FragmentPagerAdapter API

来源:互联网 发布:软件直销网 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 07:05

FragmentPagerAdapter是PagerAdapter中的其中一种实现。它将每一个页面表示为一个 Fragment,并且每一个Fragment都将会保存到fragment manager当中。而且,当用户没可能再次回到页面的时候,fragment manager才会将这个Fragment销毁。

这种pager十分适用于有一些静态fragment,例如一组tabs,的时候使用。每个页面对应的Fragment当用户可以访问的时候会一直存在内存中,但是,当这个页面不可见的时候,view hierarchy将会被销毁。这样子会导致应用程序占有太多资源。当页面数量比较大的时候,建议使用 FragmentStatePagerAdapter

当使用FragmentPagerAdapter的时候,ViewPager一定要使用正确的ID set

FragmentPagerAdapter的子类只要实现 getItem(int)  getCount()方法。



   staticfinalint NUM_ITEMS =10;


   MyAdapter mAdapter;


   ViewPager mPager;



   protectedvoid onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){




       mAdapter =newMyAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());


       mPager =(ViewPager)findViewById(;



       // Watchfor button clicks.

        Button button =(Button)findViewById(;


            publicvoid onClick(View v){




       button =(Button)findViewById(;


            publicvoid onClick(View v){







       publicMyAdapter(FragmentManager fm){





       publicint getCount(){

            return NUM_ITEMS;




       publicFragment getItem(int position){






       int mNum;



         * Create a new instance ofCountingFragment, providing "num"

         * as an argument.


       staticArrayListFragment newInstance(int num){

            ArrayListFragment f =newArrayListFragment();


            // Supply num input as an argument.

            Bundle args =newBundle();

            args.putInt("num", num);



            return f;




         * When creating, retrieve thisinstance's number from its arguments.



       publicvoid onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){


            mNum = getArguments()!=null? getArguments().getInt("num"):1;




         * The Fragment's UI is just a simpletext view showing its

         * instance number.



       publicView onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,ViewGroup Container,

                Bundle savedInstanceState){

            View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_pager_list, container,false);

            View tv = v.findViewById(;

            ((TextView)tv).setText("Fragment #"+ mNum);

            return v;




       publicvoid onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState){







       publicvoid onListItemClick(ListView l,View v,int position,long id){

            Log.i("FragmentList","Item clicked: "+ id);




The R.layout.fragment_pager resource of the top-level fragment is:



























The R.layout.fragment_pager_list resource containing each individualfragment's layout is:













   <!-- Theframe layout is here since we will be showing either

   the empty view or the list view. -->





       <!--Here is the list. Since we are using a ListActivity, we

             have to call it"@android:id/list" so ListActivity will

             find it -->






       <!--Here is the view to show if the list is emtpy -->





            android:text="No items."/>




