DPDK Ring Library

来源:互联网 发布:温暖的句子 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 16:00


4.Ring Library

ring 管理队列,ring不是一个无限大小的链表,它具有以下属性:

*批量出队 - 如果成功,将指定数量的对象出队; 否则失败
*批量入库 - 如果成功,将指定数量的对象入队; 否则失败
*爆发出队 - 如果指定数量的对象无法满足,则将最大可用数量的对象出队
*爆发入队 - 如果指定数量的对象无法满足,则将最大可用数量的对象入队



*更快:比较void *大小的数据,只需要执行单次Compare-And-Swap指令,而不需要执行2次Compare-And-Swap指令



CAS(Compare and Swap)是个原子操作




存储在数据结构中的consumer head,consumer tail,producer head,producer tail简单的表示了ring的逻辑结构

4.1 FreeBSD中Ring实现的参考*
在FreeBSD 8.0中添加了以下代码,并在某些网络设备驱动程序中使用(至少在Intel驱动程序中):

4.2 Linux中无锁Ring的实现*


4.3 附加特性

4.3.1 名字


4.3.2 用例




4.5 剖析Ring缓存

本节介绍环形缓存的运作方式。ring结构由两对head,tail组成,一对被生产者使用,一对被消费者使用,在下面的图形中将他们称为prod_head,prod_tail,,cons_head 和 ons_tail。



4.5.1 单生产者入队

本节介绍当单生产者添加一个对象到ring时发生了什么。在这个例子中,仅仅只有一个生产者,仅仅只有生产者的head和tail(prod_head and prod_tail)索引被修改了。

在初始状态, prod_head 和 prod_tail指向相同的位置。


/** * @internal Enqueue several objects on a ring (NOT multi-producers safe). * * @param r *   A pointer to the ring structure. * @param obj_table *   A pointer to a table of void * pointers (objects). * @param n *   The number of objects to add in the ring from the obj_table. * @param behavior *   RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED:    Enqueue a fixed number of items from a ring *   RTE_RING_QUEUE_VARIABLE: Enqueue as many items a possible from ring * @return *   Depend on the behavior value *   if behavior = RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED *   - 0: Success; objects enqueue. *   - -EDQUOT: Quota exceeded. The objects have been enqueued, but the *     high water mark is exceeded. *   - -ENOBUFS: Not enough room in the ring to enqueue, no object is enqueued. *   if behavior = RTE_RING_QUEUE_VARIABLE *   - n: Actual number of objects enqueued. */static inline int __attribute__((always_inline))__rte_ring_sp_do_enqueue(struct rte_ring *r, void * const *obj_table, unsigned n, enum rte_ring_queue_behavior behavior){uint32_t prod_head, cons_tail;uint32_t prod_next, free_entries;unsigned i;uint32_t mask = r->prod.mask;int ret;prod_head = r->prod.head;cons_tail = r->cons.tail;/* The subtraction is done between two unsigned 32bits value * (the result is always modulo 32 bits even if we have * prod_head > cons_tail). So 'free_entries' is always between 0 * and size(ring)-1. */free_entries = mask + cons_tail - prod_head;/* check that we have enough room in ring */if (unlikely(n > free_entries)) {if (behavior == RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED) {__RING_STAT_ADD(r, enq_fail, n);return -ENOBUFS;}else {/* No free entry available */if (unlikely(free_entries == 0)) {__RING_STAT_ADD(r, enq_fail, n);return 0;}n = free_entries;}}prod_next = prod_head + n;r->prod.head = prod_next;/* write entries in ring */ENQUEUE_PTRS();rte_smp_wmb();/* if we exceed the watermark */if (unlikely(((mask + 1) - free_entries + n) > r->prod.watermark)) {ret = (behavior == RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED) ? -EDQUOT :(int)(n | RTE_RING_QUOT_EXCEED);__RING_STAT_ADD(r, enq_quota, n);}else {ret = (behavior == RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED) ? 0 : n;__RING_STAT_ADD(r, enq_success, n);}r->prod.tail = prod_next;return ret;} 入队第一步 

首先,局部变量保存ring->prod_head 和 ring->cons_tail。 prod_next局部变量指向prod_head的下一个元素,若是批量入队就指prod_head的下几个元素。

