UVA 511

来源:互联网 发布:重生之网络霸主txt下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:18
#include<iostream>#include<vector>#include<string>#include<type_traits>#include<sstream>#include<tuple>#include<bitset>#include<regex>#include<set>#include<stack>#include<queue>#include<map>#include<math.h>using namespace std;typedef struct{string name;double minX, minY;double maxX, maxY;double height, width;double area;double asp;double centerX, centerY;double lowRx, lowRy;double disCenter;double dislowR;}Map;typedef struct{string name;double x, y;vector<Map> info;}location;bool compare(Map a,Map b){if (a.area != b.area) return a.area > b.area;if (a.disCenter != b.disCenter) return a.disCenter > b.disCenter;if (a.asp != b.asp){double asp1 = fabs(a.asp-0.75);double asp2 = fabs(b.asp-0.75);return asp2 > asp1;}if (a.dislowR != b.dislowR){return a.dislowR < b.dislowR;}return a.minX > b.minX;}int main(){string s;cin >> s;vector<Map> map_info;while (cin >> s){if (s == "LOCATIONS") break;double x1, y1, x2, y2;cin >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2;Map temp;temp.name = s;temp.minX = min(x1,x2);temp.maxX = max(x1,x2);temp.minY = min(y1,y2);temp.maxY = max(y1,y2);temp.height = temp.maxY-temp.minY;temp.width = temp.maxX - temp.minX;temp.area = temp.height*temp.width;temp.asp = temp.height / temp.width;temp.lowRx = temp.maxX;temp.lowRy = temp.minY;temp.centerX = (temp.minX + temp.maxX) / 2;temp.centerY = (temp.minY + temp.maxY) / 2;map_info.push_back(temp);}vector<location> Loc;map<string, int> name2pos;while (cin >> s){if (s == "REQUESTS") break;location temp;temp.name = s;cin >> temp.x >> temp.y;vector<Map> re;for (int i = 0; i < map_info.size(); i++){if (temp.x >= map_info[i].minX&&temp.x <= map_info[i].maxX&&temp.y >= map_info[i].minY&&temp.y <= map_info[i].maxY){map_info[i].disCenter = sqrt((temp.x - map_info[i].centerX)*(temp.x - map_info[i].centerX)+ (temp.y - map_info[i].centerY)*(temp.y - map_info[i].centerY));map_info[i].dislowR = sqrt((temp.x - map_info[i].lowRx)*(temp.x - map_info[i].lowRx)+ (temp.y - map_info[i].lowRy)*(temp.y - map_info[i].lowRy));re.push_back(map_info[i]);}}sort(re.begin(),re.end(),compare);int length = re.size()-1;if (length >= 0){temp.info.push_back(re[length]);double area = re[length].area;length--;while (length >= 0){if (re[length].area != area){temp.info.push_back(re[length]);area = re[length].area;}length--;}}reverse(temp.info.begin(),temp.info.end());Loc.push_back(temp);name2pos[s] = Loc.size() - 1;}while (cin >> s){if (s == "END") break;int pos;cin >> pos;if (name2pos.find(s) == name2pos.end()){cout << s << " at detail level " << pos << " unknown location" << endl;continue;}else{int index = name2pos[s];int length = Loc[index].info.size();if (length == 0){cout << s << " at detail level " << pos<< " no map contains that location" << endl;}else if (pos > length){cout << s << " at detail level " << pos << " no map at that detail level; "<< "using " << Loc[index].info.back().name << endl;}else{cout << s << " at detail level " << pos << " using "<< Loc[index].info[pos - 1].name << endl;}}}return 0;}
