
来源:互联网 发布:中国流动人口数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 00:41
//  The Notes Created by Z-Tech on 2017/2/17.//  All Codes Boot on 《C++ Primer Plus》V6.0//  OS:MacOS 10.12.4//  Translater:clang/llvm8.0.0 &g++4.2.1//  Editer:iTerm 2&Sublime text 3//  IDE: Xcode8.2.1&Clion2017.1//P12.1-P12.3Z_Head.h#ifndef XXX_H#define XXX_H#include <iostream>class StringBad{private:    char * str;    int len;    static int num_strings;public:    StringBad(const char * s);    StringBad();    ~StringBad();    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream & os,const StringBad & st);};#endifSubFunctions.cpp#include "Z_Head.h"#include <cstring>using std::cout;int StringBad::num_strings=0;StringBad::StringBad(const char * s){    len = std::strlen(s);    str = new char[len+1];    std::strcpy(str,s);    num_strings++;    cout<<num_strings<<": \""<<str<<"\" object created\n";}StringBad::StringBad(){    len = 4;    str = new char[len];    std::strcpy(str,"C++");    num_strings++;    cout<<num_strings<<": \""<<str<<"\" default object created\n";}StringBad::~StringBad(){    cout<<"\""<<str<<"\" object deleted, ";    --num_strings;    cout<<num_strings<<" left\n";    delete [] str;}std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream & os,const StringBad & st){    os<<st.str;    return os;}Main.cpp#include "Z_Head.h"using std::cout;void callme1(StringBad & );void callme2(StringBad);int main(){    using std::endl;    {        cout<<"String an inner block.\n";        StringBad headline1("Celery Stalks at Midnight");        StringBad headline2("Lettuce Prey");        StringBad sports("Spinach Leaves Bowl for Dollars");        cout<<"headline1: "<<headline1<<endl;        cout<<"headline2: "<<headline2<<endl;        cout<<"sports: "<<sports<<endl;        callme1(headline1);        cout<<"headline1: "<<headline1<<endl;        callme2(headline2);//Bug出处        cout<<"headline2: "<<headline2<<endl;        cout<<"Initialize one object to another:\n";        StringBad sailor = sports;        cout<<"sailor: "<<sailor<<endl;        cout<<"Assign one object to another:\n";        StringBad knot;        knot = headline1;        cout<<"knot: "<<knot<<endl;        cout<<"Exiting the block.\n";    }    cout<<"End of main()\n";    return 0;}void callme1(StringBad & rsb){    cout<<"String passed by reference:\n";    cout<<"     \""<<rsb<<"\"\n";}void callme2(StringBad sb){    cout<<"String passed by value:\n";    cout<<"     \""<<sb<<"\"\n";}//P12.4-P12.6Z_Head.h#ifndef XXX_H#define XXX_H#include <iostream>using std::ostream;using std::istream;class String{private:    char * str;    int len;    static int num_strings;//声明静态数据成员,但此处无法定义    static const int CINLIM = 80;//静态常量可以初始化public:    //构造函数和方法    String(const char * s);    String();    String(const String &);    ~String();    int length() const {return len;}//内联函数    //操作符重载成员函数    String & operator=(const String &);    String & operator=(const char *);    char & operator[](int i);    const char & operator[](int i) const;//const版本    //操作符重载友元函数    friend bool operator<(const String &st1,const String &st2);    friend bool operator>(const String &st1,const String &st2);    friend bool operator==(const String &st1,const String & st2);    friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os,const String & st);    friend istream & operator>>(istream & is,String & st);    //静态类成员函数    static int HowMany();};#endifSubFunctions.cpp#include "Z_Head.h"#include <cstring>using std::cout;using std::cin;int String::num_strings=0;//静态类成员函数int String::HowMany(){    return num_strings;//统计对象创建的次数}//构造函数和方法String::String(const char * s)//指针版本创建对象{    len = std::strlen(s);    str = new char[len + 1];    std::strcpy(str,s);    num_strings++;}String::String()//默认参数创建{    len = 4;    str = new char[1];    str[0] = '\0';    num_strings++;}String::String(const String & st)//引用对象创建对象{    num_strings++;    len = st.len;    str = new char[len + 1];    std::strcpy(str,st.str);}String::~String()//析构函数{    --num_strings;    delete [] str;}//操作符重载成员函数String & String::operator=(const String & st)//重载使用引用对象的赋值{    if (this == &st)        return *this;    delete [] str;//释放指针指向内存    len = st.len;    str = new