
来源:互联网 发布:阿里云 宽带 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 19:48











template <typename Dtype>void InterpLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {  InterpParameter interp_param = this->layer_param_.interp_param();  pad_beg_ = interp_param.pad_beg();  pad_end_ = interp_param.pad_end();  // pad必须小于等于0,这里实际上是crop  CHECK_LE(pad_beg_, 0) << "Only supports non-pos padding (cropping) for now";  CHECK_LE(pad_end_, 0) << "Only supports non-pos padding (cropping) for now";}template <typename Dtype>void InterpLayer<Dtype>::Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {  num_ = bottom[0]->num();  channels_ = bottom[0]->channels();  height_in_ = bottom[0]->height();  width_in_ = bottom[0]->width();  // crop之后的高度  height_in_eff_ = height_in_ + pad_beg_ + pad_end_;  // crop之后的宽度  width_in_eff_ = width_in_ + pad_beg_ + pad_end_;  InterpParameter interp_param = this->layer_param_.interp_param();  if (interp_param.has_shrink_factor() &&      !interp_param.has_zoom_factor()) {    // 缩小因子    const int shrink_factor = interp_param.shrink_factor();    // 检查是否大于等于1    CHECK_GE(shrink_factor, 1) << "Shrink factor must be positive";    // 计算缩小之后的大小,宽度和高度, 上取整    height_out_ = (height_in_eff_ - 1) / shrink_factor + 1;    width_out_ = (width_in_eff_ - 1) / shrink_factor + 1;  } else if (interp_param.has_zoom_factor() &&             !interp_param.has_shrink_factor()) {    // 放大因子    const int zoom_factor = interp_param.zoom_factor();    // 检查是否大于等于1    CHECK_GE(zoom_factor, 1) << "Zoom factor must be positive";    // 这是什么鬼,为啥放大因子要减去1    height_out_ = height_in_eff_ + (height_in_eff_ - 1) * (zoom_factor - 1);    width_out_ = width_in_eff_ + (width_in_eff_ - 1) * (zoom_factor - 1);  } else if (interp_param.has_height() && interp_param.has_width()) {    // 如果直接给出输出大小    height_out_  = interp_param.height();    width_out_  = interp_param.width();  } else if (interp_param.has_shrink_factor() &&             interp_param.has_zoom_factor()) {    // 如果给出缩放因子和放大因子    const int shrink_factor = interp_param.shrink_factor();    const int zoom_factor = interp_param.zoom_factor();    CHECK_GE(shrink_factor, 1) << "Shrink factor must be positive";    CHECK_GE(zoom_factor, 1) << "Zoom factor must be positive";    // 先缩放,再放大之后的大小    height_out_ = (height_in_eff_ - 1) / shrink_factor + 1;    width_out_ = (width_in_eff_ - 1) / shrink_factor + 1;    height_out_ = height_out_ + (height_out_ - 1) * (zoom_factor - 1);    width_out_ = width_out_ + (width_out_ - 1) * (zoom_factor - 1);  } else {    LOG(FATAL);  }  CHECK_GT(height_in_eff_, 0) << "height should be positive";  CHECK_GT(width_in_eff_, 0) << "width should be positive";  CHECK_GT(height_out_, 0) << "height should be positive";  CHECK_GT(width_out_, 0) << "width should be positive";  // reshape输出的blob  top[0]->Reshape(num_, channels_, height_out_, width_out_);}template <typename Dtype>void InterpLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {  // 调用具体的实现  caffe_cpu_interp2<Dtype,false>(num_ * channels_,    bottom[0]->cpu_data(), - pad_beg_, - pad_beg_, height_in_eff_, width_in_eff_, height_in_, width_in_,    top[0]->mutable_cpu_data(), 0, 0, height_out_, width_out_, height_out_, width_out_);}template <typename Dtype>void InterpLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {  if (!propagate_down[0]) { return; }  // 调用具体的实现  caffe_set(bottom[0]->count(), Dtype(0), bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff());  caffe_cpu_interp2_backward<Dtype,false>(num_ * channels_,    bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff(), - pad_beg_, - pad_beg_, height_in_eff_, width_in_eff_, height_in_, width_in_,    top[0]->cpu_diff(), 0, 0, height_out_, width_out_, height_out_, width_out_);}



// Bi-linear interpolation// IN : [channels height1 width1] cropped from a bigger [Height1 Width1] image// OUT: [channels height2 width2] cropped from a bigger [Height2 Width2] imagetemplate <typename Dtype, bool packed>void caffe_cpu_interp2(const int channels,    const Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,    Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2) {    // 检查是否合法    CHECK(x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && height1 > 0 && width1 > 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 && height2 > 0 && width2 > 0);    CHECK(Width1 >= width1 + x1 && Height1 >= height1 + y1 && Width2 >= width2 + x2 && Height2 >= height2 + y2);    // 参数解释    // channels 输入数据的个数    // data1 输入数据指针    // x1 输入数据w偏移量    // y1 输入数据h偏移量    // height1 输入数据crop之后的高度    // width1  输入数据crop之后的宽度    // Height1 输入数据的原始高度    // Width1 输入数据的原始宽度    // data2 输出的数据指针    // x2 输出数据w偏移    // y2 输出数据h偏移    // height2 输出数据crop之后的高度    // width2 输出数据crop之后的宽度    // Height2 输出数据的原始高度    // Width2 输出数据的原始宽度    // special case: just copy    if (height1 == height2 && width1 == width2)     {// 输入和输出一样大小的        for (int h2 = 0; h2 < height2; ++h2)         {            const int h1 = h2;            for (int w2 = 0; w2 < width2; ++w2)             {                const int w1 = w2;                if (packed)                 {                    // what is packed?                    