotSupportedException("This Operation Is Not Supported.");            }            public object Current            {                get { return this.executionStack.Peek().Current; }            }            public bool Find(IEnumerator iterator)            {                return this.executionStack.Contains(iterator);            }        }        private static List<EditorCoroutine> editorCoroutineList;        private static List<IEnumerator> buffer;        public static IEnumerator StartEditorCoroutine(IEnumerator iterator)        {            if (editorCoroutineList == null)            {                // test                editorCoroutineList = new List<EditorCoroutine>();            }            if (buffer == null)            {                buffer = new List<IEnumerator>();            }            if (editorCoroutineList.Count == 0)            {                EditorApplication.update += Update;            }            // add iterator to buffer first            buffer.Add(iterator);            return iterator;        }        private static bool Find(IEnumerator iterator)        {            // If this iterator is already added            // Then ignore it this time            foreach (EditorCoroutine editorCoroutine in editorCoroutineList)            {                if (editorCoroutine.Find(iterator))                {                    return true;                }            }            return false;        }        private static void Update()        {            // EditorCoroutine execution may append new iterators to buffer            // Therefore we should run EditorCoroutine first            editorCoroutineList.RemoveAll            (                coroutine => { return coroutine.MoveNext() == false; }            );            // If we have iterators in buffer            if (buffer.Count > 0)            {                foreach (IEnumerator iterator in buffer)                {                    // If this iterators not exists                    if (!Find(iterator))                    {                        // Added this as new EditorCoroutine                        editorCoroutineList.Add(new EditorCoroutine(iterator));                    }                }                // Clear buffer                buffer.Clear();            }            // If we have no running EditorCoroutine            // Stop calling update anymore            if (editorCoroutineList.Count == 0)            {                EditorApplication.update -= Update;            }        }


15. 给物体增加子物体。。。

  GameObject addObj;//要增加子物体的对象        public int addObjectCount = 10; //要增加的数量        public string prefix = "Shoot";        public bool isAddObj = true;        public string addObjectDividingLine = "-----我是分割线-----";void AddChilds()        {            addObj = Selection.activeGameObject;            Assert.AreNotEqual(addObj, null, "没有找到目标");            int objCount = addObj.transform.childCount;            string p = prefix;            for (int index = objCount; index < objCount + addObjectCount; index++)            {                GameObject clone = new GameObject();                clone.name = prefix + index;                clone.transform.parent = addObj.transform;            }        }



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