【ironic 源码分析】manager 源码分析

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺销量怎么看 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 03:33

一. 文件 conductor/manager.py

      执行命令 ironic node-create -d pxe_ipmitool -u ${ironic_node_uuid}

      类ConductorManager中create_node传入的参数可以得出:只有uuid, driver, provision_state有值


        @ check_and_update_node_interfaces: 

        @ 保存至数据库

        node-update 差不多操作

二. _sync_power_states



        @ 节点map到conductor

        @ 节点 maintenance: false

        @ 节点 provision state非DEPLOYWAIT/CLEANWAIT




        count = do_sync_power_state(        task, self.power_state_sync_count[node_uuid])        if count:              self.power_state_sync_count[node_uuid] = count        else:              # don't bloat the dict with non-failing nodes              del self.power_state_sync_count[node_uuid]

2.1 函数 do_sync_power_state, 

@METRICS.timer('do_sync_power_state')def do_sync_power_state(task, count):    省略        # We will modify a node, so upgrade our lock and use reloaded node.    # This call may raise NodeLocked that will be caught on upper level.    task.upgrade_lock()    node = task.node    # Repeat all checks with exclusive lock to avoid races    if node.power_state and node.power_state == power_state:        # Node power state was updated to the correct value        return 0    elif node.provision_state in SYNC_EXCLUDED_STATES or node.maintenance:        # Something was done to a node while a shared lock was held        return 0    elif node.power_state is None:        # If node has no prior state AND we successfully got a state,        # simply record that and send a notification.        LOG.info("During sync_power_state, node %(node)s has no "                 "previous known state. Recording current state '%(state)s'.",                 {'node': node.uuid, 'state': power_state})        node.power_state = power_state        node.save()        notify_utils.emit_power_state_corrected_notification(            task, None)        return 0    if count > max_retries:        handle_sync_power_state_max_retries_exceeded(task, power_state)        return count    if CONF.conductor.force_power_state_during_sync:        LOG.warning("During sync_power_state, node %(node)s state "                    "'%(actual)s' does not match expected state. "                    "Changing hardware state to '%(state)s'.",                    {'node': node.uuid, 'actual': power_state,                     'state': node.power_state})        try:            # node_power_action will update the node record            # so don't do that again here.            utils.node_power_action(task, node.power_state)        except Exception as e:            LOG.error(                "Failed to change power state of node %(node)s "                "to '%(state)s', attempt %(attempt)s of %(retries)s.",                {'node': node.uuid,                 'state': node.power_state,                 'attempt': count,                 'retries': max_retries})    else:        LOG.warning("During sync_power_state, node %(node)s state "                    "does not match expected state '%(state)s'. "                    "Updating recorded state to '%(actual)s'.",                    {'node': node.uuid, 'actual': power_state,                     'state': node.power_state})        node.power_state = power_state        node.save()        notify_utils.emit_power_state_corrected_notification(            task, old_power_state)    return count

       代码中省略1: 超过最大失败次数,节点变为maintenace mode并报告错误, 如果节点没有先前状态和driver info 不合法,异常InvalidParameterValue

      主要函数为:power_state = task.driver.power.get_power_state(task)


    def get_power_state(self, task):        """Get the current power state of the task's node.        :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.        :returns: one of ironic.common.states POWER_OFF, POWER_ON or ERROR.        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if required ipmi parameters are missing.        :raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing.        :raises: IPMIFailure on an error from ipmitool (from _power_status            call).        """        driver_info = _parse_driver_info(task.node)        return _power_status(driver_info)


     主要根据配置文件ironic.conf中driver为ipmitool, 需要的driver_info主要为ipmi_address, 得到一堆driver_info参数

def _power_status(driver_info):    """Get the power status for a node.    :param driver_info: the ipmitool access parameters for a node.    :returns: one of ironic.common.states POWER_OFF, POWER_ON or ERROR.    :raises: IPMIFailure on an error from ipmitool.    """    cmd = "power status"    try:        out_err = _exec_ipmitool(driver_info, cmd)    except (exception.PasswordFileFailedToCreate,            processutils.ProcessExecutionError) as e:        LOG.warning("IPMI power status failed for node %(node_id)s with "                    "error: %(error)s.",                    {'node_id': driver_info['uuid'], 'error': e})        raise exception.IPMIFailure(cmd=cmd)    if out_err[0] == "Chassis Power is on\n":        return states.POWER_ON    elif out_err[0] == "Chassis Power is off\n":        return states.POWER_OFF    else:        return states.ERROR

主要执行ipmitool命令得到power status, 返回主要有三种模式: POWER_ON POWER_OFF ERROR

三. change_node_power_state

     获得锁执行,设置target_power_state(POWER_ON / POWER_OFF)


task.spawn_after(self._spawn_worker, utils.node_power_action,                 task, new_state, timeout=power_timeout)