const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];                    Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];                    for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)                     {                        pos2[0] = pos1[0];                        pos1++;                        pos2++;                    }                }                else                 {                    // normal situation                    const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];                    Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];                    for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)                     {                        pos2[0] = pos1[0];                        pos1 += Width1 * Height1;                        pos2 += Width2 * Height2;                    }                }            }        }        return;    }    // calculate height factor and width factor    // input / output    const float rheight = (height2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(height1 - 1) / (height2 - 1) : 0.f;    const float rwidth = (width2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(width1 - 1) / (width2 - 1) : 0.f;    for (int h2 = 0; h2 < height2; ++h2) {// calculate h1 and w1 according to h2 and w2        // calculate height in the input image according to h factor        const float h1r = rheight * h2;        // convert h1r to int        const int h1 = h1r;        // h1p indicates whether the pos is valid        const int h1p = (h1 < height1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;        // h0lambda and h1lambda indicate two residuals in wiki equation        const Dtype h1lambda = h1r - h1;        const Dtype h0lambda = Dtype(1.) - h1lambda;        for (int w2 = 0; w2 < width2; ++w2)         {            // calculate width in the input image according to w factor            const float w1r = rwidth * w2;            // convert w1r to int            const int w1 = w1r;            // w1p indicates whether the pos is valid            const int w1p = (w1 < width1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;            // w0lambda and w1lambda indicate two residuals in wiki equation            const Dtype w1lambda = w1r - w1;            const Dtype w0lambda = Dtype(1.) - w1lambda;            if (packed)             {                const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];                Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];                for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)                 {                    pos2[0] =                    h0lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[0]            + w1lambda * pos1[channels * w1p]) +                     h1lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[channels * h1p * Width1] + w1lambda * pos1[channels * (h1p * Width1 + w1p)]);                    pos1++;                    pos2++;                }            }            else             {                const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];                Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];                for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {// visit all channels                    // calculate bi-linear interpolation according to wiki                    pos2[0] =                    h0lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[0]            + w1lambda * pos1[w1p]) +                     h1lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[h1p * Width1] + w1lambda * pos1[h1p * Width1 + w1p]);                    pos1 += Width1 * Height1;                    pos2 += Width2 * Height2;                }            }        }    }}


