
来源:互联网 发布:iphone怎么快速开数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 07:12






Picasso    .with(context)    .load("http://i.imgur.com/DvpvklR.png")    .into(imageView);




  // Picasso是一个全局静态属性,  static volatile Picasso singleton = null;  public static Picasso with(@NonNull Context context) {    if (context == null) {      throw new IllegalArgumentException("context == null");    }    if (singleton == null) {      synchronized (Picasso.class) {        if (singleton == null) {          singleton = new Builder(context).build();        }      }    }    return singleton;  }


“停!!!” – 导演喊道

“导员,再让我说两句啊?” – 我

“再不停,今晚鸡腿没了” – 导演





  static Picasso singleton = null;  public static Picasso with(@NonNull Context context) {    if (singleton == null) {        singleton = new Builder(context).build();    }    return singleton;  }


  static Picasso singleton = null;  public static synchronized Picasso with(@NonNull Context context) {    if (singleton == null) {        singleton = new Builder(context).build();    }    return singleton;  }

请先容老夫吐槽一哈哈,这个sync…synx…syndkfddf… f**k 这玩意怎么写啊,这么长,又没有规律,你设计java的人有没有考虑我们这种从小写象形文字人的感受,这玩意让人怎么记,你直接用sync会死啊��

言归正传,这样不就“完美”解决了多线程访问的问题了,是吗?是解决了,但是不够完美,单例只需要被初始化一次,而因为同步锁对系统的开销是比较大的,我们获取单例的使用频率那是相当的高哇,比如我用Picasso,有一千张图片需要显示,那岂不是要锁一千次?这?…I don’t like this


  static Picasso singleton = null;  public static Picasso with(@NonNull Context context) {    if (singleton == null) {        synchronized{            if(singleton == null){                singleton = new Builder(context).build();            }        }    }    return singleton;  }

OK,现在我们用到了帅气的DoubleCheck,总该满意了吧?这可是经典的单例实现方式啊,The answer is no. 啥? 还 no? O__O “… why?



  • Thread-1.with()
  • Thread-2.with()

  • 此时,他们都发现singleton == null这个惨痛的事实,于是乎,Thread-1首先获得钥匙,进入了同步锁,而且判断if(singleton ==null)还是个事实,所以它就执行singleton = new Builder(context).build(),没毛病老铁,然后它把这个值赋值给主内存,

  • 接着Thread-2进入这个同步锁,也判断if(singleton ==null)发现这还是个惨痛的事实

  • “为啥呢?”
  • “谁问的?前面唾沫星子喷了这么多白说了?”
  • 因为Thread-1和Thread-2中的singleton都是主内存中的拷贝,虽然Thread-1将内存赋值给了主内存,但是在Thread-2中,这个singleton还是null啊,扎心吧老铁
  • 所以这个时候Thread还是会执行singleton = new Builder(context).build(),这个时候就会重复的创建单例,这么说来,这个做法还不如上面那个慢点的呢,虽然人家慢,但是好歹不会出问题是吧


No! 一定还有办法解决这个问题,正在你抓耳挠腮的时候,一道闪光从脑中闪过,上面提到的volatile不就刚好解决这个问题吗?这样我每次判断if(singleton == null)都从主内存拷贝出来,简直就是量体裁衣,啊呸,量身定做的啊,于是乎,我们继续改进为如下代码:

  static volatile Picasso singleton = null;  public static Picasso with(@NonNull Context context) {    if (context == null) {      throw new IllegalArgumentException("context == null");    }    if (singleton == null) {      synchronized (Picasso.class) {        if (singleton == null) {          singleton = new Builder(context).build();        }      }    }    return singleton;  }



还是老规矩,先看看这个fucking code:

  public RequestCreator load(@Nullable String path) {    if (path == null) {      return new RequestCreator(this, null, 0);    }    if (path.trim().length() == 0) {      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path must not be empty.");    }    return load(Uri.parse(path));  }

这里面首先做了一些判断,path是否为null,path是否为”“,如果是空字符串就给我崩溃,这里要小说一下,好多人总是习惯在可能发生问题的地方用try catch的方式包裹起来,尤其是写library的时候,其实这样是很不好的写法,发现问题,我们就要把它暴露出来,让它暴露在阳光下,告诉使用我们的人,我这里崩溃了,怎么样?我骄傲了吗?如果你喜欢把它try catch起来,很容易把问题掩盖起来。


  /**   * Start an image request using the specified URI.   * <p>   * Passing {@code null} as a {@code uri} will not trigger any request but will set a placeholder,   * if one is specified.   *   * @see #load(File)   * @see #load(String)   * @see #load(int)   */  public RequestCreator load(@Nullable Uri uri) {    return new RequestCreator(this, uri, 0);  }