char[len + 1];    std::strcpy(str,st.str);    return *this;}String & String::operator=(const char * s)//重载使用字符串指针的赋值{    delete [] str;    len = std::strlen(s);    str = new char[len + 1];    std::strcpy(str,s);    return *this;}char & String::operator[](int i)//重载对象数组的引用{    return str[i];}const char & String::operator[](int i) const//重载常量版本{    return str[i];}//操作符重载友元函数bool operator<(const String &st1,const String &st2)//重载对象字符串排序<{    return (std::strcmp(st1.str,st2.str)<0);//st1在st2前则返回负数}bool operator>(const String &st1,const String &st2)//重载对象字符串排序>{    return (st2.str<st1.str);//巧妙利用前者}bool operator==(const String &st1,const String & st2)//重载对象字符串排序=={    return (std::strcmp(st1.str,st2.str)==0);}ostream & operator<<(ostream & os,const String & st)//重载对象的输出流{    os<<st.str;    return os;}istream & operator>>(istream & is,String & st)//重载对象的输入流{    char temp[String::CINLIM];    is.get(temp,String::CINLIM);    if (is)        st=temp;    while (is && is.get()!='\n')        continue;    return is;}Main.cpp#include "Z_Head.h"const int ArSize = 10;const int MaxLen = 81;int main(){    using std::cout;    using std::cin;    using std::endl;    String name;    cout<<"Hi,what's your name?\n>> ";    cin>>name;//读取姓名到name    cout<<name<<",please enter up to "<<ArSize        <<" short saying <empty line to quit>:\n";    String saying[ArSize];//创建对象数组    char temp[MaxLen];//临时字符串数组    int i;    for (i = 0;i < ArSize;i++)    {        cout<<i+1<<": ";        cin.get(temp,MaxLen);//读取谚语到temp        while (cin && cin.get()!='\n')//读取成功且不到结尾则继续            continue;        if (!cin||temp[0]=='\0')//读取失败或者碰到字符串结尾\0则弹出            break;        else            saying[i]=temp;//将读取的temp存入saying对象数组    }    int total = i;    if (total > 0)//如果确实读取成功了    {        cout<<"Here are your saying:\n";        for (i = 0;i < total;i++)            cout<<saying[i][0]<<": "<<saying[i]<<endl;        int shortest = 0;        int first = 0;        for (i = 1;i < total;i++)        {            if (saying[i].length() < saying[shortest].length())//字符串长度                shortest = i;//i已被设置为第一个谚语            if (saying[i] < saying[first])//谁小就在前,并被赋值到first                first = i;        }        cout<<"Shortest saying :\n"<<saying[shortest]<<endl;        cout<<"First alphabetically:\n"<<saying[first]<<endl;        cout<<"This program used "<<String::HowMany()//统计被创建的对象数            <<" String objects.Bye.\n";    }    else        cout<<"No input!Bye.\n";    return  0;}//P12.7//配合P12.4-P12.5const int ArSize = 10;const int MaxLen = 81;int main(){    using namespace std;    String name;    cout<<"Hi,What's your name?\n>>";    cin>>name;    cout<<name<<",Please enter up to "<<ArSize        <<" short saying <empty line to quit>:\n";    String saying[ArSize];    char temp[MaxLen];    int i;    for (i = 0;i < ArSize;i++)    {        cout<<i+1<<": ";        cin.get(temp,MaxLen);        while (cin&&cin.get()!='\n')            continue;        if (!cin||temp[0]=='\0')            break;        else            saying[i]=temp;    }    int total = i;    if (total > 0)    {        cout<<"Here are your saying:\n";        for (i = 0;i < total;i++)            cout<<saying[i]<<'\n';        String * shortest = &saying[0];        String * first = &saying[0];        for (i = 1;i < total;i++)        {            if (saying[i].length() < shortest->length())//注意长度比较                shortest = &saying[i];            if (saying[i] < *first)                first = &saying[i];        }        cout<<"Shortest saying:\n"<< * shortest<<endl;        cout<<"First saying:\n"<< * first<<endl;        srand(time(0));        int choice = rand() % total;        String * favorite = new String(saying[choice]);        cout<<"My favorite saying:\n"<< *favorite<<endl;        delete favorite;    }    else        cout<<"Not much to say, eh?\n";    cout<<"Bye.