
来源:互联网 发布:中韩贸易逆差数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 17:32
  • 在这之前,做个与cmin和cmax相关的实验:

之前已经说过, cmin与cmax代表同一个事务里,该行记录所对应的sql执行的顺序,下面验证下

// 当前 user_info 表的信息,当前有5条记录。 cmin 与 cmax都是0//原先已经存在的记录:postgres=#  select ctid,cmin,cmax,xmin,xmax,* from user_info ; ctid  | cmin | cmax | xmin  | xmax | id | info -------+------+------+-------+------+----+------ (0,1) |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,2) |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,3) |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,4) |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,5) |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test(5 rows)// 同一个事务里,用4条sql插入4条语句:postgres=# begin;BEGINpostgres=# insert into user_info(id,info) values(1,'test');INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into user_info(id,info) values(1,'test');INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into user_info(id,info) values(1,'test');INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into user_info(id,info) values(1,'test');INSERT 0 1postgres=# commit;COMMIT//查询结果:postgres=#  select ctid,cmin,cmax,xmin,xmax,* from user_info ;  ctid  | cmin | cmax | xmin  | xmax | id | info --------+------+------+-------+------+----+------ (0,1)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,2)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,3)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,4)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,5)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test //以下4条数据为刚刚同一个事务里所插入的tuple(记录),可以看出来 cmin与cmax是递增的,因为是同一个事务里的 四条sql的结果。 (0,7)  |    0 |    0 | 36041 |    0 |  1 | test (0,8)  |    1 |    1 | 36041 |    0 |  1 | test (0,9)  |    2 |    2 | 36041 |    0 |  1 | test (0,10) |    3 |    3 | 36041 |    0 |  1 | test(9 rows)不显式开启事务,直接在psql执行3条语句:postgres=# insert into user_info(id,info) values(1,'test');INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into user_info(id,info) values(1,'test');INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into user_info(id,info) values(1,'test');INSERT 0 1postgres=#  select ctid,cmin,cmax,xmin,xmax,* from user_info ;  ctid  | cmin | cmax | xmin  | xmax | id | info --------+------+------+-------+------+----+------ (0,1)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,2)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,3)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,4)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,5)  |    0 |    0 | 36039 |    0 |  1 | test (0,7)  |    0 |    0 | 36041 |    0 |  1 | test (0,8)  |    1 |    1 | 36041 |    0 |  1 | test (0,9)  |    2 |    2 | 36041 |    0 |  1 | test (0,10) |    3 |    3 | 36041 |    0 |  1 | test //以下是执行结果:可以发现cmin与cmax均为0, 因为它们不在同以事务里,各自属于各自的事务。只有在同一事务执行,才会排序。 (0,11) |    0 |    0 | 36042 |    0 |  1 | test (0,12) |    0 |    0 | 36043 |    0 |  1 | test (0,13) |    0 |    0 | 36044 |    0 |  1 | test(12 rows)
  • 问题来了: cmax与cmin有何不同???


  • What is the difference between cmin and cmax

I looked into the source code, and I think I now understand it:
cmin and cmax are same! The documentation is too old now.


I made another test:
In terminal A:

pgsql=# begin;BEGINpgsql=# select * from tab01; id | cd----+----(0 rows)pgsql=# select xmin,xmax,cmin,cmax,* from tab01; xmin | xmax | cmin | cmax | id | cd------+------+------+------+----+----(0 rows)pgsql=# insert into tab01 values(1,'1'),(2,'2'),(3,'3');INSERT 0 3pgsql=# insert into tab01 values(4,'4'),(5,'5'),(6,'6');INSERT 0 3pgsql=# select xmin,xmax,cmin,cmax,* from tab01; xmin | xmax | cmin | cmax | id | cd------+------+------+------+----+---- 1897 |    0 |    0 |    0 |  1 | 1 1897 |    0 |    0 |    0 |  2 | 2 1897 |    0 |    0 |    0 |  3 | 3 1897 |    0 |    1 |    1 |  4 | 4 1897 |    0 |    1 |    1 |  5 | 5 1897 |    0 |    1 |    1 |  6 | 6(6 rows)pgsql=# commit;Then I begin to delete record:pgsql=# begin;BEGINpgsql=# delete from tab01 where id=1 or id=2;DELETE 2pgsql=# delete from tab01 where id=3;DELETE 1pgsql=# delete from tab01 where id=4;DELETE 1pgsql=# delete from tab01 where id=5;DELETE 1pgsql=#But I have not commit my deleting action.Then in terminal B, I can see:pgsql=# select xmin,xmax,cmin,cmax,* from tab01; xmin | xmax | cmin | cmax | id | cd------+------+------+------+----+---- 1897 | 1898 |    0 |    0 |  1 | 1 1897 | 1898 |    0 |    0 |  2 | 2 1897 | 1898 |    1 |    1 |  3 | 3 1897 | 1898 |    2 |    2 |  4 | 4 1897 | 1898 |    3 |    3 |  5 | 5 1897 |    0 |    1 |    1 |  6 | 6(6 rows)pgsql=#

In fact , in the source code of PG,I can find it—heap_getsysattr function

in heaptuple.c,here is it:

——–code begin—-

case MinCommandIdAttributeNumber:case MaxCommandIdAttributeNumber:/* * cmin and cmax are now both aliases for the same field, which * can in fact also be a combo command id. XXX perhaps we should * return the "real" cmin or cmax if possible, that is if we are * inside the originating transaction? */result = CommandIdGetDatum(HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(tup->t_data));break;

——–code end——-