看看,它最后还是会创建一个叫RequestCreator类,程序员起名字还是比较实在,一般叫啥就是干啥的,不像人名,一点都不诚实,比如名字带 “帅”的人,不一定帅,像我名字里带 “飞” ,过山车我都不敢坐…��


public class RequestCreator {  private static final AtomicInteger nextId = new AtomicInteger();  private final Picasso picasso;  // Request.Builder里面持有一些参数的配置  private final Request.Builder data;  // 底下是一些配置的属性  // 是否平缓的过度  private boolean noFade;  private boolean deferred;  // 是否设置过占位图  private boolean setPlaceholder = true;  // 占位图ID  private int placeholderResId;  // 加载错误要显示的图片  private int errorResId;  // 内存  private int memoryPolicy;  // 网络  private int networkPolicy;  // 占位图Drawable  private Drawable placeholderDrawable;  // 错误图片Drawable  private Drawable errorDrawable;  // 用户设置的一个Tag,可以存放任何东西  private Object tag;  RequestCreator(Picasso picasso, Uri uri, int resourceId) {    if (picasso.shutdown) {      throw new IllegalStateException(          "Picasso instance already shut down. Cannot submit new requests.");    }    this.picasso = picasso;    this.data = new Request.Builder(uri, resourceId, picasso.defaultBitmapConfig);  }}


  public static final class Builder {    private Uri uri;    private int resourceId;    private String stableKey;    private int targetWidth;    private int targetHeight;    private boolean centerCrop;    private int centerCropGravity;    private boolean centerInside;    private boolean onlyScaleDown;    private float rotationDegrees;    private float rotationPivotX;    private float rotationPivotY;    private boolean hasRotationPivot;    private boolean purgeable;    private List<Transformation> transformations;    private Bitmap.Config config;    private Priority priority;



  /** Resize the image to the specified size in pixels. */  public RequestCreator resize(int targetWidth, int targetHeight) {    data.resize(targetWidth, targetHeight);    return this;  }




Picasso.into() 有8个重载方法,但是万变不离其宗,找一个最基本的看看它嘎哈了:

  public void into(ImageView target, Callback callback) {    long started = System.nanoTime();    // 检查一下是否在主线程    checkMain();    // ... 这里删掉一些检查的代码    // 是否延期执行了,延期是为了保证ImageView已经布局完成,    // 既已经有大小了,如果这个状态为true,则Picasso自动将    // 图片裁剪为匹配目标大小    if (deferred) {      // 如果设置了匹配ImageView大小,则用户不能自定义大小      if (data.hasSize()) {        throw new IllegalStateException("Fit cannot be used with resize.");      }      int width = target.getWidth();      int height = target.getHeight();      // 如果ImageView宽高有一个为0,则延期执行这个方法      if (width == 0 || height == 0 || target.isLayoutRequested()) {        if (setPlaceholder) {          setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());        }        picasso.defer(target, new DeferredRequestCreator(this, target, callback));        return;      }      data.resize(width, height);    }    // 这里调用createRequest()将我们上面提到的那个data    // 转换为Request,其实就是调用了一下build()    Request request = createRequest(started);    String requestKey = createKey(request);    // 检查一下用户配置,是否从内存中读取Bitmap    // 既如果用户配置了Picasso支持缓存到内存,则    // 先从内存中读取数据,如果内存中读取到数据,则    // 直接将该Bitmap设置到ImageView并提示加载成功    // 返回    if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy)) {      Bitmap bitmap = picasso.quickMemoryCacheCheck(requestKey);      if (bitmap != null) {        // 取消请求        picasso.cancelRequest(target);        setBitmap(target, picasso.context, bitmap, MEMORY, noFade, picasso.indicatorsEnabled);        if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {          log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_COMPLETED, request.plainId(), "from " + MEMORY);        }        if (callback != null) {          callback.onSuccess();        }        return;      }    }    // 如果内存中没有数据,接着往下走    // 设置占位图    if (setPlaceholder) {      setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());    }    // 构建一个ImageViewAction,这样的Action在Picasso中    // 有多个,都是继承自Action,Action是一个抽象类,它定义    // 了一些通用的功能,而需要差异化实现的就有继承它的类去实现    // 差异化的操作主要在complete()和error()两个方法    // 在此处ImageViewAction需要将做种获取到的Bitmap显示    // 到ImageView上,而TargetAction则会将获取到的Bitmap    // 传递出去,这就是继承的巧妙之处,所以别再傻乎乎的为了    // 复用而继承了    Action action =        new ImageViewAction(picasso, target, request, memoryPolicy, networkPolicy, errorResId,            errorDrawable, requestKey, tag, callback, noFade);    picasso.enqueueAndSubmit(action);  }



