暑期项目开发实训 Day11

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝权是哪个战队的 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 11:19


1. 本地commit

2. Debugger

3. Networking


JSON —— JAVA Script  Object Notation,广泛用来发送结构化数据。back and forth between servers and clients.

Web Service —— app使用HTTP协议发送MSG到iTunes store


The bad way is to perform the HTTP requests on yourapp’smain thread

This is simple to program but it will block the user interface and make your appunresponsive while the networking is taking place. Because it blocks the rest of theapp, this is called synchronous networking. 

Asynchronous networking (the right kind, with an “a”) makes your apps much moreresponsive, but also brings with it additional complexity that you need to deal with. 

发送HTTP请求到iTunes server的几个步骤:

1. 创建包含parameters的URL

2. 发送请求到iTunes server看是否有任何回应

3. 将JSON数据放到SearchResult对象中

4. 将SearchResult对象展现在tableview中

5. 注意error,注意网络问题


    //iTunesURL    func iTunesURL(searchText: String) -> URL {        let urlString = String(format: "https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=%@", searchText)        let url =  URL(string: urlString)        return url!    }


另外,查询 Log navigation也是一个很好的办法
