android WiFi扫描并连接

来源:互联网 发布:java中的红黑树 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 08:03

android WiFi扫描并连接




  • WiFi名称SSID重复和BSSID
    /**     * 得到网络列表     *     * @return the wifi list all     */    public ArrayList<ScanResult> getWifiListAll() {        ArrayList<ScanResult> newSr = new ArrayList<ScanResult>();        for (ScanResult result : mAllData) {            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(result.SSID) && !result.capabilities.contains("[IBSS]") && !containName(newSr, result))                newSr.add(result);        }        return newSr;    }    /**     * 判断一个扫描结果中,是否包含了某个名称的WIFI     *     * @param sr     *         扫描结果     * @param scanResult     *         要查询的名称     *     * @return 返回true表示包含了该名称的WIFI ,返回false表示不包含     */    public boolean containName(List<ScanResult> sr, ScanResult scanResult) {        for (ScanResult result : sr) {            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(result.SSID) && result.SSID.equals(scanResult.SSID) && result.capabilities.equals(scanResult.capabilities)) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }
  • WIFI筛选
    /**     * 开始扫描     */    public void startScan() {        mWifiManager.startScan();        // 得到扫描结果//        mWifiList = mWifiManager.getScanResults();        m24GData.clear();        m24GData = null;        m24GData = new ArrayList<ScanResult>();        m5GData.clear();        m5GData = null;        m5GData = new ArrayList<ScanResult>();        mAllData.clear();        mAllData = null;        mAllData = new ArrayList<ScanResult>();        try {            List<ScanResult> list = mWifiManager.getScanResults();            if (list != null) {                for (ScanResult scanResult : list) {                    int nSigLevel = WifiManager.calculateSignalLevel(                            scanResult.level, 100);                    int value = scanResult.frequency;                    if (value > 2400 && value < 2500) {                        m24GData.add(scanResult);                    } else {                        m5GData.add(scanResult);                    }                    mAllData.add(scanResult);                }            } else {            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        // 得到配置好的网络连接        mWifiConfiguration = mWifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks();    }



    /**     * Allow a previously configured network to be associated with. If     * <code>disableOthers</code> is true, then all other configured     * networks are disabled, and an attempt to connect to the selected     * network is initiated. This may result in the asynchronous delivery     * of state change events.     * <p>     * <b>Note:</b> If an application's target SDK version is     * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP} or newer, network     * communication may not use Wi-Fi even if Wi-Fi is connected; traffic may     * instead be sent through another network, such as cellular data,     * Bluetooth tethering, or Ethernet. For example, traffic will never use a     * Wi-Fi network that does not provide Internet access (e.g. a wireless     * printer), if another network that does offer Internet access (e.g.     * cellular data) is available. Applications that need to ensure that their     * network traffic uses Wi-Fi should use APIs such as     * {@link Network#bindSocket(},     * {@link Network#openConnection(}, or     * {@link ConnectivityManager#bindProcessToNetwork} to do so.     *     * @param netId the ID of the network in the list of configured networks     * @param disableOthers if true, disable all other networks. The way to     * select a particular network to connect to is specify {@code true}     * for this parameter.     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded     */    public boolean enableNetwork(int netId, boolean disableOthers) {        final boolean pin = disableOthers && mTargetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP;        if (pin) {            NetworkRequest request = new NetworkRequest.Builder()                    .clearCapabilities()                    .addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)                    .build();  , request);        }        boolean success;        try {            success = mService.enableNetwork(netId, disableOthers);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();        }        if (pin && !success) {            NetworkPinner.unpin();        }        return success;    }





        cfg.networkId = mNetworkID;        int newPri = wifiAdmin.getMaxPriority() + 1;        cfg.priority = newPri;//提高优先级        mWifiManager.updateNetwork(cfg);//更新        mWifiManager.saveConfiguration();//保存


    /**     * Remove exit config.     * 移除已经连接过的     *     * @param ssid     *         the ssid     */    public void removeExitConfig(String ssid) {        WifiConfiguration exsits = isExsits(ssid);        if (exsits != null) {//如果已经连接过则删除            mWifiManager.removeNetwork(exsits.networkId);        }    }
/**     * Is exsits wifi configuration.     * 判断是否已经连接过     *     * @param SSID     *         the ssid     *     * @return the wifi configuration     */    public WifiConfiguration isExsits(String SSID) {        List<WifiConfiguration> existingConfigs = mWifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks();        for (WifiConfiguration existingConfig : existingConfigs) {            if (existingConfig.SSID.equals("\"" + SSID + "\"")) {                return existingConfig;            }        }        return null;    }