// Backward (adjoint) operation 1 <- 2 (accumulates)template <typename Dtype, bool packed>void caffe_cpu_interp2_backward(const int channels,    Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,    const Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2) {    // check parameters    CHECK(x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && height1 > 0 && width1 > 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 && height2 > 0 && width2 > 0);    CHECK(Width1 >= width1 + x1 && Height1 >= height1 + y1 && Width2 >= width2 + x2 && Height2 >= height2 + y2);        // special case: same-size matching grids    if (height1 == height2 && width1 == width2)     {        for (int h2 = 0; h2 < height2; ++h2)         {            const int h1 = h2;            for (int w2 = 0; w2 < width2; ++w2)             {                const int w1 = w2;                if (packed)                 {                    Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];                    const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];                    for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)                     {                        pos1[0] += pos2[0];                        pos1++;                        pos2++;                    }                }                else                 {                    Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];                    const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];                    for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)                     {                        // acumulate gradients                        pos1[0] += pos2[0];                        pos1 += Width1 * Height1;                        pos2 += Width2 * Height2;                    }                }            }        }        return;    }    // calculate w/h factor    // input image / output image    const float rheight = (height2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(height1 - 1) / (height2 - 1) : 0.f;    const float rwidth = (width2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(width1 - 1) / (width2 - 1) : 0.f;    for (int h2 = 0; h2 < height2; ++h2)     {        const float h1r = rheight * h2;        const int h1 = h1r;        const int h1p = (h1 < height1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;        const Dtype h1lambda = h1r - h1;        const Dtype h0lambda = Dtype(1.) - h1lambda;        for (int w2 = 0; w2 < width2; ++w2)         {            const float w1r = rwidth * w2;            const int w1 = w1r;            const int w1p = (w1 < width1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;            const Dtype w1lambda = w1r - w1;            const Dtype w0lambda = Dtype(1.) - w1lambda;            if (packed)             {                Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];                const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];                for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)                 {                    pos1[0] += h0lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];                    pos1[channels * w1p] += h0lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];                    pos1[channels * h1p * Width1] += h1lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];                    pos1[channels * (h1p * Width1 + w1p)] += h1lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];                    pos1++;                    pos2++;                }            }            else             {                Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];                const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];                for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)                 {                    // acumulate gradients from scaled pixels                    pos1[0] += h0lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];                    pos1[w1p] += h0lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];                    pos1[h1p * Width1] += h1lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];                    pos1[h1p * Width1 + w1p] += h1lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];                    pos1 += Width1 * Height1;                    pos2 += Width2 * Height2;                }            }        }    }}








require 'nn.THNN'local SpatialUpSamplingBilinear, parent =   torch.class('nn.SpatialUpSamplingBilinear', 'nn.Module')--[[Applies a 2D bilinear up-sampling over an input image composed of severalinput planes.The Y and X dimensions are assumed to be the last 2 tensor dimensions.  Forinstance, if the tensor is 4D, then dim 3 is the y dimension and dim 4 is the x.scale_factor is assumed to be a positive integer. owidth  = (width-1)*(scale_factor-1) + widthoheight  = (height-1)*(scale_factor-1) + heightAlternatively, owidth and oheight can be directly provided as input.--]]function SpatialUpSamplingBilinear:__init(params)   parent.