POJ 1027--The Same Game

来源:互联网 发布:苹果手机怎么抹除数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 17:47





我们把每一列看作一个字符串,那么所有球构成一个初始长度为10的15个字符串。这里利用了一个string的特性,string在中间某一字符被删除的时候会自动收缩。比如,str = “abcd”,在删除字符‘b’之后,str自动变为”acd”,这样避免了手动去移动字符。

在搜索最大区域的时候,假定最后需要N次来消除,那么我们在搜索的时候把每个字符均加上当前次数n[1, N]在每次消除的时候,所有字符均变为 c(原值) + n(1..N)。因为每次搜索的起点[x,y]有记录,最后删除的时候直接从坐标[x,y]开始去删除邻近的值等于matrix[x,y]的小球就行。

搜索和删除最大区域均用了一个函数int search(int pos, int col, char key, bool erase),pos为当前搜索列的下标(从下到上),也就是字符串的下标。col为当前所有列的数目,也就是字符串数目。key为搜索或删除目标,通过erase确定是删除还是搜索。




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#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;const unsigned int max_rows = 10;const unsigned int max_cols = 15;unsigned int cols;string matrix[max_cols];int search(int pos, int col, char key, bool erase){    int left, right;    for (left = pos; left >= 0; --left)    {        if (matrix[col][left] == key) matrix[col][left] = erase ? '0' : matrix[col][left] + 1;        else       break;    }    ++left;    for (right = pos + 1; right < matrix[col].length(); ++right)    {        if (matrix[col][right] == key) matrix[col][right] = erase ? '0' : matrix[col][right] + 1;        else       break;    }    int sum = right - left;    for (int i = left; i < right; ++i)    {        if (col < cols - 1 && matrix[col + 1].length() > i && matrix[col + 1][i] == key)            sum += search(i, col + 1, key, erase);        if (col > 0 && matrix[col - 1].length() > i && matrix[col - 1][i] == key)            sum += search(i, col - 1, key, erase);    }    return sum;}bool check(char c) { return (c == 'R' || c == 'G' || c == 'B'); }int main(){    int count = 0;    cin >> count;    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)    {        char c;        short remaind = max_rows * max_cols;        int final_score = 0;        for (int j = 0; j < max_cols; ++j) matrix[j].clear();        for (int j = 0; j < max_rows; ++j)            for (int k = 0; k < max_cols && cin >> c && check(c); matrix[k] = c + matrix[k], ++k);        cout << "Game " << i + 1 << ":" << endl << endl;        cols = max_cols;        for (int step = 1, maxsum = 2; maxsum > 1; ++step, remaind -= maxsum)        {            maxsum = 0;            int j, k;            int x = -1, y = -1;            int zone = 0;            for (j = 0; j < cols; ++j)                for (k = 0; k < matrix[j].length(); ++k)                {                    if (check(matrix[j][k] - step + 1))                    {                        int res = search(k, j, matrix[j][k], false);                        if (res > maxsum)                        {                            maxsum = res;                            x = j;                            y = k;                        }                    }                }            if (maxsum < 2) break;            int score = (maxsum - 2)*(maxsum - 2);            final_score += score;            cout << "Move " << step << " at (" << y + 1 << "," << x + 1 << "): removed " << maxsum;            cout << " balls of color " << char(matrix[x][y] - step) << ", got " << score << " points." << endl;            search(y, x, matrix[x][y], true);            for (j = 0; j < cols; ++j)            {                for (string::size_type pos; (pos = matrix[j].find('0')) != string::npos; matrix[j].erase(pos, 1));                if (matrix[j].length() == 0)                {                    for (int k = j; k < cols - 1; ++k)  matrix[k] = matrix[k + 1];                    --j;                    --cols;                }            }        }        cout << "Final score: " << final_score + (remaind == 0 ? 1000 : 0) << ", with " << remaind << " balls remaining." << endl << endl;    }    return 0;}