
来源:互联网 发布:nba史上十大恐怖数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 15:43





namespace AsyncProgram{ class Program { //Calculate the folder's total size private static Int64 CalculateFolderSize(string FolderName) { if (Directory.Exists(FolderName) == false) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("文件不存在"); } DirectoryInfo rootDir = new DirectoryInfo(FolderName); //Get all subfolders DirectoryInfo[] childDirs = rootDir.GetDirectories(); //Get all files of current folder FileInfo[] files = rootDir.GetFiles(); Int64 totalSize = 0; //sum every file size foreach (FileInfo file in files) { totalSize += file.Length; } //sum every folder foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in childDirs) { totalSize += CalculateFolderSize(dir.FullName); } return totalSize; } static void Main(string[] args) { Int64 size; String FolderName; Console.WriteLine("Please input the name of folder (C:\\Windows):"); FolderName = Console.ReadLine(); size = CalculateFolderSize(FolderName); Console.WriteLine("\nThe size of folder {0} is {1}字节\n", FolderName, size); Console.ReadKey(); } }}


//Define a delegate public delegate Int64 CalculateFolderSizeDelegate(String folderName); static void Main(string[] args) { //Int64 size; //String FolderName; //Console.WriteLine("Please input the name of folder (C:\\Windows):"); //FolderName = Console.ReadLine(); //size = CalculateFolderSize(FolderName); //Console.WriteLine("\nThe size of folder {0} is {1}字节\n", FolderName, size); //Console.ReadKey(); CalculateFolderSizeDelegate d = CalculateFolderSize; Console.WriteLine("请输入文件夹的名称"); String folderName = Console.ReadLine(); //Through the async static method CalculateFolderSize IAsyncResult ret = d.BeginInvoke(folderName, null, null); Console.WriteLine("正在计算..."); Int64 size = d.EndInvoke(ret); Console.WriteLine("\n计算完成。文件夹{0}的容量为:{1}字节\n", folderName, size); Console.ReadKey(); }



//..//普通的代码:处于同步执行模式 d为委托变量IAsyncResult ret=d.BeginInvoke(......);//启动异步调用//可以在这一部分干其他的事,程序处于异步执行模式methodResult=d.EndInvoke(ret);//结束异步调用//普通的代码:处于同步执行模式


public sealed class CalculateFolderSizeDelegate:MulticastDelegate{ public virtual extern long Invoke(string folderName) {} public virtual extern IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(string folderName, AsyncCallback callback, object @object){} public virtual extern long EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result);}



static void Main(string[] args){ CalculateFolderSizeDelegate d = CalculateFolderSize; Console.WriteLine("Please input the name of folder (C:\\Windows):"); String folderName = Console.ReadLine(); //Through the async static method CalculateFolderSize IAsyncResult ret = d.BeginInvoke(folderName, null, null); Console.Write("Calculating"); while (ret.IsCompleted==false) { Console.Write("."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } Int64 size = d.EndInvoke(ret); Console.WriteLine("\nThe size of folder {0} is {1}字节\n", folderName, size); Console.ReadKey();}


while (!ret.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000)) { Console.Write("."); }




//Define a delegatepublic delegate Int64 CalculateFolderSizeDelegate(String folderName);private static CalculateFolderSizeDelegate d = CalculateFolderSize;static void Main(string[] args){ String FolderName; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("请输入文件夹名称,输入quit结束程序"); FolderName = Console.ReadLine(); if (FolderName == "quit") { break; } d.BeginInvoke(FolderName, ShowFolderSize, FolderName); }}public static void ShowFolderSize(IAsyncResult result){ Int64 size = d.EndInvoke(result); Console.WriteLine("\n文件夹{0}的容量为:{1}字节\n", (String)result.AsyncState, size);}


namespace System{ // Summary: // Represents the status of an asynchronous operation. [ComVisible(true)] public interface IAsyncResult { // Summary: // Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an // asynchronous operation. // // Returns: // A user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous // operation. object AsyncState { get; } // // Summary: // Gets a System.Threading.WaitHandle that is used to wait for an asynchronous // operation to complete. // // Returns: // A System.Threading.WaitHandle that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation // to complete. WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; } // // Summary: // Gets a value that indicates whether the asynchronous operation completed // synchronously. // // Returns: // true if the asynchronous operation completed synchronously; otherwise, false. bool CompletedSynchronously { get; } // // Summary: // Gets a value that indicates whether the asynchronous operation has completed. // // Returns: // true if the operation is complete; otherwise, false. bool IsCompleted { get; } }}





基于事件的异步调用模式EAP(Event-based-Asynchronous Pattern)



public void DownloadFile(String address,String fileName);

public void DownloadFile(Uri address,String fileName);


public void DownloadFileAsync(Uri address, string fileName);
public void DownloadFileAsync(Uri address, string fileName, object userToken);



static void Main(string[] args){ //利用了已经实现了IAsyncResult异步模式的.NET自带的组件WebRequest String UserInputUrl = ""; String FileName = ""; Console.WriteLine("输入URL启动一个异步下载Web文件任务,输入quit退出."); do { Console.Write("\n输入Web文件的URL:"); UserInputUrl = Console.ReadLine(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UserInputUrl)) { Console.WriteLine("不能输入一个空的URL字符串"); continue; } if (UserInputUrl.ToLower() == "quit") { break; } Console.Write("请输入要保存的文件名:"); FileName = Console.ReadLine(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FileName)) { Console.WriteLine("不能输入一个空的URL字符串"); continue; } try { Uri webFileUri = new Uri(UserInputUrl); WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(webFileUri); DownLoadTask task = new DownLoadTask { SaveToFileName = FileName, WebRequestObject = webRequest }; Console.WriteLine("已在后台自动下载{0}", FileName); webRequest.BeginGetResponse(DownloadFinished, task); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } while (true); Console.ReadKey();}static void DownloadFinished(IAsyncResult ar){ try { DownLoadTask task = ar.AsyncState as DownLoadTask; WebResponse response = task.WebRequestObject.EndGetResponse(ar); String FileContent = ""; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"))) { FileContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); } using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(task.SaveToFileName, FileMode.Create), Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"))) { writer.Write(FileContent); } MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0}下载完成!", task.SaveToFileName)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); }}