CC1310 RTC

来源:互联网 发布:程序员小品剧本 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:20
The RTC is used by TI-RTOS as the time base for the ti.sysbios.Clock module. It continues to run even when the processor is in standby mode and will wake the processor whenever a Clock object times out.

Clock objects are used to implement the timeouts for BIOS APIs such as Task_sleep(), Semaphore_pend(), Event_pend(), etc. They are also used internally by various TI-RTOS driver functions when a timeout is required.

The RTC is also used as the timebase for the ti.sysbios.hal.Seconds module which can be used to provide time-of-day information to your application.

/* *  ======== clock.c ======== *//* XDC module Headers */#include <xdc/std.h>#include <xdc/runtime/System.h>/* BIOS module Headers */#include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Clock.h>/* Example/Board Header files */#include "Board.h"Void clk0Fxn(UArg arg0);Void clk1Fxn(UArg arg0);Clock_Struct clk0Struct, clk1Struct;Clock_Handle clk2Handle;/* *  ======== main ======== */Int main(){    /* Construct BIOS Objects */    Clock_Params clkParams;    /* Call driver init functions */    Board_initGeneral();    Clock_Params_init(&clkParams);    clkParams.period = 5000/Clock_tickPeriod;    clkParams.startFlag = TRUE;    /* Construct a periodic Clock Instance */    Clock_construct(&clk0Struct, (Clock_FuncPtr)clk0Fxn,                    5000/Clock_tickPeriod, &clkParams);    clkParams.period = 0;    clkParams.startFlag = FALSE;    /* Construct a one-shot Clock Instance */    Clock_construct(&clk1Struct, (Clock_FuncPtr)clk1Fxn,                    11000/Clock_tickPeriod, &clkParams);    clk2Handle = Clock_handle(&clk1Struct);    Clock_start(clk2Handle);    BIOS_start();    /* does not return */    return(0);}/* *  ======== clk0Fxn ======= */Void clk0Fxn(UArg arg0){    UInt32 time;    time = Clock_getTicks();    System_printf("System time in clk0Fxn = %lu\n", (ULong)time);}/* *  ======== clk1Fxn ======= */Void clk1Fxn(UArg arg0){    UInt32 time;    time = Clock_getTicks();    System_printf("System time in clk1Fxn = %lu\n", (ULong)time);    System_printf("Calling BIOS_exit() from clk1Fxn\n");    BIOS_exit(0);}