假如ring里没有足够的空间(检查cons_tail获知),入队函数将返回error  入队第二步

第二步是修改ring结构体里的ring->prod_head 索引,将它指向上面提到的局部变量prod_next指向的位置。

接下来就是将添加对象(下图ring中的obj4)的索引复制到ring的里面。 入队最后一步

一旦添加对象被复制到ring后,ring结构体里的 ring->prod_tail索引将指向 ring->prod_head的位置,入队操作完成。

4.5.2. 单消费者出队

本节介绍单消费者从ring取出一个对象时发生了什么。在这个例子中,仅仅只有一个消费者,仅仅只有消费者的head和tail(cons_head and cons_tail)索引被修改了。

在初始状态, cons_head 和 cons_tail指向相同的位置。

/** * @internal Dequeue several objects from a ring (NOT multi-consumers safe). * When the request objects are more than the available objects, only dequeue * the actual number of objects * * @param r *   A pointer to the ring structure. * @param obj_table *   A pointer to a table of void * pointers (objects) that will be filled. * @param n *   The number of objects to dequeue from the ring to the obj_table. * @param behavior *   RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED:    Dequeue a fixed number of items from a ring *   RTE_RING_QUEUE_VARIABLE: Dequeue as many items a possible from ring * @return *   Depend on the behavior value *   if behavior = RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED *   - 0: Success; objects dequeued. *   - -ENOENT: Not enough entries in the ring to dequeue; no object is *     dequeued. *   if behavior = RTE_RING_QUEUE_VARIABLE *   - n: Actual number of objects dequeued. */static inline int __attribute__((always_inline))__rte_ring_sc_do_dequeue(struct rte_ring *r, void **obj_table, unsigned n, enum rte_ring_queue_behavior behavior){uint32_t cons_head, prod_tail;uint32_t cons_next, entries;unsigned i;uint32_t mask = r->prod.mask;cons_head = r->cons.head;prod_tail = r->prod.tail;/* The subtraction is done between two unsigned 32bits value * (the result is always modulo 32 bits even if we have * cons_head > prod_tail). So 'entries' is always between 0 * and size(ring)-1. */entries = prod_tail - cons_head;if (n > entries) {if (behavior == RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED) {__RING_STAT_ADD(r, deq_fail, n);return -ENOENT;}else {if (unlikely(entries == 0)){__RING_STAT_ADD(r, deq_fail, n);return 0;}n = entries;}}cons_next = cons_head + n;r->cons.head = cons_next;/* copy in table */DEQUEUE_PTRS();rte_smp_rmb();__RING_STAT_ADD(r, deq_success, n);r->cons.tail = cons_next;return behavior == RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED ? 0 : n;} 出队第一步

首先,局部变量保存ring->cons_head 和 ring->prod_tail。 cons_next局部变量指向cons_head的下一个元素,若是批量出队就指向cons_head的下几个元素。

假如ring里没有足够的空间(prod_tail检查获知),出队函数将返回error 出队第二步

第二步是修改ring结构体里的ring->cons_head 索引,将它指向上面提到的局部变量cons_next指向的位置。

接下来就是将对象(下图ring中的obj1)的指针复制到用户传进来的指针中。 出队最后一步

最后,ring结构体中的 ring->cons_tail索引指向和 ring->cons_head,局部变量cons_next相同的位置(obj2的位置)。出队操作完成。

4.5.3 多生产者入队

本节介绍当两个生产者同时添加对象到ring时发生了什么。在这个例子中,仅仅只有生产者的head和tail(prod_head and prod_tail)索引被修改了。
在初始状态, prod_head 和 prod_tail指向相同的位置。

