2、Angular-Ui Router 嵌套状态和嵌套视图

来源:互联网 发布:pc直接安装mac os系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 15:46

Methods for Nesting States

States can be nested within each other. There are several ways of nesting states:

  1. Using 'dot notation'. For example .state('contacts.list', {}).
    使用“点记法”。例如, .state('contacts.list', {})。
  2. Use the ui-router.stateHelper to build states from a nested state tree. Courtesy of @marklagendijk. 
  3. Using the parent property with the parent name as string. For example: parent: 'contacts'
    使用父属性与父名字符串。例如:parent: 'contacts'
  4. Using the parent property with the parent object. For example parent: contacts (where 'contacts' is a stateObject)
    使用父属性与父对象值一起使用。例如parent: contacts(“contacts”是一个状态对象)

Dot Notation

You can use dot syntax to infer your hierarchy to the $stateProvider. Below, contacts.listbecomes a child of contacts.

$stateProvider  .state('contacts', {})  .state('contacts.list', {});

stateHelper module

This is a 3rd party module created by @marklagendijk. So you have to include it in addition to ui-router. Visit the stateHelper repo to learn more

angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router', 'ui.router.stateHelper'])  .config(function(stateHelperProvider){    stateHelperProvider.state({      name: 'root',      templateUrl: 'root.html',      children: [        {          name: 'contacts',          templateUrl: 'contacts.html',          children: [            {              name: 'list',              templateUrl: 'contacts.list.html'            }          ]        },        {          name: 'products',          templateUrl: 'products.html',          children: [            {              name: 'list',              templateUrl: 'products.list.html'            }          ]        }      ]    });  });

Parent Property using State Name String

Alternately, you can specify the parent of a state via the parent property.

$stateProvider  .state('contacts', {})  .state('list', {    parent: 'contacts'  });

Object-based States

If you aren't fond of using string-based states, you can also use object-based states. The nameproperty goes in the object and the parent property must be set on all child states, like this:

var contacts = {     name: 'contacts',    templateUrl: 'contacts.html'}var contactsList = {     name: 'list',    parent: contacts,    templateUrl: 'contacts.list.html'}$stateProvider  .state(contacts)  .state(contactsList)

You can usually reference the object directly when using other methods and property comparisons:
在使用其他方法或属性比较时, 通常可以直接引用该对象:

$state.transitionTo(states.contacts);$state.current === states.contacts;$state.includes(states.contacts)

Registering States Order

You can register states in any order and across modules. You can register children before the parent state exists. It will queue them up and once the parent state is registered then the child will be registered.
您可以按任意顺序和跨模块注册状态。您可以在父状态存在之前注册子状态。它将对它们进行排队, 一旦注册了父状态, 就会注册该父状态的子状态。

Parent MUST Exist

If you register only a single state, like contacts.list, you MUST define a state called contacts at some point, or else no states will be registered. The state contacts.list will get queued until contacts is defined. You will not see any errors if you do this, so be careful that you define the parent in order for the child to get properly registered.
如果只注册单个状态 (如 "contacts.list"), 则必须在某个点定义一个称为 "contacts" 的状态, 否则将不注册任何状态。状态contacts.list将被排入队列, 直到定义了contacts状态。如果您没有定义contacts状态, 您将看不到任何错误, 因此请谨慎地定义父状态, 以便使子状态正确注册。

Naming Your States

No two states can have the same name. When using dot notation the parent is inferred, but this doesn't change the name of the state. When explicitly providing a parent using the parentproperty, state names still must be unique. For example, you can't have two different states named "edit" even if they have different parents.

Nested States & Views

When the application is in a particular state—when a state is "active"—all of its ancestor states are implicitly active as well. Below, when the "contacts.list" state is active, the "contacts" state is implicitly active as well, because it's the parent state to "contacts.list".

Child states will load their templates into their parent's ui-view.

完整示例请参见: http://plnkr.co/edit/7FD5Wf?p=preview

$stateProvider  .state('contacts', {    templateUrl: 'contacts.html',    controller: function($scope){      $scope.contacts = [{ name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'Bob' }];    }  })  .state('contacts.list', {    templateUrl: 'contacts.list.html'  });function MainCtrl($state){  $state.transitionTo('contacts.list');}
<!-- index.html --><body ng-controller="MainCtrl">  <div ui-view></div></body>
<!-- contacts.html --><h1>My Contacts</h1><div ui-view></div>
<!-- contacts.list.html --><ul>  <li ng-repeat="contact in contacts">    <a>{{contact.name}}</a>  </li></ul>

What Do Child States Inherit From Parent States?

Child states DO inherit the following from parent states:

  • Resolved dependencies via resolve
  • Custom data properties

Nothing else is inherited (no controllers, templates, url, etc). However, children of abstract states do inherit the url property of their parent as a prefix of their own url.
除此之外没有别的东西可继承 (包括控制器、模板、url 等)。然而, 抽象状态的子状态确实继承其父状态的 url 属性作为其自己的 url 的前缀。

Inherited Resolved Dependencies

New in version 0.2.0

Child states will inherit resolved dependencies from parent state(s), which they can overwrite. You can then inject resolved dependencies into the controllers and resolve functions of child states.