\n";    return 0;}//P12.8#include <iostream>using namespace std;const int BUF = 512;class JustTesting{private:    string words;    int number;public:    JustTesting(const string &s = "Just Testing", int n = 0)    {        words = s;        number = n;        cout << words << " constructed\n";    }    ~JustTesting()    { cout << words << " destroyed"; }    void Show() const    { cout << words << ", " << number << endl; }};int main(){    char *buffer = new char[BUF];    JustTesting *pc1,*pc2;    pc1=new (buffer) JustTesting;    pc2=new JustTesting("Heap1",20);    cout<<"Memory block addresses:\n"<<"buffer:"        <<(void *)buffer<<"    heap: "<<pc2<<endl;    cout<<"Memory contents:\n";    cout<<pc1<<": ";    pc1->Show();    cout<<pc2<<": ";    pc2->Show();    JustTesting *pc3,*pc4;    pc3=new (buffer) JustTesting("Bad Idea",6);//这会导致缓冲池被覆盖    pc4=new JustTesting("Heap2",10);//每次都会在堆里分配新的地址    cout<<"Memory addresses:\n";    cout<<pc3<<": ";    pc3->Show();    cout<<pc4<<": ";    pc4->Show();    delete pc2;    delete pc4;    delete [] buffer;    cout<<"Done.\n";    return 0;}//P12.9#include <iostream>using namespace std;const int BUF = 512;class JustTesting{private:    string words;    int number;public:    JustTesting(const string &s = "Just Testing", int n = 0)    {        words = s;        number = n;        cout << words << " constructed\n";    }    ~JustTesting()    { cout << words << " destroyed\n"; }    void Show() const    { cout << words << ", " << number << endl; }};int main(){    char *buffer = new char[BUF];    JustTesting *pc1, *pc2;    pc1 = new(buffer) JustTesting;    pc2 = new JustTesting("Heap1", 20);    cout << "Memory block addresses:\n" << "buffer:"         << (void *) buffer << "    heap: " << pc2 << endl;    cout << "Memory contents:\n";    cout << pc1 << ": ";    pc1->Show();    cout << pc2 << ": ";    pc2->Show();    JustTesting *pc3, *pc4;    pc3 = new(buffer + sizeof(JustTesting)) JustTesting("Better Idea", 6);//右移1个对象的空间    pc4 = new JustTesting("Heap2", 10);//每次都会在堆里分配新的地址    cout << "Memory addresses:\n";    cout << pc3 << ": ";    pc3->Show();    cout << pc4 << ": ";    pc4->Show();    delete pc2;    delete pc4;    pc3->~JustTesting();//删除指向的对象    pc1->~JustTesting();    delete[] buffer;    cout << "Done.\n";    return 0;}//P12.10-12.12Z_Head.h#ifndef QUEUE_H#define QUEUE_Hclass Customer{private:    long arrive;    int processtime;public:    Customer() { arrive = processtime = 0; }//构造函数    void set(long when);//设置随机服务时长和抵达时间    long when() const { return arrive; }//返回到达时间    int ptime() const { return processtime; }//返回服务时长};typedef Customer Item;//将类名Customer简化为替换为Itemclass Queue{private:    struct Node { Item item;struct Node *next; };//创建节点结构    enum { Q_SIZE = 10 };//类内常量    Node *front;    Node *rear;    int items;    const int qsize;    Queue(const Queue &q) : qsize(0) {}//伪私有方法防止意外创建    Queue &operator=(const Queue &q) { return *this; }//防止意外public:    Queue(int qs = Q_SIZE);    ~Queue();    bool isempty() const;    bool isfull() const;    int queuecount() const;//队列成员计数    bool enqueue(const Item &item);//加入队尾    bool dequeue(Item &item);//离开队首};#endifSubFunctions.cpp#include "Z_Head.h"#include <cstdlib>Queue::Queue(int qs) : qsize(qs)//成员初始化列表{    front = rear = nullptr;    items = 0;}Queue::~Queue(){    Node *temp;    while (front != nullptr)    {        temp = front;//暂时保存指针        front = front->next;//后置指针前移        delete temp;//删除原front    }}bool Queue::isempty() const{    return items == 0;}bool Queue::isfull() const{    return items == qsize;}int Queue::queuecount() const{    return items;}bool Queue::enqueue(const Item &item){    if (isfull())        return false;    Node *add = new Node;    add->item = item;    add->next = nullptr;    items++;    if (front == nullptr)        front = add;    else        rear->next = add;    rear = add;    return true;}bool Queue::dequeue(Item &item){    if (front == nullptr)//isempty()        return false;    item = front->item;//将第一个对象节点的数据传给引用    items--;    Node *temp = front;    front = front->next;//后一个指针设为前一个    delete temp;//删除节点    if (items == 0)        rear = nullptr;//如果移除后队列空则设尾部为空指针    return true;}void Customer::set(long when){    processtime = std::rand() % 3 + 1;//rand()需要srand()作为种子    arrive = when;}Main.cpp#include "Z_Head.h"#include <iostream>const int MIN_PER_HR = 60;bool newcustomer(double x);int main(){    using std::cin;    using std::cout;    using std::endl;    using std::ios_base;    std::srand(std::time(0));    cout << "Case Study: Bank of Heather Automatic Teller\n";    