
来源:互联网 发布:mac cocos2dx lua 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 21:30


标签(空格分隔): 翻译计划

原文链接地址:Using ThreadPoolExecutor in Android


线程池(Thread Pools)





 ThreadPoolExecutor executor = ThreadPoolExecutor( int corePoolSize,        int maximumPoolSize,        long keepAliveTime,        TimeUnit unit,        BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue);


  • 1、corePoolSize
    • 线程池中的最小线程个数,最初的线程池个数初始化是0个,但是当我们把任务添加到队列中的时候,一个新的线程将会被创建,如果有空线程,但是线程数低于corePoolSize,那么新的线程将会被继续创建
  • 2、maximumPoolSize
    • 线程池中允许创建的最大线程个数,如果这个数字超过了corePolSize,并且currentPoolSize>=corePoolSize,那么只有当队列满的时候才会去创建新的工作线程。
  • 3、keepAliveTime
    • 线程存活时间,当线程数大于核心线程(工作线程),那么非核心线程(多于的空闲线程)将等待新的任务,如果这些线程在该参数定义的时间内没有得到任务去执行,将会被销毁。
  • 4、unit
    • 线程存活时间keepAliveTime的时间单位
  • 5、workQueue
    • 工作队列,将会持有持续运行任务,这里将会展现BlockingQueue


  • 1、这是一个强大的任务执行框架,支持队列中的任务添加,任务取消和任务优先级排序
  • 2、它可以减少线程创建的开销,因为他会在线程池中管理所需要的线程



public class PriorityThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {    private final int mThreadPriority;    public PriorityThreadFactory(int threadPriority) {        mThreadPriority = threadPriority;    }    @Override    public Thread newThread(final Runnable runnable) {        Runnable wrapperRunnable = new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                try {                    Process.setThreadPriority(mThreadPriority);                } catch (Throwable t) {                }                runnable.run();            }        };        return new Thread(wrapperRunnable);    }}


public class MainThreadExecutor implements Executor {    private final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());    @Override    public void execute(Runnable runnable) {        handler.post(runnable);    }}


/** Singleton class for default executor supplier*/public class DefaultExecutorSupplier{    /*    * Number of cores to decide the number of threads    */    public static final int NUMBER_OF_CORES = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();    /*    * thread pool executor for background tasks    */    private final ThreadPoolExecutor mForBackgroundTasks;    /*    * thread pool executor for light weight background tasks    */    private final ThreadPoolExecutor mForLightWeightBackgroundTasks;    /*    * thread pool executor for main thread tasks    */    private final Executor mMainThreadExecutor;    /*    * an instance of DefaultExecutorSupplier    */    private static DefaultExecutorSupplier sInstance;    /*    * returns the instance of DefaultExecutorSupplier    */    public static DefaultExecutorSupplier getInstance() {       if (sInstance == null) {         synchronized(DefaultExecutorSupplier.class){                                                                               sInstance = new DefaultExecutorSupplier();              }        return sInstance;    }    /*    * constructor for  DefaultExecutorSupplier    */     private DefaultExecutorSupplier() {        // setting the thread factory        ThreadFactory backgroundPriorityThreadFactory = new                 PriorityThreadFactory(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);        // setting the thread pool executor for mForBackgroundTasks;        mForBackgroundTasks = new ThreadPoolExecutor(                NUMBER_OF_CORES * 2,                NUMBER_OF_CORES * 2,                60L,                TimeUnit.SECONDS,                new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),                backgroundPriorityThreadFactory        );        // setting the thread pool executor for mForLightWeightBackgroundTasks;        mForLightWeightBackgroundTasks = new ThreadPoolExecutor(                NUMBER_OF_CORES * 2,                NUMBER_OF_CORES * 2,                60L,                TimeUnit.SECONDS,                new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),                backgroundPriorityThreadFactory        );        // setting the thread pool executor for mMainThreadExecutor;        mMainThreadExecutor = new MainThreadExecutor();    }    /*    * returns the thread pool executor for background task    */    public ThreadPoolExecutor forBackgroundTasks() {        return mForBackgroundTasks;    }    /*    * returns the thread pool executor for light weight background task    */    public ThreadPoolExecutor forLightWeightBackgroundTasks() {        return mForLightWeightBackgroundTasks;    }    /*    * returns the thread pool executor for main thread task    */    public Executor forMainThreadTasks() {        return mMainThreadExecutor;    }}


