Github “fatal: remote origin already exists”错误

来源:互联网 发布:mac在线字幕的播放器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 08:11

新建一个Gitlab project,准备将本地Git项目上传到Gitlab时,报本地项目之前已经绑定到了另外一个项目,想起来当时是在Gitlab中clone别人的项目到本地,因此需要重新设置绑定,将项目绑定到新建的project上,从网上看到解决方案于是罗列在下面:

TL;DR you should just update the existing remote:
$ git remote set-url origin

Long version:

As the error message indicates, there is already a remote configured with the same name. So you can either add the new remote with a different name or update the existing one if you don't need it:
To add a new remote, called for example github instead of origin (which obviously already exists in your system), do the following:
$ git remote add github
Remember though, everywhere in the tutorial you see "origin" you should replace it with "github". For example $ git push origin master should now be $ git push github master.
However, if you want to see what that origin which already exists is, you can do a $ git remote -v. If you think this is there by some error, you can update it like so:
$ git remote set-url origin


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