cout << "Enter Maximum size of queue: ";    int qs;    cin >> qs;    cin.get();    Queue line(qs);//创建qs人的队列    cout << "Enter number of simulation hours: ";//模仿小时数    int hours;    cin >> hours;    cin.get();    long cyclelimit = MIN_PER_HR * hours;    cout << "Enter the average number of customers per hour: ";    double perhour;    cin >> perhour;    cin.get();    double min_per_cust;    min_per_cust = MIN_PER_HR;    Item temp;    long turnaways = 0;    long customers = 0;    long served = 0;    long sum_line = 0;    int wait_time = 0;    long line_wait = 0;    for (int cycle = 0; cycle < cyclelimit; cycle++)    {        if (newcustomer(min_per_cust))        {            if (line.isfull())                turnaways++;            else            {                customers++;                temp.set(cycle);                line.enqueue(temp);            }        }        if (wait_time <= 0 && !line.isempty())        {            line.dequeue(temp);            wait_time = temp.ptime();            line_wait += cycle - temp.when();            served++;        }        if (wait_time > 0)            wait_time--;        sum_line += line.queuecount();    }    if (customers > 0)    {        cout << "customers acceted: " << customers << endl;        cout << " customers served: " << served << endl;        cout << "        turnaways: " << turnaways << endl;        cout << " average queue size: ";        cout.precision(2);        cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);        cout << double(sum_line / cyclelimit) << endl;        cout << " average wait time: " << double(line_wait / served) << " minutes\n";    } else        cout << "No customers!\n";    cout << "Done!\n";    return 0;}bool newcustomer(double x){    return (std::rand() * x / RAND_MAX < 1);}//PP12.10.1#include <cstring>#include <iostream>class Cow{    //隐式默认private    char name[20];    char *hobby;    double weight;public:    Cow();    Cow(const char *nm, const char *ho, double wt);    Cow(const Cow &c);    ~Cow();    Cow &operator=(const Cow &c);    void showCow() const;};Cow::Cow(){    name[0] = '\0';    hobby = nullptr;    weight = 0;}Cow::Cow(const char *nm, const char *ho, double wt){    strcpy(name, nm);    hobby = new char[strlen(ho) + 1];    strcpy(hobby, ho);    weight = wt;}Cow::Cow(const Cow &c){    strcpy(name, c.name);    hobby = new char[strlen(c.hobby) + 1];    strcpy(hobby, c.hobby);    weight = c.weight;}Cow::~Cow(){    delete[] hobby;}Cow &Cow::operator=(const Cow &c){    strcpy(name, c.name);    hobby = new char[strlen(c.hobby) + 1];    strcpy(hobby, c.hobby);    weight = c.weight;    return *this;}void Cow::showCow() const{    std::cout << "Name: " << name << std::endl;    std::cout << "Hobby: " << hobby << std::endl;    std::cout << "Weight: " << weight << std::endl;}int main(){    Cow test1;    Cow test2("杨旭舟", "Find my girl.", 120);    test2.showCow();    Cow test3(test2);    test3.showCow();    test1 = test2;    test2.showCow();    return 0;}//PP12.10.2Z_Head.h#include <iostream>using std::ostream;using std::istream;class String{private:    char *str;    unsigned len;    static int num_strings;//声明静态数据成员,但此处无法定义    static const int CINLIM = 80;//静态常量可以初始化public:    //静态类成员函数    static int HowMany();    //构造函数和方法    String(const char *s);    String();    String(const String &);    ~String();    int length() const { return len; }//内联函数    void Stringlow();    void Stringup();    unsigned Has(char ch) const;    //操作符重载成员函数    String &operator=(const String &);    String &operator=(const char *);    String &operator+=(const String &);    char &operator[](int i);    const char &operator[](int i) const;//const版本    //操作符重载友元函数    friend bool operator<(const String &st1, const String &st2);    friend bool operator>(const String &st1, const String &st2);    friend String operator+(const String &st1, const String &st2);    friend bool operator==(const String &st1, const String &st2);    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const String &st);    friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, String &st);};SubFunctions.cpp#include "Z_Head.h"#include <cstring>using std::cout;using std::cin;int String::num_strings = 