
来源:互联网 发布:coc五级龙数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:52


Movie Textures are animated Textures that are created from a video file. By placing a video file in your project’sAssets Folder, you can import the video to be used exactly as you would use a regularTexture.

Video files are imported via Apple QuickTime. Supported file types are what your QuickTime installation can play (usually.mov,.mpg,.mpeg, .mp4,.avi,.asf). On Windows, movie importing requires Quicktime to be installed. Download Quicktime fromApple Support Downloads.

电影纹理是从视频文件中创建的动画纹理。将视频文件导入到工程的资源文件夹下,就可以像使用普通纹理一样使用了。需要注意的是,视频文件要通过Apple QuickTime导入,所以电脑上要先安装这个软件。



using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using UnityEngine.UI;public class VideoPlayTest : MonoBehaviour {    public MovieTexture movie;    private AudioSource audio;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {             GetComponent<RawImage>().texture = movie;        audio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();        movie.Play();        audio.Play();}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))        {            if (movie.isPlaying && audio.isPlaying)            {                movie.Pause();                audio.Pause();            }            else            {                movie.Play();                audio.Play();                           }        }        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))            audio.volume +=0.1f;        if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow))            audio.volume -= 0.1f;          }}


Use Unity’s video system to integrate video into your game. Video footage can add realism, save on rendering complexity, or help you integrate content available externally.

To use video in Unity, import Video Clips and configure them using the Video Player component. The system allows you to feed video footage directly into theTexture parameter of any component that has one. Unity then plays the Video on that Texture at run time.

Unity’s video features include the hardware-accelerated and software decoding ofVideo files, transparency support, multiple audio tracks, and network streaming.

Note: The Video Player component and Video Clip asset, introduced in Unity 5.6, supersede the earlierMovie Textures feature.


Video Player是Unity5.6之后新增加的,丰富了Unity播放频的功能,可轻松实现视频播放速度的控制,快进快退,视频透明度控制等。在使用时,将文件导入到工程中后,将其导入格式设置成Video Clip,就可以将其直接设置给Video Player组件的Video Clip属性(前提是Source属性选择为Video Clip方式)。当然,也可以设置Source为URL模式,通过给定具体的视频地址实现视频的播放。

CameraFarPlaneDraw video content behind a camera's scene.CameraNearPlaneDraw video content in front of a camera's scene.RenderTextureDraw video content into a RenderTexture.MaterialOverrideDraw the video content into a user-specified property of the current GameObject's material.APIOnlyDon't draw the video content anywhere, but still make it available via the VideoPlayer's texture property in the API.



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