
来源:互联网 发布:网络攻击应急预案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 04:14
package cn.bizfocus.tools.base;import java.sql.Time;import java.sql.Timestamp;import java.text.DateFormat;import java.text.ParseException;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.Calendar;import java.util.Date;/** * 日期工具类。 *  * @author Origin * */public class DateUtil {    public static final String EMPTY = "";    public static final String SPACE = " ";    public static final String TIME_STR_170000 = "17:00:00";    public static final String TIME_STR_235959 = "23:59:59";    public static final String TIME_STR_000000 = "00:00:00";    public static final String DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd";    public static final String DATE_NUMBER_PATTERN = "yyyyMMdd";    public static final String DATE_TIME = "HHmmss";    public static final String TIME_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";    public static final String TIME_PATTERN2 = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";    public static final String TIME_PATTERN3 = "yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss";    public static final String TIME_PATTERN4 = "HH:mm:ss";    public static final String DATE_PATTERN1 = "yyyyMMddHHmm";    public static final String DATE_PATTERN2 = "yyyyMMdd";    private static int count = 0;    /**     * 由日期返回yyyy-MM-dd格式的字符串     * @param date     * @return     */    public static String dateToString(Date date) {        if (date == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN);        return simpleDateFormat.format(date);    }    /**     * 由日期返回yyyy-MM-dd格式的字符串     * @return     */    public static String currentDateToString() {        Date date = new Date();        if (date == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN1);        return simpleDateFormat.format(date);    }    public static String dateToString(Date date, String format) {        if (date == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);        return simpleDateFormat.format(date);    }    public static String dateToString8(Date date) {        if (date == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_NUMBER_PATTERN);        return simpleDateFormat.format(date);    }    /**     * 由日期返回HHmmss格式的字符串     *     * @param date     * @return     */    public static String dateToTime(Date date) {        if (date == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_TIME);        return simpleDateFormat.format(date);    }    /**     * 由日期返回yyyyMMdd格式的字符串     *     * @param date     * @return     */    public static String dateToNumber(Date date) {        if (date == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_NUMBER_PATTERN);        return simpleDateFormat.format(date);    }    /**     * 由日期返?? dd 格式的字符串     *     * @param date     * @return     */    public static String getDay(Date date) {        if (date == null)            return null;        return dateToNumber(date).substring(6, 8);    }    /**     * 由日期返?? mm 格式的字符串     *     * @param date     * @return     */    public static String getMonth(Date date) {        if (date == null)            return null;        return dateToNumber(date).substring(4, 6);    }    /**     * 由日期返?? yyyy 格式的字符串     *     * @param date     * @return     */    public static String getYear(Date date) {        if (date == null)            return null;        return dateToNumber(date).substring(0, 4);    }    /**     * 由日期返回yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式的字符串     *     * @param time     * @return     */    public static String timeToString(Date time) {        if (time == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(TIME_PATTERN);        return simpleDateFormat.format(time);    }    /**     * 由日期返回yyyyMMddHHmmss格式的字符串     *     * @param time     * @return     */    public static String timeToNumber(Date time) {        if (time == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");        return simpleDateFormat.format(time);    }    /**     * 将date去除时间     * @param date     * @return     */    public static Date getDate(Date date) {        if (date == null)            return null;        return stringToDate(dateToString(date));    }    /**     * 由日期返回yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss.SSSSSS格式的字符串     *     * @param date Date格式日期     * @return String yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss.SSSSSS格式 的字符串     */    public static String getTimeStampFormat(Date date) {        if (date == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(                "yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss.SSSSSS");        return simpleDateFormat.format(date);    }    /**     * 由yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式的字符串返回日期时间     *     * @param string 时间     * @return     */    public static Date stringToTime(String string) {        if (string == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(TIME_PATTERN);        try {            return simpleDateFormat.parse(string);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    /**     * 由yyyy-MM-dd格式的字符串返回日期     *     * @param string date字符??     * @return     */    public static Date stringToDate(String string) {        if (string == null)            return null;        if (string.trim().length() == 0)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN);        try {            return simpleDateFormat.parse(string);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    /**     * 由yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss格式的字符串返回日期     *     * @param string     * @return     */    public static Date stringToDate2(String string) {        if (string == null)            return null;        if (string.trim().length() == 0)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(TIME_PATTERN3);        try {            return simpleDateFormat.parse(string);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    /**     * 由yyyyMMddHHmmss格式的字符串返回日期     *     */    public static Date stringToDate3(String string) {        if (string == null)            return null;        if (string.trim().length() == 0)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(TIME_PATTERN2);        try {            return simpleDateFormat.parse(string);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    /**     * 由yyyyMMddHHmmss格式的字符串转化为yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式的字符串     *     * @param string     * @return     */    public static String stringToDateString(String string) {        if (string == null)            return null;        String time = "";        for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {            time += string.substring(i, i + 1);            if (i == 3 || i == 5) {                time += "-";            } else if (i == 7) {                time += " ";            } else if (i == 9 || i == 11) {                time += ":";            }        }        return time;    }    /**     * 由yyyyMMdd格式的字符串返回日期     *     * @param string     * @return     */    public static Date numberToDate(String string) {        if (string == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_NUMBER_PATTERN);        try {            return simpleDateFormat.parse(string);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    /**     * ??"yyyy-mm-dd"格式的日期字符串转换??"yyyymmdd"的格??     *     * @param date     *            日期     * @return "yyyymmdd"的日期字符串     */    public static String dateStringToNumber(String date) {        return date.replaceAll("-", "");    }    /**     * ??"yyyymmdd"格式的日期字符串转换??"yyyy-mm-dd"的格??     *     * @param date 日期     * @return "yyyy-mm-dd"的日期字符串     */    public static String numberToDateString(String date) {        if (date == null || date.trim().length() != 8||"00000000".equalsIgnoreCase(date))            return "";        else            return date.substring(0, 4) + "-" + date.substring(4, 6) + "-"                    + date.substring(6, 8);    }    /**     * ??"yyyymmddhhmmss"格式的日期字符串转换??"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"的格??     * @param time 日期时间字符??     * @return "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"的日期字符串     */    public static String numberToTimeString(String time) {        if (time == null || time.trim().length() != 14)            return "";        else            return time.substring(0, 4) + "-" + time.substring(4, 6) + "-"                    + time.substring(6, 8) + " " + time.substring(8, 10) + ":"                    + time.substring(10, 12) + ":" + time.substring(12, 14);    }    /**     * ??"hhmmss"格式的日期字符串转换??"hh:mm:ss"的格?? Added by cx 08-09-28     *     * @param time     *            时间     * @return "hh:mm:ss"的日期字符串     */    public static String numberToTimeString2(String time) {        if (time == null || time.trim().length() != 6)            return "";        else            return time.substring(0, 2) + ":" + time.substring(2, 4) + ":"                    + time.substring(4, 6);    }    /**     * 由HHmmss格式的字符串返回日期 Added by cx 08-09-28     *     * @param string 时间字符??     * @return     */    public static Date numberToTime(String string) {        if (string == null)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(TIME_PATTERN4);        try {            return simpleDateFormat.parse(string);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    /**     * ??"yyyy-mm-dd"格式的日期字符串转换??"yyyymm"的格??     *     * @param date     *            Added by llb 08-10-21 日期     * @return "yyyymmdd"的日期字符串     */    public static String dateStringToNumber6(String date) {        return date.replaceAll("-", "").substring(0, 6);    }    /**     * 返回两日期相隔天??     *     * @param bgdate     * @param enddate     * @return     */    public static long DaysBetween(Date bgdate, Date enddate) {        long beginTime = bgdate.getTime();        long endTime = enddate.getTime();        long days = (long) ((endTime - beginTime) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + 0.5);        return days;    }    /**     * 返回两日期相隔天??     *     * @param bgdate     * @param enddate     * @return     */    public static long DaysBetween(java.sql.Date bgdate, java.sql.Date enddate) {        long beginTime = bgdate.getTime();        long endTime = enddate.getTime();        long days = (long) ((endTime - beginTime) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + 0.5);        return days;    }    public static Date addDate(Date date, int x) {        // SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN);        if (date == null)            return null;        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        cal.setTime(date);        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, x);        date = cal.getTime();        // System.out.println("3 days after(or before) is " +        // format.format(date));        cal = null;        return date;    }    /**     * 当得当天     */    public static java.sql.Date getToday() {//    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();////    int tmonth = today.get(Calendar.MONTH);//    int tyear = today.get(Calendar.YEAR);//    int tday = today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);////    Calendar ad = Calendar.getInstance();//    ad.set(tyear, tmonth, tday);//    return new java.sql.Date(ad.