关键执行函数node_power_action: 过滤掉一些当前与目标状态一样的,主要代码如下:

# take power action    try:        if new_state != states.REBOOT:            if ('timeout' in reflection.get_signature(                    task.driver.power.set_power_state).parameters):                task.driver.power.set_power_state(task, new_state,                                                  timeout=timeout)            else:                # FIXME(naohirot):                # After driver composition, we should print power interface                # name here instead of driver.                LOG.warning(                    "The set_power_state method of %(driver_name)s "                    "doesn't support 'timeout' parameter.",                    {'driver_name': node.driver})                task.driver.power.set_power_state(task, new_state)        else:            if ('timeout' in reflection.get_signature(                    task.driver.power.reboot).parameters):                task.driver.power.reboot(task, timeout=timeout)            else:                LOG.warning("The reboot method of %(driver_name)s "                            "doesn't support 'timeout' parameter.",                            {'driver_name': node.driver})                task.driver.power.reboot(task)

最终也是调用ipmitool power on / off reboot等

四. do_node_deploy

1.1 #调用驱动的部署模块的prepare方法,不同驱动的动作不一样 pxe_* 驱动使用的是iscsi_deploy.ISCSIDeploy.prepare,
1.2 task.driver.deploy.deploy

1.1。 def prepare(self,task):
位置: iscsi_deploy.py 为PXE部署和用户镜像产生TFTP配置,从Glance获取TFTP镜像,加到本地缓存
1.1.1 node_power_action
1.1.2 unconfigure_tenant_networksunbind port 从neutron
1.1.3 add_provisioning_network为节点添加网络
1.1.4 build_agent_options
返回 agent_config_opts = {
'ipa-api-url': get_ironic_api_url(),
# NOTE: The below entry is a temporary workaround for bug/1433812
1.1.5 prepare_ramdisk
@ 得到dhcp_opts更新DHCP, 其中dhcp_opts大致如下:
dhcp_opts: [{'opt_value': 'pxelinux.0', 'ip_version': 4, 'opt_name': 'bootfile-name'}, {'opt_value': '/tftpboot/', 'ip_version': 4, 'opt_name': '210'}, {'opt_value': '', 'ip_version': 4, 'opt_name': 'server-ip-address'}, {'opt_value': '', 'ip_version': 4, 'opt_name': 'tftp-server'}]
@ _get_deploy_image_info 得到deploy_kernel deploy_ramdisk 绝对路径
{'deploy_ramdisk': ('edfa4240-9cd9-41e0-baa4-82cb581c617e', '/tftpboot/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000102/deploy_ramdisk'), 'deploy_kernel': ('e9905ded-c7e7-4d5f-94ee-97fa2d7d15b1', '/tftpboot/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000102/deploy_kernel')}
@ _build_pxe_config_options PXE配置
pxe_opts: {'ipa-api-url': '', 'ari_path': 'no_ramdisk', 'deployment_ari_path': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000102/deploy_ramdisk', 'pxe_append_params': 'nofb nomodeset vga=normal console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 ipa-debug=1', 'aki_path': 'no_kernel', 'deployment_aki_path': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000102/deploy_kernel', 'tftp_server': '', 'ipxe_timeout': 0, 'coreos.configdrive': 0}
@ try_set_boot_device 设置boot
@ _cache_ramdisk_kernel
cache image

五. continue_deploy
物理机上电后,执行ramdisk,然后启动IPA, 大致如下:
@ 向ironic发送lookup请求,获取节点UUID
@ 发送心跳包
@ 部署后停止心跳包
def run(self):        """Run the Ironic Python Agent."""        。。。。。。。。。。。。。        if not self.standalone:            # Inspection should be started before call to lookup, otherwise            # lookup will fail due to unknown MAC.            uuid = None            if cfg.CONF.inspection_callback_url:                uuid = inspector.inspect()            if self.api_url:                self._wait_for_interface()                content = self.api_client.lookup_node(                    hardware_info=hardware.dispatch_to_managers(                        'list_hardware_info'),                    timeout=self.lookup_timeout,                    starting_interval=self.lookup_interval,                    node_uuid=uuid)                LOG.debug('Received lookup results: %s', content)                self.node = content['node']                LOG.info('Lookup succeeded, node UUID is %s',                         self.node['uuid'])                hardware.cache_node(self.node)                self.heartbeat_timeout = content['config']['heartbeat_timeout']                # Update config with values from Ironic                config = content.get('config', {})                if config.get('metrics'):                    for opt, val in config.items():                        setattr(cfg.CONF.metrics, opt, val)                if config.get('metrics_statsd'):                    for opt, val in config.items():                        setattr(cfg.CONF.metrics_statsd, opt, val)            elif cfg.CONF.inspection_callback_url:                LOG.info('No ipa-api-url configured, Heartbeat and lookup '                         'skipped for inspector.')            else:                LOG.error('Neither ipa-api-url nor inspection_callback_url'                          'found, please check your pxe append parameters.')        if netutils.is_ipv6_enabled():            # Listens to both IP versions, assuming IPV6_V6ONLY isn't enabled,            # (the default behaviour in linux)            simple_server.WSGIServer.address_family = socket.AF_INET6        wsgi = simple_server.make_server(            self.listen_address.hostname,            self.listen_address.port,            self.api,            server_class=simple_server.WSGIServer)        if not self.standalone and self.api_url:            # Don't start heartbeating until the server is listening            self.heartbeater.start()        try:            wsgi.serve_forever()        except BaseException:            LOG.exception('shutting down')        if not self.standalone and self.api_url:            self.heartbeater.stop()

