
来源:互联网 发布:vs2010c 数据库教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 06:34





class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            //老大说了要开发两部新款手机,一款具有苹果的外观,小米的内涵,另一款具有苹果、vivo、华为的特点综合            //创建指挥者            CheapCopyDirector director = new CheapCopyDirector();            //创建一个负责生产第一个产品的创建者b1            RealBudilder1 b1 = new RealBudilder1();            //创建一个负责生产第二个产品的创建者b2            RealBudilder2 b2 = new RealBudilder2();            //指挥者指挥工作            director.DirectorJob(b1);            director.DirectorJob(b2);            director.GetPhone(b1);            director.GetPhone(b2);            Console.ReadKey();        }    }    public class CheapCopyDirector    {        public void DirectorJob(Builder builder)        {            builder.SetCPU();            builder.SetDisplayer();            builder.SetKernel();        }        public void  GetPhone(Builder builder)        {            builder.GetPhone().Show();        }    }    public abstract class Builder    {        public abstract void SetCPU();        public abstract void SetKernel();        public abstract void SetDisplayer();        public abstract Pruduct GetPhone();    }    public class RealBudilder1:Builder    {        private Pruduct phone = new Pruduct();        public override void SetCPU()        {            phone.Add("小米cpu");        }        public override void SetKernel()        {            phone.Add("小米内核");        }        public override void SetDisplayer()        {            phone.Add("苹果显示器");        }        public override Pruduct GetPhone()        {            return phone;        }    }    public class RealBudilder2 : Builder    {        private Pruduct phone = new Pruduct();        public override void SetCPU()        {            phone.Add("小米cpu");        }        public override void SetKernel()        {            phone.Add("华为内核");        }        public override void SetDisplayer()        {            phone.Add("苹果显示器");        }        public override Pruduct GetPhone()        {            return phone;        }    }    public class Pruduct    {        List<string> compents = new List<string>();        public void Add(string str)        {            compents.Add(str);        }        public void Show()        {            for (int i = 0; i < compents.Count; i++)            {                Console.WriteLine(compents[i] + "已经组装完毕");            }            Console.WriteLine("此手机已经组装完毕");        }    }

每一次生产新的特定的产品 都要创建一个新的RealBuilder 类。。。



   class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            Prototype1 P1 = new Prototype1("1");            Prototype1 P2 = P1.Clone()as Prototype1;        }    }   public abstract class  Prototype     {        private string id;        public Prototype(string id)         {            this.id = id;         }        public abstract Prototype Clone();    }    public class Prototype1:Prototype    {        private string id;        public Prototype1(string id):base(id)        {        }        public override Prototype Clone()        {            return this.MemberwiseClone() as Prototype;        }    }


  class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            ShouldUse S = new Adapter();            S.INPut();            Console.ReadKey();        }    }    //现在需要使用的接口,比如手机充电的电压接口220v    public interface ShouldUse    {         void INPut();    }    //现在已经有的接口,比如手机需要的充电电压为5v    public class Have    {        public void  Charger()        {            Console.WriteLine("充电电压为5v可以正常充电");        }    }    //我们充电的时候就需要电源适配器,来吧220v的电压转换为5v的电压    //类适配器     public class Adapter : Have, ShouldUse    {        public void INPut()        {            Console.WriteLine("电源适配器 将电压降低到5v");            //用220v的电压接口,转化为5v的电压            this.Charger();        }    }


    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            ShouldUse S = new Adapter();            S.INPut();            Console.ReadKey();        }    }    //现在需要使用的接口,比如手机充电的电压接口220v    public interface ShouldUse    {         void INPut();    }    //现在已经有的接口,比如手机需要的充电电压为5v    public class Have    {        public void  Charger()        {            Console.WriteLine("充电电压为5v可以正常充电");        }    }    //我们充电的时候就需要电源适配器,来吧220v的电压转换为5v的电压    //类适配器     public class Adapter : ShouldUse    {        Have h = new Have();        public void INPut()        {            Console.WriteLine("电源适配器 将电压降低到5v");            //用220v的电压接口,转化为5v的电压            h.Charger();        }    }

想不出来好例子了 借鉴一下。。。。。

   class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            // 创建一个遥控器            RemoteControl remoteControl = new ConcreteRemote();            // 长虹电视机            remoteControl.Implementor = new ChangHong();            remoteControl.On();            remoteControl.SetChannel();            remoteControl.Off();            Console.WriteLine();            // 三星牌电视机            remoteControl.Implementor = new Samsung();            remoteControl.On();            remoteControl.SetChannel();            remoteControl.Off();            Console.Read();        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 抽象概念中的遥控器,扮演抽象化角色    /// </summary>    public class RemoteControl    {        // 字段        private TV implementor;        // 属性        public TV Implementor        {            get { return implementor; }            set { implementor = value; }        }        /// <summary>        /// 开电视机,这里抽象类中不再提供实现了,而是调用实现类中的实现        /// </summary>        public virtual void On()        {            implementor.On();        }        /// <summary>        /// 关电视机        /// </summary>        public virtual void Off()        {            implementor.Off();        }        /// <summary>        /// 换频道        /// </summary>        public virtual void SetChannel()        {            implementor.tuneChannel();        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 具体遥控器    /// </summary>    public class ConcreteRemote : RemoteControl    {        public override void SetChannel()        {            Console.WriteLine("---------------------");            base.SetChannel();            Console.WriteLine("---------------------");        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 电视机,提供抽象方法    /// </summary>    public abstract class TV    {        public abstract void On();        public abstract void Off();        public abstract void tuneChannel();    }    /// <summary>    /// 长虹牌电视机,重写基类的抽象方法    /// 提供具体的实现    /// </summary>    public class ChangHong : TV    {        public override void On()        {            Console.WriteLine("长虹牌电视机已经打开了");        }        public override void Off()        {            Console.WriteLine("长虹牌电视机已经关掉了");        }        public override void tuneChannel()        {            Console.WriteLine("长虹牌电视机换频道");        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 三星牌电视机,重写基类的抽象方法    /// </summary>    public class Samsung : TV    {        public override void On()        {            Console.WriteLine("三星牌电视机已经打开了");        }        public override void Off()        {            Console.WriteLine("三星牌电视机已经关掉了");        }        public override void tuneChannel()        {            Console.WriteLine("三星牌电视机换频道");        }    }