  void enqueueAndSubmit(Action action) {    Object target = action.getTarget();    // 先还是检查一下这个对象当前有没有正在执行的Action    // 如果有的话,先取消一下,然后再把即将进行的请求存起来    if (target != null && targetToAction.get(target) != action) {      // This will also check we are on the main thread.      cancelExistingRequest(target);      targetToAction.put(target, action);    }    submit(action);  }  // submit很简单,通过一个叫dispatcher的东西传递出去  // dispatch这个单词在触摸时间那块有见到过,分发事件的意思  // 难道这里也是分发吗?  void submit(Action action) {    dispatcher.dispatchSubmit(action);  }



class Dispatcher {  final DispatcherThread dispatcherThread;  final Handler handler;  Dispatcher(...) {    ...    // 这是个HandlerThread    this.dispatcherThread = new DispatcherThread();    // 这个Handler是一个自定义的Handler    this.handler = new DispatcherHandler(dispatcherThread.getLooper(), this);    // 这个Handler是由Picasso传递进来的Handler    this.mainThreadHandler = mainThreadHandler;    ...  }  void dispatchSubmit(Action action) {    handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(REQUEST_SUBMIT, action));  }}


  • 首先,为啥被修饰为final的属性可以被重新赋值?额,查了查资料,原来是我读书少,final的属性如果没有被初始化过,可以在构造方法或者代码块中初始化一次。

  • 其次,这块代码用到了HandlerThread和Handler配合使用。我们都知道Handler被用于线程间通信,而HandlerThread很显然是一个异步的线程,那么就是说,HandlerThread这个线程通过Handler来接收我们的消息,然后在它的线程处理,具体HandlerThread的好处是它可以一直在异步线程接收Handler发送的消息,而它的用法,可以看看别人写好的分析,我在网上随便找了一篇,详解 Android 中的 HandlerThread - 技术小黑屋,这种东西一搜一大堆,当然,如果你能读懂英文的话,建议读官方的介绍文档是极好的。

  • 那我们看看dispatchSubmit()方法正是发送一个REQUEST_SUBMIT消息到DispatcherHandler的handleMessage()方法中,注意,这个handleMessage()所在的线程就是DispatcherThread的线程

  private static class DispatcherHandler extends Handler {    private final Dispatcher dispatcher;    @Override public void handleMessage(final Message msg) {      switch (msg.what) {        ...        case REQUEST_SUBMIT: {          Action action = (Action) msg.obj;          dispatcher.performSubmit(action);          break;        }        ...    }  }


  void performSubmit(Action action, boolean dismissFailed) {    ...    // BitmapHunter继承自Runnable    // 先在hunterMap中检查是否存在这个BitmapHunter    BitmapHunter hunter = hunterMap.get(action.getKey());    if (hunter != null) {        // 如果存在,只需将传入的action替换掉即可      hunter.attach(action);      return;    }    ...    // 创建一个BitmapHunter    hunter = forRequest(action.getPicasso(), this, cache, stats, action);    // 通过ExecutorService线程池执行BitmapHunter    // 注意,这里没有调用future.get(),所以它还是异步的    hunter.future = service.submit(hunter);    // 缓存hunter    hunterMap.put(action.getKey(), hunter);    ...  }



  // 首先,forRequest是一个静态方法,它返回一个BitmapHunter  static BitmapHunter forRequest(Picasso picasso, Dispatcher dispatcher, Cache cache, Stats stats,      Action action) {    Request request = action.getRequest();    // 这个RequestHandler也是一个基类,实现它的类有:    // AssetRequestHandler,FileRequestHandler,    // MediaStoreRequestHandler,NetworkRequestHandler    // 等等,有很多,单从名字我们猜测可能是具体的获取数据的类    // FileRequestHandler是从文件系统获取,    // NetworkRequestHandler是从网络获取    List<RequestHandler> requestHandlers = picasso.getRequestHandlers();    // for循环检查所有的RequestHandler,直到找到    // 支持解析(canHandleRequest()) request 的RequestHandler    for (int i = 0, count = requestHandlers.size(); i < count; i++) {      RequestHandler requestHandler = requestHandlers.get(i);      if (requestHandler.canHandleRequest(request)) {        return new BitmapHunter(picasso, dispatcher, cache, stats, action, requestHandler);      }    }    // 如果没有找到,构造一个默认的BitmapHunter    return new BitmapHunter(picasso, dispatcher, cache, stats, action, ERRORING_HANDLER);  }


    allRequestHandlers.add(new ContactsPhotoRequestHandler(context));    allRequestHandlers.add(new MediaStoreRequestHandler(context));    allRequestHandlers.add(new ContentStreamRequestHandler(context));    allRequestHandlers.add(new AssetRequestHandler(context));    allRequestHandlers.add(new FileRequestHandler(context));    allRequestHandlers.add(new NetworkRequestHandler(dispatcher.downloader, stats));    requestHandlers = Collections.unmodifiableList(allRequestHandlers);


