
来源:互联网 发布:外国人抢购的国货知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 01:57

有时在接口测试时,其参数需要为时间戳或者是日期格式的数据。针对此问题,可以使用JMeter自带的_time 函数来解决以上问题



1、通过函数助手,生成一个_time 函数:




${__time(,)}  :  默认该公式精确到毫秒级别, 13位数

${__time(/1000,)}  : 该公式精确到秒级别, 10位数


3、 如果参数需要为当前日期,那公式为:








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  1. ${__time(,)}         1450056496991 //无格式化参数,返回当前毫秒时间  
  2. ${__time(yyyyMMdd,)} 20151214      //返回年月日  
  3. ${__time(HHmmss,)}   092816        //返回时分秒  
  4. ${__time(yyyyMMdd-HHmmss,)} 20151214-092816 //全  


19.5.17 __time

The time function returns the current time in various formats.


AttributeDescriptionRequiredFormatThe format to be passed to SimpleDateFormat. The function supports various shorthand aliases, see below. If ommitted, the function returns the current time in milliseconds since the epoch.NoName of variableThe name of the variable to set.No

If the format string is omitted, then the function returns the current time in milliseconds since the epoch. In versions of JMeter after 2.7, if the format matches "/ddd" (where ddd are decimal digits), then the function returns the current time in milliseconds divided by the value of ddd. For example, "/1000" returns the current time in seconds since the epoch. Otherwise, the current time is passed to SimpleDateFormat. The following shorthand aliases are provided:

  • YMD = yyyyMMdd
  • HMS = HHmmss
  • YMDHMS = yyyyMMdd-HHmmss
  • USER1 = whatever is in the Jmeter property time.USER1
  • USER2 = whatever is in the Jmeter property time.USER2

The defaults can be changed by setting the appropriate JMeter property, e.g. time.YMD=yyMMdd