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900, ad.get(Calendar.MONTH), ad//          .get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));        return new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis());    }    /**     *     * @return     */    public static java.sql.Date getTomorrow() {        Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();        today.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);        int tmonth = today.get(Calendar.MONTH);        int tyear = today.get(Calendar.YEAR);        int tday = today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);        Calendar ad = Calendar.getInstance();        ad.set(tyear, tmonth, tday);        return new java.sql.Date(ad.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900, ad.get(Calendar.MONTH), ad                .get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));    }    /**     *     * @param theday     * @return     */    public static java.sql.Date getTomorrow(java.sql.Date theday) {        int tyear = theday.getYear();        int tmonth = theday.getMonth();        int tday = theday.getDate();// getDate() means day of month, getDay()        // means day of week        Calendar ad = Calendar.getInstance();        ad.set(tyear, tmonth, tday);        ad.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);        return new java.sql.Date(ad.get(Calendar.YEAR), ad.get(Calendar.MONTH), ad                .get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));    }    /**     * 当得??周前     */    public static java.sql.Date getWeekAgoDay() {        Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();        today.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -7);        int tmonth = today.get(Calendar.MONTH);        int tyear = today.get(Calendar.YEAR);        int tday = today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);        Calendar ad = Calendar.getInstance();        ad.set(tyear, tmonth, tday);        return new java.sql.Date(ad.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900, ad.get(Calendar.MONTH), ad                .get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));    }    /**     * 返回前一个月的同????     */    public static java.sql.Date getMonthAgoDay() {        Date date = new Date();        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();        c.setTime(date);        Calendar lastDate = (Calendar) c.clone();        lastDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);        Date monthAgoDay = lastDate.getTime();        java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(monthAgoDay.getTime());        return sqlDate;    }    /**     * 返回??3个月(??)的同????     */    public static java.sql.Date getSeasonAgoDay() {        Date date = new Date();        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();        c.setTime(date);        Calendar lastDate = (Calendar) c.clone();        lastDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, -3);        Date monthAgoDay = lastDate.getTime();        java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(monthAgoDay.getTime());        return sqlDate;    }    /**     * @Author Lucien.li     * 返回传入月数前的同一天     * 任务 513     */    public static Date getMonthsAgoDay(int months) {        Date date = new Date();        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();        c.setTime(date);        Calendar lastDate = (Calendar) c.clone();        lastDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, - months);        Date monthAgoDay = lastDate.getTime();        return monthAgoDay;    }    /**     * 返回??1年的同一??     */    public static java.sql.Date getYearAgoDay() {        Date date = new Date();        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();        c.setTime(date);        Calendar lastDate = (Calendar) c.clone();        lastDate.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1);        Date monthAgoDay = lastDate.getTime();        java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(monthAgoDay.getTime());        return sqlDate;    }    /**     * 本月度的第一??     */    public static java.sql.Date getToyearFirstDay() {        Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();        return new java.sql.Date(today.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900, 0, 1);    }    public static String getCurrentDateString() {        String result = null;        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");        Date nowDate = new Date();        result = sdf.format(nowDate);        return result;    }    public static String convertDateToString(Date date) {        String result = null;        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");        result = sdf.format(date);        return result;    }    public static Date getCurrentDate() {        return new Date();    }    public static String getCurrentTimeString() {        String result = null;        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH-mm-ss");        Date nowDate = new Date();        result = sdf.format(nowDate);        return result;    }    public static String getCurrentDateTime() {        String result = null;        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");        Date nowDate = new Date();        result = sdf.format(nowDate);        return result;    }    public static String getTimeStamp() {        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();        if (count < 100) {            count++;        } else {            count = 1;        }        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");        Date nowDate = new Date();        result.append(sdf.format(nowDate)).append(count);        return result.toString();    }    public static