使用Docker Toolbox 创建v1.12.6版的Docker虚拟机的方法-注意正确使用本地文件 file:参数的路径名

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网鞋子女鞋 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:19

使用Docker Toolbox创建v1.12.6Docker虚拟机的方法,

一定要注意正确使用本地文件 file:// 参数的路径名,


无法使用 file:// 参数指定boot2docker.iso 本地文件,


# 按照 boot2docker\版本号\boot2docker.iso的目录形式,

# 将所有的ISO都下载到本地的C:\Users\用户名 这个目录下,


# 使用 Docker-machine create -d virtualbox创建虚拟机时,

# --virtualbox-boot2docker-url使用file://参数,一定要加boot2docker.iso全部的文件名!

# 一定要用Windows下的路径格式! 并且一定要两个反斜杠!!


# 官方网页: https://docs.docker.com/machine/drivers/virtualbox/显示:

# you could specify --virtualbox-boot2docker-url file://$HOME/Downloads/rc.isoto test

# 官网示例中使用/斜杠,给人误导

# 无论使用目录file://$HOME/boot2docker/v1.12.6/

# 还是在使用file://$HOME/boot2docker/v1.12.6/boot2docker.iso 全部的文件名,都不行.

# 一定要使用file://C:\\Users\\catty\\boot2docker\\v1.12.6\\boot2docker.iso格式,


# 估计这个参数是Windows程序virtualbox调用的,

# 需要使用windows格式的路径才能正确执行。







docker-machine create \

-d virtualbox \

--virtualbox-memory=1024 \

--virtualbox-cpu-count=1 \

--virtualbox-boot2docker-url=$ISO_File_Path \

--engine-registry-mirror=http://ab330b6b.m.daocloud.io \

--engine-registry-mirror=https://2lqq34jg.mirror.aliyuncs.com \



eval $(docker-machine env $VM_Name)


docker-machine ls


# 创建Docker v1.12.6虚拟机结束.




Oracle VirtualBox驱动参数及使用说明



Create machines locally using VirtualBox. This driver requires VirtualBox 5+ to be installed on your host. Using VirtualBox 4.3+ should work but will give you a warning. Older versions will refuse to work.



$ docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox vbox-test

You can create an entirely new machine or you can convert a Boot2Docker VM into a machine by importing the VM. To convert a Boot2Docker VM, youd use the following command:


$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-import-boot2docker-vm boot2docker-vm b2d

The size of the VMs disk can be configured this way:


$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-disk-size "100000" large


--virtualbox-memory: Size of memory for the host in MB.

--virtualbox-cpu-count: Number of CPUs to use to create the VM. Defaults to single CPU.

--virtualbox-disk-size: Size of disk for the host in MB.

--virtualbox-host-dns-resolver: Use the host DNS resolver. (Boolean value, defaults to false)

--virtualbox-boot2docker-url: The URL of the boot2docker image. Defaults to the latest available version.

--virtualbox-import-boot2docker-vm: The name of a Boot2Docker VM to import.

--virtualbox-hostonly-cidr: The CIDR of the host only adapter.

--virtualbox-hostonly-nictype: Host Only Network Adapter Type. Possible values are82540EM(Intel PRO/1000), Am79C973(PCnet-FAST III), and virtioParavirtualized network adapter.

--virtualbox-hostonly-nicpromisc: Host Only Network Adapter Promiscuous Mode. Possible options are deny , allow-vms, allow-all

--virtualbox-no-share: Disable the mount of your home directory

--virtualbox-no-dns-proxy: Disable proxying all DNS requests to the host (Boolean value, default to false)

--virtualbox-no-vtx-check: Disable checking for the availability of hardware virtualization before the VM is started

--virtualbox-share-folder: Mount the specified directory instead of the default home location. Format: dir:name

The --virtualbox-boot2docker-url flag takes a few different forms. By default, if no value is specified for this flag, Machine will check locally for a boot2docker ISO. If one is found, that will be used as the ISO for the created machine. If one is not found, the latest ISO release available on boot2docker/boot2docker will be downloaded and stored locally for future use. Note that this means you must run docker-machine upgrade deliberately on a machine if you wish to update thecachedboot2docker ISO.


This is the default behavior (when --virtualbox-boot2docker-url=""), but the option also supports specifying ISOs by the http:// and file:// protocols. file:// will look at the path specified locally to locate the ISO: for instance,you could specify --virtualbox-boot2docker-url file://$HOME/Downloads/rc.isoto test out a release candidate ISO that you have downloaded already. You could also just get an ISO straight from the Internet using the http:// form.


To customize the host only adapter, you can use the --virtualbox-hostonly-cidr flag. This will specify the host IP and Machine will calculate the VirtualBox DHCP server address (a random IP on the subnet between .1 and .25) so it does not clash with the specified host IP. Machine will also specify the DHCP lower bound to .100 and the upper bound to .254. For example, a specified CIDR of would have a DHCP server between, a lower bound of and upper bound of




CLI option Environment variable Default

--virtualbox-memory VIRTUALBOX_MEMORY_SIZE 1024

--virtualbox-cpu-count VIRTUALBOX_CPU_COUNT 1

--virtualbox-disk-size VIRTUALBOX_DISK_SIZE 20000

--virtualbox-host-dns-resolver VIRTUALBOX_HOST_DNS_RESOLVER false

--virtualbox-boot2docker-url VIRTUALBOX_BOOT2DOCKER_URL Latest boot2docker url

--virtualbox-import-boot2docker-vm VIRTUALBOX_BOOT2DOCKER_IMPORT_VM boot2docker-vm

--virtualbox-hostonly-cidr VIRTUALBOX_HOSTONLY_CIDR

--virtualbox-hostonly-nictype VIRTUALBOX_HOSTONLY_NIC_TYPE 82540EM

--virtualbox-hostonly-nicpromisc VIRTUALBOX_HOSTONLY_NIC_PROMISC deny

--virtualbox-no-share VIRTUALBOX_NO_SHARE false

--virtualbox-no-dns-proxy VIRTUALBOX_NO_DNS_PROXY false

--virtualbox-no-vtx-check VIRTUALBOX_NO_VTX_CHECK false

--virtualbox-share-folder VIRTUALBOX_SHARE_FOLDER ~:users

Known Issues

Vboxfs suffers from a longstanding bug causing sendfile(2) to serve cached file contents.


This will often cause problems when using a web server such as nginx to serve static files from a shared volume. For development environments, a good workaround is to disable sendfile in your server configuration.

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