__init(self)   self.owidth, self.oheight, self.scale_factor = nil, nil, nil   if torch.type(params) == 'table' then      self.owidth, self.oheight = params.owidth, params.oheight   else      self.scale_factor = params         if self.scale_factor < 1 then         error('scale_factor must be greater than 1')      end      if math.floor(self.scale_factor) ~= self.scale_factor then         error('scale_factor must be integer')      end   end   self.inputSize = torch.LongStorage(4)   self.outputSize = torch.LongStorage(4)endlocal function makeContiguous(self, input, gradOutput)   if not input:isContiguous() then      self._input = self._input or      self._input:resizeAs(input):copy(input)      input = self._input   end   if gradOutput then      if not gradOutput:isContiguous() then         self._gradOutput = self._gradOutput or         self._gradOutput:resizeAs(gradOutput):copy(gradOutput)         gradOutput = self._gradOutput      end   end   return input, gradOutputendfunction SpatialUpSamplingBilinear:setSize(input)   local xdim = input:dim()   local ydim = xdim - 1   for i = 1, input:dim() do      self.inputSize[i] = input:size(i)      self.outputSize[i] = input:size(i)   end   if self.scale_factor ~= nil then      self.outputSize[ydim] = self.outputSize[ydim] * self.scale_factor      self.outputSize[xdim] = self.outputSize[xdim] * self.scale_factor   else      self.outputSize[ydim] = self.oheight      self.outputSize[xdim] = self.owidth   endendfunction SpatialUpSamplingBilinear:updateOutput(input)   assert(input:dim() == 4 or input:dim()==3,            'SpatialUpSamplingBilinear only supports 3D or 4D tensors' )   input = makeContiguous(self, input)   local inputwas3D = false   if input:dim() == 3 then      input=input:view(-1, input:size(1), input:size(2), input:size(3))      inputwas3D = true   end   local xdim = input:dim()   local ydim = xdim - 1   self:setSize(input)   input.THNN.SpatialUpSamplingBilinear_updateOutput(      input:cdata(),      self.output:cdata(),      self.outputSize[ydim],      self.outputSize[xdim]   )   if inputwas3D then      input = input:squeeze(1)      self.output = self.output:squeeze(1)   end   return self.outputendfunction SpatialUpSamplingBilinear:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)   assert(input:dim() == 4 or input:dim()==3,            'SpatialUpSamplingBilinear only support 3D or 4D tensors' )   assert(input:dim() == gradOutput:dim(),  'Input and gradOutput should be of same dimension' )   input, gradOutput = makeContiguous(self, input, gradOutput)   local inputwas3D = false   if input:dim() == 3 then      input = input:view(-1, input:size(1), input:size(2), input:size(3))      gradOutput = gradOutput:view(-1, gradOutput:size(1), gradOutput:size(2),   gradOutput:size(3))      inputwas3D = true   end   local xdim = input:dim()   local ydim = xdim - 1   self.gradInput:resizeAs(input)      input.THNN.SpatialUpSamplingBilinear_updateGradInput(      gradOutput:cdata(),      self.gradInput:cdata(),      input:size(1),      input:size(2),      input:size(3),      input:size(4),      self.outputSize[ydim],      self.outputSize[xdim]   )   if inputwas3D then      input = input:squeeze(1)      gradOutput = gradOutput:squeeze(1)      self.gradInput = self.gradInput:squeeze(1)   end   return self.gradInputendfunction SpatialUpSamplingBilinear:__tostring__()   local s   if self.scale_factor ~= nil then      s = string.format('%s(%d)', torch.type(self), self.scale_factor)   else      s = string.format('%s(%d, %d)',          torch.type(self), self.oheight, self.owidth)   end   return send


// Adapted from interp.cpp from Caffe util by Pauline Luc// Originally developed by George Papandreou#ifndef TH_GENERIC_FILE#define TH_GENERIC_FILE "generic/SpatialUpSamplingBilinear.c"#elsestatic inline void THNN_(SpatialUpSamplingBilinear_shapeCheck)     (THTensor *input, THTensor *gradOutput,      int nBatch, int nChannels,      int inputHeight, int inputWidth,      int outputHeight, int outputWidth) {  THArgCheck(inputHeight > 0 && inputWidth > 0     && outputHeight > 0 && outputWidth > 0, 2,     "input and output sizes should be greater than 0,"     " but got input (H: %d, W: %d) output (H: %d, W: %d)",     inputHeight, inputWidth, outputHeight, outputWidth);  if (input != NULL) {    THNN_ARGCHECK(input->nDimension == 4, 2, input,  "4D input tensor expected but got: %s");  }  if (gradOutput != NULL) {    THNN_CHECK_DIM_SIZE(gradOutput, 4, 0, nBatch);    THNN_CHECK_DIM_SIZE(gradOutput, 4, 1, nChannels);    THNN_CHECK_DIM_SIZE(gradOutput, 4, 2, outputHeight);    THNN_CHECK_DIM_SIZE(gradOutput, 4, 3, outputWidth);  }}void THNN_(SpatialUpSamplingBilinear_updateOutput)(    THNNState *state,    THTensor *input,    THTensor *output,    int outputHeight,    int outputWidth){  int nbatch = THTensor_(size)(input, 0);  int channels = THTensor_(size)(input, 1);  int inputHeight = THTensor_(size)(input, 2);  int inputWidth = THTensor_(size)(input, 3);  THNN_(SpatialUpSamplingBilinear_shapeCheck)    (input, NULL,     nbatch, channels,     inputHeight, inputWidth,     outputHeight, outputWidth);  