
来源:互联网 发布:阿里数据银行 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:24



MVC——Spring的作用是整合,但不仅仅限于整合,Spring 框架可以被看做是一个企业解决方案级别的框架。客户端发送请求,服务器控制器(由DispatcherServlet实现的)完成请求的转发,控制器调用一个用于映射的类HandlerMapping,该类用于将请求映射到对应的处理器来处理请求。HandlerMapping 将请求映射到对应的处理器Controller(相当于Action)在Spring 当中如果写一些处理器组件,一般实现Controller 接口,在Controller 中就可以调用一些Service 或DAO 来进行数据操作 ModelAndView 用于存放从DAO 中取出的数据,还可以存放响应视图的一些数据。 如果想将处理结果返回给用户,那么在Spring 框架中还提供一个视图组件ViewResolver,该组件根据Controller 返回的标示,找到对应的视图,将响应response 返回给用户。



    <listener>        <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class>    </listener>


javapublic static void main(String[] args) {//所有配置文件args = new String[] {"classpath:spring/spring-servlet.xml","classpath:spring/ApplicationContext.xml","classpath:spring/mybatis-config.xml",};ApplicationContext actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(args);//得到类的实例UserService userService = (UserService) actx.getBean("userService");//调用类的方法userService.deleteUser(2);}



java    /**     * Create a new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, loading the definitions     * from the given XML file and automatically refreshing the context.     * @param configLocation resource location     * @throws BeansException if context creation failed     */    public ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(String configLocation) throws BeansException {        this(new String[] {configLocation}, true, null);    }


java    /**     * Create a new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext with the given parent,     * loading the definitions from the given XML files.     * @param configLocations array of resource locations     * @param refresh whether to automatically refresh the context,     * loading all bean definitions and creating all singletons.     * Alternatively, call refresh manually after further configuring the context.     * @param parent the parent context     * @throws BeansException if context creation failed     * @see #refresh()     */    public ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(String[] configLocations, boolean refresh, ApplicationContext parent)            throws BeansException {        super(parent);         setConfigLocations(configLocations);        if (refresh) {            refresh();        }    }

super(ApplicationContext parent) 暂时不管,因为我们通过那个构造器转进来,parent参数是null
setConfigLocations(configLocations); 这个是初始化context中的配置文件路径
refresh() 追进去看下

其实这个方法定义在父类org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext 中,从这代码的书写方式上是可以看出Spring一些加载流程的(中文我自己加的,渣英语)

java@Override    public void refresh() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException {        synchronized (this.startupShutdownMonitor) {            // Prepare this context for refreshing. //为正在进行的刷新准备bean工厂            prepareRefresh();            // Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory. //告诉子类去刷新内部的beanFactory            ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = obtainFreshBeanFactory();            // Prepare the bean factory for use in this context.              // 在当前上下文中,准备Bean工厂            prepareBeanFactory(beanFactory);            try {                // Allows post-processing of the bean factory in context                // subclasses.                // 在bean被装载后,提供一个修改BeanFactory的入口  ,即允许子类做一些后处理                postProcessBeanFactory(beanFactory);                // Invoke factory processors registered as beans in the context.                invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(beanFactory);                // Register bean processors that intercept bean creation.                registerBeanPostProcessors(beanFactory);                // Initialize message source for this context.                initMessageSource();                // Initialize event multicaster for this context.                // 初始化上下文事件广播                initApplicationEventMulticaster();                // Initialize other special beans in specific context                // subclasses.                // 模版方法                onRefresh();                // Check for listener beans and register them.                // 检查是否有监听器bean并注册他们                registerListeners();                // Instantiate all remaining (non-lazy-init) singletons.                // 实例化所有的非懒加载的单例                finishBeanFactoryInitialization(beanFactory);                // Last step: publish corresponding event.                // 最后一步,发布相关事件                finishRefresh();            }            catch (BeansException ex) { //异常处理                if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {                     logger.warn("Exception encountered during context initialization - "                            + "cancelling refresh attempt: " + ex);                }                // Destroy already created singletons to avoid dangling                // resources.                // 销毁一些已经创建的bean                destroyBeans();                // Reset 'active' flag.                // 重置'active'标记                cancelRefresh(ex);                // Propagate exception to caller.                throw ex;            }            finally {                // Reset common introspection caches in Spring's core, since we                // might not ever need metadata for singleton beans anymore...                resetCommonCaches();            }        }    }


java/**     * Prepare this context for refreshing, setting its startup date and active     * flag as well as performing any initialization of property sources.     */    protected void prepareRefresh() {        this.startupDate = System.currentTimeMillis();        this.closed.set(false); //AtomicBoolean 类型         this.active.set(true);  //AtomicBoolean 类型         if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {            logger.info("Refreshing " + this);        }        // Initialize any placeholder property sources in the context        // environment        initPropertySources();        // Validate that all properties marked as required are resolvable        // see ConfigurablePropertyResolver#setRequiredProperties        getEnvironment().validateRequiredProperties();        // Allow for the collection of early ApplicationEvents,        // to be published once the multicaster is available...        this.earlyApplicationEvents = new LinkedHashSet<ApplicationEvent>();    }

obtainFreshBeanFactory 看方法名是一个刷新Bean工厂的方法,其方法签名为 protected ConfigurableListableBeanFactory obtainFreshBeanFactory()
结合Spring源码注释 “Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory.” ,方法含义为刷新并返回内部BeanFactory工厂

/**     * Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory.     * @return the fresh BeanFactory instance     * @see #refreshBeanFactory()     * @see #getBeanFactory()     */    protected ConfigurableListableBeanFactory obtainFreshBeanFactory() {        refreshBeanFactory(); //静态方法,子类覆写        ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = getBeanFactory(); //静态方法子类覆写        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {            logger.debug("Bean factory for " + getDisplayName() + ": " + beanFactory);        }        return beanFactory;    }

查看refreshBeanFactory的子类覆写情况,如图,明显是org.springframework.context.support.AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext 这个类


/**     * This implementation performs an actual refresh of this context's underlying     * bean factory, shutting down the previous bean factory (if any) and     * initializing a fresh bean factory for the next phase of the context's lifecycle.     */    @Override    protected final void refreshBeanFactory() throws BeansException {        if (hasBeanFactory()) {//判断是否已经有BeanFactory            destroyBeans();  //销毁单例bean,代码(getBeanFactory().destroySingletons()),具体是如何销毁的由具体的BeanFactory去实现            closeBeanFactory(); //关闭BeanFactory,直接设置实例变量(this.beanFactory)的引用为null        }        try {            DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = createBeanFactory(); //创建一个新的BeanFactory            beanFactory.setSerializationId(getId());            customizeBeanFactory(beanFactory); //干了两个事,1:allowBeanDefinitionOverriding(是否允许ID相同的Bean覆盖,不指定时默认为true) 2.allowCircularReferences(是否允许循环引用,不指定时默认为true)            loadBeanDefinitions(beanFactory); //加载Bean的定义(读取配置文件,并向bean工厂中注册Bean)customizeBeanFactory中设置的作用会在读取Bean定义并注册的时候体现            synchronized (this.beanFactoryMonitor) {                this.beanFactory = beanFactory; //将新的Bean工厂注册给当前的Context            }        }        catch (IOException ex) {            throw new ApplicationContextException("I/O error parsing bean definition source for " + getDisplayName(), ex);        }    }


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