/** * @internal Enqueue several objects on the ring (multi-producers safe). * * This function uses a "compare and set" instruction to move the * producer index atomically. * * @param r *   A pointer to the ring structure. * @param obj_table *   A pointer to a table of void * pointers (objects). * @param n *   The number of objects to add in the ring from the obj_table. * @param behavior *   RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED:    Enqueue a fixed number of items from a ring *   RTE_RING_QUEUE_VARIABLE: Enqueue as many items a possible from ring * @return *   Depend on the behavior value *   if behavior = RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED *   - 0: Success; objects enqueue. *   - -EDQUOT: Quota exceeded. The objects have been enqueued, but the *     high water mark is exceeded. *   - -ENOBUFS: Not enough room in the ring to enqueue, no object is enqueued. *   if behavior = RTE_RING_QUEUE_VARIABLE *   - n: Actual number of objects enqueued. */static inline int __attribute__((always_inline))__rte_ring_mp_do_enqueue(struct rte_ring *r, void * const *obj_table, unsigned n, enum rte_ring_queue_behavior behavior){uint32_t prod_head, prod_next;uint32_t cons_tail, free_entries;const unsigned max = n;int success;unsigned i, rep = 0;uint32_t mask = r->prod.mask;int ret;/* Avoid the unnecessary cmpset operation below, which is also * potentially harmful when n equals 0. */if (n == 0)return 0;/* move prod.head atomically */do {/* Reset n to the initial burst count */n = max;prod_head = r->prod.head;cons_tail = r->cons.tail;/* The subtraction is done between two unsigned 32bits value * (the result is always modulo 32 bits even if we have * prod_head > cons_tail). So 'free_entries' is always between 0 * and size(ring)-1. */free_entries = (mask + cons_tail - prod_head);/* check that we have enough room in ring */if (unlikely(n > free_entries)) {if (behavior == RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED) {__RING_STAT_ADD(r, enq_fail, n);return -ENOBUFS;}else {/* No free entry available */if (unlikely(free_entries == 0)) {__RING_STAT_ADD(r, enq_fail, n);return 0;}n = free_entries;}}prod_next = prod_head + n;success = rte_atomic32_cmpset(&r->prod.head, prod_head,      prod_next);} while (unlikely(success == 0));/* write entries in ring */ENQUEUE_PTRS();rte_smp_wmb();/* if we exceed the watermark */if (unlikely(((mask + 1) - free_entries + n) > r->prod.watermark)) {ret = (behavior == RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED) ? -EDQUOT :(int)(n | RTE_RING_QUOT_EXCEED);__RING_STAT_ADD(r, enq_quota, n);}else {ret = (behavior == RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED) ? 0 : n;__RING_STAT_ADD(r, enq_success, n);}/* * If there are other enqueues in progress that preceded us, * we need to wait for them to complete */while (unlikely(r->prod.tail != prod_head)) {rte_pause();/* Set RTE_RING_PAUSE_REP_COUNT to avoid spin too long waiting * for other thread finish. It gives pre-empted thread a chance * to proceed and finish with ring dequeue operation. */if (RTE_RING_PAUSE_REP_COUNT &&    ++rep == RTE_RING_PAUSE_REP_COUNT) {rep = 0;sched_yield();}}r->prod.tail = prod_next;return ret;} 多生产者入队第一步

在两个生产者core中(这个core可以理解成同时运行的线程或进程),各自的局部变量都保存ring->prod_head 和 ring->cons_tail。 各自的局部变量prod_next索引指向ring->prod_head的下一个元素,如果是批量入队,指向下几个元素。

假如ring里没有足够的空间(检查cons_tail获知),入队函数将返回error 多生产者入队第二步

第二步是修改ring结构体里的ring->prod_head 索引,将它指向上面提到的局部变量prod_next指向的位置。这个操作是通过使用 Compare And Swap (CAS)执行完成的, Compare And Swap (CAS)包含以下原子操作:



在下图中,生产者core1执行成功,生产者core2重新运行。 多生产者入队第三步


生产者core1更新对象obj4到ring中,生产者core2更新对象obj5到ring中(CAS指令重试后执行成功的)。 多生产者入队第四步

现在每个生产者core都想更新 ring->prod_tail索引。生产者core代码中,只有ring->prod_tail等于自己局部变量prod_head才能被更新,显然从上图中可知,只有生产者core1才能满足,生产者core1完成了入队操作。 多生产者入队最后一步


4.5.4 32位取模索引

在前面的图例中,prod_head, prod_tail, cons_head 和 cons_tail 都是用箭头表示的。但在实际的代码实现中,他们的值并不是0和ring大小减一之间的数值。索引的大小范围是0----2^32-1,当访问ring中的数据时,真正的索引等于ring中索引值和掩码之后的值。32 bit取模的意思是如果索引操作(加减)的结果的值超出了32 bit数据的范围,溢出的值忽略,只看省下的位组成的数。








代码实现总是将producer 和 consumer保持0----ring大小减一的距离。 这个特性的好处是我们能在两个32位索引值之间做减法,且差值永远在0----ring大小减一范围内:这也是为什么结果溢出不是什么大问题。


uint32_t entries = (prod_tail - cons_head);
uint32_t free_entries = (mask + cons_tail -prod_head);

4.6 参考索引

bufring.h in FreeBSD (version 8)
bufring.c in FreeBSD (version 8)
Linux Lockless Ring Buffer Design
