
来源:互联网 发布:美国iea数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 11:25




关于PCI总线,这里主要介绍三个结构体,一个是struct bus_type, 一个是struct pci_bus,另外一个是struct pci_dev. 根据前面的经验我们可以想象,bus_type组成一条链表用于标识不同的总线编号,在每一条总线上面挂着一条以pci_dev为对象的链表,表示该总线上挂载的设备。当一个外接设备插入到PCI总线上的时候,就会触发相应的机制将这个设备注册到pci_dev对应的链表里面,这样驱动程序加载的时候就会到这个总线上去匹配,当匹配成功的时候,表示设备和驱动建立了联系。

为了验证自己的猜想,我们到代码里面找依据, 首先我们先掌握总线设备相关的知识,再来来看struct bus_type结构体:

struct bus_type {        const char              *name;  //总线的名称,比如PCI,I2C        const char              *dev_name; //设备名称        struct device           *dev_root;  //父设备名称        struct device_attribute *dev_attrs;     /* use dev_groups instead */        const struct attribute_group **bus_groups;        const struct attribute_group **dev_groups;        const struct attribute_group **drv_groups;        int (*match)(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv); //将驱动和设备进行匹配        int (*uevent)(struct device *dev, struct kobj_uevent_env *env);  //事件处理函数,比如插入,拔出,修改环境变量等事件将调用它进行处理        int (*probe)(struct device *dev);  //当新的设备插入或者新的驱动被加载,就会调用它去探测对应的设备或驱动,如果插入的是设备,它会去找驱动,如果加载的是驱动,它会去找设备,最终是调用match函数去实现的       int (*remove)(struct device *dev);        void (*shutdown)(struct device *dev);        int (*online)(struct device *dev);        int (*offline)(struct device *dev);        int (*suspend)(struct device *dev, pm_message_t state); //省电模式        int (*resume)(struct device *dev);  //进入睡眠模式        int (*num_vf)(struct device *dev); //这个总线上的设备最大支持多少虚拟功能        const struct dev_pm_ops *pm; //电源管理        const struct iommu_ops *iommu_ops; //IOMMU管理        struct subsys_private *p;  // private data很重要的私有数据,每一个总线都不一样,里面有两条很重要的链表,driver和device链表        struct lock_class_key lock_key; //锁};


1450 struct bus_type pci_bus_type = {1451     .name       = "pci",1452     .match      = pci_bus_match,1453     .uevent     = pci_uevent,1454     .probe      = pci_device_probe,   //驱动加载的时候被调用1455     .remove     = pci_device_remove,1456     .shutdown   = pci_device_shutdown,1457     .dev_groups = pci_dev_groups,1458     .bus_groups = pci_bus_groups,1459     .drv_groups = pci_drv_groups,1460     .pm     = PCI_PM_OPS_PTR,1461     .num_vf     = pci_bus_num_vf,1462 };1463 EXPORT_SYMBOL(pci_bus_type);14641465 static int __init pci_driver_init(void)1466 {1467     return bus_register(&pci_bus_type);1468 }1469 postcore_initcall(pci_driver_init);

虽然完成了初始化,但是这里没有提到一个很重要的私有数据的初始化,struct subsys_private,现在来看看这个私有数据:

/** * struct subsys_private - structure to hold the private to the driver core portions of the bus_type/class structure. * * @subsys - the struct kset that defines this subsystem * @devices_kset - the subsystem's 'devices' directory * @interfaces - list of subsystem interfaces associated * @mutex - protect the devices, and interfaces lists. * * @drivers_kset - the list of drivers associated * @klist_devices - the klist to iterate over the @devices_kset * @klist_drivers - the klist to iterate over the @drivers_kset * @bus_notifier - the bus notifier list for anything that cares about things *                 on this bus. * @bus - pointer back to the struct bus_type that this structure is associated *        with. * * @glue_dirs - "glue" directory to put in-between the parent device to *              avoid namespace conflicts * @class - pointer back to the struct class that this structure is associated *          with. * * This structure is the one that is the actual kobject allowing struct * bus_type/class to be statically allocated safely.  Nothing outside of the * driver core should ever touch these fields. */struct subsys_private {        struct kset subsys;        struct kset *devices_kset;        struct list_head interfaces;        struct mutex mutex;        struct kset *drivers_kset; //由已关联驱动组成的链表,这些驱动表示和设备完成了绑定        struct klist klist_devices;  //所有检测到的属于该总线的设备列表,但他们未必有和驱动绑定        struct klist klist_drivers;   //所有加载的属于该总线的驱动,但他们未必有和设备绑定        struct blocking_notifier_head bus_notifier;        unsigned int drivers_autoprobe:1;        struct bus_type *bus;        struct kset glue_dirs;        struct class *class;};
现在bus_type的做法和以前有些不一样了, 它多增加了一个私有数据结构来管理总线,设备,驱动三者之间的关系,那他们是怎么样的一个关系呢?

