
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝有什么好的鞋店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 04:18
import numpy as npimport cPickleimport cv2from pylearn2.datasets.mnist import MNISTfrom pylearn2.datasets.cifar10 import CIFAR10from pylearn2.datasets.svhn import SVHN_DATASET_SIZE = {'mnist' : 50000, 'cifar10':50000}def load_data(dataset, train_percent=0.8, val_percent=0.2):    """ Load MNIST, CIFAR-10 dataset    dataset: string: MNIST or CIFAR-10    train_percent: float: percentage of the dataset to be used for training    val_per: string: percentage of the dataset to be used for the validation purpose    Output:    (train_x, val_x, test_x, train_y, val_y, test_y)    """    zero_mean = False    if(dataset.lower() == 'mnist'):        print('Loading MNIST dataset from pylearn2')        train_set_size = int(_DATASET_SIZE['mnist'] * train_percent)        train_data = MNIST(which_set='train', start=0, stop=train_set_size, center=zero_mean)        val_data = MNIST(which_set='train', start=train_set_size, stop=_DATASET_SIZE[dataset], center=zero_mean)        test_data = MNIST(which_set='test', center=zero_mean)        # convert labels into 1D array        train_data.y = np.hstack(train_data.y)        val_data.y = np.hstack(val_data.y)        test_data.y = np.hstack(test_data.y)        # create 10 dimensional vector corresponding to each label        train_data.y = np.float32(np.eye(10))[train_data.y]        val_data.y = np.float32(np.eye(10))[val_data.y]        test_data.y = np.float32(np.eye(10))[test_data.y]        # TODO: convert the data to range [-1,1]        # reshape the data into image size(#images, channels, height, width).         # Each row contains an image in the original dataset        train_data.X = np.reshape(train_data.X, (-1, 1, 28, 28))        val_data.X = np.reshape(val_data.X, (-1, 1, 28, 28))        test_data.X = np.reshape(test_data.X, (-1, 1, 28, 28))        # convert to [-1 1] range        train_data.X = train_data.X * 2.0 - 1.0        val_data.X = val_data.X * 2.0 - 1.0        test_data.X = test_data.X * 2.0 - 1.0    elif(dataset.lower() == 'cifar10'):        print('Loading CIFAR-10 dataset from pylearn2')        #训练数据集的大小,50000×0.8=40000,其余10000为val验证集        train_set_size = int(_DATASET_SIZE['cifar10'] * train_percent)        train_data = CIFAR10(which_set='train', start=0, stop=train_set_size)        val_data = CIFAR10(which_set='train', start=train_set_size, stop=50000)        test_data = CIFAR10(which_set='test')        # convert labels into 1D array        #x为data,y为labels先定义x为50000*3072,y为50000×1的全0阵,依次读取batch_data与batch_test中的数据与标签存入x与y        #再设置Xs与Ys为字典,信息为Xs:50000train_data,10000test_data Ys:50000train_labels,10000test_labals        #最终X为对应数据集中的data,y为对应数据集中的labels        #hstack将各个数据集标签转化为1维数组        train_data.y = np.hstack(train_data.y)        val_data.y = np.hstack(val_data.y)        test_data.y = np.hstack(test_data.y)        # create 10 dimensional vector corresponding to each label        #创建对应10种标签的10维向量,进行one-hot编码        train_data.y = np.float32(np.eye(10))[train_data.y]        val_data.y = np.float32(np.eye(10))[val_data.y]        test_data.y = np.float32(np.eye(10))[test_data.y]        # TODO: convert the data to range [-1,1]        # reshape the data into image size(#images, channels, height, width).         # Each row contains an image in the original dataset        #将data数据重新改变形状(-1,3,32,32),-1表示为任意大小,对应位置为batch_size        train_data.X = np.reshape(train_data.X, (-1, 3, 32, 32))        val_data.X = np.reshape(val_data.X, (-1, 3, 32, 32))        test_data.X = np.reshape(test_data.X, (-1, 3, 32, 32))        # convert to [-1 1] range        #将(-255,255)之间的数据,转化为(-1,1)之间的数据        train_data.X = train_data.X * (2.0/255) - 1.0        val_data.X = val_data.X * (2.0/255) - 1.0        test_data.X = test_data.X * (2.0/255) - 1.0    elif(dataset.lower() == 'svhn'):        train_data = SVHN(which_set= 'splitted_train', axes= ['b', 'c', 0, 1])             val_data = SVHN(which_set= 'valid', axes= ['b', 'c', 0, 1])            test_data = SVHN(which_set= 'test', axes= ['b', 'c', 0, 1])        # convert labels into 1D array        train_data.y = np.hstack(train_data.y)        val_data.y = np.hstack(val_data.y)        test_data.y = np.hstack(test_data.y)        # create 10 dimensional vector corresponding to each label        train_data.y = np.float32(np.eye(10))[train_data.y]        val_data.y = np.float32(np.eye(10))[val_data.y]        test_data.y = np.float32(np.eye(10))[test_data.y]        # convert to [-1, 1] range        train_data.X = np.reshape(np.subtract(np.multiply(2.0/255, train_data.X), 1.0), (-1, 3, 32, 32))        val_data.X = np.reshape(np.subtract(np.multiply(2.0/255, val_data.X), 1.0), (-1, 3, 32, 32))        test_data.X = np.reshape(np.subtract(np.multiply(2.0/255, test_data.X), 1.0), (-1, 3, 32, 32))    else:        print('This dataset is not supported. Only MNIST and CIFAR-10 are supported as of now.')        raise ValueError('Dataset is not supported')    print('Trainset shape = ', train_data.X.shape, train_data.y.shape)    print('Valset shape = ', val_data.X.shape, val_data.y.shape)    print('Testset shape = ', test_data.X.shape, test_data.y.shape)    return train_data.X, val_data.X, test_data.X, train_data.y, val_data.y, test_data.yif __name__=='__main__':    dataset = 'mnist'    load_data(dataset)