String dateFormat(String date) {        String result = null;        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");        Date theDate = null;        try {            theDate = (Date) sdf.parse(date);            String dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";            sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);            result = sdf.format(theDate);        } catch (Exception e) {        }        return result;    }    public static String dateFormat(String date, String format) {        String result = null;        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);        Date theDate = null;        try {            theDate = (Date) sdf.parse(date);            sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);            result = sdf.format(theDate);        } catch (Exception e) {        }        return result;    }    public static Date convertStrToDate(String str, String format) {        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);        Date date = new Date();        try {            date = sdf.parse(str);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return date;    }    /**     * 根据设定的格式来格式化日期     *     * @param date 日期     * @param format 格式字符串     * @return 日期字符串     */    public static String convertDateToStrByFormat(Date date, String format) {        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);        if (date != null) {            return  sdf.format(date);        } else {            return EMPTY;        }    }    public static java.sql.Date convertStrToSqlDate(String str, String format) {        if("00000000".equals(str) || BizfocusStringUtils.isEmptyTrim(str)){            return null;        }        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);        Date date = new Date();        try {            date = sdf.parse(str);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return null;        }        return new java.sql.Date(date.getTime());    }    public static long getCurrentTime() {        return (new Date()).getTime();    }    /*     * 增加1/1000??     */    public static Date addMillisecond(Date dt, int millisecond) {        return addSecond(dt, (long) millisecond);    }    public static Date addMillisecond(Date dt, long millisecond) {        dt.setTime(dt.getTime() + millisecond);        return dt;    }    /*     * 增加??     */    public static Date addSecond(Date dt, int second) {        return addSecond(dt, (long) second);    }    public static Date addSecond(Date dt, float second) {        return addSecond(dt, (long) second);    }    public static Date addSecond(Date dt, long second) {        return addMillisecond(dt, 1000L * second);    }    public static Date addSecond(Date dt, double second) {        Double millisecond = new Double(1000D * second);        return addMillisecond(dt, millisecond.longValue());    }    /*     * 增加分钟     */    public static Date addMinute(Date dt, int minute) {        return addMinute(dt, (long) minute);    }    public static Date addMinute(Date dt, float minute) {        return addMinute(dt, (long) minute);    }    public static Date addMinute(Date dt, long minute) {        return addMillisecond(dt, 60000L * minute);    }    public static Date addMinute(Date dt, double minute) {        Double millisecond = new Double(60000D * minute);        return addMillisecond(dt, millisecond.longValue());    }    /*     * 增加小时     */    public static Date addHour(Date dt, int hour) {        return addHour(dt, (long) hour);    }    public static Date addHour(Date dt, float hour) {        return addHour(dt, (long) hour);    }    public static Date addHour(Date dt, long hour) {        return addMillisecond(dt, 0x36ee80L * hour);    }    public static Date addHour(Date dt, double hour) {        Double millisecond = new Double(3600000D * hour);        return addMillisecond(dt, millisecond.longValue());    }    /*     * 增加??     */    public static Date addDay(Date dt, int day) {        return addDay(dt, (long) day);    }    public static Date addDay(Date dt, float day) {        return addDay(dt, (long) day);    }    public static Date addDay(Date dt, long day) {        return addMillisecond(dt, 0x5265c00L * day);    }    public static Date addDay(Date dt, double day) {        Double millisecond = new Double(86400000D * day);        return addMillisecond(dt, millisecond.longValue());    }    /*     * 增加??     */    public static Date addMonth(Date dt, int month) {        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        cal.setTime(dt);        cal.set(2, cal.get(2) + month);        return cal.getTime();    }    public static Date addMonth(Date dt, float month) {        return addMonth(dt, (int) month);    }    public static Date addMonth(Date dt, long month) {        return addMonth(dt, (new Long(month)).intValue());    }    public static Date addMonth(Date dt, double month) {        double floorMonth = Math.floor(month);        double decimalMonth = month - floorMonth;        dt = addMonth(dt, (new Double(floorMonth)).intValue());        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        cal.setTime(dt);        cal.set(2, cal.get(2) + 1);        Date nextdt = cal.getTime();        long monthMillisecond = nextdt.getTime() - dt.getTime();        double millisecond = (double) monthMillisecond * decimalMonth;        return addMillisecond(dt, (long) millisecond);    }    /*     * 增加??     */    public static Date addYear(Date dt, int year) {        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        cal.setTime(dt);        cal.set(1, cal.get(1) + year);        return cal.getTime();    }    public static Date addYear(Date dt, float year) {        return addYear(dt, (int) year);    }    public static Date addYear(Date dt, long year) {        return addYear(dt, (new Long(year)).intValue());    }    public static Date addYear(Date dt, double year) {        double floorYear = Math.floor(year);        double decimalYear = year - floorYear;        dt = addYear(dt, (new Double(floorYear)).intValue());        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        cal.setTime(dt);        cal.set(1, cal.get(1) + 1);        Date nextdt = cal.getTime();        long yearMillisecond = nextdt.getTime() - dt.getTime();        double millisecond = (double) yearMillisecond * decimalYear;        return addSecond(dt, (long) millisecond);    }    /**     * 取当前时间月的第??天日??     *     * @param date     * @return     */    public static Date getFirstDateOfMonth(Date date) {        Calendar calDate = Calendar.getInstance();        calDate.setTime(date);        calDate.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);        return calDate.getTime();    }    /**     * 取当前时间月的第??天日??     *     * @param date     * @return     */    public static java.sql.Date getFirstDateOfMonth2(java.sql.Date date) {        Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();        c1.setTime(date);        c1.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);        return new java.sql.Date(c1.getTimeInMillis());    }    public static Date getFirstDateOfYear(Date date) {        Calendar calDate = Calendar.getInstance();        calDate.setTime(date);        calDate.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);        calDate.set(Calendar.MONTH, 1);        return calDate.getTime();    }    public static Calendar getCalendar(Date date) {        Calendar calDate = Calendar.getInstance();        calDate.setTime(date);        return calDate;    }    public static Date getFirstDateOfWeek(Date date) {        Date result = null;        Calendar calDate = getCalendar(date);        int firstDay = calDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);        result = addDay(calDate.getTime(), -firstDay + 1);        return result;    }    public static Date getLastDateOfWeek(Date date) {        Date result = null;        Calendar calDate = getCalendar(date);        int firstDay = calDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);        result = addDay(calDate.getTime(), 7 - firstDay);        return result;    }    /**     * 取当前时间月的最后一天日??     *     * @param date     * @return     */    public static Date getLastDateOfMonth(Date date) {        Calendar calDate = Calendar.getInstance();        calDate.setTime(date);        calDate.set(Calendar.DATE, calDate.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE));        return calDate.getTime();    }    /**     * 取当前时间月的最后一天日??     *     * @param date     * @return     */    public static java.sql.Date getLastDateOfMonth2(java.sql.Date date) {        Calendar calDate = Calendar.getInstance();        calDate.setTime(date);        calDate.setTime(date);        calDate.set(Calendar.DATE, calDate.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE));        return new java.sql.Date(calDate.getTimeInMillis());    }    /**     * 取得??个月的天??     *     * @param date strDate     * @return     */    public static int getDayOfMonth(Date date) {        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        cal.setTime(date);        return cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE);    }    public static boolean beforeIgnoreDay(Date a, Date b) {        boolean result = false;        long la = a.getHours() * 60 * 60 + a.getMinutes() * 60 + a.getSeconds();        long lb = b.getHours() * 60 * 60 + b.getMinutes() * 60 + b.getSeconds();        if (la <= lb) {            return true;        }        return result;    }    /**     * 判断某一个时间是否在另一个时间之??     *     * @param a     * @param b     * @return     */    public static boolean afterIgnoreDay(Date a, Date b) {        boolean result = false;        long la = a.getHours() * 60 * 60 + a.getMinutes() * 60 + a.getSeconds();        long lb = b.getHours() * 60 * 60 + b.getMinutes() * 60 + b.getSeconds();        if (la >= lb) {            return true;        }        return result;    }    public static boolean equalDay(Date a, Date b) {        boolean result = false;        if (a.getYear() == b.getYear() && a.getMonth() == b.getMonth()                && a.getDay() == b.getDay()) {            result = true;        }        return result;    }    public static int monthsBetween(java.sql.Date from, java.sql.Date end) {        try {            Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();            Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance();            c1.setTime(from);            c2.setTime(end);            int months = (c2.get(Calendar.YEAR) - c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)) * 12                    + (c2.get(Calendar.MONTH) - c1.get(Calendar.MONTH));            return months;        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return -1;        }    }    public static Timestamp getCurrentTimestamp() {        return new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());    }    public static Timestamp getTimestamp(java.sql.Date date) {        return new Timestamp(date.getTime());    }    public static Timestamp getTimestamp(Date date) {        return new Timestamp(date.getTime());    }    public static java.sql.Date getDateFromTimestamp(Timestamp time) {        int year = time.getYear();        int month = time.getMonth();        int days = time.getDate();        java.sql.Date targetDate = new java.sql.Date(year, month, days);        return targetDate;    }    public static java.sql.Date getSqlDateForDB2(java.sql.Date date) {        int year;        int month;        int days;        year = date.getYear();        month = date.getMonth();        days = date.getDate();        java.sql.Date targetDate = new java.sql.Date(year, month, days);        return targetDate;    }    /**     * 由yyyy-MM-dd格式的字符串返回日期     *     * @param string date字符??     * @return     */    public static java.sql.Date stringToSqlDate(String string) {        if (string == null)            return null;        if (string.trim().length() == 0)            return null;        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN);        try {            Date utilDate = simpleDateFormat.parse(string);            if(utilDate!=null){                return new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());            }        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    public static String getDateTimeString(Timestamp dateTime) {        if(dateTime == null){            return null;        }        String result = null;        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");        result = sdf.format(dateTime);        return result;    }    //取两个日期的较大??    public static Date maxDate(Date d1,Date d2){        Date d_max;        if(d1.compareTo(d2)>=0){            d_max = d1;        }else{            d_max = d2;        }        return d_max;    }    //取两个日期的较小??    public static Date minDate(Date d1,Date d2){        Date d_min;        if(d1.compareTo(d2)<=0){            d_min = d1;        }else{            d_min = d2;        }        return d_min;    }    //两个时间点中间存在时间段    public static boolean existDateSection(Date d_max,Date d_min){        boolean flag = true;        if(d_max.compareTo(d_min)<=0){            flag = true;        }else {            flag = false;        }        return flag;    }    /**     * Time转换为String     * @param time     */    public static String TimeToString(Time time){        if(null == time){            return null;        }        return time.toString().replace(":", "");    }    /**     * String(HHmmss)转换为Time     * @param time     */    public static Time StringToTime(String time){        if(null == time || "".equals(time.trim()) || "000000".equalsIgnoreCase(time.trim()) ){            return null;        }        try {            int houre = Integer.valueOf(time.trim().substring(0, 2));            int miniter = Integer.valueOf( time.trim().substring(2, 4));            int second = Integer.valueOf(  time.trim().substring(4, 6));            return new Time(houre,miniter,second);        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return null;        }    }    /**     * Date()+time返回date     * @param date,time     */    public static Date DateAddTime(Date date, Time time){        return new Date(date.getTime()+time.getTime());    }    /**     * 根据日期、周几、以及时间来获取格式化后的日期     *     * @param date 日期 weekOfYear根据日期来设定     * @param dayOfWeek 一周中的周几 例如:周四 则用Calendar.THURSDAY     * @param time 截止的时间     * @return     */    public static Date getDateByDateAndDayOfWeekAndTime(Date date, int dayOfWeek ,String time){        Date tempDate = new Date();        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        cal.setTime(date);        cal.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY);//将每周第一天设为星期一        cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, dayOfWeek);        tempDate = cal.getTime();        if (BizfocusStringUtils.isEmpty(time)) {            tempDate = convertStrToDate(dateToString(tempDate, TIME_PATTERN), TIME_PATTERN);        } else {            tempDate =convertStrToDate(dateToString(tempDate, TIME_PATTERN) + SPACE + time, TIME_PATTERN);        }        return tempDate;    }    public static String addBar(String dateNoBar){        String dateHasBar = "";        if(BizfocusStringUtils.isNotEmptyTrim(dateNoBar)){            dateNoBar = dateNoBar.trim();            if(dateNoBar.length()==8&&(!"00000000".equalsIgnoreCase(dateNoBar))){                dateHasBar = dateNoBar.substring(0, 4)+"-"+dateNoBar.substring(4, 6)+"-"+dateNoBar.substring(6, 8);            }else{                dateHasBar = dateNoBar;            }        }        return dateHasBar;    }    public static String subtractBar(String dateHasBar){        String dateNoBar = "";        if(BizfocusStringUtils.isNotEmptyTrim(dateHasBar)){            dateHasBar = dateHasBar.trim();            if(dateHasBar.length()==10){                dateNoBar = dateHasBar.substring(0, 4)+dateNoBar.substring(5, 7)+dateNoBar.substring(8, 10);            }else{                dateNoBar = dateHasBar;            }        }        return dateNoBar;    }    /**     * 获取正常??     *     * @param inputDate 输入的日??     * @return     */    public static String getWeekStrByDay(Date inputDate) {        if (inputDate == null) {            return "";        }        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");        Calendar date=Calendar.getInstance();        date.setTime(inputDate);        date.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY);//将每M第一天设为星期一,默认是星期??        String year = ""+date.get(Calendar.YEAR);        String week = ""+date.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);        week = BizfocusStringUtils.leftApped(week, "0", 2);        return year + week;    }    /**     * 获取下单周次日期,周次规??:     *          当前周周四至下周??     * @param weeks     * @return Date[] index 0 是订单周次的??始日期,index 1是订单周次的结束日期     */    public static Date[] queryDayForCWeekOfSearch(String weeks){        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        Date prevThursday = null;        cal.