每个设备,都被挂接到不同的总线上,当设备挂接到对应的总线上 后,其所对应的总线类型就确定了,而设备在挂接到总线上时,总线先要扫描设备,看看设备是否适合总线的要求,如果适合了,那接着就要扫描整个总线上的设备驱动链表,查找是否有驱动程序可以管理设备,如果找到,则把设备结构体中的相应指针成员指向对应的驱动程序,如果暂时没有找到对应的设备驱动程序,则设备结构体中的指向驱动程序的指针暂时为空,表示还没有设备驱动,还在总线的设备队列中等待;而如果设备不能通过总线的检查,即不会出现在总线的设备列表上, 自然不会去扫描设备驱动链表,查找匹配的驱动了。

而每个设备驱动程序,都是被安装到对应的总线上的,不论是手动安 装,还是自动安装,所谓安装,就是把驱动程序挂载到对应总线的驱动链表中,而挂载到对应的总线驱动链表,首先要满足总线的匹配要求,只有适合了要求,才能挂载到总线的驱动链表,也只有到达这个步骤,系统才会扫描整个总线的设备链表,来查找是否有设备需要此驱动来管理,如果找到这个设备,则驱动程序中的设备 管理链表,会记录这个设备的地址,从而达到管理设备的目的。


现在大概可以确定,我的猜测只猜对了一半,另一半是没有猜到它对自己总线上 “所有设备,所有驱动,所有绑定关系的设备和驱动” 分别维护了一条链表,共三条链表。

现在我们知道了设备,驱动,总线三者间的关系了, 现在来看看他们是怎么初始化的,以及他们是怎么样建立关系的,这应该是个有趣的过程。



理解linux pci 扫描流程




PCI 总线初始化


struct pci_bus *pci_scan_bus(int bus, struct pci_ops *ops,                                        void *sysdata){        LIST_HEAD(resources);        struct pci_bus *b;        pci_add_resource(&resources, &ioport_resource);        pci_add_resource(&resources, &iomem_resource);        pci_add_resource(&resources, &busn_resource);        b = pci_create_root_bus(NULL, bus, ops, sysdata, &resources);        if (b) {                pci_scan_child_bus(b);        } else {                pci_free_resource_list(&resources);        }        return b;}EXPORT_SYMBOL(pci_scan_bus);


pcie的pci_create_root_bus 分析


pci_scan_bus -> pci_scan_child_bus -> pci_scan_slot -> pci_scan_single_device -> pci_scan_device

1806 /*1807  * Read the config data for a PCI device, sanity-check it1808  * and fill in the dev structure...1809  */1810 static struct pci_dev *pci_scan_device(struct pci_bus *bus, int devfn)1811 {1812     struct pci_dev *dev;  1813     u32 l;18141815     if (!pci_bus_read_dev_vendor_id(bus, devfn, &l, 60*1000))   //读取并判断设备中的PCI_VENDOR_ID是否合法,如果不为0xff和0x00表示这个设备是真实有效的1816         return NULL;18171818     dev = pci_alloc_dev(bus);  //设备有效,则给该设备申请pci_dev对象的空间1819     if (!dev)1820         return NULL;18211822     dev->devfn = devfn;1823     dev->vendor = l & 0xffff; 1824     dev->device = (l >> 16) & 0xffff; 18251826     pci_set_of_node(dev);  18271828     if (pci_setup_device(dev)) {  //将设备的其他参数初始化到结构体中,所以硬件中的参数都是通过它来读取的,读取以后存放在结构体中,它很重要,后面了解驱动                                         的时候,会进行详细的分析。1829         pci_bus_put(dev->bus);1830         kfree(dev);1831         return NULL;1832     }18331834     return dev;1835 }