0;//静态类成员函数int String::HowMany(){    return num_strings;//统计对象创建的次数}//构造函数和方法String::String(const char *s)//指针版本创建对象{    len = std::strlen(s);    str = new char[len + 1];    std::strcpy(str, s);    num_strings++;}String::String()//默认参数创建{    len = 4;    str = new char[1];    str[0] = '\0';    num_strings++;}String::String(const String &st)//引用对象创建对象{    num_strings++;    len = st.len;    str = new char[len + 1];    std::strcpy(str, st.str);}String::~String()//析构函数{    --num_strings;    delete[] str;}void String::Stringlow(){    for (unsigned i=0;i<len;i++)        str[i]=(char)tolower((int)str[i]);}void String::Stringup(){    for (unsigned i=0;i<len;i++)        str[i]=(char)toupper((int)str[i]);}unsigned String::Has(char ch) const{    unsigned counter=0;    for (unsigned i=0;i<len;i++)        if (str[i]==ch)//不需要'ch'            counter++;    return counter;}//操作符重载成员函数String &String::operator=(const String &st)//重载使用引用对象的赋值{    if (this == &st)        return *this;    delete[] str;//释放指针指向内存    len = st.len;    str = new char[len + 1];    std::strcpy(str, st.str);    return *this;}String &String::operator=(const char *s)//重载使用字符串指针的赋值{    delete[] str;    len = std::strlen(s);    str = new char[len + 1];    std::strcpy(str, s);    return *this;}String &String::operator+=(const String &st){    return (*this += st);//利用cstring追加字符串}char &String::operator[](int i)//重载对象数组的引用{    return str[i];}const char &String::operator[](int i) const//重载常量版本{    return str[i];}//操作符重载友元函数bool operator<(const String &st1, const String &st2)//重载对象字符串排序<{    return (std::strcmp(st1.str, st2.str) < 0);//st1在st2前则返回负数}bool operator>(const String &st1, const String &st2)//重载对象字符串排序>{    return (st2.str < st1.str);//巧妙利用前者}String operator+(const String &st1, const String &st2){    char * temp=new char[st1.len+st2.len+1];//获取和长度    strcpy(temp,st1.str);//复制第一部分    strcat(temp,st2.str);//添加第二部分    String tmp(temp);//调用构造函数生成临时String对象    delete [] temp;//清空temp内存    return tmp;//返回对象}bool operator==(const String &st1, const String &st2)//重载对象字符串排序=={    return (std::strcmp(st1.str, st2.str) == 0);}ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const String &st)//重载对象的输出流{    os << st.str;    return os;}istream &operator>>(istream &is, String &st)//重载对象的输入流{    char temp[String::CINLIM];    is.get(temp, String::CINLIM);    if (is)        st = temp;    while (is && is.get() != '\n')        continue;    return is;}Main.cpp#include "Z_Head.h"using namespace std;int main(){    String s1(" and I am a C++ student.");    String s2="Please enter your name: ";    String s3;    cout<<s2;    cin>>s3;    s2="My name is "+s3;    cout<<s2<<".\n";    s2+=s1;    s2.Stringup();    cout<<"The string\n"<<s2<<"\ncontains "        <<s2.Has('A')<<" 'A'characters in it.\n";    s1="red";    String rgb[3]={String(s1),String("green"),String("blue")};    cout<<"Enter the name of a primary color for mixing light: ";    String ans;    bool success= false;    while (cin>>ans)    {        ans.Stringlow();        for (int i=0;i<3;i++)        {            if (ans==rgb[i])            {                cout<<"That's right!\n";                success=true;                break;            }        }        if (success)            break;        else            cout<<"Try again!\n";    }    cout<<"Bye.\n";    return 0;}//PP12.10.3Z_Head.h#include <string>#include <iostream>class Stock{private:    char *company;    long shares;    double share_val;    double total_val;    void set_tot()    { total_val = shares * share_val; }public:    Stock();    Stock(const char *co, long n = 0, double pr = 0);    ~Stock();    void buy(long num, double price);    void sell(long num, double price);    void update(double price);    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream & os,const Stock & st);    const Stock &topval(const Stock &s) const;};SubFunctions.cpp#include <iostream>Stock::Stock(){    company = nullptr;    shares = 0;    share_val = 0.0;    total_val = 0.0;}Stock::Stock(const char *co, long n, double pr){    company = new char[strlen(co) + 1];    strcpy(company, co);    if (n < 0)    {        std::cout << "Number of shares can't be negative; "                  << company << " shares set to 0.