
来源:互联网 发布:nba2k14卢比奥面部数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 19:53
```/* ## Cypress USB 3.0 Platform source file (first_app.c) ## =========================== ## ##  Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2010-2011, ##  All Rights Reserved ##  UNPUBLISHED, LICENSED SOFTWARE. ## ##  CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ##  WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF CYPRESS. ## ##  Use of this file is governed ##  by the license agreement included in the file ## ##     <install>/license/license.txt ## ##  where <install> is the Cypress software ##  installation root directory path. ## ## ===========================*//* This file implements a simple GPIO application example as a companion project to * the EZ-USB FX3 Development Kit Guide. * The example code illustrates the use of the FX3 firmware APIs to implement * a simple GPIO application example. It illustrates how to set and get pin * status, and the use of GPIO interrupts. * * The example uses GPIO 54 (J34 pin 5) as an output. It toggles this pin ON and OFF * with a period of 2s. * * The example uses GPIO 53 (J34 pin 3) as the input GPIO. Interrupts are enabled and a * callback is registered for the GPIO edge interrupts both positive and negative edges. * **/#include <cyu3system.h>#include <cyu3os.h>#include <cyu3error.h>#include <cyu3gpio.h>#include <cyu3uart.h>#define CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_STACK       (0x0400)   /* GPIO application thread stack size */#define CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_PRIORITY    (8)        /* GPIO application thread priority */#define CY_FX_GPIOAPP_GPIO_HIGH_EVENT    (1 << 0)   /* GPIO high event */#define CY_FX_GPIOAPP_GPIO_LOW_EVENT     (1 << 1)   /* GPIO low event */CyU3PThread gpioOutputThread;   /* GPIO thread structure */CyU3PThread gpioInputThread;    /* GPIO thread structure */CyU3PEvent glFxGpioAppEvent;    /* GPIO input event group. *//* Application error handler. */voidCyFxAppErrorHandler (        CyU3PReturnStatus_t apiRetStatus    /* API return status */        ){    /* Application failed with the error code apiRetStatus */    /* Add custom debug or recovery actions here */    /* Loop indefinitely */    for (;;)    {        /* Thread sleep : 100 ms */        CyU3PThreadSleep (100);    }}/* Initialize the debug module with UART. */CyU3PReturnStatus_tCyFxDebugInit (        void){    CyU3PUartConfig_t uartConfig;    CyU3PReturnStatus_t status = CY_U3P_SUCCESS;    /* Initialize and configure the UART for logging. */    status = CyU3PUartInit ();    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        return status;    }    CyU3PMemSet ((uint8_t *)&uartConfig, 0, sizeof (uartConfig));    uartConfig.baudRate = CY_U3P_UART_BAUDRATE_115200;    uartConfig.stopBit  = CY_U3P_UART_ONE_STOP_BIT;    uartConfig.parity   = CY_U3P_UART_NO_PARITY;    uartConfig.txEnable = CyTrue;    uartConfig.rxEnable = CyFalse;    uartConfig.flowCtrl = CyFalse;    uartConfig.isDma    = CyTrue;    status = CyU3PUartSetConfig (&uartConfig, NULL);    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        return status;    }    /* Set the dma for an inifinity transfer */    status = CyU3PUartTxSetBlockXfer (0xFFFFFFFF);    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        return status;    }    /* Start the debug module for printing log messages. */    status = CyU3PDebugInit (CY_U3P_LPP_SOCKET_UART_CONS, 8);    return status;}/* GPIO interrupt callback handler. This is received from * the interrupt context. So DebugPrint API is not available * from here. Set an event in the event group so that the * GPIO thread can print the event information. */void CyFxGpioIntrCb (        uint8_t gpioId /* Indicates the pin that triggered the interrupt */        ){    CyBool_t gpioValue = CyFalse;    CyU3PReturnStatus_t apiRetStatus = CY_U3P_SUCCESS;    /* Get the status of the pin */    apiRetStatus = CyU3PGpioGetValue (gpioId, &gpioValue);    if (apiRetStatus == CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        /* Check status of the pin */        if (gpioValue == CyTrue)        {            /* Set GPIO high event */            CyU3PEventSet(&glFxGpioAppEvent, CY_FX_GPIOAPP_GPIO_HIGH_EVENT,                    CYU3P_EVENT_OR);        }        else        {            /* Set GPIO low Event */            CyU3PEventSet(&glFxGpioAppEvent, CY_FX_GPIOAPP_GPIO_LOW_EVENT,                    CYU3P_EVENT_OR);        }    }}voidCyFxGpioInit (void){    CyU3PGpioClock_t gpioClock;    CyU3PGpioSimpleConfig_t gpioConfig;    CyU3PReturnStatus_t apiRetStatus = CY_U3P_SUCCESS;    /* Init the GPIO module */    gpioClock.fastClkDiv = 2;    gpioClock.slowClkDiv = 0;    gpioClock.simpleDiv = CY_U3P_GPIO_SIMPLE_DIV_BY_2;    gpioClock.clkSrc = CY_U3P_SYS_CLK;    gpioClock.halfDiv = 0;    apiRetStatus = CyU3PGpioInit(&gpioClock, CyFxGpioIntrCb);    if (apiRetStatus != 0)    {        /* Error Handling */        CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyU3PGpioInit failed, error code = %d\n", apiRetStatus);        CyFxAppErrorHandler(apiRetStatus);    }    /* Override GPIO 53 as this pin is associated with UART. */    apiRetStatus = CyU3PDeviceGpioOverride (53, CyTrue);    if (apiRetStatus != 0)    {     /* Error Handling */     CyFxAppErrorHandler(apiRetStatus);    }    /* Configure GPIO 53 as input with interrupt enabled for both edges */    gpioConfig.outValue = CyFalse;    gpioConfig.inputEn = CyTrue;    gpioConfig.driveLowEn = CyFalse;    gpioConfig.driveHighEn = CyTrue;    gpioConfig.intrMode = CY_U3P_GPIO_INTR_BOTH_EDGE;    apiRetStatus = CyU3PGpioSetSimpleConfig(53, &gpioConfig);    if (apiRetStatus != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        /* Error handling */        CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyU3PGpioSetSimpleConfig failed, error code = %d\n",                apiRetStatus);        CyFxAppErrorHandler(apiRetStatus);    }    /* Adding internal pull-up resistor to GPIO 53 */    CyU3PGpioSetIoMode(53, CY_U3P_GPIO_IO_MODE_WPU);    /* Override GPIO 54 as this pin is associated with UART. */       apiRetStatus = CyU3PDeviceGpioOverride (54, CyTrue);       if (apiRetStatus != 0)       {           /* Error Handling */           CyFxAppErrorHandler(apiRetStatus);       }    /* Configure GPIO 54 as output */    gpioConfig.outValue = CyFalse;    gpioConfig.driveLowEn = CyTrue;    gpioConfig.driveHighEn = CyTrue;    gpioConfig.inputEn = CyFalse;    gpioConfig.intrMode = CY_U3P_GPIO_NO_INTR;    apiRetStatus = CyU3PGpioSetSimpleConfig(54, &gpioConfig);    if (apiRetStatus != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        /* Error handling */        CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyU3PGpioSetSimpleConfig failed, error code = %d\n",                apiRetStatus);        CyFxAppErrorHandler(apiRetStatus);    }    CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "\r\n  FX3 Initialized with Serial Debug\r\n\r\n");}/* Entry function for the gpioOutputThread */voidGpioOutputThread_Entry (        uint32_t input){    CyU3PReturnStatus_t apiRetStatus = CY_U3P_SUCCESS;    /* Initialize Debug module */    apiRetStatus = CyFxDebugInit();    if (apiRetStatus != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        /* Error handling */        CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "Debug module initialization failed, error code = %d\n",                apiRetStatus);        CyFxAppErrorHandler(apiRetStatus);    }    /* Initialize GPIO module. */    CyFxGpioInit ();    for (;;)    {        /* Set the GPIO 54 to high */        apiRetStatus = CyU3PGpioSetValue (54, CyTrue);        //CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "GPIO 54 is set to high\n");        if (apiRetStatus != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)        {            /* Error handling */            CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyU3PGpioSetValue failed, error code = %d\n",                    apiRetStatus);            CyFxAppErrorHandler(apiRetStatus);        }        /* Wait for one second */        CyU3PThreadSleep(1000);        /* Set the GPIO 54 to low */        apiRetStatus = CyU3PGpioSetValue (54, CyFalse);        //CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "GPIO 54 is set to low\n");        if (apiRetStatus != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)        {            /* Error handling */            CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyU3PGpioSetValue failed, error code = %d\n",                    apiRetStatus);            CyFxAppErrorHandler(apiRetStatus);        }        /* Wait for one second */        CyU3PThreadSleep(1000);    }}/* Entry function for the gpioInputThread */voidGpioInputThread_Entry (        uint32_t input){    uint32_t eventFlag;    CyU3PReturnStatus_t txApiRetStatus = CY_U3P_SUCCESS;    for (;;)    {        /* Wait for a GPIO event */        txApiRetStatus = CyU3PEventGet (&glFxGpioAppEvent,                (CY_FX_GPIOAPP_GPIO_HIGH_EVENT | CY_FX_GPIOAPP_GPIO_LOW_EVENT),                CYU3P_EVENT_OR_CLEAR, &eventFlag, CYU3P_WAIT_FOREVER);        if (txApiRetStatus == CY_U3P_SUCCESS)        {            if (eventFlag & CY_FX_GPIOAPP_GPIO_HIGH_EVENT)            {                /* Print the status of the pin */                CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "GPIO 53 is now HI\r\n");            }            else            {                /* Print the status of the pin */                CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "GPIO 53 is now LO\r\n");            }        }    }}/* Application define function which creates the threads. */voidCyFxApplicationDefine (        void){    void *ptr = NULL;    uint32_t retThrdCreate = CY_U3P_SUCCESS;    /* Allocate the memory for the threads */    ptr = CyU3PMemAlloc (CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_STACK);    /* Create the thread for the application */    retThrdCreate = CyU3PThreadCreate (&gpioOutputThread,        /* GPIO Example App Thread structure */                          "21:GPIO_simple_output",               /* Thread ID and Thread name */                          GpioOutputThread_Entry,                /* GPIO Example App Thread Entry function */                          0,                                     /* No input parameter to thread */                          ptr,                                   /* Pointer to the allocated thread stack */                          CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_STACK,            /* Thread stack size */                          CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_PRIORITY,         /* Thread priority */                          CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_PRIORITY,         /* Pre-emption threshold for the thread. */                          CYU3P_NO_TIME_SLICE,                   /* No time slice for the application thread */                          CYU3P_AUTO_START                       /* Start the Thread immediately */                          );    /* Check the return code */    if (retThrdCreate != 0)    {        /* Thread creation failed with the error code retThrdCreate */        /* Add custom recovery or debug actions here */        /* Application cannot continue */        /* Loop indefinitely */        while(1);    }    /* Allocate the memory for the threads */    ptr = CyU3PMemAlloc (CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_STACK);    /* Create the thread for the application */    retThrdCreate = CyU3PThreadCreate (&gpioInputThread,          /* GPIO Example App Thread structure */                          "22:GPIO_simple_input",                 /* Thread ID and Thread name */                          GpioInputThread_Entry,                  /* GPIO Example App Thread entry function */                          0,                                      /* No input parameter to thread */                          ptr,                                    /* Pointer to the allocated thread stack */                          CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_STACK,             /* Thread stack size */                          CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_PRIORITY,          /* Thread priority */                          CY_FX_GPIOAPP_THREAD_PRIORITY,          /* Pre-emption threshold for the thread */                          CYU3P_NO_TIME_SLICE,                    /* No time slice for the application thread */                          CYU3P_AUTO_START                        /* Start the Thread immediately */                          );    /* Check the return code */    if (retThrdCreate != 0)    {        /* Thread creation failed with the error code retThrdCreate */        /* Add custom recovery or debug actions here */        /* Application cannot continue */        /* Loop indefinitely */        while(1);    }    /* Create GPIO application event group */    retThrdCreate = CyU3PEventCreate(&glFxGpioAppEvent);    if (retThrdCreate != 0)    {        /* Event group creation failed with the error code retThrdCreate */        /* Add custom recovery or debug actions here */        /* Application cannot continue */        /* Loop indefinitely */        while(1);    }}/* * Main function */intmain (void){    CyU3PIoMatrixConfig_t io_cfg;    CyU3PReturnStatus_t status = CY_U3P_SUCCESS;    /* Initialize the device */    status = CyU3PDeviceInit (0);    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        goto handle_fatal_error;    }    /* Initialize the caches. Enable both Instruction and Data Caches. */    status = CyU3PDeviceCacheControl (CyTrue, CyTrue, CyTrue);    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        goto handle_fatal_error;    }    /* Configure the IO matrix for the device. On the FX3 DVK board,     * the COM port is connected to the IO(53:56). This means that     * either DQ32 mode should be selected or lppMode should be set     * to UART_ONLY. Here we are choosing UART_ONLY configuration. */    CyU3PMemSet ((uint8_t *)&io_cfg, 0, sizeof(io_cfg));    io_cfg.isDQ32Bit = CyFalse;    io_cfg.s0Mode = CY_U3P_SPORT_INACTIVE;    io_cfg.s1Mode = CY_U3P_SPORT_INACTIVE;    io_cfg.useUart   = CyTrue;    io_cfg.useI2C    = CyFalse;    io_cfg.useI2S    = CyFalse;    io_cfg.useSpi    = CyFalse;    io_cfg.lppMode   = CY_U3P_IO_MATRIX_LPP_UART_ONLY;    io_cfg.gpioSimpleEn[0]  = 0;    io_cfg.gpioSimpleEn[1]  = 0;    io_cfg.gpioComplexEn[0] = 0;    io_cfg.gpioComplexEn[1] = 0;    status = CyU3PDeviceConfigureIOMatrix (&io_cfg);    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)    {        goto handle_fatal_error;    }    /* This is a non returnable call for initializing the RTOS kernel */    CyU3PKernelEntry ();    /* Dummy return to make the compiler happy */    return 0;handle_fatal_error:    /* Cannot recover from this error. */    while (1);}/* [ ] */


此例程比较简单,创建两个线程,一个线程控制GPIO 54输出高低电平,间隔1s。
另外一个线程设置GPIO 53为中断输入模式,回调函数检测外部是低电平还是高电平,检测到了