/** Using it for Background Tasks*/public void doSomeBackgroundWork(){  DefaultExecutorSupplier.getInstance().forBackgroundTasks()    .execute(new Runnable() {    @Override    public void run() {       // do some background work here.    }  });}/** Using it for Light-Weight Background Tasks*/public void doSomeLightWeightBackgroundWork(){  DefaultExecutorSupplier.getInstance().forLightWeightBackgroundTasks()    .execute(new Runnable() {    @Override    public void run() {    // do some light-weight background work here.    }  });}/** Using it for MainThread Tasks*/public void doSomeMainThreadWork(){  DefaultExecutorSupplier.getInstance().forMainThreadTasks()    .execute(new Runnable() {    @Override    public void run() {       // do some Main Thread work here.    }  });}




/** Get the future of the task by submitting it to the pool*/Future future = DefaultExecutorSupplier.getInstance().forBackgroundTasks()    .submit(new Runnable() {    @Override    public void run() {      // do some background work here.    }});/** cancelling the task*/future.cancel(true); 






/** * Priority levels */public enum Priority {    /**     * NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE ORDERING OF THOSE CONSTANTS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.     * Doing so will make ordering incorrect.     */    /**     * Lowest priority level. Used for prefetches of data.  低级优先级     */    LOW,    /**     * Medium priority level. Used for warming of data that might soon get visible.  中端优先级     */    MEDIUM,      /**     * Highest priority level. Used for data that are currently visible on screen.  高优先级     */    HIGH,    /**     * Highest priority level. Used for data that are required instantly(mainly for emergency).  最高优先级     */    IMMEDIATE;}


public class PriorityRunnable implements Runnable {    private final Priority priority;    public PriorityRunnable(Priority priority) {        this.priority = priority;    }    @Override    public void run() {      // nothing to do here.    }    public Priority getPriority() {        return priority;    }}


public class PriorityThreadPoolExecutor extends ThreadPoolExecutor {   public PriorityThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime,         TimeUnit unit, ThreadFactory threadFactory) {        super(corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTime, unit,new PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), threadFactory);    }    @Override    public Future<?> submit(Runnable task) {        PriorityFutureTask futureTask = new PriorityFutureTask((PriorityRunnable) task);        execute(futureTask);        return futureTask;    }    private static final class PriorityFutureTask extends FutureTask<PriorityRunnable>            implements Comparable<PriorityFutureTask> {        private final PriorityRunnable priorityRunnable;        public PriorityFutureTask(PriorityRunnable priorityRunnable) {            super(priorityRunnable, null);            this.priorityRunnable = priorityRunnable;        }        /*         * compareTo() method is defined in interface java.lang.Comparable and it is used         * to implement natural sorting on java classes. natural sorting means the the sort          * order which naturally applies on object e.g. lexical order for String, numeric          * order for Integer or Sorting employee by there ID etc. most of the java core          * classes including String and Integer implements CompareTo() method and provide         * natural sorting.         */        @Override        public int compareTo(PriorityFutureTask other) {            Priority p1 = priorityRunnable.getPriority();            Priority p2 = other.priorityRunnable.getPriority();            return p2.ordinal() - p1.ordinal();        }    }}


public class DefaultExecutorSupplier{private final PriorityThreadPoolExecutor mForBackgroundTasks;private DefaultExecutorSupplier() {        mForBackgroundTasks = new PriorityThreadPoolExecutor(                NUMBER_OF_CORES * 2,                NUMBER_OF_CORES * 2,                60L,                TimeUnit.SECONDS,                backgroundPriorityThreadFactory        );    }}


/** do some task at high priority*/public void doSomeTaskAtHighPriority(){  DefaultExecutorSupplier.getInstance().forBackgroundTasks()    .submit(new PriorityRunnable(Priority.HIGH) {    @Override    public void run() {      // do some background work here at high priority.    }});}

通过这种方式,我们就可以创建一个具有优先级的任务,上述所有使用方式同样适用于Java Applications

这里给一个我自己封装的安卓网络工作的依赖库Android Networking Library

如果想知道更详细的实现,可以查看DefaultExecutorSupplier.java这个类在Android Networking here.



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