
来源:互联网 发布:超融合和云计算 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:42









import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.util.*;import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.Timer; /** * This program demonstrates the use of inner classes. */public class Test{     public static void main(String[] args)   {   TalkingClock clock = new TalkingClock(1000, true);   clock.start();      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Quit program?");      System.exit(0);   }}class TalkingClock{private int interval;private boolean beep;public TalkingClock(int i, boolean b){interval = i;beep = b;}public void start(){ActionListener listener = new TimePrinter();Timer t = new Timer(interval, listener);t.start();}private class TimePrinter implements ActionListener //an inner class{public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)   {        Date now = new Date();      System.out.println("At the tone, the time is " + now);      if(beep)  //beep是外围类的数据,自动隐式引用可以访问      Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();   }}}


import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.util.*;import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.Timer; /** * This program demonstrates the use of inner classes. */public class Test{     public static void main(String[] args)   {   TalkingClock clock = new TalkingClock(1000, true);   clock.start();      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Quit program?");      System.exit(0);   }}class TalkingClock{private int interval;private boolean beep;public TalkingClock(int i, boolean b){interval = i;beep = b;}public void start(){class TimePrinter implements ActionListener //start方法中的局部内部类{public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)   {        Date now = new Date();      System.out.println("At the tone, the time is " + now);      if(beep)      Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();   }}ActionListener listener = new TimePrinter();Timer t = new Timer(interval, listener);t.start();}}


import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.util.*;import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.Timer; /** * This program demonstrates the use of inner classes. */public class Test{     public static void main(String[] args)   {   TalkingClock clock = new TalkingClock(1000, true);   clock.start();      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Quit program?");      System.exit(0);   }}class TalkingClock{private int interval;private boolean beep;public TalkingClock(int i, boolean b){interval = i;beep = b;}public void start(){//匿名内部类,没有类名,创建一个实现ActionListener接口的类的新对象,所实现的方法在{}内ActionListener listener = new ActionListener(){  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)   {        Date now = new Date();      System.out.println("At the tone, the time is " + now);      if(beep)      Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();   }};Timer t = new Timer(interval, listener);t.start();}}


public class Test{public static void main(String args[]){double[] d = new double[20];for(int i=0; i<20; ++i)d[i] = 100*Math.random();ArrayAlg.Pair p = ArrayAlg.minmax(d);System.out.println("min=" + p.getFirst());System.out.println("max=" + p.getSecond());}}class ArrayAlg{public static class Pair  //静态内部类,不需要访问外围类的数据{private double first;private double second;public Pair(double f, double s){first = f;second = s;}public double getFirst(){return first;}public double getSecond(){return second;}}public static Pair minmax(double[] values){double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;for(double v: values){if(v < min)min = v;if(v > max)max = v;}//因为遍历一次数组返回需要最大最小两个值,所以返回一个包含有两个数据的类return new Pair(min, max); }}