  @Override public void run() {    try {      ...      // 调用hunt()方法,并判断返回值      result = hunt();      // 根据返回值处理回调      if (result == null) {        dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);      } else {        dispatcher.dispatchComplete(this);      }    }  catch (Exception e) {      exception = e;      dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);    }    ...  }


  1. 首先,如果把hunt()中的实现都放在这里会导致这个方法非常的大,而且又加了try catch,会导致代码读起来很费劲
  2. 其次,也是最主要的,我觉得是为了让一个方法尽可能的只干一件事件,方便单元测试
  Bitmap hunt() throws IOException {    Bitmap bitmap = null;    // 首先检查了一下内存中有没有存在这个图片    if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy)) {      bitmap = cache.get(key);      if (bitmap != null) {        stats.dispatchCacheHit();        loadedFrom = MEMORY;        if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {          log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_DECODED, data.logId(), "from cache");        }        return bitmap;      }    }    networkPolicy = retryCount == 0 ? NetworkPolicy.OFFLINE.index : networkPolicy;    // 开始调用对应的RequestHandler加载图片    RequestHandler.Result result = requestHandler.load(data, networkPolicy);    if (result != null) {      loadedFrom = result.getLoadedFrom();      // 获取图片的扩展信息      exifOrientation = result.getExifOrientation();      bitmap = result.getBitmap();      // If there was no Bitmap then we need to decode it from the stream.      if (bitmap == null) {        Source source = result.getSource();        try {          bitmap = decodeStream(source, data);        } finally {          try {            //noinspection ConstantConditions If bitmap is null then source is guranteed non-null.            source.close();          } catch (IOException ignored) {          }        }      }    }    // stats是一个用来统计的类,我们先不管它    if (bitmap != null) {      if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {        log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_DECODED, data.logId());      }      stats.dispatchBitmapDecoded(bitmap);      if (data.needsTransformation() || exifOrientation != 0) {        // 这里加了一个同步锁,保证同时只能有一个线程处理Bitmap        // 最大限度避免了OOM,同时也降低了对手机性能的影响        synchronized (DECODE_LOCK) {          if (data.needsMatrixTransform() || exifOrientation != 0) {          // 有时候可能需要旋转或者位移一下图片            bitmap = transformResult(data, bitmap, exifOrientation);            if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {              log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_TRANSFORMED, data.logId());            }          }          // 是否有自定义的图片转换,比如裁成圆角矩形呀,          // 这个需要用户自定义的,使用起来也很简单          // 传入一个原始的Bitmap,返回一个新的Bitmap          if (data.hasCustomTransformations()) {            bitmap = applyCustomTransformations(data.transformations, bitmap);            if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {              log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_TRANSFORMED, data.logId(), "from custom transformations");            }          }        }        if (bitmap != null) {          stats.dispatchBitmapTransformed(bitmap);        }      }    }    return bitmap;  }



class NetworkRequestHandler extends RequestHandler {  private static final String SCHEME_HTTP = "http";  private static final String SCHEME_HTTPS = "https";  @Override public boolean canHandleRequest(Request data) {    String scheme = data.uri.getScheme();    return (SCHEME_HTTP.equals(scheme) || SCHEME_HTTPS.equals(scheme));  }  @Override public Result load(Request request, int networkPolicy) throws IOException {    // 使用OKHttp加载数据    okhttp3.Request downloaderRequest = createRequest(request, networkPolicy);    Response response = downloader.load(downloaderRequest);    ResponseBody body = response.body();    if (!response.isSuccessful()) {      body.close();      throw new ResponseException(response.code(), request.networkPolicy);    }    // 检查数据来源为网络还是本地存储    Picasso.LoadedFrom loadedFrom = response.cacheResponse() == null ? NETWORK : DISK;    return new Result(body.source(), loadedFrom);  }}



- 单例的正确姿势
- volatile 关键字的原理和使用场景
- HandlerThread的使用
- 线程池ExecutorService的使用以及搭配synchronized关键字限制线程消耗
- 合理的封装方式
- 弱引用和缓存的使用