5.0 beartbeat
如果node的provision_state 为 DEPLOYWAIT 并且已经不是started 则调用5.1 continue_deploy
DEPLOYWAIT 并且镜像已经下载完,部署完成则5.2 reboot_to_instance
driver_internal_info: {'agent_url': u'http://$ip:9999', u'is_whole_disk_image': True}
def heartbeat(self, task, callback_url):    """Process a heartbeat.    :param task: task to work with.    :param callback_url: agent HTTP API URL.    """    # TODO(dtantsur): upgrade lock only if we actually take action other    # than updating the last timestamp.    task.upgrade_lock()    node = task.node    LOG.debug('Heartbeat from node %s', node.uuid)    driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info    driver_internal_info['agent_url'] = callback_url    # TODO(rloo): 'agent_last_heartbeat' was deprecated since it wasn't    # being used so remove that entry if it exists.    # Hopefully all nodes will have been updated by Pike, so    # we can delete this code then.    driver_internal_info.pop('agent_last_heartbeat', None)    node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info    node.save()    # Async call backs don't set error state on their own    # TODO(jimrollenhagen) improve error messages here    msg = _('Failed checking if deploy is done.')    try:        if node.maintenance:            # this shouldn't happen often, but skip the rest if it does.            LOG.debug('Heartbeat from node %(node)s in maintenance mode; '                      'not taking any action.', {'node': node.uuid})            return        elif (node.provision_state == states.DEPLOYWAIT and              not self.deploy_has_started(task)):            msg = _('Node failed to deploy.')            self.continue_deploy(task)        elif (node.provision_state == states.DEPLOYWAIT and              self.deploy_is_done(task)):            msg = _('Node failed to move to active state.')            self.reboot_to_instance(task)        elif (node.provision_state == states.DEPLOYWAIT and              self.deploy_has_started(task)):            node.touch_provisioning()        elif node.provision_state == states.CLEANWAIT:            node.touch_provisioning()            if not node.clean_step:                LOG.debug('Node %s just booted to start cleaning.',                          node.uuid)                msg = _('Node failed to start the first cleaning step.')                # First, cache the clean steps                self.refresh_clean_steps(task)                # Then set/verify node clean steps and start cleaning                manager_utils.set_node_cleaning_steps(task)                # The exceptions from RPC are not possible as we using cast                # here                _notify_conductor_resume_clean(task)            else:                msg = _('Node failed to check cleaning progress.')                self.continue_cleaning(task)

5.1 continue_deploy函数
def continue_deploy(self, task):    """Method invoked when deployed using iSCSI.    This method is invoked during a heartbeat from an agent when    the node is in wait-call-back state. This deploys the image on    the node and then configures the node to boot according to the    desired boot option (netboot or localboot).    :param task: a TaskManager object containing the node.    :param kwargs: the kwargs passed from the heartbeat method.    :raises: InstanceDeployFailure, if it encounters some error during        the deploy.    """    task.process_event('resume')    node = task.node    LOG.debug('Continuing the deployment on node %s', node.uuid)    uuid_dict_returned = do_agent_iscsi_deploy(task, self._client)    root_uuid = uuid_dict_returned.get('root uuid')    efi_sys_uuid = uuid_dict_returned.get('efi system partition uuid')    self.prepare_instance_to_boot(task, root_uuid, efi_sys_uuid)    self.reboot_and_finish_deploy(task)

ipmitool -I lanplus -H $ip -L ADMINISTRATOR -p 623  -U $user -R 120 -N 5 -f /tmp/tmp83ANKp power status
ipmitool -I lanplus -H $ip -L ADMINISTRATOR -p 623  -U $user -R 120 -N 5 -f /tmp/tmp83ANKp power on


  1. ironic-api: 接收REST请求,送给ironic-conductor
  2. ironic-conductor: 接收来自ironic-API的请求,进行创建、更新、删除nodes, 通过IPMI、ssh开关电源,或者部署机器
  3. ironic-python-agent: 当一台bare metal服务启动时,如果从PXE启动,机器可以从远端拉取一个最小版的Linux内核,也可以拉取一个ramdisk,
  4. ironicclient: Ironic CLI

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