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY);//将每周第??天设为星期一,默认是星期??        int weekOfyear = 0;        int years = 0;        if(weeks != null && !"".equals(weeks) && !"000000".equals(weeks)){            String yearStr = weeks.substring(0, 4);            weeks = weeks.substring(4, 6);            years = Integer.valueOf(yearStr);            weekOfyear = Integer.valueOf(weeks);        }        if(years != 0 && weekOfyear != 0){            cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, years);            cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, weekOfyear);            int dayForWeek = 0;            if(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1){                dayForWeek = 7;            }else{                dayForWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1;            }            cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.THURSDAY);            Date time = new Date(cal.getTime().getTime());            String currentWeekThursdayStr = format.format(cal.getTime());            // 获取下周周四            String nextWeekThursdayStr = getWeekThursday(1, time);            Date currentWeekThursday = numberToDate(currentWeekThursdayStr);            prevThursday = addDate(numberToDate(currentWeekThursdayStr), -7);            // 下周周四减去????            Date nextWeekWednesday = addDate(numberToDate(nextWeekThursdayStr), -1);            Date[] dateArray = {prevThursday, nextWeekWednesday};            return dateArray;        } else {            return null;        }    }    /**     * 根据当前日期获取当前日期所在周次的始末日期     * @param time     * @return     */    public static Date[] getDateTFByDate(Date time)    {        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        try {            cal.setTime(time);        }catch(Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        int d = 0;        if(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) > 4){            cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 7);        }        d = 2 - cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, d);        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, -4);        // 所在周开始日期        Date begin=cal.getTime();        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 6);        // 所在周结束日期        Date end=cal.getTime();        Date[] dates1={begin,end};        return dates1;    }    /**     * 以周四到下周三为准 的下周起始日期和结束     * @param date 日期     * @param type start为开始日期,end为结束日期     * @return 当期日期的周四或者下周三的日期 字符串     */    public static String getStartOrEndDate(Date date,String type){        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();        calendar.setTime(date);        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");        int dayofweek = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);        if(dayofweek==1){            dayofweek = 8;        }        int end;        int start;        if(dayofweek<5){            end = 4-dayofweek+calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);            start = end-6;            calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH,end);            if("start".equals(type)){                calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH,-6);                System.out.println(df.format(calendar.getTime()));            }else{                System.out.println(df.format(calendar.getTime()));            }            return df.format(calendar.getTime());        }else{            start = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)-(dayofweek-5);            end = start+6;            calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH,start);            if("start".equals(type)){                System.out.println(df.format(calendar.getTime()));            }else{                calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH,6);                System.out.println(df.format(calendar.getTime()));            }            return df.format(calendar.getTime());        }    }    /**     * 获取上一周或下一周的周四-yyyy-MM-dd     * @param x     * @return     */    public static String getWeekThursday(int x,Date erdatDate){        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");        Calendar date=Calendar.getInstance();        date.setTime(erdatDate);        date.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY);//将每周第一天设为星期一,默认是星期天        date.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH, x);//周数减一,即上周        date.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.THURSDAY);//日子设为星期四        return format.format(date.getTime());    }    /**     * 通过黄金周周次获取周次对应的两个周四日期     * add 2015年8月20日14:47:54     * @param gdWeek,type     * @return     */    public static String getGoldenWeekStartOrEndDate(String gdWeek,String type) {        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();        cal.