IAR STM32 函数和变量的绝对地址定位

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu 16.04 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/14 08:39




1) 把函数定位在FLASH高端的指定位置,以后更新,只更新那小块地方就可以了。


IAR里面进行函数定位, 必须要在.icf里面,进行定义。

void sendstr(unsigned *buf,unsigned short len) @”.sendstr”

place at address mem:0x08017000 { readonly section .sendstr};

方法二) 把要更新的函数,单独放在一个.c文件中,然后再.icf文件里面,对该文件进行定位:

int f1(int a,int b){
return (a+b)*1;
else return 0;
int f2(int a,int b){
return (a+b)*1;
else return 0;

那么在 .icf文件中,这样写:
place at address mem:0x08018000 { section .text object test.o };
编译完成后, f1就定位在0x08018000 处了,当然f2也紧跟在f1后面。整个test.c文件的所有函数,都在0x08018000 之后。

如果有多个函数需要单独更新,建议采用第二种方式, 只需要对c文件编译后的地址定位,那么该c文件的所有函数都定位了。


即使是两个不同的工程,比如第一个工程为实际工程,里面有所有的工程文件, 第二个工程为更新专用工程,里面仅仅只有test.c文件,里面的函数是同名的,定位地址与第一个工程也一样。


我可以把更新专用工程,公布给别人,他只需要在test.c里面,编写函数的具体内容。 然后一样可以更新产品的固件。



__no_init char array1[100]@0x2000B000;



const char str1[8]@”.MYSEG”=”test11!!”;
place at address mem:0x08018500 { readonly section .MYSEG};



但是这个可以解决:被调用的函数,在两边工程都申明的绝对地址,并且在非固件更新区(就是两边工程的固件里,这些被调用函数的位置都一样,只需要函数名和地址一样即可,函数内部可以不同)。那么被这些调用的函数内,可以随意调用其他函数,如printf ,strcpy等库函数了。


