百度网盘文件自动分类sql 并带有对应标识图标

来源:互联网 发布:三菱plc数据寄存器d 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 13:38



update file set type='1' where category='-1'; -- 其它云文件
update file set type='3' where category='1'; -- 视频
update file set type='5'  where type='2'; -- 音频
update file set type='7' where category='3'; -- 图片
update file set type='9' where category='4'; -- 文档
update file set type='11' where category='5'; -- 软件
update file set type='1' where category='6'; -- 云
update file set type='16' where category='7'; -- 种子

update file set type='3' where filename like '%.mp4'; -- 视频
update file set type='3' where filename like '%.avi'; -- 视频
update file set type='3' where filename like '%.rmvb'; -- 视频
update file set type='3' where filename like '%.flv'; -- 视频
update file set type='3' where filename like '%.mkv'; -- 视频
update file set type='3' where filename like '%.flv'; -- 视频
update file set type='5' where filename like '%.mp3'; -- 音频
update file set type='7' where filename like '%.jpg'; -- 图片
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.txt'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.pdf'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.mobi'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.doc'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.docx'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.wps'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.ppt'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.xls'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.xlsx'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.epub'; -- 文档
update file set type='9' where filename like '%.rtf'; -- 文档
update file set type='11' where filename like '%.exe'; -- 软件
update file set type='16' where filename like '%.torrent'; -- 种子

update file set type='13' where filename like '%.dmg'; -- 压缩包
update file set type='13' where filename like '%.GHO'; -- 压缩包
update file set type='13' where filename like '%.iso'; -- 压缩包
update file set type='13' where filename like '%.zip'; -- 压缩包
update file set type='13' where filename like '%.rar'; -- 压缩包
update file set type='13' where filename like '%.7z'; -- 压缩包
update file set type='14' where size='1024'; -- 文件夹
update file set type='0' where size='专辑'; -- 专辑
update file set type='12' where category is null; -- 手动添加的
update file set type='4' where size like '%个'; -- 多个文件

select category,count(*) from file group by category; -- 分类统计
select * from file where category is null limit 1000;
select * from file where type='6' limit 1000;
select type,count(*) from file group by type; -- 分类统计

select * from file where Id>7527035 and type='6' limit 1000;
select type,count(*) from file where Id>7527035 group by type;  -- 分类统计


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// 种子echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='3' where filename like '%.mp4'"); // 视频echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='3' where filename like '%.avi'"); // 视频echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='3' where filename like '%.rmvb'"); // 视频echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='3' where filename like '%.flv'"); // 视频echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='3' where filename like '%.mkv'"); // 视频echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='3' where filename like '%.flv'"); // 视频echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='5' where filename like '%.mp3'"); // 音频echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='7' where filename like '%.jpg'"); // 图片echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.txt'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.pdf'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.mobi'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.doc'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.docx'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.wps'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.ppt'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.xls'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.xlsx'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.epub'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='9' where filename like '%.rtf'"); // 文档echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='11' where filename like '%.exe'"); // 软件echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='16' where filename like '%.torrent'"); // 种子echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='13' where filename like '%.dmg'"); // 压缩包echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='13' where filename like '%.GHO'"); // 压缩包echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='13' where filename like '%.iso'"); // 压缩包echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='13' where filename like '%.zip'"); // 压缩包echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='13' where filename like '%.rar'"); // 压缩包echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='13' where filename like '%.7z'"); // 压缩包echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='14' where size='1024'"); // 文件夹echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='0' where size='专辑'"); // 专辑echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='12' where category is null"); // 手动添加的echo "<br>".mysql_query("update file set type='4' where size like '%个'"); // 多个文件echo  '<br>整理完成。当前时间:'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s');/* 注释内容0 .x6     专辑1 .icon   云2 .icon01 Excel3 .icon10 视频4 .icon12 多个文件5 .icon20 音频6 .icon22 x7 .icon30 图片8 .icon32 x9 .icon40 文档10.icon42 x11.icon50 软件12.icon52 其它13.icon60 压缩包14.icon61 文件夹15.icon62 x16.icon70 种子17.icon72 x$typeArray=array("x6","icon","icon01","icon10","icon12","icon20","icon22","icon30","icon32","icon40","icon42","icon50","icon52","icon60","icon61","icon62","icon70","icon72");  //-1 全部 1视频 2音乐 3图片 4程序 5其它 6种子update file set type='1' where category='-1'; -- 其它云文件update file set type='3' where category='1'; -- 视频update file set type='5'  where type='2'; -- 音频update file set type='7' where category='3'; -- 图片update file set type='9' where category='4'; -- 文档update file set type='11' where category='5'; -- 软件update file set type='1' where category='6'; -- 云update file set type='16' where category='7'; -- 种子update file set type='3' where filename like '%.mp4'; -- 视频update file set type='3' where filename like '%.avi'; -- 视频update file set type='3' where filename like '%.rmvb'; -- 视频update file set type='3' where filename like '%.flv'; -- 视频update file set type='3' where filename like '%.mkv'; -- 视频update file set type='3' where filename like '%.flv'; -- 视频update file set type='5' where filename like '%.mp3'; -- 音频update file set type='7' where filename like '%.jpg'; -- 图片update file set type='9' where filename like '%.txt'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.pdf'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.mobi'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.doc'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.docx'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.wps'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.ppt'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.xls'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.xlsx'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.epub'; -- 文档update file set type='9' where filename like '%.rtf'; -- 文档update file set type='11' where filename like '%.exe'; -- 软件update file set type='16' where filename like '%.torrent'; -- 种子update file set type='13' where filename like '%.dmg'; -- 压缩包update file set type='13' where filename like '%.GHO'; -- 压缩包update file set type='13' where filename like '%.iso'; -- 压缩包update file set type='13' where filename like '%.zip'; -- 压缩包update file set type='13' where filename like '%.rar'; -- 压缩包update file set type='13' where filename like '%.7z'; -- 压缩包update file set type='14' where size='1024'; -- 文件夹update file set type='0' where size='专辑'; -- 专辑update file set type='12' where category is null; -- 手动添加的update file set type='4' where size like '%个'; -- 多个文件select category,count(*) from file group by category; -- 分类统计select * from file where category is null limit 1000;select * from file where type='6' limit 1000;select type,count(*) from file group by type; -- 分类统计select * from file where Id>7527035 and type='6' limit 1000;select type,count(*) from file where Id>7527035 group by type;  -- 分类统计*/?></body></html>