\n";        shares = 0;    } else        shares = n;    share_val = pr;    set_tot();}Stock::~Stock()//析构函数{    delete[] company;}void Stock::buy(long num, double price){    if (num < 0)    {        std::cout << "Number of shares can't be negative. "                  << "Transaction is aborted.\n";    } else    {        shares += num;        share_val = price;        set_tot();    }}void Stock::sell(long num, double price){    using std::cout;    if (num < 0)    {        cout << "Number of shares can't be negative. "             << "Transaction is aborted.\n";    } else if (num > shares)    {        cout << "Number of shares can't be negative. "             << "Transaction is aborted.\n";    } else    {        shares -= num;        share_val = price;        set_tot();    }}void Stock::update(double price){    share_val = price;    set_tot();}std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Stock &st)//友元无后置const无需friend无需类限定{    using std::cout;    using std::ios_base;    ios_base::fmtflags orig = cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);    std::streamsize prec = cout.precision(3);    os << "Company: " << st.company << " Shares: " << st.shares << '\n'       << " Shares Price: $" << st.share_val;    os.precision(2);    os << " Total Worth: $" << st.total_val << '\n';    os.setf(orig, ios_base::floatfield);    os.precision(prec);    return os;}const Stock &Stock::topval(const Stock &s) const{    if (s.total_val > total_val)        return s;    else        return *this;//this指针,指向本对象}Main.cppconst int STKS = 4;int main(){    Stock stocks[STKS]            {                    Stock("NanoSmart", 12, 20.0),                    Stock("Boffo Objects", 200, 2.0),                    Stock("Monolithic Oblisks", 130, 3.25),                    Stock("Fleep Enterprises", 60, 6.5)            };    std::cout << "Stock holding:\n";    int st;    for (st = 0; st < STKS; st++)        std::cout << stocks[st];    const Stock *top = &stocks[0];    for (st = 1; st < STKS; st++)        top = &top->topval(stocks[st]);//难点,对引用对象再次取地址就是指针!!!    std::cout << "\nMost valuable holding:\n";    std::cout << *top;//此处top需解除引用    return 0;}//PP12.10.4Z_Head.h#include <iostream>typedef unsigned long Item;class Stack{private:    enum { MAX = 10 };    Item *pitems;    int size;    int top;public:    Stack(int n = MAX);    Stack(const Stack &st);    ~Stack();    bool isempty() const;    bool isfull() const;    bool push(const Item &item);    bool pop(Item &item);    Stack &operator=(const Stack &st);    friend std::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream & os,const Stack & st);};SubFunctions.cppStack::Stack(int n){    pitems = new Item[MAX];    top = 0;    size = 0;}Stack::Stack(const Stack &st){    pitems = new Item[st.size];    top = 0;    size = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < st.size; i++)    {        pitems[i] = st.pitems[i];//分别赋值        size++;//调整到合适位置        top++;    }}Stack::~Stack(){    delete[] pitems;}bool Stack::isempty() const{    return top == 0;}bool Stack::isfull() const{    return top == MAX;}bool Stack::push(const Item &item){    if (top < MAX)    {        pitems[top++] = item;        size++;        return true;    } else        return false;}bool Stack::pop(Item &item){    if (top > 0)    {        item = pitems[top--];        size--;        return true;    } else        return false;}Stack &Stack::operator=(const Stack &st){    delete [] pitems;    pitems=new Item[st.size];    top=0;    size=0;    for (int i = 0; i < st.size; i++)    {        pitems[i] = st.pitems[i];//分别赋值        size++;//调整到合适位置        top++;    }    return *this;}std::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream & os,const Stack & st){    os<<"This stack is : "<<std::endl;    int len=st.top-1;    while (len!=-1)    {        os<<st.pitems[len]<<std::endl;        len--;    }    return os;}Main.cpp#include <iostream>int main(){    using std::cout;    Stack fuck;    Item you[20] = {0};    for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)    {        you[i] = i + 1;        fuck.push(you[i]);    }    cout << fuck;    Stack s1(fuck);    cout << s1;    Stack s2 = fuck;    cout << fuck;}