2. 网络设备驱动的加载


linux驱动 之 module_init解析 (上)

Linux内核很吊之 module_init解析 (下)


int __pci_register_driver(struct pci_driver *drv, struct module *owner,                          const char *mod_name){        /* initialize common driver fields */        drv->driver.name = drv->name;        drv->driver.bus = &pci_bus_type;        drv->driver.owner = owner;        drv->driver.mod_name = mod_name;        spin_lock_init(&drv->dynids.lock);        INIT_LIST_HEAD(&drv->dynids.list);        /* register with core */        return driver_register(&drv->driver);}EXPORT_SYMBOL(__pci_register_driver);
首先注意到给他传的三个参数,第二和第三个参数都是和模块管理相关的,这里先不解释,看函数的注释就好了,我们关注的是第一个参数struct pci_driver:

struct module;struct pci_driver {        struct list_head node;        const char *name;        const struct pci_device_id *id_table;   /* must be non-NULL for probe to be called */        int  (*probe)  (struct pci_dev *dev, const struct pci_device_id *id);   /* New device inserted */        void (*remove) (struct pci_dev *dev);   /* Device removed (NULL if not a hot-plug capable driver) */        int  (*suspend) (struct pci_dev *dev, pm_message_t state);      /* Device suspended */        int  (*suspend_late) (struct pci_dev *dev, pm_message_t state);        int  (*resume_early) (struct pci_dev *dev);        int  (*resume) (struct pci_dev *dev);                   /* Device woken up */        void (*shutdown) (struct pci_dev *dev);        int (*sriov_configure) (struct pci_dev *dev, int num_vfs); /* PF pdev */        const struct pci_error_handlers *err_handler;        struct device_driver    driver;        struct pci_dynids dynids;};
在pci_driver的结构体里面封装了一个 struct device_driver成员,这才是我们注册的关键,我们来看看这个结构体:

/** * struct device_driver - The basic device driver structure * @name:       Name of the device driver. * @bus:        The bus which the device of this driver belongs to. * @owner:      The module owner. * @mod_name:   Used for built-in modules. * @suppress_bind_attrs: Disables bind/unbind via sysfs. * @probe_type: Type of the probe (synchronous or asynchronous) to use. * @of_match_table: The open firmware table. * @acpi_match_table: The ACPI match table. * @probe:      Called to query the existence of a specific device, *              whether this driver can work with it, and bind the driver *              to a specific device. * @remove:     Called when the device is removed from the system to *              unbind a device from this driver. * @shutdown:   Called at shut-down time to quiesce the device. * @suspend:    Called to put the device to sleep mode. Usually to a *              low power state. * @resume:     Called to bring a device from sleep mode. * @groups:     Default attributes that get created by the driver core *              automatically. * @pm:         Power management operations of the device which matched *              this driver. * @p:          Driver core's private data, no one other than the driver *              core can touch this. * * The device driver-model tracks all of the drivers known to the system. * The main reason for this tracking is to enable the driver core to match * up drivers with new devices. Once drivers are known objects within the * system, however, a number of other things become possible. Device drivers * can export information and configuration variables that are independent * of any specific device. */struct device_driver {        const char              *name;  //驱动的名字        struct bus_type         *bus; //总线类型信息又是一堆回绕指针        struct module           *owner;        const char              *mod_name;      /* used for built-in modules */        bool suppress_bind_attrs;       /* disables bind/unbind via sysfs */ 是否绑定设备,可以通过sys来控制        enum probe_type probe_type;        const struct of_device_id       *of_match_table;  //可能一个驱动可以匹配多个设备,所以有这张表        const struct acpi_device_id     *acpi_match_table;        int (*probe) (struct device *dev);  //向已经存在的设备发出请求,看一下有没有匹配的设备,如果设备匹配,则和它进行绑定        int (*remove) (struct device *dev);        void (*shutdown) (struct device *dev);        int (*suspend) (struct device *dev, pm_message_t state);        int (*resume) (struct device *dev);        const struct attribute_group **groups;        const struct dev_pm_ops *pm;        struct driver_private *p;  //这个是每个driver保留的私有数据}