绝对定位的函数,如果要使用全局变量,那么被使用的常量也必须是绝对定位的。否则跨工程更新固件,会导致失败。 而局部变量则不受此限制。

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------################################################################################                                                                             ## IAR ELF Linker V5.50.0.51878/W32 for ARM              31/May/2012  12:50:09 ## Copyright (C) 2007-2010 IAR Systems AB.                                     ##                                                                             ##    Output file  =  E:\stm32\software4.45.2\Debug\Exe\software.out           ##    Map file     =  E:\stm32\software4.45.2\Debug\List\software.map          ##    Command line =  E:\stm32\software4.45.2\Debug\Obj\main.o                 ##                    E:\stm32\software4.45.2\Debug\Obj\test.o -o              ##                    E:\stm32\software4.45.2\Debug\Exe\software.out --map     ##                    E:\stm32\software4.45.2\Debug\List\software.map          ##                    --config E:\stm32\software4.45.2\stm32f10x_flash.icf     ##                    --semihosting --entry __iar_program_start                ##                                                                             ##                                                                             ################################################################################********************************************************************************** PLACEMENT SUMMARY***"A1":  place at 0x08004000 { ro section .intvec };"A2":  place at 0x08017000 { ro section .sendstr };"A3":  place at 0x08018500 { ro section .MYSEG };"A4":  place at 0x08018000 { object test.o section .text };"P1":  place in [from 0x08004000 to 0x08020000] { ro };"P2":  place in [from 0x20000000 to 0x2000bfff] {          rw, block CSTACK, block HEAP };  Section            Kind        Address   Size  Object  -------            ----        -------   ----  ------"A1":                                      0x40  .intvec            ro code  0x08004000   0x40  vector_table_M.o [4]                            - 0x08004040   0x40"P1":                                     0x100  .text              ro code  0x08004040   0x30  copy_init3.o [4]  .text              ro code  0x08004070   0x2c  data_init3.o [4]  .text              ro code  0x0800409c   0x28  iarttio.o [5]  .iar.init_table    const    0x080040c4   0x14  - Linker created -  .text              ro code  0x080040d8   0x16  cmain.o [4]  .text              ro code  0x080040f0   0x14  exit.o [5]  .text              ro code  0x08004104    0xc  cstartup_M.o [4]  .text              ro code  0x08004110    0xa  cexit.o [4]  .text              ro code  0x0800411a    0xa  main.o [1]  .text              ro code  0x08004124    0x8  XShttio.o [3]  .text              ro code  0x0800412c    0x6  exit.o [3]  .text              ro code  0x08004132    0x4  low_level_init.o [3]  .text              ro code  0x08004136    0x2  vector_table_M.o [4]  Initializer bytes  ro data  0x08004138    0x8  <for P2 s0>                            - 0x08004140  0x100"A2":                                       0x2  .sendstr           ro code  0x08017000    0x2  main.o [1]                            - 0x08017002    0x2"A4":                                      0x54  .text              ro code  0x08018000   0x54  test.o [1]                            - 0x08018054   0x54"A3":                                      0x10  .MYSEG             const    0x08018500   0x10  test.o [1]                            - 0x08018510   0x10"P2", part 1 of 2:                        0x400  CSTACK                      0x20000000  0x400  <Block>    CSTACK           uninit   0x20000000  0x400  <Block tail>                            - 0x20000400  0x400"P2", part 2 of 2:                          0x8  P2 s0                       0x20000400    0x8  <Init block>    .data            inited   0x20000400    0x8  XShttio.o [3]                            - 0x20000408    0x8********************************************************************************** INIT TABLE***          Address     Size          -------     ----Copy (__iar_copy_init3)    1 source range, total size 0x8 (100% of destination):          0x08004138   0x8    1 destination range, total size 0x8:          0x20000400   0x8********************************************************************************** MODULE SUMMARY***    Module            ro code  ro data  rw data    ------            -------  -------  -------E:\stm32\software4.45.2\Debug\Obj: [1]    main.o                 12    test.o                 84       16    -------------------------------------------    Total:                 96       16command line: [2]    -------------------------------------------    Total:dl7M_tl_in.a: [3]    XShttio.o               8        8        8    exit.o                  6    low_level_init.o        4    -------------------------------------------    Total:                 18        8        8rt7M_tl.a: [4]    cexit.o                10    cmain.o                22    copy_init3.o           48    cstartup_M.o           12    data_init3.o           44    vector_table_M.o       66    -------------------------------------------    Total:                202shb_l.a: [5]    exit.o                 20    iarttio.o              40    -------------------------------------------    Total:                 60    Gaps                    2    Linker created                  20    1 024-----------------------------------------------    Grand Total:          378       44    1 