
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网评价管理网页. 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 08:55
    首先打开keil并选择要使用的芯片,如W77E532,之后点击“USE EXTENDED LINKER(LX51) INSTEAD OF BL51”为选中状态;之后设置点击“TARGET”设置晶振频率和memory model为small、code rom size为large、operating为none,该窗口下面的“code banking”选中,同时设置bank分区,如W77E532为2,后面的START和END可以设置成0x0000和0xFFFF;接下来设置“OUTPUT”点击“Create HEX Fi:”从后面的下拉列表中选择“HEX-386”,这些全部设置完成后点击“确定”以完成设置。 
      当这些都设置完成后,在左侧“project workspace”区域对root,bank和bank1的code bank和stop on exit分别设置,依次为: 
common和translator fatal errors (exit code >=3), 
bank#0和translator fatal errors (exit code >=3), 
bank#1和translator fatal errors (exit code >=3); 
之后对各个目录右侧进行设置,只选择“include in target build”,其余为空状态,点击“确定”完成设置。  
;  This file is part of the BL51 / LX51 Banked Linker/Locater package 
;  Copyright (c) 1988 - 2005 Keil Elektronik GmbH and Keil Software, Inc. 
;  Version 2.21 (Code and Variable Banking for Classic 8051 Derivatives) 
;************** Configuration Section ********************* 
?B_NBANKS       EQU  2    ; Define maximum Number of Banks                    * 
;                         ; following values are allowed: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 * 
;                         ; for BL51 the maximum value for ?B_BANKS is 32     * 
;                         ; for LX51 the maximum value for ?B_BANKS is 64     * 
;                                                                             * 
?B_MODE         EQU  0    ; 0 for Bank-Switching via 8051 Port                * 
;                         ; 1 for Bank-Switching via XDATA Port               * 
;                         ; 4 for user-provided bank switch code              * 
;                                                                             * 
?B_RTX          EQU  0    ; 0 for applications without real-time OS           * 
;                         ; 1 for applications using the RTX-51 real-time OS  * 
;                                                                             * 
?B_VAR_BANKING  EQU  1    ; Variable Banking via L51_BANK (far memory support)* 
;                         ; 0 Variable Banking does not use L51_BANK.A51      * 
;                         ; 1 Variable Banking uses this L51_BANK.A51 module  * 
; Notes: ?B_VAR_BANKING uses the ‘far’ and ‘far const’ C51 memory types to    * 
;        extent the space for variables in RAM and/or ROM of classic 8051     * 
;        device.  The same hardware as for code banking is used.  Program     * 
;        code banking and variable banking share the same hardware I/O pins.  * 
;        The C51 Compiler must be used with the VARBANKING directive.         * 
;        Variable Banking is only supported with the LX51 linker/locater.     * 
;                                                                             * 
?B_RST_BANK     EQU  0    ; specifies the active code bank number after CPU   * 
;                         ; Reset.  Used to reduce the entries in the         * 
;                         ; INTERBANK CALL TABLE.  The value 0xFF disables    * 
;                         ; this LX51 linker/locater optimization.            * 
; Note:  Interbank Call Table optimization is only possible with LX51.        * 
;                                                                             * 
;                                                                             * 
IF  ?B_MODE = 0;                                                              * 
; if ?BANK?MODE is 0 define the following values                              * 
; For Bank-Switching via 8051 Port define Port Address / Bits                 * 
;                                                                             * 
P1              DATA    90H      ; I/O Port Address                           * 
;                                                                             * 
?B_PORT         EQU     P1       ; default is P1                              * 
?B_FIRSTBIT     EQU     7        ; default is Bit 2                           * 