        /* register with core */        return driver_register(&drv->driver);  //注意它传进来的参数是什么类型的

/** * driver_register - register driver with bus * @drv: driver to register * * We pass off most of the work to the bus_add_driver() call, * since most of the things we have to do deal with the bus * structures. */int driver_register(struct device_driver *drv){        int ret;        struct device_driver *other;        BUG_ON(!drv->bus->p);        if ((drv->bus->probe && drv->probe) ||            (drv->bus->remove && drv->remove) ||            (drv->bus->shutdown && drv->shutdown))                printk(KERN_WARNING "Driver '%s' needs updating - please use "                        "bus_type methods\n", drv->name);        other = driver_find(drv->name, drv->bus);        if (other) {                printk(KERN_ERR "Error: Driver '%s' is already registered, "                        "aborting...\n", drv->name);                return -EBUSY;        }        ret = bus_add_driver(drv);        if (ret)                return ret;        ret = driver_add_groups(drv, drv->groups);        if (ret) {                bus_remove_driver(drv);                return ret;        }        kobject_uevent(&drv->p->kobj, KOBJ_ADD);        return ret;}EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(driver_register);

int driver_register(struct device_driver *drv)||--> driver_find //查找驱动是否已经装载|--> bus_add_driver//根据总线类型添加驱动|--> driver_add_groups//将驱动添加到对应组中|--> kobject_uevent//注册uevent事件


linux驱动篇之 driver_register 过程分析(一)

linux驱动篇之 driver_register 过程分析(二)bus_add_driver



1----|  __pci_register_driver

2--------| driver_register(&drv->driver)

3------------| bus_add_driver(drv)

4----------------| driver_attach(drv)

5--------------------| __driver_attach

6------------------------| driver_probe_device(drv, dev)

7----------------------------| really_probe(dev, drv)

8--------------------------------| driver_bound(dev)

9------------------------------------| klist_add_tail(&dev->p->knode_driver, &dev->driver->p->klist_devices)

看到这里,虽然不能弄懂全部,但是思路应该有了,但是奇怪的是第7步有两个参数,但是第8步参数个数却变成了一个,那么他们是怎么绑定的呢?直接来看really_probe(dev, drv)函数:

325 static int really_probe(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv)326 { .......352 re_probe:353     dev->driver = drv;360     ret = dma_configure(dev);361     if (ret)362         goto dma_failed;363364     if (driver_sysfs_add(dev)) {365         printk(KERN_ERR "%s: driver_sysfs_add(%s) failed\n",366             __func__, dev_name(dev));367         goto probe_failed;368     }384     if (dev->bus->probe) {385         ret = dev->bus->probe(dev);386         if (ret)387             goto probe_failed;388     } else if (drv->probe) {389         ret = drv->probe(dev);390         if (ret)391             goto probe_failed;392     }418     driver_bound(dev);419     ret = 1;420     pr_debug("bus: '%s': %s: bound device %s to driver %s\n",421          drv->bus->name, __func__, dev_name(dev), drv->name);422     goto done;

dev->driver = drv   //这是驱动和设备第一步绑定,所以在第二步的时候才能只传一个参数

driver_bound(dev)  //这是驱动和设备的第二部绑定,我们看看它的实现

236 static void driver_bound(struct device *dev)237 {238     if (device_is_bound(dev)) {239         printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: device %s already bound\n",240             __func__, kobject_name(&dev->kobj));241         return;242     }243244     pr_debug("driver: '%s': %s: bound to device '%s'\n", dev->driver->name,245          __func__, dev_name(dev));246247     klist_add_tail(&dev->p->knode_driver, &dev->driver->p->klist_devices);248     device_links_driver_bound(dev);249250     device_pm_check_callbacks(dev);251252     /*253      * Make sure the device is no longer in one of the deferred lists and254      * kick off retrying all pending devices255      */256     driver_deferred_probe_del(dev);257     driver_deferred_probe_trigger();258259     if (dev->bus)260         blocking_notifier_call_chain(&dev->bus->p->bus_notifier,261                          BUS_NOTIFY_BOUND_DRIVER, dev);262 }

1. device_is_bound(dev) 检测是否已经绑定

2. klist_add_tail(&dev->p->knode_driver, &dev->driver->p->klist_devices);  设备和驱动真正的绑定,这!才!是!关!键!!