input = THTensor_(newContiguous)(input);  THTensor_(resize4d)(output,       THTensor_(size)(input, 0),       THTensor_(size)(input, 1),       outputHeight, outputWidth);  THTensor_(zero)(output);  real *idata = THTensor_(data)(input);  real *odata = THTensor_(data)(output);  channels = nbatch * channels;  THAssert(inputHeight > 0 && inputWidth > 0 && outputHeight > 0 && outputWidth > 0);  // special case: just copy  if (inputHeight == outputHeight && inputWidth == outputWidth) {    for (int h2 = 0; h2 < outputHeight; ++h2) {      const int h1 = h2;      for (int w2 = 0; w2 < outputWidth; ++w2) {        const int w1 = w2;        const real* pos1 = &idata[h1 * inputWidth + w1];        real* pos2 = &odata[h2 * outputWidth + w2];        for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {          pos2[0] = pos1[0];          pos1 += inputWidth * inputHeight;          pos2 += outputWidth * outputHeight;        }      }    }    return;  }  const float rheight =(outputHeight > 1) ? (float)(inputHeight - 1)/(outputHeight - 1) : 0.f;  const float rwidth = (outputWidth > 1) ? (float)(inputWidth - 1) / (outputWidth - 1) : 0.f;  for (int h2 = 0; h2 < outputHeight; ++h2) {    const float h1r = rheight * h2;    const int h1 = h1r;    const int h1p = (h1 < inputHeight - 1) ? 1 : 0;    const real h1lambda = h1r - h1;    const real h0lambda = (real)1. - h1lambda;    for (int w2 = 0; w2 < outputWidth; ++w2) {      const float w1r = rwidth * w2;      const int w1 = w1r;      const int w1p = (w1 < inputWidth - 1) ? 1 : 0;      const real w1lambda = w1r - w1;      const real w0lambda = (real)1. - w1lambda;      const real* pos1 = &idata[h1 * inputWidth + w1];      real* pos2 = &odata[h2 * outputWidth + w2];      for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {        pos2[0] = h0lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[0]+ w1lambda * pos1[w1p])                  + h1lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[h1p * inputWidth]                  + w1lambda * pos1[h1p * inputWidth + w1p]);        pos1 += inputWidth * inputHeight;        pos2 += outputWidth * outputHeight;      }    }  }  THTensor_(free)(input);}void THNN_(SpatialUpSamplingBilinear_updateGradInput)(    THNNState *state,    THTensor *gradOutput,    THTensor *gradInput,    int nbatch,    int channels,    int inputHeight,    int inputWidth,    int outputHeight,    int outputWidth){  THNN_(SpatialUpSamplingBilinear_shapeCheck)    (NULL, gradOutput,     nbatch, channels,     inputHeight, inputWidth,     outputHeight, outputWidth);  THTensor_(resize4d)(gradInput, nbatch, channels, inputHeight, inputWidth);  THTensor_(zero)(gradInput);  gradOutput = THTensor_(newContiguous)(gradOutput);  real *data1 = THTensor_(data)(gradInput);  real *data2 = THTensor_(data)(gradOutput);  channels = nbatch * channels;  // special case: same-size matching grids  if (inputHeight == outputHeight && inputWidth == outputWidth) {    for (int h2 = 0; h2 < outputHeight; ++h2) {      const int h1 = h2;      for (int w2 = 0; w2 < outputWidth; ++w2) {        const int w1 = w2;        real* pos1 = &data1[h1 * inputWidth + w1];        const real* pos2 = &data2[h2 * outputWidth + w2];        for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {          pos1[0] += pos2[0];          pos1 += inputWidth * inputHeight;          pos2 += outputWidth * outputHeight;        }      }    }    return;  }  const float rheight =(outputHeight > 1) ? (float)(inputHeight - 1)/(outputHeight - 1) : 0.f;  const float rwidth = (outputWidth > 1) ? (float)(inputWidth - 1)/(outputWidth - 1) : 0.f;  for (int h2 = 0; h2 < outputHeight; ++h2) {    const float h1r = rheight * h2;    const int h1 = h1r;    const int h1p = (h1 < inputHeight - 1) ? 1 : 0;    const real h1lambda = h1r - h1;    const real h0lambda = (real)1. - h1lambda;    for (int w2 = 0; w2 < outputWidth; ++w2) {      const float w1r = rwidth * w2;      const int w1 = w1r;      const int w1p = (w1 < inputWidth - 1) ? 1 : 0;      const real w1lambda = w1r - w1;      const real w0lambda = (real)1. - w1lambda;      real* pos1 = &data1[h1 * inputWidth + w1];      const real* pos2 = &data2[h2 * outputWidth + w2];      for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {        pos1[0] += h0lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];        pos1[w1p] += h0lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];        pos1[h1p * inputWidth] += h1lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];        pos1[h1p * inputWidth + w1p] += h1lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];        pos1 += inputWidth * inputHeight;        pos2 += outputWidth * outputHeight;      }    }  }  THTensor_(free)(gradOutput);}#endif

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