032********************************************************************************** ENTRY LIST***Entry                    Address  Size  Type      Object-----                    -------  ----  ----      ------BusFault_Handler      0x08004137        Code  Wk  vector_table_M.o [4]CSTACKBase0x20000000−−Gb−Linkercreated−CSTACKLimit         0x20000400         --   Gb  - Linker created -DebugMon_Handler      0x08004137        Code  Wk  vector_table_M.o [4]HardFault_Handler     0x08004137        Code  Wk  vector_table_M.o [4]MemManage_Handler     0x08004137        Code  Wk  vector_table_M.o [4]NMI_Handler           0x08004137        Code  Wk  vector_table_M.o [4]PendSV_Handler        0x08004137        Code  Wk  vector_table_M.o [4]RegionTableBase   0x080040c4         --   Gb  - Linker created -RegionTableLimit  0x080040d8         --   Gb  - Linker created -SVC_Handler           0x08004137        Code  Wk  vector_table_M.o [4]SysTick_Handler       0x08004137        Code  Wk  vector_table_M.o [4]UsageFault_Handler    0x08004137        Code  Wk  vector_table_M.o [4]__cmain               0x080040d9        Code  Gb  cmain.o [4]__exit                0x080040f1  0x14  Code  Gb  exit.o [5]__iar_close_ttio      0x0800409d  0x26  Code  Gb  iarttio.o [5]__iar_copy_init3      0x08004041  0x30  Code  Gb  copy_init3.o [4]__iar_data_init3      0x08004071  0x2c  Code  Gb  data_init3.o [4]__iar_lookup_ttioh    0x08004125   0x8  Code  Gb  XShttio.o [3]__iar_program_start   0x08004105        Code  Gb  cstartup_M.o [4]__iar_ttio_handles    0x20000400   0x8  Data  Lc  XShttio.o [3]__low_level_init      0x08004133   0x4  Code  Gb  low_level_init.o [3]__vector_table        0x08004000        Data  Gb  vector_table_M.o [4]_call_main            0x080040e5        Code  Gb  cmain.o [4]_exit                 0x08004111        Code  Gb  cexit.o [4]_main                 0x080040eb        Code  Gb  cmain.o [4]exit                  0x0800412d   0x6  Code  Gb  exit.o [3]f1                    0x08018049   0xc  Code  Gb  test.o [1]main                  0x0800411b   0xa  Code  Gb  main.o [1]sendstr               0x08017001   0x2  Code  Gb  main.o [1]str1                  0x08018500   0x8  Data  Gb  test.o [1]str2                  0x08018508   0x8  Data  Gb  test.o [1]test                  0x08018001  0x44  Code  Gb  test.o [1][1] = E:\stm32\software4.45.2\Debug\Obj[2] = command line[3] = dl7M_tl_in.a[4] = rt7M_tl.a[5] = shb_l.a    378 bytes of readonly  code memory     44 bytes of readonly  data memory  1 032 bytes of readwrite data memoryErrors: noneWarnings: none------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------这是.icf文件/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****//*-Editor annotation file-*//* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\cortex_v1_0.xml" *//*-Specials-*/define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08004000;/*-Memory Regions-*/define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   = 0x08004000;define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__     = 0x08020000;define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   = 0x20000000;define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__     = 0x2000BFFF;/*-Sizes-*/define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   = 0x400;define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     = 0x200;/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/define memory mem with size = 4G;define region ROM_region   = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];define region RAM_region   = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };initialize by copy { readwrite };do not initialize  { section .noinit };place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };place at address mem:0x08017000 { readonly section .sendstr};place at address mem:0x08018500 { readonly section .MYSEG};place at address mem:0x08018000 { section .text object test.o };place in ROM_region   { readonly };place in RAM_region   { readwrite,                        block CSTACK, block HEAP };-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------main.c/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*///#include "stm32f10x.h"#include "string.h"#include "stdio.h"void sendstr(unsigned *buf,unsigned short  len) @".sendstr"{}extern void test(void);extern void main1(void);int main(void){     test();}#ifdef  USE_FULL_ASSERT/**  * @brief  Reports the name of the source file and the source line number  *         where the assert_param error has occurred.  * @param  file: pointer to the source file name  * @param  line: assert_param error line source number  * @retval None  */void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line){   /* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,     ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */  /* Infinite loop */  while (1)  {  }}#endif/**  * @}  *//**  * @}  *//******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------test.c//__no_init char array1[100]@0x2000B000;//char array1[100];const char str1[8]@".MYSEG"="test11!!";const char str2[8]@".MYSEG"="test66!!";int f1(int a,int b);void test(void)// @".test" //MYSEGMENT段可在XCL中开辟{    char arrayx[150];      char array1[150];    int i,a,b,c;    for (i=0;i<8;i++){      array1[i]=str1[i];            arrayx[i]=str2[i];          }    a=1;    b=2;    c=f1(a,b);    for (i=0;i<c;i++) {      sendstr(array1,8);          sendstr(arrayx,8);        }}int f1(int a,int b){  if(a>0){   return (a+b)*1;  }  else return 0;}-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

对于你的第三点,cortex和其他arm处理器都提供了一种特殊的中断。。。。Software Interrupt (SVC)