3. blocking_notifier_call_chain(&dev->bus->p->bus_notifier,BUS_NOTIFY_BOUND_DRIVER, dev); 绑定以后通知关心这个事件的对象

3. 网络设备的激活


1. 挂接中断处理函数( ISR),如果不能为驱动程序申请到中断,那说明要么网卡没插好,要么和其他设备发生了冲突,结果就是设备根本不能用。
2. 创建驱动程序内部接收环和发送缓冲区,网卡一般都要“环”的方式来存放报文。
3. 挂接接口状态扫描定时器,以 poll 的方式轮询接口是否真正 up 或 down。
4. 进一步打开设备特定寄存器,使其可以开始收发报文了

4. net_dev_init

这个函数在开机的时候以subsys_initcall(net_dev_init)的方式被调用, 它主要完成初始化proc 文件系统、 sysfs 系统、全局设备和索引表、设置软中断回调等,最重要的是对 queue的各项成员的初始化。


8532 /*
8533  *  Initialize the DEV module. At boot time this walks the device list and
8534  *  unhooks any devices that fail to initialise (normally hardware not
8535  *  present) and leaves us with a valid list of present and active devices.
8536  *
8537  */
8539 /*
8540  *       This is called single threaded during boot, so no need
8541  *       to take the rtnl semaphore.
8542  */
8543 static int __init net_dev_init(void)
8544 {
8545     int i, rc = -ENOMEM;
8547     BUG_ON(!dev_boot_phase);
8549     if (dev_proc_init())
8550         goto out;
8552     if (netdev_kobject_init())
8553         goto out;
8555     INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ptype_all);
8556     for (i = 0; i < PTYPE_HASH_SIZE; i++)
8557         INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ptype_base[i]);
8559     INIT_LIST_HEAD(&offload_base);
8561     if (register_pernet_subsys(&netdev_net_ops))
8562         goto out;
8564     /*
8565      *  Initialise the packet receive queues.
8566      */
8568     for_each_possible_cpu(i) {
8569         struct work_struct *flush = per_cpu_ptr(&flush_works, i);
8570         struct softnet_data *sd = &per_cpu(softnet_data, i);
8572         INIT_WORK(flush, flush_backlog);
8574         skb_queue_head_init(&sd->input_pkt_queue);
8575         skb_queue_head_init(&sd->process_queue);
8576         INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sd->poll_list);
8577         sd->output_queue_tailp = &sd->output_queue;
8578 #ifdef CONFIG_RPS
8579         sd->csd.func = rps_trigger_softirq;
8580         sd->csd.info = sd;
8581         sd->cpu = i;
8582 #endif
8584         sd->backlog.poll = process_backlog;
8585         sd->backlog.weight = weight_p;
8586     }
8588     dev_boot_phase = 0;
8590     /* The loopback device is special if any other network devices
8591      * is present in a network namespace the loopback device must
8592      * be present. Since we now dynamically allocate and free the
8593      * loopback device ensure this invariant is maintained by
8594      * keeping the loopback device as the first device on the
8595      * list of network devices.  Ensuring the loopback devices
8596      * is the first device that appears and the last network device
8597      * that disappears.
8598      */
8599     if (register_pernet_device(&loopback_net_ops))
8600         goto out;
8602     if (register_pernet_device(&default_device_ops))
8603         goto out;
8605     open_softirq(NET_TX_SOFTIRQ, net_tx_action);
8606     open_softirq(NET_RX_SOFTIRQ, net_rx_action);
8608     rc = cpuhp_setup_state_nocalls(CPUHP_NET_DEV_DEAD, "net/dev:dead",
8609                        NULL, dev_cpu_dead);
8610     WARN_ON(rc < 0);
8611     dst_subsys_init();
8612     rc = 0;
8613 out:
8614     return rc;
8615 }
8617 subsys_initcall(net_dev_init);

5. 总结



所以最后的感觉是:“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”      “会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”

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