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY);//将每周第一天设为星期一,默认是星期天        int weekOfyear = 0;        int years = 0;        if (gdWeek != null && !"".equals(gdWeek) && !"000000".equals(gdWeek) && !"null".equals(gdWeek)) {            String yearStr = gdWeek.substring(0, 4);            gdWeek = gdWeek.substring(4, 6);            years = Integer.valueOf(yearStr);            weekOfyear = Integer.valueOf(gdWeek);        }        if (years != 0 && weekOfyear != 0) {            cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, years);            cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, weekOfyear);            int dayForWeek = 0;            if (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1) {                dayForWeek = 7;            } else {                dayForWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1;            }            cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.THURSDAY);            System.err.println("dayForWeek:" + dayForWeek);            int weekOfYear = cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);            System.err.println("weekOfYear:" + weekOfYear);            Date time = new Date(cal.getTime().getTime());            if ("start".equals(type)) {                String currentWeekThursday = format.format(cal.getTime());                return currentWeekThursday;            } else {                String nextWeekThursday = getWeekThursday(1, time);                Date addDate = addDate(numberToDate(nextWeekThursday), -1);                return format.format(addDate);            }        }        return "";    }    /**     * 日期转换星期     */    public static String dateWeek(String orderDate){        Calendar c =  Calendar.getInstance();        Date date = null;        String week = "星期";        SimpleDateFormat sdf =   null;        if(orderDate.indexOf("/") != -1){            sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy/MM/dd" );        }else if(orderDate.indexOf("-") != -1){            sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" );        }else {            sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMdd" );        }        try {            date = sdf.parse(orderDate);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        c.setTime(date);        switch (c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1){            case 1:                week = week+"一";                break;            case 2:                week = week+"二";                break;            case 3:                week = week+"三";                break;            case 4:                week = week+"四";                break;            case 5:                week = week+"五";                break;            case 6:                week = week+"六";                break;            case 7:                week = week+"日";                break;        }        return week;    }    public static Date formatDate(String date_Str , String formatType){        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatType);        Date date;        try {            date = sdf.parse(date_Str);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return null;        }        return date;    }    /**     *  字符串转换成日期     * @param date_Str     * @return     */    public static Date formatDate(String date_Str) {        return formatDate( date_Str ,"yyyy-MM-dd");    }    public static Date formatTime(String date_Str , String formatType){        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatType);        Date date;        try {            date = sdf.parse(date_Str);        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return null;        }        return date;    }    /**     *  字符串转换成时间     * @param date_Str     * @return     */    public static Date formatTime(String date_Str) {        return formatTime(date_Str, "HH:mm:ss");    }    /**     * 日期转换为字符串     */    public static String getTimestamp(Date date, String formatType){        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(formatType);        return format.format(date);    }    /**     * 日期转换为字符串 天     */    public static String getDate(Date date, String formatType){        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(formatType);        return format.format(date);    }    /**     * 日期转换为字符串时间     */    public static String getTime(Date date, String formatType){        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(formatType);        return format.format(date);    }    public static String getTime(Date date){        return getTime(date, "HH:mm:ss");    }    public static String getTimestampFixedFormat(Date date){        return getTimestamp(date, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");    }    public static String getDateFixedFormat(Date date){        return getDate(date, "yyyy-MM-dd");    }    /**     * @Author lucien.li     * @DATE: 2017/4/5     * 调用:用于判断字符串是否为日期     */    public static boolean stringIsDate(String str){        boolean flag = true;        if(BizfocusStringUtils.isEmpty(str)){            flag = false;        }else {            try {                SimpleDateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");                format.setLenient(false);//严格执行日期校验                Date date = format.parse(str);                flag = true;            } catch (ParseException e) {                flag = false;            }        }        return flag;    }    /**     * 将yyyyMMdd字符串转为yyyy-MM-dd     * @param date     * @return     */    public static String convertDateStr(String date){        DateFormat format1 =new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_NUMBER_PATTERN);        DateFormat format2 =new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN);        try {            return format2.format(format1.parse(date));        } catch (ParseException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return "";    }}
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 读书郎屏幕坏了怎么办 苹果平板激活锁忘了怎么办 平板电脑充电插口坏了怎么办? 电视频幕花了怎么办 苹果笔记本电脑硬盘坏了怎么办 mac屏幕压坏了怎么办 新电脑连不上网怎么办 新买电脑后悔了怎么办 装显卡后玩游戏黑屏怎么办 顺丰寄主机坏了怎么办 征信账户忘记了怎么办 疑似qq和疑似应用宝怎么办 荣大3608速印机卸版故障怎么办 配的近视眼镜看不清电脑屏幕怎么办 cad命令反应很慢怎么办 淘宝美工面试让作图怎么办 笔记本玩cf闪退怎么办 台式电脑玩lol卡怎么办 配置充足玩lol卡怎么办 电脑买贵了应该怎么办 微信红包收不了钱怎么办 mac版excel卡死怎么办 锐捷网卡为空怎么办 淘宝上买东西卖家不发货怎么办 快递员没给单号怎么办 淘宝物流把货弄丢了怎么办 刚买的卡没激活怎么办 腾讯王卡40g用完怎么办 手机欠费不知道电话号码怎么办 手机欠费了不用了怎么办 闲鱼恶意差评怎么办 淘宝买家账户体检中心违规怎么办 淘宝卖家账户体检中心违规怎么办 淘宝好评被删除评价怎么办 淘宝没收到货确认收货了怎么办 美团评论被删怎么办 拼多多恶意差评怎么办 淘宝评论被删了怎么办 淘宝买东西错怪店家了怎么办 淘宝骗删除差评怎么办 淘宝买家号虚假交易违规怎么办