$stateProvider.state('parent', {      resolve:{         resA:  function(){            return {'value': 'A'};         }      },      controller: function($scope, resA){          $scope.resA = resA.value;      }   })   .state('parent.child', {      resolve:{         resB: function(resA){            return {'value': resA.value + 'B'};         }      },      controller: function($scope, resA, resB){          $scope.resA2 = resA.value;          $scope.resB = resB.value;      }


  • The resolve keyword MUST be relative to state not views (in case you use multiple views).
  • If you want a child resolve to wait for a parent resolve, you should inject the parent resolve keys into the child. (This behavior is different in ui-router 1.0).
    如果您希望一个子解析等待父解析,那么您应该将父解析注入到子解析中。(这种行为在ui-router 1.0中是不同的)。

Inherited Custom Data

Child states will inherit data properties from parent state(s), which they can overwrite.
子状态将从父状态继承数据属性, 子状态可以覆盖它们。

$stateProvider.state('parent', {      data:{         customData1:  "Hello",         customData2:  "World!"      }   })   .state('parent.child', {      data:{         // customData1 inherited from 'parent'         // but we'll overwrite customData2         customData2:  "UI-Router!"      }   });$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState){     var greeting = toState.data.customData1 + " " + toState.data.customData2;    console.log(greeting);    // Would print "Hello World!" when 'parent' is activated    // Would print "Hello UI-Router!" when 'parent.child' is activated})

Scope Inheritance by View Hierarchy Only

Keep in mind that scope properties only inherit down the state chain if the views of your states are nested. Inheritance of scope properties has nothing to do with the nesting of your states and everything to do with the nesting of your views (templates).

It is entirely possible that you have nested states whose templates populate ui-views at various non-nested locations within your site. In this scenario you cannot expect to access the scope variables of parent state views within the views of children states.

View Inherited Resolved Dependencies

Views may inherit resolved dependencies from the state that they belong to, but may not inherit those of their sibling views.

$stateProvider.state('myState', {  resolve:{     resMyState:  function(){        return { value: 'mystate' };     }  },  views: {    'foo@myState': {      templateUrl: 'mystate-foo.html',      controller: function($scope, resMyState, resFoo){         /* has access to resMyState and resFoo,           but *not* resBar */       },      resolve: {        resFoo: function() {          return { value: 'foo' };        }      },    },    'bar@myState': {      templateUrl: 'mystate-bar.html',      controller: function($scope, resMyState, resBar){         /* has access to resMyState and resBar,           but *not* resFoo */       },      resolve: {        resBar: function() {          return { value: 'bar' };        },      },    },  },});

Abstract States

An abstract state can have child states but can not get activated itself. An 'abstract' state is simply a state that can't be transitioned to. It is activated implicitly when one of its descendants are activated.

Some examples of how you might use an abstract state are:

  • To prepend a url to all child state urls.
    将 url 预置为所有子状态 url。
  • To insert a template with its own ui-view(s) that its child states will populate.
    • Optionally assign a controller to the template. The controller must pair to a template.
      (可选) 将控制器分配给模板。控制器必须与模板配对。
    • Additionally, inherit $scope objects down to children, just understand that this happens via the view hierarchy, not the state hierarchy.
  • To provide resolved dependencies via resolve for use by child states.
  • To provide inherited custom data via data for use by child states or an event listener.
  • To run an onEnter or onExit function that may modify the application in someway.
  • Any combination of the above.

Remember: Abstract states still need their own <ui-view/> for their children to plug into. So if you are using an abstract state just to prepend a url, set resolves/data, or run an onEnter/Exit function, then you'll additionally need to set template: "<ui-view/>".

Abstract State Usage Examples:

To prepend url to child state urls
将 url 追加到子状态 url

$stateProvider    .state('contacts', {        abstract: true,        url: '/contacts',        // Note: abstract still needs a ui-view for its children to populate.        // You can simply add it inline here.        template: '<ui-view/>'    })    .state('contacts.list', {        // url will become '/contacts/list'        url: '/list'        //...more    })    .state('contacts.detail', {        // url will become '/contacts/detail'        url: '/detail',        //...more    })

To insert a template with its own ui-view for child states to populate

$stateProvider    .state('contacts', {        abstract: true,        templateUrl: 'contacts.html'    })    .state('contacts.list', {        // loaded into ui-view of parent's template        templateUrl: 'contacts.list.html'    })    .state('contacts.detail', {        // loaded into ui-view of parent's template        templateUrl: 'contacts.detail.html'    })
<!-- contacts.html --><h1>Contacts Page</h1><div ui-view></div>


Shows prepended url, inserted template, paired controller, and inherited $scope object.

完整示例请参见: http://plnkr.co/edit/gmtcE2?p=preview

$stateProvider    .state('contacts', {        abstract: true,        url: '/contacts',        templateUrl: 'contacts.html',        controller: function($scope){            $scope.contacts = [{ id:0, name: "Alice" }, { id:1, name: "Bob" }];        }        })    .state('contacts.list', {        url: '/list',        templateUrl: 'contacts.list.html'    })    .state('contacts.detail', {        url: '/:id',        templateUrl: 'contacts.detail.html',        controller: function($scope, $stateParams){          $scope.person = $scope.contacts[$stateParams.id];        }    })
<!-- contacts.html --><h1>Contacts Page</h1><div ui-view></div>
<!-- contacts.list.html --><ul>    <li ng-repeat="person in contacts">        <a ng-href="#/contacts/{{person.id}}">{{person.name}}</a>    </li></ul>
<!-- contacts.detail.html --><h2>{{ person.name }}</h2>

