
来源:互联网 发布:企业微观数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:03
# coding=utf-8# __auther__='a'"""创建第一个函数,输出hello,world!"""print('hello,world!')#formate函数用法age=20name='jonason'print('{0} was {1} years old when he wrote this book.'.format(name,age))#format函数从{0}处开始替换,计数从0开始,等效于以下函数print(name,'was',age,'years old when he wrote this book')print('{} was {} years old when he wrote this book.'.format(name,age))#输出带有引号的字符串,可交叉使用‘与“,也可以在符号前加\print("'what's your name?'")print('\'what\'s your name?\'')#字符串前r表示此为原始字符串,此时转义序列无效print(r'what is your name\n.')#简单猜数字游戏,仅猜一次,for循环number=54guess=int(input('Please enter an integer:'))if guess==number:    print('Congratulations, you guessed it.')elif guess<number:    print('No, it is a little higher than that.')else :    print("No, it is a little lower than that.")print('Done')#循环猜数字游戏,while循环number=54running=Truewhile running:    guess=int(input('Please enter an integer:'))    if guess==number:        print('Congratulations, you guessed it.')        running=0 #返回False,循环结束    elif guess<number:        print('No, it is a little higher than that.')    else:        print("No, it is a little lower than that.")else:    print("The loop is over")print('Done')#for循环遍历for i in list(range(1,6)):    print(i)else:    print('The loop is over.')#break语句while True:    s=input('Please enter a sentence:')    if s=='quit':      break    print('The lenth of the sentence is',len(s))print('Done')
